The jelly did not freeze: what to do without gelatin, how to add gelatin?

The jelly did not freeze: what to do without gelatin, how to add gelatin?

The jelly for a long time and, I must say, justified, I fell in love with the hostesses. After all, this dish is tasty, budget and most importantly - very useful. It contains a lot of collagen, which our bones and joints need, and when the gelatin is added, it becomes even more useful.

Sometimes the housewives are upset, it seems to have done everything, as always, but for some reason the jelly did not freeze. I wanted to pamper my relatives with a delicious and hearty dish, but I had to cook ordinary soup ... Why did it happen? And what is the secret of its proper preparation? In order not to be in vain to suffer a question - will it freeze or not freeze? Consider our recommendations, and you will be excellent!

How to cook jelly so that he froze?

  • Preparing a jelly is no complexity. But this process is not fast - all its ingredients must be cooked over low heat pretty long. It so happens that it seems that the time set was withstood, and the components of the necessary ones were put, but the jelly did not freeze. Of course, there is not enough pleasant in this, but not everything is lost - it can still be “reanimated”. About this a little later.
  • For a good junction are suitable Pork and beef legs, pork sips and ears, chicken paws (not shin!) And heads. You can still first meatadd, but it should not be a lot - it will not help in order to freeze the dish, but the finished product will come out more tasty and appetizing.
Choose the correct components
Choose the correct components
  • So, we will fill the pan in which jelly will be prepared, meat bones, failure and veins, and pour them with water so that it only covers all these ingredients a little.
  • Cook everything that you put in a pan, you should 4-5 hours-make sure that the meat is well behind the bones. But a couple of hours after boiling, do not forget to salt the broth to your liking. All gelatin will fall out of chicken and neck, it will leave for 3 hours, after which they can be pulled out of the cooking broth.
  • It is very important to remember that in already The boiling jellied water does not add up. In order not to allow the liquid to evaporate, you need to fasten the burner. The contents of the pan should not boil violently, but only slightly “gurgle” slightly.
  • When the meat already begins to separate from the bones, you need to remove all the cooking products from the pan. You should let them cool a little. When the meat is already separately on a plate, you do not need to throw bones. Put them again in the broth and let them boil a couple more hours along with prepared vegetables - onions, carrots and pepper. And don't forget to throw it there before the end of cooking bay leaf and several peas of fragrant pepper “They will give your cold a piquant taste.”
  • At this time, it's time to do meat. Carefully examine all the pieces so that small bones do not stick to them. After you see their absence, the meat that has not yet been cooled should be cut or torn as you like - there are no preferences in this.
  • Small bones can also remain at the bottom of the pan, so the liquid prepared for the spill should be filtered through small colander, sieve or gauze.

The readiness of the junction can be very easy to check. Pour it a little into a small container, not holding it in the refrigerator for long. If soon the liquid becomes an adhesive mass, it means that the pan should be removed from the fire. But even without this experiment, you can determine whether the jelly will freeze. If when cutting meat it begins to stick and even glue the fingers - jellied meat will freeze without gelatin.

  • Well, then everything is quite simple. Pre -chopped meat with added garlic, herbs and onions (who like what you like) needs to be put into the vessels, pour all this with a broth, not completely cooled, and put in a cold place. If you place it in the refrigerator, then after a few hours the jelly will freeze.
Disassemble the meat and pour broth
Disassemble the meat and pour broth

And so that at room temperature, the jelly does not “stumble” on the festive table for a long time, then you can add to it during preparation gelatin.

What to do if the jelly has not frozen: how to correct the situation?

If the jelly is poorly frozen, do not be upset: you can still fix it. How to do it:

  • Did not frozen jellied meat - how to fix it with gelatin? Zheling substance is the main ingredient of the jelly, and if it is not enough, then the dish does not freeze, as expected. You can save it with an ordinary purchased gelatin - this is an option for salvation No. 1.
Check the composition of gelatin
Check the composition of gelatin
  • The gelatin needs to be poured into the container, and guided by the instructions from the packaging, pour water - it should be warm, but not hot (if you use boiling water, then lumps will appear and completely dissolve them). The usual content of the bag with gelatin-20 g. It can be dissolved in two to three glasses of broth or water.
  • The gelatin mixture should swell well-it will take about 30-40 minutes. Not frozen completely jelly, you must again place in a pan and warm well on fire.
  • The fully melted liquid is drained and filtered. Soaked gelatin is heated on a water bath, then it must be stirred and strain.

Important: there should not be too much gelatin, because the finished jelly can become such rubber - this will not add taste to him. How Need a gelatin to freeze the jelly?It all depends on the number of the preparation dish. If it is assumed that there will be only a few plates of the filling, then it is quite enough to use 20% of the packaging.

  • Then it remains only to pour it into a hot broth and, if necessary, salted. Next, everything is in the same order: put the meat into the vessels, pour, put in the refrigerator.
  • The second option. If the jelly was poorly frozen only because he did not languish for long, then again to digest him unpromisingly - all his useful qualities will disappear from this. Some housewives fundamentally do not use gelatin. What to do so that jelly froze without gelatin?
  • The best that you can come up with is to buy it again chicken legs, wings and neck (You can just a soup set). All this should be poured with a small amount of water and cook for three hours, salt and adding spices there. Next, you will need to do everything as before: separate the meat, strain the broth.
  • In the pan, you need to warm up not frozen jellies, drain the liquid, cool it a little.
  • The meat from the previous and new broths should be mixed and laid out in the ship. And, connecting both broths, pour them with a meat cut. And, of course, for good solidification of the junction, you should keep it in the refrigerator.
There is always the third way
There is always the third way

Why didn’t you frozen jellied meat?

  • Why didn’t you frozen jellied meat? Insufficient time for cooking. This should take 4-5, or even more hours (if the portion is large).
  • There were few bones or failures in the broth. It is worth placing an approximately equal amount of bones and meat in a pan, then the jelly will definitely freeze and at the same time will be tasty. If there are more water than meat, then the solidification process will be in question. More meat than liquids - the finished dish can be very dense, like rubber.
  • Incorrect cooking. You can not cook jellied meat on fast heat, because gelatin substance can at the same time evaporate from the bones.
  • Low -quality ingredients. The bones, meat and vegetables need to be used only fresh and well washed, otherwise the jelly will not freeze, and even the soup of it will not be tasty.
Make sure that the refrigerator is included in the network and has a low temperature
Make sure that the refrigerator is included in the network and has a low temperature

If you take into account all this and adhere to our recommendations when cooking, you will get an excellent product that your home and guests will appreciate. Enjoy your meal!

We advise you to read articles that will answer your questions:

Video: The jelly does not freeze: what to do?

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