Fenistil Gel: Instructions for use

Fenistil Gel: Instructions for use

Fenistil gel: instructions, recommendations, reviews.

Allergic redness, itching and irritation is a frequent satellite of summer vacation. Fenistil gel is an indispensable assistant during tourism and rest, as well as a quick “rescuer” for any age throughout the year with allergies and skin diseases.

What is the composition of the gel phenastil?

The line of drugs against allergic reactions Fenestil has several types: tablets, drops, gel, as well as gel against herpes infections.

Fenistil gel consists of one active substance and a number of auxiliary. 100 g of gel contains:

The composition of the gel phenastil
The composition of the gel phenastil

Pharmacology Fenistil Gel

The basis of the pharmacology of the gel phenastil is the blocking of H1 receptors. Thanks to the local operation of the active substance, an anti -allergic effect is triggered, and itching and irritation are also removed. The gel also works as a local analgesic and reduces the permeability of capillaries.

Immediately after application, the gel gives a feeling of light coolness, which significantly reduces the unpleasant sensations caused by allergies. After 30 minutes, the gel, having absorbed into the skin, begins to work in full force. Acts up to 4 hours.

Fenistil gel
Fenistil gel

Fenistil gel - hormonal or not?

Many anti -allergic gels and ointments are hormonal, therefore, are not permissible without strict purpose of doctors. Fenistil gel is not hormonal, but without the appointment of doctors it cannot be used on a regular basis.

At what indications are phenastil gel prescribed?

Fenistil gel is prescribed externally with a number of indications:

  • Any allergic rash, irritation, redness;
  • Insect bites followed by an allergic reaction;
  • Eczema;
  • Itchy dermatoses;
  • Burns from the sun and household mild;
  • Hives.

How often can you use a fenistil gel?

Fenistil gel is prescribed once during insect bites or a course with a number of diseases. Gel covers the affected area, plus a small area, contacting with the place of inflammation around the perimeter, from 2 to 4 times a day with an interval of more than 4 hours. In the case of severe defeat - combine with drops or pills.

Fenistil Gel is a great way to quickly eliminate allergic reactions
Fenistil Gel is a great way to quickly eliminate allergic reactions

How to take a phoenistil gel with other drugs?

Fenistil gel interacts well with other drugs, as it is a local medicine. But with an additional technique of phenastil of drops or tablets inside - see the restrictions on the compatibility of drops and tablets with other drugs.

Are there any contraindications for taking gel phoenistil?

Gel Fenistil has a number of contraindications:

  • Children up to 1 month are categorically, up to 2 years old-under the supervision of a doctor;
  • Pregnancy 1 Trimeter and breastfeeding - under the supervision of a doctor;
  • 2 and 3 trimester of pregnancy - on small areas and not on a regular basis;
  • Closed -angled glaucoma;
  • Sensitivity to the active substance or to other components;
  • Prostate hyperplasia.

Symptoms of an overdose of phoenistil gel?

From the gel phenastil rarely, but there is an overdose. It manifests itself in this way:

  • Bright or mild depression of the central nervous system;
  • He sets a dream, both during the day, and immediately after awakening;
  • Ataxia;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Sharp excitement or mood change;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Convulsions and spasms;
  • Midriaz;
  • Frost or fever;
  • Flushed face;
  • Urine delay;
  • A sharp fall in blood pressure.
Fenistil Gel - leader in antihistamines
Fenistil Gel - leader in antihistamines

Can there be an overdose from the gel phenastil?

If an overdose of gel phenystil is detected, immediate treatment is required:

  • Doctor's observation;
  • Cessation of the use of the drug;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Salt laxative;
  • Control the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Does the gel phoenistil have side effects?

The gel phenastil has a number of side effects that occur only in 1% of cases. Continue treatment with phoenistil or stop immediately - the attending physician decides.

Side effects:

  • Dry skin in places of application;
  • Burning in places of application;
  • Allergic reactions in the form of additional redness, itching, etc.

How to store fenistil gel?

Fenistil gel must be stored in an inaccessible place for children, so that there is no use of gel inside or applying to large areas of the skin. The temperature is not more than 25 degrees or in the refrigerator on the side shelf.

The expiration date of the gel phenastil?

Fenistil gel is stored for 3 years from the date of release and 6 months after the opening.

What are the analogues of the gel phenystil?

The gel phoenistil has a little analogues and they are listed below:

  • Pimafucin 2%;
  • Dimedrol;
  • Nizoral 2%;
  • Zovirax;
  • Allomedin Gel;
  • Acyclovir 5%.
The line of phenastil
The line of phenastil

Reviews for medicine phoenistil gel

Arthur: not so long ago, huge blisters appeared after mosquito bites. It seems unrealistic to endure such discomfort. And why, if the doctor prompted Fenistil Gel. Several application and the problem is solved. Although, of course, I am not fond of and try not to appear in the places of accumulation of insects.

Tatiana: eczema seemed to be an unsolvable problem until she met Fenistil Gel. Now everything is much easier and easier. So far I have not discovered minuses, only positive moments from local treatment with pleasant coolness.

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