Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece: a brief description, photo. How to get and climb to the top of Mount Olympus?

Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece: a brief description, photo. How to get and climb to the top of Mount Olympus?

In this article, we will consider a brief description of Mount Olympus, and also learn the best way to its top.

The Greek Mount Olympus is known all over the world. After all, it is shrouded in many myths, according to which it used to be the abode of the gods. Many tourists come to Greece annually in order not only to admire the beautiful, fabulous landscapes and swim in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, but also to visit Mount Olympus, about which there are so many interesting legends about today. Therefore, we propose to study and see a little, even through the monitor screen, Greek beauty in this material.

Mythical Mount Olympus: Short description, photo

  • Olympus is the highest point of Greece. But, contrary to universal opinion and who has already taken a name, this is not a mountain, but a large mountain range. Macedonia and Thessaly shares such a mountain formation.
  • A peak is considered to be Mitikas, which has a height of 2918 m. But Olympus has several more peaks:
    • Brown, 2912 m high;
    • Stefani is about 2905 m;
    • Rock, the altitus of which is 2866 m;
    • and Antonios at 2815 m.
  • But these are only the most significant and high, and not a complete list of all the peaks of the Olympic massif, there are about 40 of them in total.
  • According to Greek mythology, the peak of Stephanie is considered the throne of the god Zeus. Indeed, if you look closely, then in the outlines of the mountain you can guess the silhouette, very similar to the throne - the back and seat of the chair.
  • However, tourists will not be able to climb the top of Stephanie, since there is currently a British military radar. Other peaks of the fairy -tale Olympus are open to conquer everyone who seeks to comprehend all the beauty and grace of this mountain.
Once this mountain was considered the abode of the gods
Once this mountain was considered the abode of the gods

What does Mount Olympus look like: Flora and Fauna

This whole territory is proud of the “national park”, more precisely, is in its northwestern part, and is considered the world heritage of UNESCO.

  • At the foot of the mountain, you can find a rich variety of grapes and olives, oak and chestnut trees. At an altitude of 800 m, pine forests are being changed, and already over 1800 m there are rare species of plants, some of which grow only in such an area.
  • In general, from 1700 species, 23% of plants are considered endemic (unique). A diverse animal world complements the incredible beauty of landscapes. Moreover, we do not forget that in this zone relatively warm and dry, especially in summer. The average temperature in the summer on Mount Olympus reaches 20 ° C, and in winter does not fall below -10 ° C.
Olympus is rich in rare vegetation
Olympus is rich in rare vegetation

What hides Mount Olympus: mysterious places

Olympus is surrounded not only by myths, but also by mystical legends. Moreover, we recall that 12 gods once lived on Mount Olympus, a poet of interesting events can be found a lot. But we will talk about the most interesting "attractions."

  • For example, about the now abandoned the village of Skotin (stress on the last syllable), which is 20 km from the city of Katerini. According to legend, the gods of Olympus got angry with the inhabitants of this village, who grazed their sheep too high. And for disobedience, they sent mythical invasions, so the whole settlement escaped, leaving all their things untouched.
    • By the way, the name of the village is translated as "dark." And all due to the fact that the sun's rays do not reach the surface properly. That is, they concern the earth only for a very short time.
  • Also known The crown of Zeus, which can be observed every morning, during the sunrise. Rays give such a shadow that the outlines of the Profile of Zeus are created.
  • Doors of Mount Olympus It is shrouded in terrible mysticism, because people can be abyss in them or visit another, underground world.
    • And next to them to place a 600-year-old cave, which saved the local population from the Turks and German invaders. Now a church is built in it.
  • Olympus live on Mount muse, or rather, on the Licon River. Locals often hear singing from those places or even observe naked dancing girls. In general, they are afraid and try to close from danger in their home as soon as possible not to hear their voice. After all, they can lure.
  • There are also many discussions on the topic three pyramids, after all, scientists do not consider their nature to be natural in any way. The angle of inclination of education and a clear location under the stars of the constellation Orion are surprised.
Famous abandoned village of Skotin near Olympus
Famous abandoned village of Skotin near Olympus

What to see on Mount Olympus: attractions

The path to Mount Olympus, according to Greek mythology, was closed to ordinary mortals, since it was the abode of the gods. But at the foot of the mountain, people settled quite often. Therefore, the traveler will find many interesting attractions for himself.

  • At the eastern foot of Olympus, in ancient times, a city was built, which was dedicated to Zeus. The city has the name Dion and the first mention of it dates back to 424 BC. e. Earlier the city of Dion He was a cult place where they worshiped the gods. It was destroyed twice, but finally it happened in the 5th century.
    • To date, excavations are still taking place there, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich reaches 150 hectares. It is known that the city in those days had sewage and was densely dotted with master and shops. And also there excavations of theaters, baths and sanctuaries were found. Since 1983, this whole territory has been considered a local museum.
  • Besides, on the territory of each of the monasteries there is a museumand. In the monastery of St. Dionysius, you can see particles of the relics of many saints with their own eyes, and in the monastery of the Holy Trinity a large number of different church utensils, ancient Byzantine icons and blood vessels are stored.
Excavations occupy almost 150 hectares
Excavations occupy almost 150 hectares

How to get to the foot of Mount Olympus?

On the way to the top of tourists, several historical places and even monuments are waiting. They will be able to enjoy not only magnificent landscapes, but also the beautiful architecture of ancient settlements, which are saturated with the spirit of Greece, myths, legends and mysteries of Mount Olympus.

  • You can get to it by car, taxi or bus. But first, you need to get to the city closest to Olympus. Such a village is considered to be the city of Thessaloniki. You can get to Olympus by car on the E75 highway, with which you need to find a congress on Litokhoro.
  • The distance from Thessaloniki to Litokhoro is a little less than 100 km. But for those who first make this path at the wheel, it is better to get a good navigator who can accurately indicate the path to grief. After this point is the separation of the route of further travel.
    • You can leave the car at the foot of the mountain or get on it along the mountain serpentine to the next settlement - the village of Prionia, which is at an altitude of 1100 m. However, in Provia, you certainly have to leave personal transport, you can’t climb the car higher on Olympus.
  • For tourists who are not able to get to the car to Litokhoro, regular buses are provided, which regularly depart from stations in Athens and Thessalonics.
    • However, it should be noted that these buses have a limited number of flights per day. So, for example, the bus departing from Athens makes no more than 3-4 flights during the day. But the bus that leaves thessaliki runs every half an hour. For the convenience of tourists, there is an Internet resource of the carrier Kel, on which you can buy or book a bus ticket online.
You can get to the foot of the mountain by bus or rented car
You can get to the foot of the mountain by bus or rented car

Climbing Mount Olympus: Where can I stop?

In the city of Thessaloniki, to facilitate the rise of tourists to Mount Olympus, excursions and services of guides are offered. Similar offers can be found in Athens, but there are still more.

Important: for the safety and more pleasure from climbing Olympus, it is certainly better to use one of the services offered. It’s better not to go to Olympus yourself for the first time, since the path to the top is quite unsafe.

  • Climbing Olympus From Litokhoro It is provided with three halves. Tourists who reached the city of Litokhoro, which is located at the top of about 293 m, is awaiting a specially equipped tourist center.
  • It should be noted that Litokhoro is not the only foot of Olympus. However, most tourists choose this particular city to start climbing the mythical mountain. By the way, in this center you can replenish the necessary supplies of provisions and valuable water. Although professionals suggest that a mountain stream is perfect for extreme cases.
  • After sending the next transshipment base for tourists from Litokhoro, the village of Prionia. However, in order to get to it, you will have to overcome a height of 1100 m. And this is about 4 hours on the pedestrian trail from Litokhoro.
  • In prionia, tourists are waiting monastery of St. Dionysius As a night stop. It should be noted that in the case of traveling by car, Provia is the highest point where you can get. The parking lot is even equipped here, but then Olympus will have to go on foot.
  • At an altitude of 2100 m of travelers will please shelter Spilios-Agapitos. By the way, the road takes about 3.5 hours to it from Prionia. Having reached the shelter, travelers will be able to relax and gain strength in a small complex, which is located among the forest.
    • This island of civilization, which is completely built of stone, will certainly impress tourists with its unique architecture. Here, tourists have the opportunity to take a shower and get a night in an impromptu hostel, which is a room with several beds.
    • It is possible to even book places in this hostel on the official website of the spilios-agapitos shelter. For those who want to completely plunge into the atmosphere of travel, there is an opportunity to spend the night in their own tent in the shelter.
Raising to the top
Raising to the top
  • Of course, among other benefits of civilization, there are restaurants of local cuisine in the shelter, where tourists can taste real Greek dishes, quite simple, but very tasty and satisfying.
  • Having rested and gained strength, tourists continue their journey from Spilios-Agapitos, heading to the top of the rock. And from it later you can get to other peaks open to tourists, that is, Scolio and Mitikas.
  • For those who set out to climb the peak of Olympus - the top of Mitikas, old -timers and experienced travelers advise choosing daylight hours and clear weather for climbing. The path to Mitikas is quite complicated, so you should not risk your health or, even worse, life.

Each traveler will find interesting facts, structures, monuments and legends on Mount Olympus, which, like a fairy -tale country, is shrouded in mystery, mysticism and beauty, breathtaking. Arriving in Greece, you should definitely try your hand at conquering Olympus, because without being there, without feeling the whole atmosphere of the majestic mountain, the idea of \u200b\u200bGreece cannot be called complete.

Video: Beauty Mount Olympus

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  1. People around the world are pulling there every year more and more. In Greece - this direction continues to develop. I think every year there you can find something new and unique! Therefore, I believe that at least once in my life it is worth going to Olympus to admire the Greek mountains, gods and myths.

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