Speaking of fables for children - the best selection

Speaking of fables for children - the best selection

A collection of fable staging for children.

Tires for children - autumn holiday

Tires for children - autumn holiday
Tires for children - autumn holiday

Tires for children - autumn holiday:

The release of children is a dance with autumn leaves "Listopad sorceress."

Child 1.
What color autumn, tell us soon?
We ask the sun, he can see from heaven!
And it answered us that it was a yellow color,
We are very similar to her, there is no secret in this!

Child 2.
What color autumn, tell us soon?
We ask the web, she can see from the forest better!
And she answered us that the silver color,
We are very similar to her, there is no secret in this!

Child 3.
What color autumn, tell us soon?
We will ask the mountain ash, our girlfriends!
And she answered us that it was red,
We are very similar to her, there is no secret in this!

Child 4. What color we have learned now!
We will tell you in a song about this soon!
In the outfits of multi -colored she came to us,
Lilac, yellow, red flicker here and there!

The song "Why is the autumn crying"

CHILDREN: Open the magical world, our fairy tale start!

LEADING: We start our performance
"Dragonfly and ant."
We invite you to a fairy tale,
We are both adults and children!
I once composed it
Good grandfather Krylov,
And today we guys
Recall this fable again!

Music sounds. Flowers are running out.

Flowers: 1. It’s good when warm, the sun gives us it.
2. Only less often something was the sun in the sky to shine ...
3. This is probably the autumn is approaching us again!
4. Oh, look, flowers, wither, our petals dry.

Music sounds. Bees run out with buckets and collect honey from flowers. Flowers sit on their knees. (1 verse of the song "Bee).

Bee: We are bees, everything is in care
We collect sweet honey,
And the lazy people are not held in high esteem
Even little will understand.
We will treat all the beasts
We never be sad
All autumn came for business
Suddenly the work boiled
We are buzzing, we buzz
We are circulating over autumn flowers.
Autumn is full of worries
It is necessary to collect the last honey from flowers
We value each drop
And buzzing, buzzing, buzzing.

The bees stand behind the flowers. Music sounds. Dragonfly runs out.

I am a dumping-dragonfly,
Summer red sang
I did not have time to look around
How winter rolls into the eyes.
Winter is it? Yes, it doesn’t matter!
The winter is coming? Yes nonsense!
I will dance and sing
There will be my voice ringing
And as before I will
Carefree, cheerful!
Cute bees, how glad I am to see you
Here we will cut out now!

You, Dragonfly, do not bother us,
Do not tear us away from business
We have a lot of work,
After all, autumn is at the threshold.

Flowers and bees run to the music.

DRAGONFLY: Guys, what does it mean?
It seems to me someone is crying?
What kind of wedge flies in the distance? What is this?


Music sounds. Cranes run out.

The leaves are spinning in the yard, their wind lifts
And in the early morning, birds in a pack are spinning in blue
Flocks of gray cranes fly away
In a warm edge where there are no snowstorms, they are in a hurry to fly away soon.

CRANE: Stop singing and dressing up, it's time to gather on the road!
Will the cold will come soon, what will you do then?
Take your friends with you, you will fly south with us.

Dragonfly: What are you, that you are cute friends!
I have not seen a mosquito for a long time, I have to go to visit him!
And there, on the way to the fly, I will come, in general, I will not disappear!
And besides, I need to
Go to Eurovision.
I dream of becoming a singer
In Sochi, I fly to the competition!

Birds fly away.
A mosquito squeak sounds, two flies run out with it.

Dragonfly: Where are you in a hurry, wait, friend Komarik, dear!

Mosquito: We, mosquitoes, Dzin, Dzyn, hibernate for the winter.
Here the cold will come - you will not see us then!

Dragonfly: And you, cute flies, where are your girlfriends?

Flies: We want to hide from the cold, so we fly together with a mosquito!

Dragonfly: Stop panicing - let's better dance!

The thunder sounds. The rain runs out to the formidable music.

Rain: Ha ha ha, scared of Moshkara,
I will wet your wings, I will give you an autumn showers!
I will call the autumn wind, scare everyone in the world.
The field turned white, there are no days of those bright ones,
Where, under each sheet she was ready, both a table and a house!
The wind rustled in the valley, everything darkened in the world,
Autumn rain waters, leaves the leaves from the tree.

Dance "Rain Ball"

Everything went cold in winter,
Need, cold is coming, the dragonfly does not sing,
And who will go to the mind on the stomach to sing hungry.
There is a dragonfly on the road long,
And nowhere is her laughter causeless

DRAGONFLY: I’ll ask, I am a bug, maybe he will regret me.

Music sounds. The beetle comes out.

Do you remember the fun under the old spruce ringing the exciting ball?
Do you remember that evening when we played a grasshopper on a violin?

The violinist-wiper fell silent, disappeared somewhere from the rains.
Everything comes faster, and everything is lighting at the light ...
Everyone is preparing for the winter, it’s time for me to fall asleep ...
And you, dancer-collapse, what frowned?

There is no more strength, I can’t fly in the field.
In the fall, everyone has business, I was left completely alone!
You, hug -horned, rich man,
Do not leave me in trouble, I was left without housing!

I had to think before, not to sing songs,
It was necessary to have fun, but do not forget to work!
There is nothing to help you, go, lazy, away!

Weed in the meadows worships and turns yellow
Leaves die in groves and fields
Rain is pouring the ground for autumn, it came,
Yes, the dragon robber is bad.

What to do? How to be?
I’ll go an ant for help.

Music sounds. An ant with a log and a saw comes out.

I am an ant! Hello hi!
I am more hardworking in the world

The dragonfly trembles with the cold.

Dragonfly:Ant, my dear, save from winter, cover!
Look, I cut it out, you were left alone with me!

Ant: (strictly) We all worked in the fall,
You only had fun.
Dance, sang songs,
And I didn't want to work.
Clutched from the heart,
Now go, dance!

Dragonfly: Oh, my trouble came!
Oh, in winter I will perish (crying).
Please excuse you
And let your home go.
I will drown the stove, I will wear water.
I understood everything, friends,
You can’t live without difficulty!

Ant: Maybe we should forgive it?
Let me go into the house and treat?
Could invite autumn
And in the fall to ask?

CHILDREN: Come to visit us, autumn,
We ask you very much!

Mom, dad, do not be silent,
Call us autumn!

Autumn enters the music.

How beautiful in our hall
The world of comfort and warmth.
Did you guys call me?

Children: Yes!

AUTUMN: Finally I came.
Of course, we will forgive the dragonfly and will certainly treat
Here are honey, chamomile, mint, healthy guys will be in winter,
But raspberry jam, the dance will be with the mood,
Who worked in the summer with the heart, more fun and you will now sing and dance!

Song Autumn is a wonderful time "

Thank you, my friends, you did not leave me
How good it is for us to be together, play, work and be friends!

ANT: But all the same remember our order, time
All: fun - hour!

AUTUMN: Well, I have prepared gifts for children
Eat fruits, drink juices and do not hurt in winter!

Autumn gives children treats

Who watched, who played, of course, well done,
And now, friends, get out to bow, and show yourself again.
Well done! They played fame, and the parents will say to us loudly:

PARENTS: "Bravo!"

LEADING: On this we are the autumn holiday, we finish
And we wish everyone goodbye happiness.
And we would like to say to our guests today.

ALL: Goodbye! Goodbye, come to us again!

Children come out with lines, bow and leave.

Tighting of the fable “Thronist and jug with milk”

Tighting of the fable “Thronist and jug with milk”
Tighting of the fable “Thronist and jug with milk”

Tighting of the fable “Thrush and a jug with milk”:

Peretta with a jug of milk on the head
On top of the scarf
She was in a hurry in the city with a quick step.
She was deliberately light -
Simple skirt, low shoes.

Peretta (on the go, it bows to everyone, but discusses with itself):
How much will be given for milk,
How to buy a hundred eggs for this money,
And these are three broods;
If you try ...
It will not be so difficult at all
Dilute the chicken is full of the yard;
And even the most cunning fox
Then it will not hurt me to buy a pig for them;
And feeding a pig is even easier;
When the pig is inflated just right,
I will sell it for good money;
And then at the current prices
I will not lead a cow and a calf?
That's why he will jump in the herd!

(Bounces with joy, the jug falls.)

Peretta (sadly).
Farewell to a cow, a pig, and chickens! (Leaving.)

The mistress of so many wealth
With a sad look, it makes its profit
And wanders to explain to her husband,
Fearing to be her bat.

Who did not win battles in dreams?
Who did not build air castles?
Pirochol, and Pyrrhus, and our thrush.
Both madmen and sages -
We all dream of reality for our pleasure,
All us is a comfortable deception:
And the whole world at our feet,
And all honors, and all beauties;
When I am alone, no one can resist me,
I am depriving the padishah
I am a king, I love me
The crown burns on my chela;
But something was a little hacking, and I came to my senses-
And I am still the same Jean-Bednyaga.

Basney's staging - "Literary Journey"

Basney's staging -
Basney's staging - "Literary Journey"

Tighting fables - "Literary Journey":

We willingly give
That we are not aware of ourselves,
Then, that the truth is more rot.
When it is half -open.

And if you recognize yourself under the mask
The heroes of these fables, then, smiling sometimes,
Think about the fate of the misconduct of the hourly,
Not painting neither you, nor your position, and do not tolerate humiliation
And the pride in you!

Fox: (holds chamomile in his hand, sits down and wonders)
We sing, do not sing, sing, do not sing ... .. ..
You're lying everything, unusable chamomile, you are not saying a lie

The fox slowly sits down, looks and sings quietly:

Steppe, yes the steppe around
The path is far away,
In that steppe deaf
The coachman was dying
No, I don't want to die ....

The fox raises his head and sees a raven with cheese ....

Fox (prenulent, dancing).
Goluba, how good!
Well, what a neck, what kind of eyes!
Tell, so the right of a fairy tale.
(A feather falls from the raven, the fox tries on him)
What feathers, what a toe!
And, right, the angelic should be a voice!

Fox (sings).
My nightingale, nightingale,
Voice Nightingale! (2 times).
Sing, Svetik, do not be ashamed!
What if, sister,
With the beauty of this, you sing a craftswoman -
After all, you would have a king-bird!

Raven: Kar! Car! Car!

(The fox raises the cheese, shakes it off, eagerly pushes it into his mouth and runs away for the screen).

Crow: Kar! Robbed! Deceived!

The entertainer appears:
How many times have they repeated to the world,
That flattery is vile is harmful;
But only everything is not for the future,
And in the heart of a flatterer will always find a corner.

The music sounds, the screen moves, the dragonfly appears and sings:
At least believe me
At least check
It was a wonderful ball!
And the artist painted my portrait on the cuff!

(Summer appears, they dance with him, then autumn appears).

Dragonfly: Autumn, autumn, you look like my sadness,
Autumn, together we will be before winter ....

(Winter appears and snow praises through a sieve ...)

Dragonfly jump
Summer red sang;
I did not have time to look around
How winter rolls into the eyes.
Dragonfly does not sing (laughs)
And who will go to the mind
To sing hungry on the stomach!

The chorus of the song sounds, "Three white horse." Winter flies away.

The dragonfly rushes to the knees in front of an ant.
Do not leave me, cute kum!
Let you get together with force
And only days only days
Feed and warm up!

Kumushka, this is strange for me:
Did you work in the summer? -

Before that, darling, was it?
In soft ants we have -
Songs, abuse every hour,
So the head turned over.

Ant (leaving):
Ah, so you ...

Dragonfly: I am without a soul
Summer Square everything.

At least believe me
At least check
But yesterday I dreamed of
As if the prince rushed after me
On a silver horse.
Prince! Prince! (reaches out to the ant)

Ant (pulls away and screams):
Did you sing everything? This business:
So go, dance!

Dragonfly: Do not leave me, prince! I am freezing…

Music sounds, screens appear, a mask comes out.

From the fable we can see us,
That how it happens to live is not sickening,
And to die even worse ....

Music sounds, a rat appears in a dirty, curtailed robe.

Rat (sings):
Who, I don't know, dissolves rumors in vain,
That I live without sadness and worries,
That I am more successful in the world,
And in everything, and always lucky.

A knock behind the screen, the rat lets the mouse.

The mouse (looks around, considers everything):
You live beautifully
A dear sister! -
What do you eat and drink on
What are you sitting on
Wherever you look, everything is from abroad!

Ah, if b, darling, you knew, -
With a sigh, the rat answered, -
I'm always looking for something!
I am a day-day on the run after the foreign-
All of ours seems to me gray and ordinary,
I'm only overseas to my hole
Here is the hair from the Turkish sofa!
Here is a shred of the Persian carpet!
And this gentle fluff got me yesterday -
He is African. He is from a pelican! -

Mouse (looking at the fluff):
What do you eat? - asked the rat mouse. -
There is what we eat, it does not fit for you!

Ah, darling!
Here you can’t please me!
That's just that I eat bread and lard! .. Help yourself ....

Mouse: Thank you! (takes out sneakers), I have to ...

Rat: Chocolate?

Mouse: Yeah ... It’s a pity that you don’t eat foreign ...

Rat: (tries to break off a piece)
I spend…

Leaving. Music sounds.

We know there are still families,
Where ours is huddled and scolded,
Where with emotion look
On foreign stickers ...
And they eat Russian fat!

Music sounds, screens appear and because of the screen a fly appears, all ragged, collects a box of cosmetics on a landfill ...

Fly: Oh, what a box, it’s a pity that it is empty ...
Oh, this is a cream from a non -fry, but not dense.
To smear at a time and that is not enough.
This is my favorite lipstick.
Could not leave anymore.
Ah, you used to fly to the landfill, and there is almost everything new, the whole
And now I'm barely typing for life.
I'm tired today in this garbage dump.

(Flies and sits on a bench, finds the remainder of yogurt)

Fly: Oh, Danisimo from Danon is empty!

Fly (sings):
I'm sitting in the sun,
And move lips.
I am lying and lying
And I dream about the stew ... (falls asleep)

A bee appears and sings:
I am a little bee, Zhu-
Collects honey barely, already tired ...
My can is almost full.
A little more, enough for today ...

Fly (wakes up):
The sun is already in!
So I slept without hind legs.

The fly saw a bee and said:
We fly with me! -I will treat you!
There - in the house, on the table,
Such sweets remained after tea!
On the tablecloth - jam, in saucers - honey.
And all - for so! Everything climbs into the mouth for nothing!

Not! This is not for me!"

Fly: Then go, work! I flew myself.
The fly flies and sticks to jam on the table. (Etude.)

The mask appears:
Isn't the papenkin's daughter and sons.
Thoughtlessly spending careless days,
Idleness is given for some courage,
And in their laziness from life far,
They sit, like flies, on sticky paper.

Music sounds and screens appear, because of the screen there are: a donkey, a goat, a clubfoot bear, a monkey with musical instruments. They started playing a quartet.

Wait, brothers, stand! Wait, brothers, stand!
How to go to music? After all, you are not so sitting. Wait, brothers, stand!
You are with bass, Mishenka, sit down against Alta,
I, Prima, will come against the second;
Then the music will be not the same:
We will dance forest and mountains!
Settled, started a quartet;

(Music does not work)

A donkey:
Wait, I found a secret, -
(Screams a donkey,) - \u200b\u200bwe will, right, will be wearing,
Since we’ll sit down next to it.
Settled in a row, but the music does not work ...

Monkey: You play incorrectly ...

A donkey: No right, it's you, a monkey, in itself play.

Bear: This goat does not know at all notes ...

Goat: Let me, you have no hearing ...

Monkey: Let's try to sit down again.
The nightingale flew, they all turned to him.

Perhaps - take patience for an hour,
To score our quartet in order:
And we have notes, and there are tools;
Just tell me how to sit down! -

To be a musician, so you need a skill
And your ears are more likely, -
The nightingale answers them. -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down
All in the musicians are not good.

Music sounds, all the characters appear:

When you want to be honored with people
With the analysis of acquaintances and friends!

Mouse: When you want to be mixed,
Hold on the title in which you were born.

Confraure: How you want you to work
But do not buy it,
No gratitude or glory
If there is no good or fun in your works.

I want ignoramuses, not in anger
It is very ancient to remind Mnya.

Together: What if the head is empty
Then the head of the mind will not give a place!

Tighting of the fable "Wolf on the Psharn"

Tighting of the fable
Tighting of the fable "Wolf on the Psharn"

Stage "Wolf on the PSARN":

The great Russian fabulist
Ivan Andreevich Krylov
In your favorite chair by the fireplace
The fable was ready for the birthday.

“The wolf on the psarn - response to war
The one that happened 200 years ago:
Russians fought with the French
They gave Moscow for a while,
But Kutuzov was a cunning like a dog,
The gray wolf Napoleon -
He fell a tail in a moment
And he kicked out the foe from the house!

(The melody of the song "Get up the country is huge")
Wolf at night, thinking
To the sheep in warm stable
Great meat to eat,
I climbed without problems.
I got to the psarny fierce:
Suddenly the whole yard rose.
This difficult moment
He remembered the she -wolf.

(The melody of the song "How my mother escorted me"))
- You would not go there, they bit,
They will tear you into pieces and come up.

(Melody of the song "The Team of our Youth")

Psari shout: Guys, thief!
Give the doors to the constipation!
In the moments of our youth
We give thieves we rebuff!

(Melody of the song "Sailor")
Everyone runs and he runs
It is in no hurry to stop.
Dubina is thrown into it-
He talks about something:

I wanted to get to the sheep
And he came to some kind of dogs.
Really identified
I don’t understand myself.

(Melody of the song "Wait steam locomotive, do not knock, wheels.")

How it turned out
What late I understood,
That this shepherd is not mine.
Now there the evil owner will guard the lambs:
They can see a friendly family.
And he is blind, but strong and important,
Although not at all young.
And let his gray hair white on the temples.
For all, he is a defender and a hero.
(Melody of the song "Want")
Give me one thing at least a word
I do not want to have quarrels.
I'll go to my Europe
I will not return here ...

Girls with a dexterity:
(Melody of the song "Wind from the sea"))
We will not give you forgiveness
Don't even ask for 2 razes
Better your legs are short
Then take off 2-raza
And do not lie 2 raza
That you have become different 2 razes
You can't deceive us now you are a friend
Better leave 2 raza.

(The melody of the song "Che should"))
I forgot fatigue and I am hunger not aunt
So why am I so unlucky
There is no peace and peace to me a gray wolf
It’s not my year now
And I'll go to my edge quietly
I will wait, and then God will send.

I think that the moral of this fable is this:
No matter what a predator was dressed,
He will always remain a predator!

Ivan Andreevich Krylov
I was subtly hinted at the reader,
That he is not only a fabulist,
And he is a seeker for new genres.
The great Russian fabulist
Ivan Andreevich Krylov
In your favorite chair by the fireplace
The fable was ready for the birthday.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov
I was subtly hinted at the reader,
That he is not only a fabulist,
And he is a seeker for new genres.

“The wolf on the psarn -
Response to war
The one that happened 200 years ago:
Russians fought with the French
They gave Moscow for a while,
But Kutuzov was a cunning like a dog,
The gray wolf Napoleon -
He fell a tail in a moment
And he kicked out the foe from the house!

I think that the moral of this fable is this:
No matter what a predator was dressed,
He will always remain a predator!

Tighting the fable "Wolf and lamb"

Tighting fables wolf and lamb
Tighting the fable "Wolf and lamb"

Stage "Wolf and lamb":

Producer: Ta-Ak-s, Wouldn't you start the performance?
Dolls, on stage! We are waiting for you!
Let us be lucky -
We will start playing Krylov!

1st reader: The strong is always powerless to blame:
In history, we hear the darkness of examples,
But we do not write stories,
But about how in fables they talk.

2nd reader: The lamb on a hot day went to the stream to get drunk;
And it is necessary to happen.
That near those places hungry scoured the wolf.
He sees the lamb, strives for prey;
But, to give the case although a legal appearance and a lot,

Shouting ...

The wolf growl loudly:
How dare you, insolent, unclean snout
Here pure to stir up my drink
With sand and silt?
For the audacity
I will tear my head off you!

Lamb: When…

The director interrupting the work:
Alas, something is wrong!
Stop! Stop! You, two, wait!
How to go here?
After all, you are not so ... standing!
You, my wolf, get here with bass, to the left;
Then our dear lamb will take a place to the right.
And we can continue the fable again,
So do you want to start?

Wolf and lamb are changing places.

When the brighter wolf allows
I dare to tell you that below the stream
From the lordship of his steps, I drink at a hundred;
And he will deign to be angry in vain;
I can’t stir up drinking him.

Therefore, I am lying! ..

Director - interrupting:
Stop, stop! Another replacement!
I found a secret to the fable.
The lamb voice is poorly heard -
He must tell him a little more,
And the wolf is clearly playing too much -
This is not according to his mind.
He forgot about the psarne.
Only a wolf does he know his nature
And from that all his voice scares.
But we will correct this sin and this sin
And we will send the shoulder in the channel in the channel!

The wolf is fearfully:
It is heard that such audacity in the light!
Yes, I remember that you are still in the request
I somehow rude to me here:
I have not forgotten that friend!

The lamb, imitating the wolf:
Have mercy, I am also not from my family.

Wolf: So it was your brother.

Lamb: I have no brothers.

Wolf: So this is a kum, il matchmakers,
Or, in a word, someone from your own family.
You yourself, your dogs and your shepherds,
You all want to be evil to me
And if you can, then always harm me;
But I will do sins with you for them.

Producer: Stop! It really became better!
Something everything was missing.
But if you evaluate critically,
I remember the fable will end tragically.
Krylov’s fable we know the end!
But this is not a crown!
Where is the humanity? Where is the kindness?
Only nudity terrorism.
Conceived that in the fable of Krylov?
Do not break firewood again!
The text of the fable is a little correcting,
In the channel the humane will be directed.
We will make a lamb.
What else is there a stop?
In it, humanism will take a place,
And the smart viewer will understand everything.

The staging begins first, but with the new text.

1st reader: The strong is always powerless to blame,
Sometimes, despite the fact
Something he may, perhaps, Kum Il Svat.
However, sometimes you have to hear another,
When a weakness starts up for a strong
Wanting sometimes without a fight
Suddenly take it - and get into large bunches.
And about these now we are saying a word,
Well, and moral, so it is already ready:
“Ay, Moska! Without doubt, you are strong
What are you barking on an elephant! "

2nd reader: Once on a hot day our poor wolf
I went to the stream to get drunk.
And it is necessary to happen.
That near those places of the lamb hungry scoured.
Suddenly he sees a wolf, strives for prey.
Wanting your daring plan to justify
He is screaming ...

The lamb brazenly:
How dare you, insolent, unclean snout
Here at the stream to stir up my drink
With sand and silt?
For the audacity
I will tear my head off you!

The wolf is fearfully:
When the lamb will allow me
I dare to tell you that below the stream
From the lordship of his steps, I drink at a hundred;
And he will deign to be angry in vain;
I can’t stir up drinking him.

Therefore, I am lying!
Oh, you are worthless, impudent!
What are you meowing like a kitten?
And remember, here you were last summer,
And then you rude me boldly?
I have not forgotten that friend!

Have mercy, I am also not from my family.

Ah, quit perfectly I know your breed.
The spondle of your wolf all -
You all want evil to me.
And if you can, then always harm me.
But no, your end is now close -
In my stomach, a registration awaits you!

What are you, a lamb, I'm sorry,
I'm not to blame, let go!
Why, tell me, all this noise?
I'm your old matchmaker and kum.
We need to make peace with you, -
Why mock a person?

But no! Come on, shut up, puppy,-
You will get a lesson soon!
In general, I was tired of listening ...

You want to say what you want to eat?
So you can pinch the grass,
So that ... no one to die!

Grass - beautiful food,
But what to do with you then?
Well, no, the end to you, my friend!

Producer: Our lamb said
And in the forest the nearest wolf was dragging!

Wolf: What are you pulling? I know:
Now I am dying in the fable!
His idea is my destiny!
Has he flew here?

Speaking of fables for a general school event

Speaking of fables for a general school event
Speaking of fables for a general school event

Speaking of fables for a general school event:

Presenter 1. (in the image of a poet of the XIX century)
There are many glorious persons in Russia:
Those who love the native land.
Strengthened the power strictly,
He did not spare himself in his label.
He led the squadron bravely
That soldier, that glorious prince.
Cases of the pattern weave an important
In a historical connection.
The thread of history is beautiful
Zlata of good glorious deeds.
Life is only not in vain
For the homeland who was glad.

Presenter 2. (in the image of a poet of the XIX century)
Loving the fatherland, I love with those soul,
Which the general does not suffer from blind.
For mods, in spite, they are used to being proud of it,
That their fate brought them to be born Russians.
Among them are you, Krylov!

Presenter 3. (in the image of a poet of the XIX century)
Where necessary, he knows how to hang
Your magic glass,
And in the mirror it will turn
The harsh truth of the brow.
The whole world is in the hands of a sorcerer,
All the animals carry tribute to him.
But our orpheus dudke
All animals are dancing and singing.
He corrected people fun,
Sweeping dust from them.
He glorified himself with fables.
And this glory is our past.

Presenter 4. (in the image of a poet of the XIX century)
Who did not hear his living word?
Who did not meet his own in life?
The permanent creations of Krylov
We love more and more every year.
From school desks we got into coexisting with them,
In those days, the primer who suffered barely,
And remained forever in memory
Winged Krylov words.

Presenter-Krylov (with pen and paper):
How many times have they repeated to the world,
That there is morality in the fables, but only everything is not for the future.
Ignoramus, nonclasses, lazy people and ignoramuses
I want to present a lesson today.
Together we recall the fables of grandfather Krylov,
Their wise morality has been alive.
Perhaps someone will recognize a friend in them,
Or as if in the mirror, he will see himself.
Here is the best gift for me on my birthday!
My friends, please me!

Let you, friends, present you
Those who rules fate today.
Presentation of the jury of the competition.

Today, in the age of fighting corruption and embezzlement

The staging of the pike fan is especially relevant, you should admit.
Lisonka will show a rogue without embellishment

Fool's recitation "Pike"

The ministers how many times have been repeated to the world:
"It's time to change the education!"
What are all the changes await us,
Show 10 "B"? Our enlightened class.

Fool's recitation "Education Leo"

How happy in friends we are!
He will treat us with a bruise, and this one is a kind word.
How much better it was, we say,
Sometimes help us with business, not a conversation!
The fable about this, what will show everyone
Our artistic class 11 "F".

Delivery of the fable "Peasant in trouble"

They will say about bribe takers here
What a stigma is in his fluff.
On this urgent problem
10 "E" will present reasoning.

Lisitsa and Surok fables recitation

And the next plot is familiar to us from childhood:
Когда в товарищах нет пониманья цели, согласья нет и нет к работе страсти,
That is the case - we will tell us 10 "g" about that -
It will not move, like a WHO from a well -known fable.

Fool's recitation "Swan, pike and cancer"

Well, how difficult it is for us men
It can be understood by girls, legible, awake.
11 "E" on this scene, here
The girls will be able to present all the lesson.

Delivery of the fable "Derchanting bride"

Talents in our school cannot be counted:
There are singers, dancers, musicians.
10 "G" gathered in the quartet,
In whom the craving for everything beautiful in the world.

Declamation of the fable "Quartet"

In our age of self -patient and PR
Any Shavka, Moska, Monkey
He clears the way to the stars
And the glory of himself increases
Due to other people worthy and beautiful.
10 "A" will teach to understand
In the features of modern PR.

Declamation of the fable "Elephant and Moska"

Moral from the next fable
Not everyone is able to understand:
The hint of a national question here,
Or maybe a political hint.
11 "A" we have one of the best.
Order, discipline here reign.
Do not scare them with a bass with a subtext,
On the stage, too, it is not the first to perform them.

Delivery of the fable "Wolf and lamb"

So, 11 "G", the exam is soon!
The teacher tells you hello.
Everyone danced, sang - this is a matter.
Now, as they say, dance!
For setting, the fable was chosen with a hint.
We remember her well since childhood.
Let it serve as a serious lesson to you,
And let the audience be funny to everyone!

Declamation of the fable "Dragonfly and ant"

10 “Z” will represent “Cat and cook”.
At least in the fable is a political hint,
But it seemed to our dreamers,
That in the fable there is a lesson.

Delivery of the fable "Cat and cook"

Friends! Today we talked a lot about friends.
And again let's talk about friendship here.
11 "E" will now tell us the fable about Demyan and Foku.

Declamation "Demyanov ear"

Yes, inquisitive people you, schoolchildren!
And the case is to you.
Just see, so that in the news stream
The village between the eyes did not burn.
10 "And" will now introduce us
Another plot of Krylov.

Fool's recitation "Three men"

Among your friends, you may have met
Such that all others would discuss.
10 "D" will show them.
And you, I hope, are not one of those?

Declamation "Mirror and Monkey"

Do not be stared for flattery, we say.
After all, this is a sign of stupidity and swagger.
I hope that 11 "Z" will convince you of this.
And we will enjoy their acting with their game.

Declamation of the fable "Raven and Fox"

Let this fable of grandfather Krylov
Teach the honor to have
After all, what is more important
For the future officer,
Than to be worthy of her.
From 10 "c" we remember the fable,
And we listen, and as if we read.

Devil's recitation "Two Dogs"

Our performers Krylov
Could you and I have to adopt:
Love for literature, respect for the word.
Acting and passion to the stage.
The fact that to adopt is not bad,
And what was not worth adopting at all
Will tell us 11 "D".

Monkeys' fables recitation

Our competition is nearing the end.
And soon the results will be announced to us.
Guys! Whoever won,
All of you ? Artists and talents!
For you, pupils, and for you, teachers,
Another surprise, friends!
Its creation lasted for a long time secretly.
Read the fable "Wolf on the psarne"
School officers in love with literature!
Well, this is not a recognition of love to Krylov!

So, to summarize
We give the word to the representatives of the jury.
Thanks to me and grandfather Krylov -
The leading that this competition was held!

Tighting of the fable "Dischanting bride"

Tighting fable.
Tighting of the fable "Dischanting bride"

Tighting of the fable "Derchanting bride":

The fox-girl fiction of the groom;
There is still no sin
Yes, that's what a sin: she was a springs.
An elegant fox peeks out in the window.

Fox (in a capricious voice):
I want my fiancé to be useful and smart,
And in ribbons and in honor?, And he would be young,
So that the capital is with him and the house is beautiful!
Well, to have everything!

Who can have everything?

Fox (ignoring the remark of the raven):
Also note that
To love me, but not to be jealous of dare.

At least wonderful, the only one was the beauty so happy,
What grooms, like a selection,
The transientable rolled to her yard.

Because of the bushes with lush bouquets and gifts, discharged elephant, wolf and wild boar.

Such bridegrooms to any bride treasure!

Fox (capriches):
Nonsense! In the choice of mine, both taste and thoughts are thin:
To whom the handsome men, they are in my opinion
Not grooms, but a groom!
Well, how can I choose from these suitors?
The wolf is not in ranks, but an elephant without orders;
The wild boar, albeit in ranks, is sorry, pockets are empty.
Kaban’s nose is wide, the wolf's eyebrow is thick;
The elephant is too fat!

Raven (in the hearts):
Well, everything is wrong for you!

Fox (categorically):
I will go for the ideal, otherwise nothing!

The fox is hidden in the window. The grooms are leaving the scene.

The grooms were quiet, two waited a year
And again they began to get to the fox.

Because of the bushes, a dog and a ram with thin bouquets come to the music. The fox peeks out the window.

Yes, only the grooms of the middle arm.

Fox (contemptuous):
What simpletons!
Think - are I a bride for you?
Well, right, your insolence is inappropriate!
And I'm not so grooms
She spent a bow from the yard.
Will I go for which of these eccentrics?
As if I had rushed myself with a marriage,
My life is not difficult for me:
The day is cheerful, and the night I, right, sleep calmly:
So marrying me is not at all decent.
Go away!

The fox is hidden in the window. The dog and the ram throw bouquets and go dumbly.

The crowd and this sailed.
Then, hearing the refusals the same
The grooms began to visit less often.
A year passes
No one will not;
I also passed the year, the whole year sailed a whole year:
Nobody sends to the fox of matchmakers.

The fox peeks out into the window and looks around.

Our fox has already become a virgin mature.
Will take to count his friends
(And she should consider great leisure).

Fox (irritably):
The lynx has been married for a long time, the marten was conspired;
I seemed to be forgotten.

The fox goes to the porch, takes out the mirror and looks into it.

Longing-tying my chest constrains my chest.
And it became for me to report a mirror,
That every day and something
From my delights, dashing time was sched for.
No blush! There is no liveliness in the eyes!
The dimples are touched on the cheeks!
Verce and enthusiasm seemed to slip away!
Oh, two or three gray hair looked around!
Trouble! Trouble from all sides!

It's time to change your arrogant tone -
With his marriage to hurry.
It's time for you to stop being proud.

The fox looks in all directions again.

Fox (plaintively):
I don't look at the grooms anymore,
Whoever has been welded, I will not refuse him,
So as not to finish the veil? Ku!

Because of the bushes, very lame, the moska is running out. The fox rushes to the groom, begins to hug him, kiss and drags him into the house.

Beauty, has not yet faded at all,
For the first, who was assigned to her, went.
And glad, I was already glad
What went out of the cripple.

A wedding march sounds and a large funny wedding portrait of a fox and a terrible toothy pug appear on the stage.

The fate of the fox is a lesson to the beauties:
Do not wait - get married on time.

Tires "Hare and Turtle"

Tighting Tables and Turtle Starting
Tires "Hare and Turtle"

Tighting the fable "Hare and Turtle":

Tortoise (sings slowly):
Walk along the path
Turtle legs -
Once a step and two steps,
Not a jump or a jump.
I go faster
I just don't know how.
Even if I run,
I can’t quarrel.
But barely
I will reach the goal.

The hare runs out from behind the bushes, runs past the turtles, brakes sharply and returns to it. The turtle is hiding in the shell.

Hare (mockingly):
In a month or two!

The hare knocks the turtle on the shell.

Hare (mockingly):
Hey! Are you still alive there?
What, how dead, are you playing?

The turtle sticks out the head out.

Turtle (offended):
In vain you laugh at me.
Though you are a staple, but, who knows,
Suddenly I can overtake.

You me? Yes, it cannot be!
You're crazy, it seems.

Let's run from here to
Stone next to the pond.

The turtle waves a paw into the distance.

Good! Deal!

Once! Two! Three! Run to run!

The turtle slowly moves from place to backstage.

Turtle (sings):
Walk along the path
Turtle legs -
Once a step and two steps,
Not a jump or a jump.
I go faster
I just don't know how.
Even if I run,
I can’t quarrel.
But barely
I will reach the goal.

The turtle is hiding behind the bushes.

Hare (skeptical to himself):
Whatever she say
She will weave for two or three hours!
So why should I rush
Wait and languish in the heat?
It is better to take a bit in the shade.

The hare is comfortable near the tree.

Hare (yawning):
And I will wake up and drapan.
Carry out with her
I will have time in an hour later!

The hare falls asleep. The sun sticks to sunset. The hare wakes up and stretches.

Hare (cheerful and cheerful):
Glorily slept! Hooray!
Now it's time to run.

From behind the trees the turtle slowly comes out.

Turtle (sings):
Walk along the path
Turtle legs -
Once a step and two steps,
Not a jump or a jump.
I go faster
I just don't know how.
Even if I run,
I can’t quarrel.
But barely
I will reach the goal.

The turtle reaches the stone and looks around.

Long -eared! Hare! Where are you?

Nobody is answering. The turtle bypasses the stone in a circle.

Turtle (joyful):
So I thought that there was no!
The breathless hare comes running.

Hare (joyfully):
Won! I am the first!

The turtle comes out from behind the stone.

But I have been here for a long time.
I got ahead of you
And in the race she won!

Hare (surprised and bewildered):

And what, did not expect?
I, while you slept sweetly,
She walked quietly step by step.
Although your gift is natural - good,
But, you are arrogant, you
This is the essence of your trouble.
The gift of happy will not help
If the owner is negligent.
And patience and work
Fruits will forever give.

The turtle goes away.

Turtle (sings):
Walk along the path
Turtle legs -
Once a step and two steps,
Not a jump or a jump.
I go faster
I just don't know how.
Even if I run,
I can’t quarrel.
But barely
I will reach the goal.

Stage "Dragonfly and Ant"

Spending fables Dragonfly and Ant
Stage "Dragonfly and Ant"

Speaking of the fable "Dragonfly and ant":

The host comes out to the music:
We begin our play "Dragonfly and Ant"
In a fairy tale, we invite everyone and adults and children.
Once a good grandfather Krylov composed her
And today we guys remember this fable again!
(The presenter goes into the background, an ant appears)

Ant Song (REP):
I'm an ant, hello to all friends
There is no more hardwork in the world
I love to build, saw and plow,
But in full swing, it's time for everyone to relax
But we must remember not only about fun,
First we build a house, then there will be fun.

How wonderful our summer! The bright sun is all warmed up,
I will have fun to flutter and choose pollen from flowers.
A dragonfly raised in a bright outfit appears

Babka-beautiful, what are you flying here?

I want to help the ant to build a house

You are in a hurry in vain, like warm in the forest, great!
I do not need a house in the summer, I will build a house later!
What a beauty! Flowers, leaves, herbs!
In trees and bushes, all over, all fun!
I dream that the fly does not end
Every bush is for me - a house, and I want to laugh!
Hi-hee, haha, all the worries-four!
Ha ha! Hi-hee! Only eccentrics work!

(Dragonfly laughs and flies away, hares run out onto the stage and begin to knock with axes and hammers)

1 hare:
We must help the ant without delay
To build a new house for friends on time!

2 hare:
If there is friendship both dexterity and patience
Do not be lazy, work, clash, friend!

Well, why were you knocking here? All the raven was scared!

Hare 1:
The animals are building a new house, they will live in it in it!

Hare 2:
We didn’t just knock here, scored nails in the wall!

Here they found themselves the care of a winter house to build a winter house
I do not want to work now, I will build a house later!
Hi-heh-hee, ha ha ha, all the worries-four!
(flies away, singing)

2 bears appear on the stage, they drag logs.
"Song of the bears"
Once, two came across! Hold on tightly by the log!
Street, a bear, take a walk, go through!
In order to heat the bake in winter, you need to block the roof!

And then the pipe on the roof.
Help me brother-Misha!
Two, two, fell! Hold on tightly by the log!
Strength is a bear bear, walk around, disperse!

(bears overlap the house with logs, a dragonfly appears)

So many logs were dragged! Are they not tired?

The Bears:
Bear love to work hard, we are not happy to be lazy!

I do not need a house in the summer, I will build a house later!
That's already the evening comes, he closes my eyes.

(flies away, an ant comes out)

Thank you, you are friends!
I would not have done it.

Bear 1:
Well, we worked gloriously, it's time for everyone to sleep
Night to the ground sank, the stars began to flicker

Bear 2:
Sleep, a hard worker! The morning of the night is wise!

(Bears leave)

Oh, I can’t sleep, friends.
I must finish the house!
The night is dark, but it is not a trouble-I will always find!
Hey, night bloodworms, mischievous fireflies!
You take the flashlights, light the earth with light!
I need to help me, friends
Finish the house that night!

Only the day will subside noisy, the sun will hide behind the forest.
Firefly, a lunar wizard descends from heaven to us
He lights the flashlight, brightly illuminates the ground!
Our firefly is not afraid to get lost at night
Silvers on the trees, on the grass shines with dew!
Carefully sneaks along the paths of silence
And when the eyelashes touches, the fairy tale comes to us in dreams.

"Dance of fireflies"
(fireflies surround the ant, shine with flashlights, help him install the roof of the house)

Thank you, fireflies!
(fireflies fly away, the ant settles at the house and falls asleep)
Morning. Animals (bears, hares, butterflies go on stage

Is this a dream or not a dream? Our house is ready!

New house, beautiful house. In it we will heal together!

We sometimes invite all friends to the house!
The animals leave, the bear and the hare remain.

Something is cold and chilly, the rain dripped the spillful.
Hey friends, don't stand timidly, go home.

(Friends enter the house)
The phonogram "rain", "Autumn" comes out

Autumn comes to the music:
Summer cash flew quickly
Yellow leaves flew to the ground.
The rain is frequent, the wind blows
In the yard is bad weather, ah., How cold!

(dance of the clouds and rain)
(Dragonfly appears, trembles from the cold

Oh, how cold it is around. (looks around)
So happiness is a new house! (knocking in the window)
Hello, good ant!
You are waiting for guests today (no one answers)
-Got me, cute, dear and warm me!

Ant (strictly):
In the summer, all the beast worked.
You only had fun!
Summer sang a whole, but did not want to work.

Yes, I sang and walked, even a little tired!

Clutched from the heart?
Now go dance!

Oh, my trouble came!
After all, in winter I will die

In the summer, all the beast worked, you only had fun.

Please sorry.
Let me go to the new house!
I will drown the stove, I will wear water.
I understood all my friends, I can’t live without you (crying)

Enough, completely pour tears.
Can we forgive it?
After all, we have a holiday today.
(hare) What do you think, a prankster?

I think to forgive her and invite her to the holiday.

I bake a lot of goodies for my friends-jacks
After all, today is a newly, then a holiday and fun!

I promise not to be lazy, to help in everything, to work! .

Those who are not afraid of work are gloriously having fun!
The final song is all together

Perform the final song to the motive "song of travelers" with new words

Tires "Quartet"

Stage of the fable of the quartet
Tires "Quartet"

Speaking of the Quartet fables:

Prank-pancake, donkey, goat and clubfoot bear
They started playing a quartet.
Took out notes, bass, Alta, two violins
And they sat on the meadow under the sticks -
Captivate the light with your art.

Upset violin

Hit the bow, pull, but there is no sense.

Monkey: “Wait, brothers, wait!

Leading: The monkey screams.

How to go to music? After all, you are not so sitting.
You are with bass, Mishenka, sit down against Alta,
I, Prima, will come against the second;
Then the music will be not the same:
We will dance forest and mountains! ”

Settled, started a quartet;
He is nevertheless in the way.
Upset violin

A donkey:
“Wait, I found a secret, -...

The donkey shouts ...

A donkey:
- We, right, are already wearing
Since we’ll sit down next to it. "

We obeyed the donkey: we sat down in a row,
Nevertheless, the quartet is in her way.

Upset violin:
Here are more than the former they went from their analysis
And disputes, to whom and how to sit.

I always dreamed of becoming a screen of the screen,
At the discos of private, she lit.
We need to perform such a music,
So that everyone, without exception, wanted to dance.

The dance hit, animals in the image sounds.

A donkey:
Monkey, do not make a mild, because I want peace.
Hear the wind whistle, or the noise of the surf.
Let's sit down better, we are a circle,
And everything will go with us.

Classical music sounds.

We will play better than us magic bi-box,
So that the fraction of drums spilled through the forest.
So that the sounds of jazz are sounded,
And for that, it would be nice for us to stand.

Sounds jazz, animals in the image.

Right now I will ask you a lesson
The best in life is Russian rock!
Who has to escape from the depress.
He prefers to break away under heavy rock ...

Heavy rock sounds, animals in the image.

A nightingale happened to fly to the noise.
Here with a request to him to solve the doubt:
“Perhaps, they say,“ take patience for an hour,
To score our quartet in order:
And we have notes, and there are tools;
Just tell me how to sit down! " -

“To be a musician, so you need a skill
And your ears are more likely, -

The nightingale answers them. -

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down
All in the musicians are not good. ”

Song of the nightingale.

Tighting the fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike" - New Year's

Tighting Twal Swan, Cancer and Pike - New Year's
Tighting the fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike" - New Year's

Stage "Swan, Cancer and Pike" - New Year: New Year's:

AUTHOR: “Having your ears, yes, he will hear.
Having the eyes - yes will see. "
When there is no agreement in the comrades,
Their business will not go in the way
And it will not be business, only flour
Once a swan, cancer, yes pike
Squinting on a log in the vestibule of January,
We decided to celebrate the New Year
Runge, sun, morning light on the twigs sparkles
And snow is crunchy with a freezer under the paws
Wishes all nature to get forgotten
Anticipating the fun, forgive everyone

Covered with hoarfrost with vodka charm
And the raspberry puffs with heat, cooling in vain
Well, who will refuse a generous gift
On a Christmas tree with dates as much as December 21.

SWAN: “Well, we say goodbye to the eleventh year,
It was already combed in the anticipation of the nestle "

CRAYFISH: "Come on, wish you faster, otherwise it will break the claw!"

AUTHOR: The cancer began to bake here, but froze, looking into the distance!
ORYA, that urine, legs, without sensing under him
The hare jumps to the edge, on end of the wool all!

HARE: “Are you fooling around? Here to play with fate
After all, tomorrow is the last day! .. Earth will end! ..
- The end of the world promises Empage! "

PIKE: "And where is he sitting, did we not see him?"

HARE: “Yes, he was the first to run, he only saw his tail!
I wanted to ask more precisely. He is not here. Only left the pen! "

CRAYFISH: "Why are everyone silent, why are you alone?"

HARE: “Yes, they took away all the legs, because the forest is empty and lonely.
I thought you were celebrating the wake
For the future souls, that's what!
I have not seen such okhov to the bottom
Okay, I have no time to wait for me to wait
I could drink a glass so that my legs do not whine like that
But I need to tear them soon! "

SWAN: “Well, business! What will we do, brothers?
It would be necessary to run, after all, we have a day! "

PIKE: “And then what? Let's get back to the paragraph?
What will we meet the New World when we start from scratch? "

CRAYFISH: “And that’s right, because everyone ran away, all quitting.
And knowledge, and sorrows, and the experiments of the fathers
If they turn back, there will be many questions
And where will the answers be, you will not find the ends? "

SWAN: “Come on, figs with him, let him lie alone
Perhaps it will remain when we return. "

PIKE: “And if not, then start all over Noah?
Turn the mammoth, since the bridges are burned? "

CRAYFISH: “Let's make it easier. We have a cart
We load everything quickly. I have prepared a bucket
And take it to a reliable place
You look, and save the universal good. "

PIKE: “After all, what is collective consciousness?
Not just a special case on Earth.
All our experience, all ups and confessions,
Discoveries, sins. After all, everything will perish in the darkness!

AUTHOR: We decided - they did it!
What do you not realize with drunk?
The dearest good is full!
All that will allow us to make transitions
And with faith in the new wake up in the morning.

And praying, everyone harnessed to the luggage
Puff, groan, worry slightly
And everyone thinks: I will settle this question
After all, the most intelligent and nimble self
They climb out of the skin, but the cart is not on the way
It would seem easy for them to
Yes swan tears into the clouds, cancer backs back
And pike pulls into the water
Who is to blame for them, who is right - to judge not for us
Yes, only for now, what is there!

CRAYFISH: “Wait, brothers, it will not go so much!
It is necessary to entrust this one transition
Give me. I am the past! I know the place more
And I will save like that, with conservatives compote. "

PIKE: “And how to keep consciousness you will, we learned
You will be preserved and hide in the bins
Without the expiration date, let me, you have met?
You will spoil knowledge from a near mind! "

SWAN: “Yeah, canned food, you, they gave it off!
Canned food also deteriorates, forgot?
How you got a peak to keep a snack
On that feast, you were fed up by one! ”

CRAYFISH: “After all, this is the experience of the past, which means that I have accumulated!
Who, no matter how, can I protect my own? "

PIKE: “Oh, tired, you become unbearable.
I am the present, which means I decide!

After all, this moment is our creator of stories
And if it happens that it will happen now.
Sacred corner without wars and dead territories
As soon as I know all of us! "

CRAYFISH: "Oh, corner, hold me, brothers!
All the good, hid everything, will find figs!
And we will run, everywhere wears, like hares
Until then you will disappear in the world "

SWAN: “Well, my dear, you foolishly, probably
Kohl imagined that you were omnipotent.
You say that the present is immense
But there is only one moment and this is in the past, or you do not know?

SWAN: Who can keep the convoy
So - it's me! And this is undoubted.
After all, only in the future there will be demand for this
Only descendants will use this certainly! "

CRAYFISH: “U, the muzzle is cunning, well, look at him!
After all, demand from him, as with a swan of water!
You will trust the knowledge of him and he will not return anything
We hide them for themselves in the future forever! "

PIKE: “Yes, you have to look for a bug!
It will be remembered as summer sometimes
We are going to celebrate the collection of berries
He was gobbled up with a basket of all under a pillow, our hero! ”

AUTHOR: And so they scolded so already shouted
That the winter forest shook from enmity
Suddenly there was such a roar that the Christmas trees trembled
The cowal of hibernation aroused screamers!

Bear: ""Who dared to break my dream here?
What did you tighten in fear, losing your mouths?
The fuse disappeared, or did frost hit you your soul?
Well, answer, tail, what was silent

AUTHOR: Having heard their story, I lost my speech
Bear from this, so ridiculous wictering
Laughed so that she fell from her feet in a snowdrift
Did not immediately calm down from this nonsense

Bear: “When there is no agreement in the comrades
Their business will not go in the way
Moreover, the matter is one
And everyone has one goal!

After all, every day we live like the last
In harmony, love and kindness
Protecting everything as our first spring flower
Not forgetting each other in the bustle

Bear: You have no life without each other at all
You are one, you will understand, finally
Without the past there is no present and at this moment and after
And the future - you believe, the life of the whole is the crown!
When you understand this, then you have nothing to fear
Neither the past, nor real troubles, nor future betrayal
Living now, try to do good try
Changing the future so that do not shake from changes

It’s better to think about these all issues
Than to listen to different squints, at random
And if you look around, everyone believes in what he created
Living with hope for the best, and not going back

Joke, rejoice, because the new year is coming soon
The gates of the forest will come to us with gifts.
The fun will be, holiday, glory
And I, I hope, will find fun here.

Divide gifts, don't forget about me
I love honey and linden I saw in a dream
Well, now I congratulate you in advance
And in the New Year I wish you all happiness!

Stage of Krylov’s fable "Raven and Fox"

Taking the fable of Krylov Raven and Fox
Stage of Krylov’s fable "Raven and Fox"

Stage of Krylov’s fable “Raven and Fox”:

How many times have they repeated to the world,
That flattery is vile is harmful; But only everything is not for the future,
And in the heart of a flatterer will always find a corner.
Vorone somehow God sent a piece of cheese.

From behind the bush, a raven flies out with a hefty piece of cheese in the beak and sits on the top of the Christmas tree.

At the spruce of the crow, pour out,
I was completely going to breakfast,
Yes, she thought, and kept cheese in her mouth.
Here, to the misfortune of the fox, she ran close.

A fox appears from behind the bush and begins to sniff.

Suddenly, the cheese spirit stopped the fox:
The fox sees cheese, the fox cheese captivated.
The rogue to the tree on tiptoe is suitable;
Turns his tail, does not take his eyes off the raven
And he speaks so sweet, breathing a little.

Golubushka, oh, how good you are!
What a neck, what kind of eyes!
To tell, so, right, in a fairy tale!
What feathers! What a toe!
And, right, the angelic should be a voice!
Sing, Svetik, do not be ashamed! What, if, sister,
With the beauty of this, you sing a craftswoman -
After all, you would have a king-bird!

Vestenina with praise turned his head,
With joy in the goiter, breathing stared, -
And on the friendly foxes words
The raven croaked in the whole raven.


The cheese is falling. The fox grabs him and runs away.

The cheese fell, and there was a rogue with him.
The crow is complaining.

Ah, if I knew
Her cunning, mouth B did not reveal.
No speech false, no flattering sweet poison
From now on, they will not harm me anything.
I despise them! I know the price to them!
I will distinguish from the truth without fail!
Oh life! You taught me a lesson.

The crow flies away.

But the lesson did not go to Vorone for the future.
To her in temptation, otherwise in the edification
The Lord sent her again a test -
He gave the cheese twice as much.

A crow appears with a huge piece of cheese and is heavily pushed into the spruce.

This hour
A crow with him onto a Christmas tree ascended
Yes, she thought, and kept cheese in her mouth.
Again, the fox ran closely.

A fox appears from behind the bush and begins to sniff.

And again, the cheese spirit stopped the fox:
The fox sees cheese, the fox cheese captivated.
The rogue to the tree on tiptoe is suitable;
Turns his tail, does not take his eyes off the raven.
The crow is waiting.

From fluff to the pen,
Golubushka, you are better than yesterday!
What a neck, what kind of eyes!
To tell, so, right, in a fairy tale!
What kind of claws! What a toe!
And what a wonderful voice!
Sing, Svetik, do not be ashamed! You will not become, sister,
You are angry with me for the past.
Having heard you, the nightingale will be embarrassed.
Sing for me! After all, you are a bird to all birds!

Vestenina with praise turned his head,
With joy in the goiter, breathing stared, -
And the words are careful for the foxes
The raven croaked in the whole raven.


The cheese is falling. The fox grabs him and runs away.

The cheese fell, and there was a rogue with him.
The story repeated literally
And morality has not changed at all.
I will remind you of it innocently:
Alas, flattery is ineradicable,
As long as they listen to the lice to the crows,
And there are foxes - there is a cheese of the raven.

Video: Two Two Goose tanning

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