What to do if mascara has dried up: recommendations for restoration, use

What to do if mascara has dried up: recommendations for restoration, use

In this article, we will consider methods to restore dried mascara.

Every woman dreams of using her beloved brasmatist for a long time. The secret is quite simple - to store and operate correctly. But sometimes this is not enough. If it so happened that the mascara nevertheless dried out, do not rush to throw it away. We will share the tricks with you how to restore it!

What to do if the mascara has dried up?

Tip: For dosing, use a pipette!

  • Eye drops if mascara has dried up

They can be attributed to solutions that reanimate mascara and do not harm health. But you need to take it only not therapeutic, but those that are used as a means of redness and overwork of the eyes. For example, Vizin, oxial, optagel. A convenient dispenser allows you to control the number of drops-2-3 enough. Mix well, leave for a better effect for a while.

  • Lens liquid

It is absolutely harmless to the eyes, hypoallergenically and well dissolves dried mascara. Add also 2-3 drops, carefully mixing the contents.

  • Cosmetic oil

It is permissible to use castor, peach or almond oil, dropping a couple of drops in a tube. It is better to resort to this method when the same oil is included in the carcass.

  • Makeup remover

A quality product, milk or micellar water is suitable. 2 drops are enough to restore mascara.


The mascara has dried up: how to restore a waterproof bracematics?

If the mascara has dried on a silicone basis, then it cannot be diluted with any solutions, it immediately deteriorates!

  • It can only be "revived" using heating. But it is important to know that after that the process of drying will only accelerate.
    • The composition of the usual carcass includes soft wax, the plasticity of which is responsible for heat. Therefore, place a bracematic under a stream or a glass with warm (not higher than 70 ° C) water. Make sure that the water does not fall under the lid, only the lower 2/3 tubes are worth reanimating. The only negative is that this method works well, but they will have to use every time before applying makeup.
  • It is permissible to use more Special Duraline tool from InGLOT.This is the best remedy, but there are similar drugs (fluids) from other famous companies, for example, Chanel or Dior. They are considered safe, but are expensive. Also, some users note that from a large amount of silicone, over time, the bracematics lose quality.
Follow the level
Follow the level

The mascara has dried up: what can not be used to restore it?

Not all funds are suitable for recovery when mascara has dried up.

  • In some sources, you can find advice to dilute mascara purified, mineral or, even worse, ordinary water.It is unlikely that this advice can be attributed to useful ones. Firstly, water significantly worsens the quality of the carcass, and secondly, it can cause the formation of pathogenic microflora in the tube, which is unsafe for the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Add to the ancient method own saliva Also the strictest taboo! It acts in a similar water way, if not even worse. It contains harmful bacteria that are not compatible with the coloring pigment. This negatively affects not only the consistency (mascara dries up even faster), but also on the composition itself.
  • Any for resuscitation of mascara is prohibited alcohol -containing liquids, hydrogen peroxide.Carrying out in reaction with mascara, they can cause inflammation of the mucosa, cause allergies and even a burn.
  • Cannot be used to dilute the carcass vegetable oil.It spoils the quality of the carcass and causes swelling around the eyes, and its ingestion is also fraught with inflammation.
  • Put aside the method Using tea. This product itself quickly deteriorates, which provoke the growth of harmful microbes inside the tube.
Not all means are good
Not all means are good

Rules for use so that mascara does not dry out: tips

  • You never use expired mascara! If after opening the tube more than 3-6 months has passed, it is better to throw away the mascara and not try to reanimate. T.K. It has already begun chemical processes that could cause swelling, inflammation of the eye mucosa and allergic reactions.
  • It is better to buy a tube with a narrow neck, which prevents the excessive penetration of air inside and significantly slows down the process of drying the carcass.
  • But do not forget periodically clean the limiter from the excess means,which is often gathering around him.

Important: in no case do not remove the limiter completely! So you will accelerate the process of drying, and you will gain a lot of means.

  • It is better to store mascara in the refrigerator.It is permissible at room temperature, but preferably in a dark place, away from batteries and other heat sources. Make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it.
  • Using mascara, never Do not drive a brush back and forth,trying to dial more carcasses from the tube. Remove and insert the brush with only soft rotational movements.
  • Try to keep a tube with open mascara as little as possible, And if possible, cover it with a cap at a time when applying makeup.
  • After each use, remove the remains of the carcass from the thread of the lid and the tube - So you will ensure its more dense twisting so that the mascara does not dry.
  • The mascaras formed on the brush, remove the mascara with a napkin, And do not drive them back into the tube.

Video: What to do if the mascara has dried up?

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