Phytoestrogens for women after 40, 50 years - drugs: list, rating, reviews, tips for doctors for use

Phytoestrogens for women after 40, 50 years - drugs: list, rating, reviews, tips for doctors for use

A review of popular phytoestrogens for women is 40-50 years old.

Scientists learned about phytoestrogens in the thirties of the last century. It was then that studies were conducted that concerned the reproductive function of sheep. It was found that clover helps to reduce offspring in sheep. Since then, scientists have been interested in substances that are very similar to hormones in their properties. In this article we will talk about the most popular phytoestrogens for women 40-50 years.

Why do you need phytoestrogens for women?

It is at the age of 40-50 years that most of the fair sex are faced with menopause and the restructuring of the hormonal system. The majority has a menopause, and many troubles associated with it. This applies to the quality of sexual activity, as well as quick aging. The skin during this period becomes flabby, quickly dries, there is not enough lubrication in sexual contact.

All this is provoked by a lack of estrogen. In our country, many women are afraid of taking hormonal drugs, and in every possible way try to abandon their use. Yes, indeed, some gynecologists prescribe hormonal drugs to alleviate the suffering of a woman, and make menopause the onset of softer, level sweating, heat, tides and mood changes.

The fact is that phytoestrogens for women of 40 years can affect the condition of not only skin, genital sphere, but also other organs. It is noted that due to a lack of estrogen in women, calcium absorption worsens, so osteoporosis may occur. What is associated with the brittleness of bones.Among the most famous phytoestrogens are those contained in medicinal herbs, as well as food.

At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

Phytoestrogens for women after 50: drugs, rating

A list of herbs that contain phytoestrogens for women after 50 years: licorice, hops, boron uterus. These herbs cannot be drunk without a doctor’s prescription, since phytoestrogens also have contraindications. Therefore, you should refrain from reception on your own. Only if the doctor appointed you, you can safely take medicines.

They are mainly sold in the form of drops or tablet drugs. Their action is very similar to the action of the real hormones that are released in the body of a woman with the exception of their concentration and structure.

Fitoestrogens rating for women after 50 years:

  • Klimadinon. This is a phytoestroogen drug for women after 50 years, which contains cimiticifuga extract branchy, which is natural phytoestrogens. The drug is realized in the form of tinctures and tablets. For the therapeutic effect, it is enough to take one tablet per day, preferably at the same time. Please note that the medicine has not only the effects as estrogen, but also soothes the nervous system. Therefore, it is suitable for alarming women who, by the nature of their activities, are related to nervous work. In general, the drug is quite effective, and is often prescribed for women in the period before menopause and during it.

  • Remens. This is a drug that contains an extract of not one plant, but several components. The preparation contains cimigicifuga extract branchy, as well as a snake poison, a cuttlefish extract. Thanks to all these components, it is possible to achieve a good effect in the treatment of menopause, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and hormonal disorders. The drug is prescribed not only during the period of menopause, but also for women of childbearing age. It is effective not only to eliminate symptoms during menopause, but also by the goal of reducing premenstrual syndrome, reducing pain, breast filling before menstruation. It is prescribed in drops or in tablets. Please note that this medicine, like other phytoestrogens, is not prescribed in the presence of hormone -dependent tumors.

  • Feminal. This is a drug that contains red clover extract. This is a well -known phytoestroogen, from which research began in the thirties of the last century. It was thanks to the red clover that the offspring of sheep decreased. The drug is a great option for women 45-50 years. Thanks to taking the medicine in a woman, the amount of spys decreases, sweating decreases, the structure of the mucous membranes improves. Take the drug one capsule per day, preferably at the same time.


Phytoestrogens for women after 40: Best preparations

Structure phytoestrogens for women after 40 years It really looks like true hormones, but is slightly different. When entering the body, phytoestrogens are perceived by women's cells as their own hormones.

The best phytoestrogens for women after 40 years:

  • Close - Capsules that contain soy oil. It is noted that Asian women are many times less likely to suffer from breast cancer, they have practically no manifestations of menopause. This is due to eating a large amount of soybeans. In the course of numerous studies, it was found that Soya contains phytoestrogens that reduce the manifestation of menopause. The drug is prescribed for violations of the hormonal background to eliminate the deterioration of well -being with premenstrual syndrome. It can be appointed women 40 and 50 years old.

  • Climax Stop - This is a drug that contains not only phytoestrogens, but also vitamins, trace elements. The composition contains magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin C, and soy oil. It is this phytoestroogen that eliminates all the symptoms that are associated with a change in the hormonal background. The drug helps to eliminate not only changes that are associated with hormonal background, but also in general age -related changes in the body of a woman. At the age of 50, magnesium digestibility decreases, the need for its use increases. Melissa calms the nervous system of a woman, thereby making her more balanced. The drug is prescribed not only to women during menopause, but also to the fair sex who suffer from genital and sexual disorders. What is related to a lack of phytoestrogens.

    Climax Stop
    Climax Stop
  • Qi-Climb Bio - This is a drug that contains cimigicifuga extract branchy. Thanks to this, it has a mild effect on the woman's body. Recommended by the fair sex after 40 years. Due to the presence of natural phytoestrogens, it quickly eliminates a number of unpleasant symptoms that are associated with a lack of hormones. Due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the composition, the drug reduces the production of luteinizing and follicle -stimulating hormones. The mood swings are reduced, the woman as a whole becomes calm.

    Qi-Climb Bio
    Qi-Climb Bio

Herbs of phytoestrogens for women: a list of how to use

There are also folk remedies that contain phytoestrogens. Mainly tfitoestrogens for women. Therefore, if you do not want to purchase tablets or expensive drops, you can cook infusions, decoctions yourself. Herbs are sold in any pharmacy, their price is quite low.

List of herbs of phytoestogens for women:

  1. Borovaya uterus. Often this grass is used for violations of the menstrual cycle. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to pour 20 grams of grass 220 ml of boiling water. It is best to prepare this solution in a thermos. It is necessary to leave to infuse for about 2 hours. Take such a product 20 ml 3 times a day. It is advisable to take a technique before the meal.
  2. Hop cones. This medicine is used during menopause, as it contains phytoestrogens. To prepare the healing composition, it is necessary to pour 125 g of fresh cones with vodka or alcohol. The amount of alcohol should be approximately 500 ml. All this is shaken and put in a dark place for about 7-10 days. It is necessary to shake the substance from time to time so that the cones are well given their juices, useful substances in alcohol. Next, it is necessary to strain the mixture and squeeze with gauze of hop cones. A solution of five drops is taken. It is advisable to breed it in a tablespoon of warm water. It is used twice a day, in the morning and evening, separately from food. In no case should you take this tool on an empty stomach.
  3. Red clover. In order to prepare a healing decoction, 3 tablespoons of raw materials are necessary to pour 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes. Next, it is necessary to strain the decoction and take it 120 ml three times a day. It is advisable to do this 20 minutes before eating. Many doctors recommend combining the use of phytoestrogens along with douching. This will be very useful if dry vagina is observed, as well as soreness in sexual intercourse. In this case, phytoestrogens are diluted several times, and the solution is made less concentrated.
Herbs with phytoestrogens
Herbs with phytoestrogens

Fitoestrogens tablets for women 40-50 years old

Not all women want to cook decoctions, so because it takes time. Accordingly, some representatives of the fair sex prefer pillsphytoestrogens for women 40-50 years old, because they can be drunk at any time that it is quite convenient if a woman works, and most of the free time is at her workplace.

Phytoestrogens for women in tablets:

  1. Lifeemin. This drug, which is combined, contains the root, red clover extract, and some other herbs of phytoestrogens. Using the drug is quite convenient because it is sold in capsules and helps to reduce the effect of menopause on a woman.

  2. Uristatin. This is a biologically active supplement that contains extracts of some plants, including a braid, yellow root, also echinacea. Thanks to the combination of these herbs, it is possible to achieve not only the normalization of the hormonal background, but also to calm the nervous system, as well as improve immunity. The drug is taken for 2-3 capsules three times a day. It is not a medicine, accepted as a biological supplement.

  3. Life Extension. This is a herbal preparation that contains phytoestrogens. Effective quite effective, since phytoestrogens perfectly affect the health of a woman during menopause. Take two capsules twice a day. Thanks to extracts of healing herbs, it does not have a negative effect on the female body. It helps to improve mood, remove tides, and also improve mood.

    Life Extension

Phytoestrogens for women after 40: reviews

Below are reviews of phytoestrogens for women after 40 years:

Olga, 45 years old. I did not expect that I would face the manifestations of menopause so early. I felt the disease in full with tides, sweating and constant daubs. The doctor recommended Remens. He helped me, but I will not say that he completely removed the symptoms. Dryness and unpleasant sensations during sex have not gone away.

Svetlana, 51 years old. I do not complain about my health, because I follow the weight and take vitamin complexes. But recently I felt a dryness of the mucous membranes and irregular menstruation. I understand that age, but it annoyed me very much. The gynecologist prescribed a stop climate. Delighted with the drug and its action. Everything was getting better, dryness disappeared.

Rita, 57 years old. I have a fibroid, but it is not included in my plans to operate. I accept climadinon, my health has become better. The pain in the lower abdomen is not disturbed.

Elena, 55 years old. I encountered problems in a woman after 30 years. With hormones - trouble, a lot of FSH and LH, few estrogen. I sat for a long time on synthetic hormones, then the doctor transferred me to Lifeemin. After taking hormones, the effect is weak, I prepare for the operation.

Veronica, 45 years old. At a young age, she also hurt a woman. She refused to take hormonal drugs, then the doctor persuaded. But there are many and many contraindications, and with age the number of chronic ailments is growing. Now I take the clogging, the effect is noticeable even to others. Outwardly, I even younger, and there is no breakdown with dryness during sex.

Phytoestrogens are an excellent alternative to hormonal drugs during menopause. They have a minimum of contraindications and are effective.

Video: Fitoestrogens for women 40-50 years old

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Comments K. article

  1. I accept Lignarius. My gynecologist recommended him to me. He helped me cope with tide, insomnia and dizziness. The children said that I became even calmer after I started to accept it

  2. I took Remens, I will not say that right, but it became easier.

  3. Oh, it was not possible to work, it was not possible to work .. The doctor did not begin to prescribe hormones for me, but prescribed a phytoestroogen Lignarius, he perfectly reduces the frequency of tides, I take these capsules for the second month, do not bother, I feel great.

  4. I take the lignarius capsules, since only this drug contains the maximum amount of lignan (7- hydroxymataireyzinol), which has a positive effect on the general condition of the female body in such a difficult period

  5. From everything that I tried, I liked the Evalarovs phytoestrogens most of all. They have raw materials from Germany and the quality that has already established themselves, many positive reviews. For about 4 months I drink, I have already forgotten about ebb and irritability. And I noticed the first positive effects after five days. I am very pleased with the drug.

  6. Good dietary supplement climate 911. After taking it, the effect is visible in a few weeks. The overall well -being improved and has become more strength. Now I am not bothering me. It is convenient to take only one capsule -drunk and forgot.

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