I want to cry for a woman for no reason: reasons, psychology - what to do?

I want to cry for a woman for no reason: reasons, psychology - what to do?

The causes and psychology of female crying.

Women more often than men express their emotions. This is due to the features of psychology, and a kind of reboot. The man is more severe, holds all the emotions in himself, thereby provoking the emergence of ailments of a psychosomatic nature. In this article we will tell you why women cry withoutthe reasons.  

Why do you want to cry for no reason to a woman?

Many noticed, especially the tender half of humanity, that it is prone to tears, and a violent expression of emotions. And this is not surprising.

Why do you want to cry for no reason to a woman:

  • Sometimes the tearfulness stimulates the release of the hormone prolactin. This is a female hormone, which is mainly produced during breastfeeding. It stimulates the production of breast milk, but in normal in a healthy woman in the body may be present in small quantities.
  • This is not a violation, but a variant of the norm. Up to 10 years, both boys and girls also have this hormone in the body. That is why children cry more often than adults.
  • During puberty, the amount of this hormone in the blood in men is practically reduced to zero, and in women it decreases, but does not completely disappear. That is why the beautiful half of humanity can cry for no reason. However, hormonal features do not always explain the desire to cry. 

Why do you want to cry for no reason: Women's psychology

There are many reasons that can provoke tears.

Why I want to cry for no reason - the psychology of a woman:

  • Stress. Thus, a woman receives emotional discharge, she does not keep everything in herself, but splashes the negative. Unlike a man, a woman will not scream, drive her evil and dissatisfaction with others and relatives, and silently cry somewhere in bed or in a corner. Scientists note that tears have a cleansing effect, and allow you to relax, normalize hormonal background, reduce nervous stress. Accordingly, for women, tears are a way to drop all the negative. 
  • Tears can talk about a woman's fatigue, its nervous overstrain. Often this arises in married women, on whom there are a lot of responsibilities. The fair sex at the moment has to not only work, carry out guidance instructions, but also monitor the order in the house, cook food, learn lessons with children, and wash clothes. Very often, a woman simply does not have the strength to fulfill these duties due to physical fatigue. In this case, tears are a way to dump the nervous tension. 
  • Cry - This is not always useful, sometimes it becomes the starting point of launching troubles and problems. It is especially harmful to cry sorry for yourself, convincing that everyone is to blame. Such sacrifice does not benefit anyone, often becomes the starting point of depression, or neurosis. In this case, you need to try to cheer yourself up, find an interesting activity that helps to distract from negative thoughts, as well as normalize the emotional state. 
  • Lacrimation for no reason may be associated with hormones. Often this happens during pregnancy, during menopause, and before menstruation. Indeed, often women during the premenstrual syndrome are very emotional, actively react to any grievances, and prone to tantrums. 

What to do if you want to cry for no reason?

In most cases, women themselves are much more emotional than men, but this does not mean that they are weak. Excessive emotionality allows them to love, be vulnerable, sentimental, and give all their love to loved ones, children, as well as her husband. The main purpose of a man is to make money, and the maintenance of the family. To do this, he must have cold calculation, and not high emotionality, sentimentality.

What to do if you want to cry for no reason:

  • Women, in order to love their children, husband, constantly give themselves, and go to a huge number of victims, must somehow discard emotional overstrain. They do this with tears.
  • Scientists proved thatduring The crying is a huge amount of stress hormone that comes out with tears. This is a great way to relax and calm down. Researchers proved that you can get rid of stress quickly with the help of catharsis - crying, which is carried out with screams, a tear. Psychologists recommend people prone to depression, get somewhere far into the forest, scream there, cry and throw away all their negativity.
  • This is a great way of discharge that helps get rid of stress and diseases. If a woman suppresses her emotions for a long time, tears, restraining, then problems with internal organs can often be found.
  • Usually these are ailments of the female reproductive system, such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids or cyst. In psychosomatics, such ailments arise just due to the restraint of emotions. 

Why sharply want to cry for no reason?

Why does a woman cry for no reason? Very often women understand that tears are a great way of manipulation. A lot of things can be achieved with tears. Some women use this, thereby causing pity, and the desire to stop the suffering of the lady.

Why sharply wants to cry for no reason:

  • Thus, a woman receives what she needs. However, this method of obtaining the desired items, purchases or gifts has a negative side. The fact is that in any case it is impossible to use this method of manipulation. Very quickly, the man will understand that in this way the woman manipulates, so she will stop paying attention to tears. Sometimes this can cause the lack of understanding in the family. 
  • Tears that flow from resentment, disorders, and regret, manifestations of pity for themselves are destructive. They destroy, and lead to serious psychological problems, protracted depression. It is impossible to cry in any case, it is necessary to cope with the manifestations of aggression. There is a proverb that says, if you cannot change the world, change yourself.
  • It is necessary to become less susceptible to others, and do not take various incidents to heart. Women themselves are very emotional, and tend to let every word through themselves, catching the negative as a Velcro or Scotch tape. That is why in most cases the cause of various ailments is psychosomatics, and problems with the perception of the world. 

Why do pregnant women want to cry for no reason?

This usually happens in the first trimester.

Why do pregnant women want to cry for no reason:

  • During this period, the amount of progesterone and prolactin is growing. It is these hormones that become the culprits of the mood difference.
  • This is a variant of the norm, because a lot of problems fell on the fragile female shoulders. Now the body needs to take care of not only about itself, but also about the baby’s body.
  • As for cleansing tears, there is nothing wrong with them. Most often, women can cry from fatigue. After all, most of the time they are in work. Usually this is housework, making money, care for children and husband.

Lotting from the eyes: Causes

It is not rarely the cause of tears is malnutrition. The fact is that fast carbohydrates sharply increase blood glucose, just as it falls very quickly. Accordingly, as soon as a woman ate something sweet, confectionery or cake, the glucose level increases sharply, she feels happy. However, the level of glucose falls very quickly, drowsiness, tearfulness begins, and mood worsens.

The only correct way to get rid of this dependence is to use slow carbohydrates. These are cereals, porridge, and bread from hard varieties of wheat. Thus, the level of glucose will grow gradually, and be maintained at a constant level. Thus, there will be no fall of glucose levels, respectively, the mood is also excluded. 

Lacrimation from the eyes, reasons:

  • Often women are prone to tears precisely during the off -season. It is not for nothing that many poets consider autumn artists, and writers. This happens for the simple reason that it is in the fall that the body may observe a lack of vitamins and trace elements. To improve the mood, you need to choose proper nutrition, or introduce additional vitamin preparations in tablets. 
  • There are conditions in which there are no serious emotional problems, in general, the woman feels good, there are reasons for joy, but tears still flow from the eyes. In this case, it is necessary to look for pathology. 
  • Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the shell of the eye, as a result of which redness, lacrimation, and photophobia are observed. 
  • Thyroid diseases. With hypothyroidism, abundant lacrimation is also observed for no reason. 
  • Excessively sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes. In this case, special drops are shown that will improve the condition of the eyes and prevent lacrimation. 
  • Heart disease. Scientists have proven that some heart disease can provoke lacrimation. 

What to do if you want to cry for no reason? 

First of all, you need to find some kind of lesson. It is best if it is something active, for example, fitness or dancing. Sign up at the nearest sports club, swim, this allows you to relax, make a new circle of dating. Communication is the path to a new life, and saturation.

What to do if you want to cry for no reason:

  • After all, a woman who is filled, is always able to give a lot to the family, but to all others. In general, women who play sports have their own hobbies, more harmonious, and are distinguished by a friendly character, are on friendly relations with others. 
  • If these are tears of fatigue, you can’t restrain yourself in any case. It is best to cry, thereby dropping stress, and improve the condition. If these are destructive tears, which are aimed at self -pity, then in no case should you give them manifestations. With such tears, the best option is to go in for sports, find a hobby. It is best if it is active, and related to physical exercises. 
  • Psychologists advise in any incomprehensible situations when stress is observed, a person wants to regret himself, load himself with home work, squat, download the press or just go to the park for a run. There is nothing wrong with that, even if you have never run before. Pour sneakers, go to the nearest forest belt or stadium. Physical fatigue contributes to the spread of pleasant heat in the body, improving physical condition and emotional. Thus, there will be no more desire to cry on this day. 

Mood - I want to cry, what to do?

If you really want to cry during a conversation with a man, he offended you, you need to restrain yourself.

Mood - I want to cry, what to do:

  • Men do not like tantrums, they are ready to endure tears once or twice, but the rest of the time they will avoid communication with you. If you do not want your family relationship to suffer a fiasco, you must be restrained.
  • If you don’t like something in a relationship, the most true and optimal option is to tell a partner about it, and in a calm tone. If the words of a man offend you, are unpleasant, tell me a calm, firm voice about it.
  • If a man does not stop humiliating, calmly turn around and leave. In no case should you regret and cry. It is worth going to friends and acquaintances, to engage in the mood, go for a walk with children. 

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Most of the time the woman is in motion, and in work, very tired. In this case, tears are a way to lose excess stress, load and fatigue. Very often after tears it becomes easier.

Video: Cry for no reason

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