McClure - tincture for the joints: how does it work, what useful components are there in a panacea, what diseases he treats, how to cook? Instructions for use. What are the contraindications of the drug?

McClure - tincture for the joints: how does it work, what useful components are there in a panacea, what diseases he treats, how to cook? Instructions for use. What are the contraindications of the drug?

The article describes how tincture of the maclure can be cured from various manifestations of joint pathologies. You will also learn how to cook tincture yourself at home.

About twenty -four percent of people suffer from various diseases of articular tissues, which cause the following symptoms - aches, pain, swelling, stiffness, etc. Previously, joint pathologies provoked improper living conditions, poor nutrition, and a large physical activity on the body. As a rule, rheumatic pain, arthrosis, osteochondrosis tormented mainly older patients.

Now from these diseases there is no salvation to young people. Even those who lead a healthy lifestyle are playing sports. The destruction of bone surfaces and cartilage is difficult to prevent, but thanks to drugs, it is still possible to reduce this process. One of these means is tincture of maclour, it has a number of useful characteristics for the treatment of joints of articular tissues and other diseases. Further about this in more detail.

Maklura - tincture for the joints: how does it work, what useful components are there in a panacea?

Maklura has many names. Adam's apple, Chinese orange, God's tree - so they also call a fruiting small tree. A mulberry tree grows in Crimea, Asia, South America. The fruits of God's tree are slightly similar to oranges, only their color is green or yellowish. It is interesting that there are such fruit You can’t because they poisonous. And the juice of the plant contains a whole complex of beneficial components. There are antioxidants that regenerate tissues, restore them at the cellular level, pectin components, acids and organic, and fatty, vitamins, and useful elements.

The effect of tincture is based on the ability of the dosage form to relieve inflammation, both from soft tissues and articular surfaces, due to flavonoids, pain is reduced. Vitamins B contained in the panacea have a sedative effect directly in the focus of inflammation. Antioxidants are able to strengthen and even restore the surfaces of bone tissues, joints, cartilage. The infusion of adam apple normalizes metabolic processes in damaged cells, accelerates the healing of damaged surfaces.

Adam apple - McClure for the joints
Adam's Apple - Maklura for the joints

The sheets, the fruits of the Adam apple have been used since the old times. Most often, ancestors used a plant for medical purposes. Already in the old days the healers knew about the healing properties of McClira, and they successfully treated polyarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and radiculitis. With the help of tincture, they treat wounds, improve immunity, because it contains many vitamins, trace elements necessary for the human body.

Maklura - tincture for the joints: when is it used?

Now the plant is not used in official medicine. And in the folk one - yes, and the remedy is popular among patients with sore joints. The finished tincture can be found on the sites online - it is sold on the Internet without recipes. And you can cook yourself. But this will be written just below. Let's find out from which ailments the infusion of McClure is effective.

Maklura - for what they use
Maklura - for what they use

Thanks to tincture, you can get rid of such ailments as:

  • Gout, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, polyarthritis. Inflammation of the articular surfaces, bone tissues, cartilage fibers undergoes.
  • Symptoms such as fatigue, pain, stiffness of movements are eliminated, excess salt, harmful toxic components, and toxins come out of the body.
  • Even the patient feels calm, his immunity increases, sleep improves, the work of the cardiovascular system is being improved, it is less ill with viral infections.
  • Also, with the help of tincture, the manifestations of varicose veins are reduced, wounds are healed quickly, and the risk of pathologies with malignant neoplasms decreases.
  • The infusion is taken with colds, it also eliminates the development of sclerosis, blockage of arteries, eliminates seizures in the limbs.
  • Due to the action of tincture, in patients with hypertension, an improvement in the condition is observed, it is useful to use it for female diseases (fibroma, myoma, mastopathy).
  • McClure is effective for hemorrhoids, allergies, metabolic disorders, eczema, burns.

Especially tincture is often used for complex therapy after surgery. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to normalize the effect of the musculoskeletal system after sprains, fractures, dislocations, ruptures of ligaments, muscle tissue.

IMPORTANT: If you consume the drug, then you can’t drink alcohol, anti -Bacterial drugs, antibiotics, tinctures of a painter, toxic wolf bast and other natural plants, which have toxic contents, along with tincture.

Maklura - tincture for joints, method of application: how to make tincture?

Only herbalists and natural doctors use tinctures from the Adam apple in our time. If you decide to cook the medicine yourself, then you will have to follow the rules for its preparation. After all, both the fetus and plant juice are poisonous. With any contacts with the epidermis, severe burns can manifest themselves. Therefore, in pure form, the fruits are not recommended in any case. And this medicine has a number of contraindications, because they must also be taken into account if you want to try this tool for therapeutic treatment of joints, bone surfaces and other pathologies.

For the preparation of tinctures, only those fruits of McClure that already have an orange shade are used. Unfumed fruits are not suitable.

Maklure tincture - how to cook
Maklure tincture - how to cook

Method of preparing tincture of maclary Simple, but takes a lot of time. The medicine is prepared according to the proportion: one to one. More precisely, the weight of the fruits of the maclary should be equal to the volume of alcohol.

The fetus must be chopped, filled up in a jar, pour vodka or alcohol, close tightly so that air does not enter. After the finished panacea is put in a dark pantry for six months, and even better for one year. When the time passes the liquid in a dark brown color. This medicine has strong anti -bacterial and other effects, therefore it should be consumed according to the scheme.

Tincture of leaves

Another natural drug can be prepared from leaflets and branches of wood. The infusion is prepared quickly. It is enough to grind the sheets, branches and fill in alcohol, the ratio one to five respectively. After two weeks, tincture can already be used. Before use, this tincture must be diluted with vodka. Add it as much as the medicine turned out.

How to use tincture?

This medicine is rubbed by sick areas of affected articular surfaces, bone tissues and cartilage. It is advisable to insulate the inflamed place with a warm scarf, etc., after rubbing. It is enough to do the procedure once a day, and preferably at night.

The course of such therapy is carried out once or twice a year. You can also drink the infusion of three drops in one tablespoon of water - once a day. This is done in the morning during the eating for one month no more. Thanks to the reception, the healing effect is enhanced inside. But in any case, it should be remembered that it is better not to self -medicate and consult before using tincture at the doctor. Because many drugs that you use as a specialist use can harm a tincture of your body.

Maklura - Healthy Joints
Maklura - healthy joints


In order not to harm yourself and not aggravate your health, you must take into account the contraindications for the use of tincture of the maklura:

  1. You can not drink tincture to patients with diabetes, the panacea contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
  2. Women should not drink pregnant and nursing.
  3. If the patient has allergenic reactions to at least one component of tincture, then it is impossible to take the medicine.

The plant itself is poisonous and in small quantities it treats, and in large ones it can lead to poisoning. With the manifestation of symptoms such as nausea, weakness, palpitations, shortness of breath, you must stop taking the remedy, otherwise the state of health will worsen, poisoning will occur. In any case, when using McClure inside, the reception scheme should be strictly observed.

Video: tincture from Maklura


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Comments K. article

  1. McClure is really a very effective thing. I used essential oils, I took them into the knee joint, then wrapped it with a towel and went to bed. So she did a month, and in addition to this I took Honda. I must say, it worked with a bang ... The joint pain passed, although she suffered for a very long time ...

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