Walks for kids: at what age can you use, how to find and order in the online store Aliexpress | Aliexpress? Do the child need a walker: for and against, harm or benefits?

Walks for kids: at what age can you use, how to find and order in the online store Aliexpress | Aliexpress? Do the child need a walker: for and against, harm or benefits?

Children's walkers are the subject of many questions and disputes. Some argue that the walkers are undoubtedly needed, others consider them a thing useless and even harmful. We will understand this issue together.

Walks for kids: harm or benefit?

Walks are a special device for children who still do not know how to walk. With the help of walkers, the child can move independently. The device is a frame with a seat for a baby, fixed on wheels.

Many believe that walkers are a relatively new invention that greatly simplifies the life of modern parents. It is worth saying that the walkers have been invented for a long time, but at some period of time, parents had to abandon this invention.

Back in Soviet times, in the 70s, walkers were discontinued. The reason for this was the opinion of doctors that the walkers impede the normal development of the child’s foot and reduce muscle tone. In Canada, not only a walker was removed from the production, but even banned imports, considering this device dangerous for children's health.

Now the walkers are again on free sale, and only parents decide whether the child needs or not. It is difficult to say unequivocally whether the walkers are harmful. Opinions were divided into two camps.

Baby walkers

The advantages of the walkers:

  1. The walkers transfer the child from the horizontal position to the vertical. The baby opens up new opportunities for knowledge of the world.
  2. They are not only a device for movement, but also a toy. There are rattles, squeaks, music on the frame frame. This allows the child to develop fingertips.
  3. They teach the child to independently move, learn to walk.
  4. Mom is released for a while. This is important, since it is difficult for a woman to carry a child in her arms all day and give him all the time. The walkers can take the baby for a while, and the mother will do business at this time.

Some refute the benefits of the walkers, their facts seem very convincing.

The harm of walkers:

  1. The crotch of the baby is squeezed.
    2. The child cannot learn to coordinate his actions, since the walkers protect him from freedom of movement.
    3. The child has only hands, he cannot sit down, lie down, crawl. This does not affect his psyche.
    4. The process of independent walk is slowing down. The kid gets used to the fact that he is supported by a frame, in this regard, it is difficult for him to learn how to walk on his own.
    5. One of the main reasons is the incorrect formation of the set of the foot.

Important: if the child has neurological problems, problems with the formation of the foot, consulting observing doctors is necessary. There are children who are undesirable and even contraindicated to walk in walkers.

Walks: harm or benefits

If you still decide to purchase walkers for the baby, take care of the following:

  • Walks should be of good quality, safe for the baby.
  • It is impossible to leave for a long time, 30-40 minutes a day in several approaches.
  • You can not put the child in a walker if there is diaper rash, irritation on the skin in places of contact with the seat.

How to choose a walker for a child on Aliexpress | Aliexpress?

You can buy children's walkers for Aliexpress. There is a huge selection here.

Can choose classic model on wheels. Such walkers reliably fix the child, parents can be calm - the child will not fall anywhere from such walkers, will not crawl.

Walks on Aliexpress

There are also walkers that need to be pushed. Then for older kids-from 9 months, the baby 7-8 months may not resist and fall. This model serves not only as a walking device, but also as developing toy.

Walking puffers

This model is compact. The walkers can be folded, they will take up very little space.

Strokes folded

The next model of the walkers will protect the back of the mother from pain. Constant walking by the handle with the child leads to the load of the back of the adult. It is much more convenient to hold the child in the walkers, maintaining the direct position of the back. It is convenient to take these walks for a walk, the child will explore the world, and mom help him.


For those who want walkers without frills, there are classic model without rattles on the frame.

A simple model of walkers

How to find and order good strokes for children in the online store Aliexpress | Aliexpress?

You can dial the word "walkers" in a line for search. Another method: go to the “Everything for Children” tab, then “Children's goods”.

How to find and order walkers for Aliexpress: Step 1

Next, click "Physical activity", "walkers". A list with walkers will appear in front of you.

How to find and order walkers for Aliexpress: Step 2

Here you can sort goods according to the criteria you need. Search using filters simplifies the choice.

How to find and order walkers for Aliexpress: Step 3

When you have decided on the model, proceed to buy. Choose the color of the goods, click "Buy now."

How to find and order walkers for Aliexpress: Step 4

The next step is to clarify the address.

How to find and order walkers for Aliexpress: Step 5

Check the details of your order - color, quantity, cost. If everything is true, click "place an order."

How to find and order walkers for Aliexpress: Step 6

Select any convenient payment method and pay for your order.

How to find and order walkers for Aliexpress: Step 7

How to pay for an order, you can find out in detail by reading our other article.

Important: choosing walkers for Aliexpress, you need to carefully read the reviews of other customers, a description of the seller. If you are interested in any question, ask it to the seller before you make a purchase. Children's walkers are an important purchase, the product should be reliable and safe.

Video: How to choose a walker?

Walks from what age can you use?

  • The baby is mastering more and more skills every month, seeks to study the objects surrounding it. The desire of the child to know the world gives the impetus to parents to put him in a walker quickly, thereby discovering new opportunities.
  • There are cases when babies are put in a walker at 4-5 months of life. This, of course, is wrong. Parents should not forget that development should be timely, only then it will benefit.

Important: the optimal for the use of walkers is the age of 7-8 months, when the child learns to sit on his own and stand at the support. Premature use of walkers can lead to the incorrect formation of the musculoskeletal system.

What time can you put boys in the walkers?

Parents of boys worry about whether the walkers will affect the development of the reproductive system. Pediatricians recommend avoiding the long stay of boys in the walkers, but this rule also applies to girls.

You can plant boys in a walker from 7-8 months, the child should be there no more than 40 minutes a day.

How much can you plant boys in a walker

How much can you put girls in a walker?

According to statistics, girls are more than boys are susceptible to hip dysplasia. Before putting the baby in a walker, you need to consult a pediatrician and surgeon.

As for the age, girls, like boys, are not recommended to be planted in walkers earlier than 7-8 months.

How much can you put girls in a walker

How to teach a child to walk in the walkers?

Most children calmly perceive acquaintance with walkers. But some are still afraid of these new sensations. The task of parents is to help the child get used to a new device and teach them how to use.

  • First, you can bring the child in his arms to the walkers, show the toys, let the baby touch them with his hands, carefully examine everything.
  • After that, you can plant a child, but do not leave him alone.
  • Holding the walkers with your hand, pull them slightly. The kid will understand that you need to move your legs.
  • You can teach a child to walk in the walkers by setting him a goal. For example, step back a few steps and show his favorite toy. The child will begin to mechanically take steps in the direction of his goal.
  • Correct when the child’s foot rests on the floor completely, the baby should not touch only the fingers of the surface. To do this, you should adjust the walkers by the growth of the child.
  • Put on the legs of shoes, even if you are indoors. Correct shoes will form the correct position of the foot in the child.

Important: the first steps in the walkers are usually spontaneous, a little time will pass and the child will understand that he is reliably held in the seat. Then his steps will become more confident.


Walkers Komarovsky: for and against

The popular children's doctor Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich expresses his opinion unequivocally - walkers at an early age harm.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends using walkers no earlier than 9 months. First, the child should learn to crawl, thereby developing the muscles of the legs and back.

We will summarize-the walkers free parents, but still a long stay of the child in them is extremely undesirable. If you decide to use the walkers, adjust them by the growth of the child, consult, if necessary, with an orthopedist, control the time of the baby in the walkers.

Video: The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about walkers

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