Folic acid: What is women for, what is its benefit? How to take folic acid during pregnancy, during lactation, older women?

Folic acid: What is women for, what is its benefit? How to take folic acid during pregnancy, during lactation, older women?

The benefits of folic acid for the woman's body.

Folic acid is often called pregnant vitamin. However, this does not mean that only in an interesting position it is necessary to take this substance. In this article we will talk about the benefits of folic acid for women, and ways of its use. 

Folic acid: the benefits of the health and body of a woman

It is worth noting that most often this drug is prescribed precisely during pregnancy, that is, women in an interesting position. This is due to the fact that almost any products that are present on our table are poor in this vitamin. A lot of it is contained in fresh herbs, spinach, broccoli, as well as in beets and tomatoes. In winter, greenery in our diet is extremely and few.

In addition, scientists have found that greenhouse greens and vegetables contain many times less folic acid than domestic, farmer. Accordingly, it is absolutely impossible to make up for folic acid deficiency using food. That is, it must be introduced additionally, in the form of tablets. 

Folic acid, benefits:

  • Promotes the development and normal functioning of red blood cells. Scientists have proved that a decrease in folic acid concentration and its constant deficiency leads to anemia. 
  • Prevents the occurrence of violations in newborns. Most often, if folic acid was not enough in the body of the future mother, the child can be born with the hare lip, and genetic disorders. It is for this purpose that folic acid is prescribed during pregnancy. 
  • Prevents rapid fading of the ovarian function. Scientists have proven that with constant deficiency of folic acid, women have an early menopause in women. On average, it occurs 5 years earlier than it should. Therefore, if you want to extend youth, be sure to take folic acid.
  • Reduces the risk of intestinal cancer.
For pregnant
For pregnant

Folic acid: deficiency symptoms

There are practically no bright symptoms with folic acid deficiency.

Folic acid, deficiency symptoms:

  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Low hemoglobin
  • Menstrual cycle disorders

Folic acid, which one to get?

Now you can purchase this vitamin in the form of tablets, with the name vitamin B9, folic acid, or in complexes.

Folic acid, which one to get:

  • It should be understood that folic acid in tablets, as a separate component, is rarely prescribed when the deficiency is proven using laboratory tests. It is usually prescribed in the case of iron deficiency anemia.
  • With a lack of folic acid, the iron is poorly absorbed in the body, thereby provoking anemia. If, as such, there is no deficit, but in your diet there are no products containing oxalic acid, it is recommended to introduce it additionally, but as part of dietary supplements or vitamin preparations.
  • It is worth noting that folic acid is already present in vitamins for pregnant women in sufficient quantities. That is why when taking vitamins for women in a position, you should not additionally drink folic acid in order to avoid serious consequences and overdose. 

In the eighties of the last century, studies were conducted by American scientists, during which it was proved that cancer of the large intestine is more often found in people who chronically and stably minor sucked folic acid. Accordingly, scientists suggest that folic acid deficiency provokes the growth of cancer tumors. That is why this vitamin is often prescribed for cancer prevention. 

Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9

An overdose of folic acid

The fact is that vitamin B9 is water -soluble, so its excessive amount is excreted in the urine. Caution should be only if there are chronic liver diseases, as well as kidneys. 

Even when using a large amount of this substance, an overdose is almost impossible, since this vitamin is excreted with the urine. The exception is only cases when the patient suffers from kidney diseases and also liver. In this case, a large amount of folic acid is not allowed, in order to avoid exacerbation of chronic ailments. 


Folic acid: indications for use

Part of folic acid can be produced in the intestines, however, in the presence of disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the production of this vitamin decreases or even stops. Accordingly, at risk are people with dysbiosis and intestinal disorders. 

Folic acid, indications for use:  

  • Elderly people 
  • Women during menopause 
  • Pregnant women during lactation 
  • The fair sex, taking combined oral contraceptives and other sex hormones 
  • People with dysbiosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 
  • Patients taking diuretics 

As you can see, it is recommended to use folic acid and women who take combined oral contraceptives. The fact is that the intake of sex hormones can reduce the production of folic acid in the stomach, and prevent its normal absorption in the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce it additionally. 

Useful material
Useful material

Folic acid: instructions for use, daily dosage

There is an opinion that for the treatment of anemia it is recommended to take folic acid with iron preparations. Yes, indeed, such a scheme exists if there is a deficiency of red blood cells, and their incorrect work. That is, with reduced hemoglobin, it is recommended to take folic acid together with iron preparations. It is best to take two -glove iron. It is in this way that it is recommended to take the remedy during pregnancy. 

Folic acid, instructions for use, daily dosage:

  • During pregnancy, the dose should be prescribed exclusively by the doctor, having previously studied the patient’s history. Most often for a pregnant woman, the norm is 600 mg. 
  • Ordinary, cheapest folic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy at a low price. 
  • It is recommended to take with anemia 4 mg three times a day. This is a very high dose, it can be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. 
  • In order to replenish the deficiency of folic acid in diseases of the intestine and stomach, 1-2 mg is prescribed three times a day. During pregnancy, 4 mg is prescribed per day, for three months. 

Is it possible and how to take folic acid to pregnant women?

The combination option B9 and iron is provided in the case of reduced hemoglobin, when obtaining a poor blood test in the first trimester. That is, pregnant, the entire first trimester should take folic acid together with iron preparations.

Is it possible and how to take folic acid to pregnant women:

  • This increases the level of hemoglobin, improving oxygen circulation. Thus, the amount of red blood cells increases, thereby provoking an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the blood.
  • The child will not have oxygen starvation, all organs and systems will develop, and grow correctly. Scientists have proven that folic acid deficiency during pregnancy often causes a defect in the nervous tube, hare lip, as well as genetic disorders.
  • That is, in fact, with a lack of folic acid, the child can be born disabled. To avoid this, they are prescribed folic acid in the form of tablets. 

Is it possible and how to take folic acid to older people?

In old age, the absorption of vitamins, as well as microelements from food in the intestine, decreases. Thus, this can lead to a deficiency of folic acid even when a large amount of greens, vegetables, rich in folic acid is included in the diet.

Is it possible and how to take folic acid to older people:

  • That is why it is recommended during menopause, menopause, and additional folic acid is additionally taken.
  • In this case, its concentration is 1.2 mg per day.
  • Ethe amount in quantity is enough to make up for the deficit, to prevent the development of anemia, to stop premature aging and menopause. 

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

It is recommended to use folic acid and women who take combined oral contraceptives. The fact is that the intake of sex hormones can reduce the production of folic acid in the stomach, and prevent its normal absorption in the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce it additionally.

   Folic acid when planning pregnancy:

  • When planning pregnancy, 600 mg per day is prescribed. It is recommended to take 2 months before conception and the entire first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Often folic acid is prescribed during the complex treatment of cervical dysplasia. Dyplasia - improper division of epithelial cells.
  • To normalize metabolic processes, folic acid is prescribed. This tool is not used as independent, and is used only as part of complex therapy. 
Folic acid
Folic acid

How is it right and why do you need to drink folic acid with iron?

Now the market has a combined drug called iron sulfate plus folic acid. It contains iron ions, as well as vitamin B9.

How to correctly and why you need to drink folic acid with iron:

  • This drug is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, and is indicated during pregnancy, diseases of the stomach, intestines, with insufficient absorption of foods from food. Also, the drug is usually prescribed for pregnant women in the second, third trimester, as well as in the postpartum period. Most often until lactation is completed. 
  • All these drugs contribute to the improvement of the synthesis of red blood cells, and prevent the development of anemia, which often happens in an interesting position. This drugrecommend Take with iron deficiency anemia, but it is prohibited if anemia is caused by other causes.
  • That is why this drug should not be taken independently, but exclusively as prescribed by the doctor, after conducting the appropriate tests and analyzes. 

If you belong to the risk category, you can take folic acid for prevention. This will improve well -being and will impede the development of anemia.

Video: Folic acid

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