Ideas for the game "Truth or Action." What task, action can be set to a guy, a friend in the game "Truth or Action": a list of tasks. Funny, interesting and tricky tasks for action in the game, at a distance, in correspondence

Ideas for the game

Questions and actions for the game "Truth or Action".

This is an entertaining game, the purpose of which is to create an easy and fun atmosphere, where participants can recognize each other closer, develop the imagination and sense of humor. There are two types of tasks in the game: “Truth” and “action”. 

Ideas for the game Truth or Action 

This is a popular game that can be fun and entertaining in the company of friends. 

Is it true: 

  • The most creative and unusual dream in your life? 
  • If you had the opportunity to become anyone for one day, who would you become? 
  • Tell me about your most unsuccessful date. 
  • What is your most strange habit? 


  • I simulate any participant in the game within 2 minutes. 
  • Sing the entire passage from your favorite song in public. 
  • Make a dance to the music that the group chooses. 
  • Put a tattoo drawn by the participants and wear it until the end of the game. 
  • Take a picture in an unusual position and send this photo to your contact. 

True or action: 

  1. What was your last secret, which you thought that no one would know? Show me how you would look, reacting to the same situation in public places. 
  2. Name the perfect animal for yourself. Try to behave like this animal over the next 3 minutes. 
  3. How would you spend your last million if you were given it right now? Make a firework from home remedies (with permission, of course). 
  4. If you could return to the past and change one event, what would it be? I simulate the scene how you meet yourself from the future and give it advice. 
  5. What would be your perfect day? Spend the rest of the game, expressing your emotions only with facial expressions, without words. 

Ideas for truth or correspondence actions 

In the “Pravda” version, players are asked questions that they should answer honestly. This may be due to their opinions, preferences, personal life and other things. 

In the “action” mode, players are offered to perform various actions or tasks. This may include creative exploits, mimicry, small trials or dance numbers. The game of truth or action by correspondence can be an exciting and funny way to spend time with friends. 

Riddles and puzzles: 

  • Ask the player a mysterious question to which he must answer the truth. 
  • Ask him to solve a puzzle or a problem. 

Role-playing games: 

  • Ask who he would be if he could choose any profession or character. 
  • Ask to create a short role scene in text form. 

Personal secrets: 

  • Share a personal fact about yourself and ask the interlocutor to do the same. 
  • Ask him to do something that you consider interesting, based on your knowledge of him. 

Tests and polls: 

  • Ask questions that you need to answer “yes” or “no” and explain your choice. 
  • Ask to make a test on an interesting topic and share the results. 

Creative tasks: 

  • Ask what creative ideas or projects he has on his mind. 
  • Invite him to draw something or write a mini-story. 

Mysterious facts: 

  • Share a mysterious fact about the world and ask him to do the same. 
  • Offer to explore something new on the Internet and share an interesting find. 

Photo report: 

  • Ask a question that requires a photographic answer (for example, “How did you spend the last weekend?”). 
  • Ask to send a photo of the current moment or something interesting around. 

Thematic questions: 

  • Ask questions within the framework of some topic (for example, cinema, books, travel). 
  • Ask to do something related to this topic (for example, tell your favorite quote from the film). 

Ideas for questions in truth or action 

Of course, here are a few ideas for questions in the game: 

  • Describe a marvelous dream that you had to.
  • Tell a short story inspired by the last dream. 
  • The place you see in dreams and want to visit.
  • Imagine that you are already there. What would your first steps be? 
  • What movie did you watch several times, and each time he inspired you? 
  • Play a mini-scenes from this film. 
  • If you had one hundred million dollars, what would you do (a) first thing? 
  • Describe your luxurious dream on paper. 
  • Which dish do you cook best? 
  • Share a recipe or take a picture of your last culinary masterpiece. 
  • If you could (LA) create your own application, what would it be? 
  • Write a brief description or even interface layout. 
  • What event in your life made you cry a lot with happiness? 
  • Raise your mood, telling a positive event from the past. 
  • If you had the opportunity to talk to anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? 
  • Imagine that you meet this person. What would you discuss? 
  • What song always makes you dance, even if no one looks? 
  • Write down a short video on which you dance to this song. 
  • What is the funniest moment from your life? 
  • Try to repeat this moment in a comic style. 
A game
A game

What is the task to ask the guy by correspondence? 

Here are a few funny tasks for the guy in the correspondence game: 

  • What is an unusual and creative musical instrument that you had to play? 
  • Imagine that you have a concert in front of an important audience, and you play this subject. Describe how it looks. 
  • If you could become a superhero, what superpower would you choose and why? 
  • Write a short description of the superhero who uses this superpower, and think of an unusual supervision for him. 
  • What would be the name of your autobiography if you were a celebrity? 
  • Write a brief description of a fictional scene from your life that could get into this autobiography. 
  • Describe an unusual costume that you ever put on? 
  • Imagine that you need to go to an important event, and you have only this suit. Describe the reaction of others. 
  • What is the most stupid joke that you have ever told? 
  • Come up with another stupid joke and share it. 
  • If you were fruit, what fruit you would choose and why? 
  • Describe a short comedy scene where you play the role of this fruit in the animated film. 
  • Describe the unusual dance that you ever invented? 
  • Write down a short video, performing this dance, even if it is only a few movements. 
  • If you could have one skill of any animal, what skill would you choose? 
  • Come up with a comedy scene where you use this skill in everyday life. 
  • Describe the creative image that you have ever created for Halloween? 
  • Come up with a brief description of a short film where you play the role of this strange character. 
  • What would your secret weapon be in the fight against a zombie apocalypse? 
  • Describe the script, how you would use this weapon, saving the world from zombies. 

What task can I set the guy, action? 

Several funny and creative tasks “action” for the guy in the correspondence game: 

  • Make a short video, performing the most crazy dance that you can come up with. Choose music that will add fun! 
  • Write and fulfill a short stand-on about everyday life or something funny. Tell a couple of jokes! 
  • Put the makeup using any available means. Send the result by photography. 
  • Write down a short video, imitating political speech about why you deserve the title of “King of humor”. 
  • Try to convey your emotions and history, using only gestures and facial expressions, in a short video. 
  • Play a parody of your beloved actor, singer or celebrity. Use the image, clothes and manner of behavior. 
  • Prepare something like a “chef dish” from available ingredients and describe the process, as if you were conducting a culinary show. 
  • Write down the sounds from your daily life so that they sound like something funny or unusual. Example: funny sound sounds of tea. 
  • I simulate a dance from a popular music video using your unique movements. Write down a short video. 
  • Make a quick cosplay of some character from the film, book or game, using only what you have around. Take a picture of the result. 

True or action: tricky tasks 

Of course, here are a few tricky tasks for the game "Truth or Action": 

  • Tell me about the funny moment that happened to you, but tell him, on the contrary, to sound as if it were terribly unfit. 
  • Write down a short video where you seriously and tragically tell this funny moment. 
  • What is your most strange habit, but make it so that it sounds absolutely normal. 
  • Take a picture, demonstrating this habit, as if it is something absolutely natural. 
  • The most terrible gift for you, which is considered cool? 
  • Imagine that you get this terrible gift, and write down a short video with your reaction. 
  • Tell me about some event in your life as if it were a plot of a Hollywood blockbuster. 
  • Create a short movie from this event using your friends as heroes. 
  • What kind of absurd situation could you transform into a poem? 
  • Write a poem about some kind of absurd situation and voice it on the video. 
  • If you could become a professional acrobat, but only in a suit of some character, who would it be? 
  • Put the costume of this character and make several acrobatic tricks. Take a picture or write down the video. 
  • What would be the name of your autobiography if it were written by your enemy? 
  • Come up with a short video where you play the role of an “enemy” who talks about your “life”. 
  • How would you describe your life using only headlines from the yellow press? 
  • Make a few headings and create a virtual newspaper with these headings. 
  • What false auditory story about yourself would you come up with? 
  • Write this story in the style of news report and make a short video with an interview. 
  • If you were the editor -in -chief of the newspaper, what shocking article would you print about yourself? 
  • Find the heading of this article and take a picture of yourself that you are a harsh editor that posts this material. 

True or action: List of tasks 

Of course, here is a small list of tasks for the game: 

Is it true: 

  • Tell me about the strangest dream you have ever seen. 
  • Describe your most funny children's memory. 
  • What book would you introduce yourself to readers in order to impress someone? 
  • Tell me about the situation where you were able to avoid trouble thanks to your wit. 
  • If you had the opportunity to meet with any celebrity, who would it be and why? 


  • Put on yourself an unusual mask or suit and take a photo. 
  • Come up with a short advertisement for a fictional product and play it in a short video. 
  • Take a picture of yourself trying to do something incredibly complicated (for example, remove dust from the ceiling). 
  • Write a short poem about something funny and imagine it out loud. 
  • Make a short video playing the role of an absurd superhero and explaining what unique abilities he has. 

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Video: Questions for the game "Truth or Action"

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