Ice and ice - what is the difference, difference? How to say correctly: ice or ice?

Ice and ice - what is the difference, difference? How to say correctly: ice or ice?

In this material, we will consider what is the difference between ice and ice and, how not to become a victim of bad weather.

It got colder, the air temperature dropped below zero, and according to the weather forecast, they began to transmit ice or ice. Many of us do not even know that these are completely different concepts. No, they have one common feature - this is the formation of ice. But here are the different meanings of the words and the origin of natural phenomena. Therefore, we will analyze this topic in more detail.

What are ice: correct concepts, methods of struggle

We, not professional weather forecasters, will not occur to us that there are any differences between these two words. When the ice is slippery, and you need to go carefully - this is what interests the simple mortal. By the way, in the school curriculum, we were told about the safety rules during ice or ice. So that there is no such confusion, we will return directly to our terms.

What is ice?

  • Speaking completely briefly, then ice is a phenomenon of nature, namely, rain in frosty weather, which causes icing.
  • Holly (by the way, the synonym for this word is a fiber) - these are atmospheric precipitation, which form a dense vitreous crust (ice).
  • Ice can be smooth or vice versa bugrist. By the way, precipitation can be not only in the form of rain, but also with grains of snow.
  • If we talk about the place, then such a beautiful, but dangerous crust can form everywhere! On any surface, the temperature of which is 0 ° C and further along the scale with a minus sign. The category falls:
    • trees
    • plants
    • cars
    • borders
    • and other objects
    • even on houses and on our glasses, ice may appear
    • but the most dangerous place is the wires
    • by the way, on the surface of the earth the crust is also formed
  • Of course, there can be no 25 ° C of ice, it will already be just snow. Therefore, let's clarify to which scale the air temperature may drop. Usually, such a phenomenon is observed from 0 to - 10 ° C.

Interesting! Sometimes this happens even with - 15 ° C. But this rarely happens, since the impetus for this should be a sharp temperature drop. That is, from severe frost to zero significance. In this situation, the air warmed up a little (its temperature ranges from - 3 ° C to + 0.5 ° C), but the rest of the surfaces still retained that large minus.

  • The thickness of the ice layer is small, as a rule, from a few millimeters to 1 cm. But there are cases when a layer of the resulting crust reached limits of several centimeters. It is especially dangerous when there is also wind. Then it creates resistance and, for example, a whole garland of “crown” from ice can form on the wires.
    • But without wind, a layer of crust is obtained, although thinner, but stronger. So, as they say, from which side to look at the problem.
  • By the way, the ice will cover objects until precipitation stops. But they must be chilled, that is, the temperature should have low limits. As a rule, this does not last long. At a temperature of air close to zero, objects are warming, which means they cease to be covered with a crust. Basically, this condition persists for about an hour or several hours (but not more than 12).
    • But there is an exception that ice forms for several days (up to 6 days), thereby increasing the layer of ice. The reason for this may be frozen or fog.
  • But such a glass coating can be preserved relatively long - up to several days. Again, if the temperature is not too high.
  • Holly is a rare natural phenomenon (although a lot depends on the climate). But if you compare it with the sister (ice), then the first option is much less common. There is even a saying that for more than 300 days they do not remember ice, but the few days that it happen are remembered for a long time.

Important: at stable low temperatures, ice is extremely rare.

But such a beautiful, exquisite and, at first glance, harmless crust can cause significant harm. First of all, you need to highlight the following problems:

  • an ice crust is formed on cars, which simply blocks them;
  • ice causes many automobile accidents;
  • leads to injuries of people;
  • leads to a mass drop in branches or even whole trees;
  • the most dangerous and flawed side is a cliff of wires.

Interesting Facts! Holly is growing more in those places that are crossed by its movement. That is, if the front moves from the west, then the crust is thicker on the wires, the location of which is in the meridional direction. If the movement of air masses occurs the opposite (have meridional flows), then the deposits will be larger in breadth. By the way, the difference is rather big. Sometimes the difference can be approximately 3-4 times.

  • And also! On wires that are energized, the crust layer is always larger (approximately 30%). But de -energized wires are not so covered.
    • The damage itself does not cause ice, but its evaporation. More precisely, his slow melting.
    • Such growths are considered especially dangerous for wires, because they create additional excess weight, which weights the wires and leads to their break.
    • Now add a wind load. Especially if the wind speed is more than 10 m/s. Then not only the accident on electrical wires can occur, but even supports and poles will suffer.
    • By the way, the greatest troubles occur where severe frosts often alternate with thaws. That is why weather forecasters mainly convey ice from the southern and northwestern regions.

Important: ice causes great economic damage.

Now let's recall how weather forecasters often say: "Weaped ice at night and day, and ice on the roads." We do not even understand or hear this phrase to the end. The fact is that these two phenomena happen, most often, at the same time. After all, in fact, their conditions are similar.

Ice and ice
Ice and ice

What is ice: correct concepts, methods of struggle

Immediately make a reservation that this is not a synonym from the word ice.

  • Moreover, ice is not a phenomenon of nature, but its condition.
  • Speaking in an accessible language, then this is frozen water after a thaw.
    • Yes, this is the same ice on the roads, roofs of houses and other horizontal surfaces. On those where there was water (after melting snow) or moisture (for example, after rain), the air temperature jumped down the thermometer scale and turned out to be ice.
  • Ice can also have a smooth surface or be tuberous.
  • Holly is also called the "slippery road." It often happens at the beginning and end of winter (but happens in the middle, depending on the climate of residence). For her, the main requirement is temperature fluctuations about zero. It rose above - the snow melted, sank - meltwater froze.
  • The thickness can be different. The frequency of weather change also affects this. Holly can freeze several times, creating an additional layer of ice each time.
  • The crust, as a rule, melts for a very long time. A few days or even weeks, or even persisted until spring. The fact is that new snow often falls on ice. And this makes it even more dangerous. After all, you can’t even see where to get, at any moment you can slip on the ice.
    • He can re -melt in the afternoon, and in the evening and in the morning again freeze. In general, a long and periodic condition.

The harm from the ice is also considerable:

  • she is number one in car accidents (in the winter)
  • and how many injuries and bruises can a person get when falling
  • by the way, the most dangerous places are the head (which can lead to a concussion) or, as it is called, the fifth point. In the second case, strokes are dangerous with a coccyx, which can lead to paralysis
  • but the greatest damage to the ice can cause agriculture. After all, a dense and long crust will lead to the twisting of winter crops, and this is also a considerable blow to the country's economy

To fight ice:

  1. The most common and long -standing way is technical salt. But it negatively affects the wear of the shoes (significantly reduces it), causes corrosion of cars, negatively affects the plant world, and does not affect the environment in the best way.
  2. Therefore, they try not to resort to her or the Hota would mix her with sand. This means add up to 10 % salt in 90 % of sand. So there will be less harm, and walking along the slippery sidewalk will turn out more confident. That's just, for example, in a noisy urban turmoil, this reagent, along with snow and melt ice, turns into a dirty porridge. But this is still better than flopping booty on the ground. And, as they say, "in any production there are costs."
    • By the way, they also think about this method. After all, then in the spring a lot of effort and means to eliminate sand is required.
  3. After 2000, they began to diligently conduct experiments to obtain a successful reagent, which would cause a minimum of harm to humanity and the environment. Such experiments are still underway. In the meantime, chemical anti -icing reagents are considered the most successful option. They are:
    • in solid
    • and in a liquid state
  4. Chemical reagents also have a number of shortcomings:
    • For example, modified potassium chloride leaves oil traces on the road, which increases the length of the brake road of the car. Plus a negative impact on our landscaping
    • Also, it has a validity period of only 3 hours. And some people can have allergies for these reagents
    • It was also decided to abandon magnesium, since he showed the ability to accumulate in the soil and underground waters
    • Well, chlorine -containing substances, of course, lead to bleaching
    • In general, to combat ice, they still work with reagents

Ice and ice - what is the difference, difference?

We indicated in the previous paragraph, what is the meaning of each of the words. Therefore, the picture makes it clear that these are two different (but a little similar) phenomena. We touched on the side of their differences, so it remains only to summarize.

  • Half up has a dense crust more often, which covers all the way. The ice has a thinner layer (although there are times that it turns into a thick bark after several freezes) and does not always cover the entire surface.
  • Also, it should be noted that ice covers all surfaces, both vertical and horizontal. Holly will only be on horizontal planes and in those places where meltwater froze.
  • Holly is dangerous on the roads in that it often covers the entire surface of the car, including glass. And this worsens visibility. And the passage is possible only at low speed - up to 40 km/h. The catch of ice is that a certain section of the road you can safely go at a speed of 60 km/h, and a random frozen puddle can cause a skid.
  • Holly makes the movement of both cars and pedestrians, because walking on the ice crust is very inconvenient. But the ice in this matter is more insidious, you can calmly walk along the sidewalk, accidentally step in an inappropriate place and earn an injury. Especially you should be careful when snow fell after ice. Then it is visually difficult to consider where to walk.
  • Ice is most dangerous for wires. It can cause not only their break, but also cause significant harm to the country's electricity and economy. And in critical situations, it can completely deprive part of the population or distant villages of electricity. Moreover, repair work is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. Holly with wires has nothing to do. Unless in the case of a car accident, when the pillars with electricity were hurt.
  • But then for the harvest, ice is worse. It can provoke damage to such crops as wheat, rye or barley (their winter forms). What will cause a bad crop, low productivity and a jump in food prices.
  • Well, it is worth highlighting that ice rarely holds on the surface for a long time. As a rule, after stopping the rain, it passes. Of course, it depends on climatic conditions. In some places, ice can persist from 4 to 6 days and have a crust a few centimeters thick. Holly is preserved for a very long time (at least a week).
How to behave to a pedestrian during ice
How to behave to a pedestrian during ice

Safety rules or how to prepare for ice and ice?

There are also differences and similar points in this paragraph.

  • The first and important rule refers to the female part of the population. In winter weather, and even more so during ice or ice, you need to abandon the heels.
  • Winter shoes should be chosen by complying with all the requirements:
    • the sole should not be absolutely smooth. Should be a heel 3-4 cm high
    • there must be a clear relief on the sole
    • by the way, the drawing should alternate large and small patterns
    • the sole should be thick, but not on a high platform
    • the sock of the shoes should be wide and rounded
How to protect yourself in ice: advice to pedestrians
How to protect yourself in ice: advice to pedestrians
  • Shoes should have a rubberized sole or at least be with a special rubber prevention (a small laying is attached to the sole itself). Small recommendations:
    • for a while, you can glue a small piece of felt to the sole
    • or replace it with foam
    • and for emergency situations, even a medical patch is suitable, but it will fail very quickly
  • Now let's talk about the gait. With ice or icyel, you should not walk in the usual way, but imitate the movement of skiing. Or try to walk like a penguin.
  • If you could not be saved from the fall, then try to clench into the glomerulus. Draw your neck, bend your hands and try to protect your head. Yes, for this you need to be able to quickly group. And another nuance - it is better to fall to one side. In this case, there may be injuries or bruises, but at least avoid a fracture, concussion or even worse consequences.

Important: hands cannot be held in your pockets. This is how the chance of injury increases.

  • There is only one indication for drivers - be careful and attentive. Do not try to go at maximum speed. Do not forget that with ice or ice it is very difficult to slow down. And at high speed or with sharp movements, the car can completely be taken to the side.
Tips for drivers when driving in ice
Tips for drivers when driving in ice

Safety difference the fact that:

  • the pedestrian needs to carefully look at the feet and sides. Boarded and ragged wires plus water can harm.
  • do not stand under the trees. By the way, it is better not to put cars under the trees with ice. There will be a more purpose of the car.
  • and yet, we do not forget about icicles on houses, trees and even on wires. They can fall on your head or car at any time.
  • with ice in this regard, it is easier and safer.

Tips for drivers when driving in ice

How to say correctly: ice or ice?

We have already chewed the topic that ice and ice are different terms. They are not synonyms to each other and, moreover, are not an abbreviated part of something. Therefore, in professional speech or among weather forecasters, each of these words be called in its own way.

  • That is, ice is ice, and ice is called ice
  • It is only worth repeating that ice crust is called ice crust only on the road, which happens after a thaw and sharp frosts, from frozen water
  • Ice is on all types of surface, as a result of rain in frosty weather
  • Therefore, do not confuse these concepts, be competent personalities and call a spade a spade

And in conclusion, I would like to add that ice and ice are equally dangerous for human life and health, and also become the first causes of car accidents in the winter. Therefore, be careful and take care of yourself!

Video: 7 Rules in ice

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Comments K. article

  1. It is written well. Simple and intelligible. Now, if even without grammatical errors ...

  2. Already sick of glaring illiteracy. Do not know the spelling of words - do not write!

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