A cheerful, cool script for New Year's Eve, a corporate party, for meeting the new 2024 dragon

A cheerful, cool script for New Year's Eve, a corporate party, for meeting the new 2024 dragon
To meet New 2024 Dragon It has become a cheerful and memorable holiday, prepare in advance and plan the evening. Fascinating games and contests are appropriate not only in noisy companies, but also perfectly “dilute” home feasts with relatives.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Guess the melody". You will learn how to organize a game for an adult company, a script for the game, song names.

There are many ready -made scenarios and plans for home holidays, for corporate parties, for meetings with friends and other options for holding a New Year's celebration. Take anyone as a basis, but do not forget to fix the names and add individuality: some personal facts and interests, jokes that are understandable only to friends, etc. What is a scenario for celebrating the New Year? This is a ready -made plan for noise, fun, humor and entertainment! Read further.

What will be needed for the program for celebrating New Year's Eve?

Celebration of New Year's Eve
Celebration of New Year's Eve
To conduct a planned and truly cool holiday, you will need not only to prepare a festive program, but also to do a few more important things. What will be needed for the program for celebrating New Year's Eve?
  • Be sure to decide on the room - This is relevant for corporate parties and family holidays outside the house. When it will definitely know where the holiday will take place, take up jewelry, decor and attributes. Decorate the hall not only with a Christmas tree, Christmas candles, balls, etc., but also a symbol of the owner of the coming year - Dragon.
  • Order a banner with a dragon image Or invite an animator in a costume of a rosteo doll. At home, arrange the figurines of the dragon or make yourself a big craft in the style of Origami, which will decorate the hallway.
  • Then carefully work out all the scenarios of competitions, the necessary attributes for them and prizes - all things need to be bought in advance. It can be foil, tape, colored scarves, etc.
  • Do not forget about music: Prepare a playlist in advance. The course of the whole holiday depends on the music, because it sets the mood for the entire hall and charges with a festive mood. And for contests and games, prepare perky music. The main thing is to distribute all this according to folders and lists in order to turn on the desired track at the right time.

Many presenters take their assistant for the holidays precisely to manage musical accompaniment. And this greatly facilitates the conduct of the event.

Funny script for the New Year's Eve for the New 2024 Dragon

New Year's Eve for the New 2024 Dragon
New Year's Eve for the New 2024 Dragon

This scenario is perfect for a holiday with a family or a small company of friends. It is simple, cheerful and original. So, here's a fun script for the New Year's Eve for the new 2024 Dragon:


  • Music is playing. When the host of the holiday appears, the music is quiet, and he speaks a welcoming speech. It may simply be a congratulation of all those present on the holiday, or maybe a verse or immediately toast. Then the music plays louder again, the guests applaud.

An example of the presenter's speech:

  • “Today we have gathered a desire to celebrate the most long -awaited holiday in the year here. The desire to meet a new stage together in the life of each of us. And the desire to just relax well, chat and have fun. I propose to congratulate us all a Happy New Year - the year of the Dragon! ”

Competition "Warming"


  • “And I propose to start our holiday with a light and positive contest for warming up and raising the mood. You can, of course, drink alcohol for this, but I offer another option. The rules are simple: music plays - everyone is dancing and actively moving, the music is silent - and we remember the children's game “Sea figure, freeze!”. And the interesting point is that I will tell you at the last moment, in which figure you will need to freeze. ”

For this competition, prepare music and made figures in advance. Examples of suitable figures: a fire -breathing dragon, snowflake, Snow Maiden, Snowman, spray from a bottle of champagne, tangerine, Christmas tree.

Contest "Fertger":

  • After the first competition, the guests relaxed, had fun and forgot about constraint and stiffness.
  • Now you can sit at the table, have a bite and get to know each other better. And at the same time and have fun of the next competition.


  • “Each mistress from year to year tries to surprise the guests with her culinary masterpieces and to please the eastern master of the year with goodies. But there is one dish that is invariably associated with a Happy New Year. New Year in the yard, we are all cooking ... ".
  • At this moment, guests should answer in unison: "Olivie!".


  • “We begin to cook: pour water, put on the stove and put in it ...”.


  • "Evaces!".


  • "We go further and take delicious, like a fairy tale, fragrant ...".


  • « Sausage! ”


  • “Do not forget to boil a very little tasty in the uniform ...”.


  • "Potatoes!"


  • "And I am well done, and you are well done, but well done in the salad - ...".


  • "Cucumber!".


  • “And at all he is not vigorous, albeit bright green. Such a good salad goes ... "


  • "Peas!".


  • "And finally, a delicious sauce flies into the salad of a depreciation ...".


  • "Mayonnaise!"

After such an active and cheerful beginning of the holiday, take a break and give guests the opportunity to relax, talk, drink and eat. After that you can play. This will add a festive mood and will help to liberate.

The game "Dragon Language":

  • For this game, red textile things are used: scarves, scarves, towels, small bedspreads, scarves, etc. You can ask guests in advance to bring with you such things or use those that have them and with you. So it will be more interesting than playing with prepared leading things.
  • But, if there is only one option, then prepare a box or a cardboard box in advance, in which all these red “flaps” will be composed. Guests should be divided into two teams and in turn pull things out of the box or use their own, linking them in one tape - the dragon language.

The team wins, which, as a result of using the same amount of things, will be longer than the tongue.

Game "Smartphone" - inthe traveling builds guests in one long row and says:

  • “Everyone knows and remembers from childhood the game“ Breeded Phone ”. But now smartphones are used, and people are increasingly communicating in the video, so we will play with a “broken video call”. Stand in the line without looking back at the players behind your back. I will give the first player a movement from the dragon, which he must convey to the next, and so to the end of the chain. Let's see how you will be able to maintain the originality of the movement! ”

This amount of entertainment is enough for you to amuse a small company or relatives on the family feast. This will dilute the ringing of glasses for chimes and the knock of forks on a festive bowl. Such contests and games will entertain people, give them a truly festive mood and memorable moments. And anyone can become the leader, because for this you do not need to have any special knowledge and skills.

Cool script for the New Yearcorporate party To meet the new 2024 dragon

The following cheerful and humorous script for the adult celebration of the New Year of the Dragon is suitable for conducting a corporate party. He is also very cheerful and interesting. All guests will be good and this holiday will be remembered for a long time. Here is a cool script for the New Year's corporate party for meeting New 2024 Dragon:

The host meets gathered colleagues at the entrance to the hall:

  • "Hello! Where are the paths? On holiday? And there is no holiday here! What is this New Year without a dressed beautiful Christmas tree? Well, perhaps you yourself will want to decorate it to create a holiday. Come on, do not skimp and leave some of your things on our common Christmas tree! ”

Coming guests should leave some thing of their wardrobe or something from a purse/pockets on a Christmas tree. For example, a butterfly tie, beads, a scarf, a keychain, etc. Of course, after the holiday, everyone will take their things back.

If the guests are late and still continue to gather, then leave at the entrance one of the assistants to explain to those who come to people about the need to decorate the Christmas tree. The host himself goes into the hall:

  • “Let's drink for a new life in which the Dragon’s door opens this night to all! And tell me, what is your new year associated with? Tangerines? Eat. Olivie? There is also. Christmas tree? And she was already dressed up. Champagne? Here it sparkles in glasses! Father Frost? Exactly! We do not have Santa Claus! Let's call him! ”

Make sure that there are tangerines and olivier on the festive table. Guests begin to call Santa Claus, but a man comes out, looking like a homeless person and a drunkard.


  • “Something grandfather is bad ... but cheerful. Even too much. Do we need such Santa Claus? ”

Guests shout:

  • "No".

The homeless is leaving. A man comes out in an expensive suit, showing with all the appearance that he is very wealthy.


  • “Oh, this serious and good gifts will make. Fits?".

Guests can be doubted after a phrase about gifts, but tell them that everyone is waiting for the real Santa Claus. The oligarch leaves. Of course, agree in advance with other colleagues who will play the roles of a homeless person, oligarch and Santa Claus and prepare costumes. You can hire animators and actors for lack of those who wish.

A real Santa Claus with a bag of gifts comes out:

  • “I have done a short way to you. Treat, or something, whiskey? I have seen many people on the way to you, but I have not yet met such beautiful women and strong men. I like you! We will have fun, celebrate and drink! And I have a whole bag of guests for you! But someone is missing. Ahh, Snow Maiden! I just expect SMS from her. ”

Santa Claus takes out a large cardboard smartphone from his pocket, on which it is written in huge letters: “I left for Santa Claus. Snow Maiden".

Father Frost:

  • "Wow! I’ll have to look for a new Snow Maiden here! ”

The presenter invites all those who wish to take their retinue (several assistants) and get attributes: blush, lipstick, pigtails, wigs, tinsel, blue robes, large bodies, etc. Also, things that are not associated with the Snow Maiden are also additionally given: skis, indoor slippers, flashlights, knives, etc. The task of the Snow Maiden and her retinue is to create the most interesting and original image of the available things.

Then every Snow Maiden dances for Santa Claus a minute and a half to New Year's music. The guests with the help of applause at the end choose the winner, to whom the grandfather gives the prize (for example, a box of sweets).


  • “Let's raise a toast for Grandfather Frost and his new Snow Maiden!”

As soon as the guests drink, a real Snow Maiden enters the hall in a short robe, in heels and under the handle with a low man in the image of a rich man.

Snow Maiden:

  • “Grandfather Frost, where are my gifts? Where is my car? Where is my apartment? I urgently need money: I want to act in films! ”

Father Frost:

  • “TSSS! I am hiding income from the tax. What is the money, granddaughter? ".

Snow Maiden:

  • "I do not know anything!".

Father Frost:

  • “It was Santa Klaus that bewitched my Snow Maiden! And only a real round dance can remove these evil spells from her! Help me save my granddaughter! ”

The host gathers guests in a round dance. Everyone sings the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The Snow Maiden puts on a long dressing gown, a crown and a crown and asks all forgiveness for her behavior.


  • “Let the grandfather talk to the Snow Maiden, they have something to discuss. We will not bother them. In the meantime, I propose to conduct New Year's fortune-telling prediction! What awaits you this year? Come out in turn to me, get an amulet and carry it on yourself for an hour. Go!".

In a large bag or box, things are composed by the number of guests. Long ribbons are tied to them so that everyone does not see what exactly pulls by the ribbon. It should be different funny little things with funny phrases - predictions for each. For example, cardboard machinein the new year you can be calm: you will definitely not rob you, bootin the new year, you will lack time, but do not worry, because now you have a boot-hopper. And all in such a humorous spirit.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are returning and begin to give gifts for simple games and contests. So, you can guess small objects by touch with closed eyes. Guessed - take it. You can guess songs from the description of three words. Teams can compete in high -speed cutting of paper snowflakes, etc.

An interesting script for the celebration of the new 2024 Dragon

There is another option for an interesting script for the celebration of the new 2024 dragon. The guests are definitely not getting bored. This scenario:

So, the guests gathered and the host appears in the hall:

The words of the host for New Year's Eve
The words of the host for New Year's Eve
The words of the host and the dragon for the New Year's Eve
The words of the host and the dragon for the New Year's Eve
The words of the host and the dragon for the New Year's Eve
The words of the host and the dragon for the New Year's Eve
  • The host takes a note and reads the task for everyone. The New Year's Fashion contest begins:
The competition for the New Year's Eve and the words of the dragon
The competition for the New Year's Eve and the words of the dragon
  • Then the dragon begins to hold the New Year's Cake contest:
Competition for New Year's Eve and the words of the dragon and the host
Competition for New Year's Eve and the words of the dragon and the host
  • Now the Drakosha holds the following competition called "The most nimble puzzles":
New Year's Eve Competition
New Year's Eve Competition
Riddles for New Year's Eve
Riddles for New Year's Eve
Riddles for New Year's Eve
Riddles for New Year's Eve
Dragon words on the New Year's Eve
Dragon words on the New Year's Eve
The words of the host at the New Year's Eve
The words of the host at the New Year's Eve
  • The host and the dragon shout "Happy New Year!" Together.

All scenarios, boldly adapt to your interests, acquaintances, etc. You can use any holiday games that you know. Of course, do not choose desktop so that the celebration does not turn into dull gatherings. It will be great if not everything goes according to a clear plan, and the guests will begin to offer something themselves in the process of evening. In general, have fun and improvise!

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