How to put a desktop in an apartment, a house to attract money by Feng Shui: Tips

How to put a desktop in an apartment, a house to attract money by Feng Shui: Tips

Options for the location of the desktop in the apartment on Feng Shui.

The Chinese have long been famous for their knowledge, as well as the ability to correctly arrange objects in the house. This applies not only to furniture, but also the choice of decorative materials. In this article we will tell you how to put a desk in the house to attract wealth. 

Where to put the table on Feng Shui in the apartment?

It is best if he is in the office, and differs in a brown shade. Now the gray color is very fashionable, as well as minimalism in design, including in the office. However, the Chinese believe that black is not at all color and is a void. White color is neutral, so the mixing of white and black colors do not carry any energy.

It is necessary that the room be filled with positive, contributes to working capacity. This can help as a choice of brown furniture. You can also give preference to beige, orange, as well as restrained colors, such as khaki, or a mixture of green and gray. It turns out a protective color or swamp. All these color schemes are suitable when choosing a table for writing or a computer.


Where to put the table on Feng Shui:

  • In addition to choosing a color, you need to pay attention to where it will stand. It is not allowed to put the table with your back or face to the door. However, it is necessary to adhere to the rule so that everyone who enters the office or room can see you.
  • At the same time, you must also contemplate people who visit the office. Thus, the ideal option is to put the tablediagonally rooms. It is desirable that the wall be behind you, and only open space in front. However, to save space, the table is very often located against the wall, the gaze rests against the wall.
  • In order to somehow make amends for a similar arrangement of furniture, you can hang a picture with a waterfall on the wall in front of you on the wall, or murals. An ideal option would be the choice of photo wallpaper with the nature of the forest, as well as the water element.
  • If you are at work, while all tables are equipped with partitions, you can hang a picture with a lake or waterfall in front of you. This will create the illusion of infinity and infinity, which in turn has a positive effect on the quality of work. It is necessary that a person does not see the barriers in front of him, only then his labor activity will bring success. 

How to put a table on Feng Shui for work?

A lot of attention should be paid not only to the location of the table, but also to the fact that it will be on it. It is believed that if the room is cluttered, there are many extra papers or documents on the table, this can cause a deterioration in the financial situation.

How to put a table on Feng Shui:

  • That is why it is recommended to arrange things on the table on Feng Shui strictly in a certain order. It is believed that on the right hand it is best to arrange an object reminiscent of the family and the second half.
  • If it is not, it is allowed to put a double figure where two people are hugged. It can also be the Yin symbol andYan. In the right corner, it is recommended to have a communication tool, that is, a phone or fax. If you do not have a stationary phone or fax, then it is in the right far corner that store your mobile phone.
  • In the center, it is necessary that there is some kind of object indicating global goals. It is best if it is some kind of metal object in the form of a pyramid. On the left side there is usually a folder with documents or a regiment, on which all the necessary documents with which you work at a given time are usually formed. 

How to put a desktop on Feng Shui at home, in the office?

Pay attention not only to what is on the table, but also where it is located.

How to put a desktop on Feng Shui at home:

  1. It is considered a poor sign to have a table under a beam or transfer of drywall to a stretch ceiling. It is believed that such structural elements take energy, and therefore human performance is reduced, and the likelihood of success in business is also reduced.
  2. Therefore, try to make the ceiling perfectly even and smooth, with a small amount of spotlights. It is believed that there should be good lighting on the desktop, so be sure to provide a table lamp.
  3. It is not recommended that some shelves or cabinets hang over the table. They also take to energy, so a person will be less successful than we would like.

How to put a fen-shui desktop in the office:

  • Attention should be paid to the location of the table, but it is sometimes almost impossible to do this if the room is very small or you are working in production.
  • If you still have to place the table in such a way that you are sitting with your back to the window, it is best to hang it with dense curtains, blinds, so that the light does not fall on your back. In the production conditions, or in banks, as well as in offices, very often in one office there are many tables. As practice shows, workers are most affected by the table immediately at the doorway.
  • After all, they are forced to constantly be distracted by the opening door, to see who came. People who come to the office believe that a person who sits near the door is less significant, and sometimes they neglect them.
The table in the office
The table in the office

In order to somehow increase its significance, and improve energy flows in this area, the advice of it on the table is something large, large object. It can be a big photograph of your family in a massive frame. It is also allowed to have some kind of figurine or large vase with dried flowers or fresh flowers. 

Video: Feng Shui desktop

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