Is there and is cholesterol in Pig Sale? Is it possible to eat pork salty lard with increased cholesterol in the blood?

Is there and is cholesterol in Pig Sale? Is it possible to eat pork salty lard with increased cholesterol in the blood?

Salo is a favorite product of many peoples and is part of various national dishes. But despite such preferences, there is a common opinion that fat is a harmful product, it contains a large amount of fat with high calorie content and is a source of cholesterol.

These statements have grounds. Salo really is a stock of fat, which is deposited under the skin of animals, and consists mainly of triglycerides - substances accumulating in fat cells. Salt fat has a calorie content of 816 kcal, fresh-797, fried-753 kcal, boiled-460-500 kcal per 100 g of the product, so its use in large doses will certainly not affect the figure and digestion. But with regard to the question of what quantity contains cholesterol in pork sala, then not everything is so simple.

Is there and is cholesterol in pork fat: it increases or lowers cholesterol?

Recent studies in the field of dietetics finally dispelled the myth of the dangers of fat and that cholesterol contained in the pig of the fat significantly affects blood cholesterol.

  • There is, of course, cholesterol in pork sail, but its content varies there from 70 to 100 mg per 100 g of product. And this is much less than, for example, in butter (200 mg per 100 g), in an egg (373 mg per 100 g) or in beef kidneys (1126 mg per 100 g). However, for some reason, it was fat that we always considered the most dangerous source of cholesterol.
  • In addition, other important discoveries were made. For example, the fact that the fat contains a very important substance - arachidonic acid, participating in lipid metabolism, which is part of vital vitamin F and is a component of the heart muscle enzymes.
    • But what is the most amazing - Salo is involved in cholesterol exchange! In other words, the use of fat does not lead to an increase in blood cholesterol, as previously believed, but on the contrary, due to the action of arachidonic acid contained in it, helps to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol.
    • Thanks to this substance In the liver, “good” cholesterol and the splitting of “bad” are developed. Arachidonic acid is not able to enter the body with plant foods, as it is found only in animal products. Here is such a complex relationship that reveals to us a completely different role of fat in our diet.
There are still more advantages!
There are still more advantages!
  • We cannot pass by and his dietary abilities to dispel popular myths. Despite the high calorie content of fat It cannot be eaten a lot. Besides, The melting temperature of the pork product is about the same as that of our body - 37 ° C. And this means that it will quickly digest in our stomach.
    • And one more plus - Salo promotes rapid saturation. Therefore, you will not overeat. Let's compare it with the oatmeal - it is extremely useful, but after half an hour of such breakfast, a wolf appetite gives you. We do not visit such problems with fat, even if we eat it in small quantities.
  • Also found in the fat mono -saturated Oleic acid, What forms the protection of the liver and kidneys from oxidation products and is a good prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • In addition, pork fat is source of vitamins A, B, D and E, which are very well preserved in this product. It also has a high percentage in it Selenium in easily digestible form and carotene.
  • Unlike meat, fat does not accumulate radionuclides in itself And even helps to remove toxic substances from the body.
  • Salo also helps from:
    • eczema
    • mastitis
    • foot spurs
    • joint pain
    • dental pain
    • headache
    • gout
    • interferes with alcohol intoxication and improves well -being in the morning
    • relieves intoxication
    • promotes wound healing during frostbite or burns
    • normalizes hormonal level
    • protects the heart and kidneys
  • In addition, such a miracle tool is insanely simple and in use! It is only necessary to attach a piece to the sore spot for a while or turn on a couple of thin slices in your diet.

Cholesterol in pork sala: can we use fat with high cholesterol in the blood?

As we have already come to the conclusion - cholesterol in pork fat is not so dangerous. But still, they should not abuse it!

  • In general, animal fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, they contain those substances that do not enter the body with fat fats. Based on the foregoing, we conclude that Moderate consumption of fat for food is not only not harmful to the body, but even extremely useful!
    • The only restriction is that you should still be careful for those who have diseases of baking, stomach and excess weight. It is also worthwhile to use people over 60 years old and limit this product to children under 3 years old!
  • Especially the benefits of fat belongs to those cases When the cholesterol content in the blood is excessively high. Researchers at the University of Munich proved that cholesterol enters the body with food in total 20%, and the rest of the percentage begins to be actively produced by the body itself. Therefore, a small portion of this product - up to 30 g per day - Promotes a decrease in blood cholesterol.
    • As an example, so that there is a leap of cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to eat about a half -kilogram of such a fat product at a time. And this is already dangerous for digestion, and in general, such a share is not even able to do with avid fans!

Important: pork fat also has an effect on oncological diseases, Suppressing cancer cells and acting as a prevention from their development. Therefore, this product is extremely useful to use on an ongoing basis for people living close to radioactive areas.

But it is still better not to get carried away with a skin from the fat. Especially if there is bristles in it! After all, it can lead to ailments and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Also in the skin there are a lot of product vitamins, but also chitin, which is extremely difficult to digest. And if the pig was also fed by harmful or chemical food, then all this mixture will be mainly concentrated in the skin!

We distinguish
We distinguish

Cholesterol in Pig Sal: what lard can be eaten without increasing cholesterol?

  • There is cholesterol in any pork fat! We have already come to the conclusion that it is not as dangerous as it is drawn, and not in such a large quantity. But here it is worth making some reservations. Firstly, Only fresh fat is useful.
    • In the old, yellowed salted, harmful carcinogenic substances can accumulate. In addition, it contains a jump in the level of cholesterol. The old fat is determined by yellow and unpleasant odor, we take a maximum of six months for the time segment - it is impossible to store lard, even salty! It no longer has those properties, is much worse absorbed and can even cause not only poisoning, but also neoplasms.
  • Secondly, of all types of this product Salty fat should be preferred - It is to him, first of all, that belongs to all of the above useful properties. Suppose also to eat boiled fat.
    • But there is one fear - this is salt! This is a natural preservative, which extends the shelf life of fat. But it can delay the fluid in the body and lead to edema, especially if there are metabolic disorders. As a way out - control salt consumption in other products. If you have a salty lard on your table, then you should not excessively fill it with it, for example, vegetables.
  • But The smoked should categorically refuse. The smoked product is a source of carcinogens. It is also believed that it can cause the formation of cancer cells. Although this is only in the case if the body had a considerable accumulation of harmful substances.
How to choose
How to choose?
  • When frying fat Substances such harmful to the liver are formed as triglycerides. And there is nothing good in using such fat. In addition, with prolonged heat treatment, harmful carcinogenic substances can also be released in it! A similar picture is also observed when heating vegetable oil. But this is already an extensive problem in general All fried foods - it should be consumed as little as possible.
    • Although it is still better to fry on fat from salty or fresh fat. But here we are talking about comparison with the same vegetable or butter, the melting temperature of which is much higher. And that means that the beneficial substances in it are much less.
  • Of great importance is what to eat this product with food. The accepted combination of fat with potatoes should be immediately excluded - starch slows down the digestion of fats. The combinations of fat with white bread are also contraindicated - in this case, high calorie content will provide a large load on the liver.
    • But a small piece of fat with vegetables, rye bread or bread will be a very useful addition to the diet. Ideally, give preference to products with rough fibers. They additionally reduce cholesterol.

As you can see, cholesterol in pork sala is greatly embellished. Firstly, there are not so many of it, and secondly, we have already been convinced that there is great benefit from this product with moderate and proper use! But this item applies to any product - after all, excessive consumption of everything can harm.

Video: Cholesterol in Pig Sal

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  1. For a long time, Keto-Dita adheres to and fat daily in my diet, like many other super-fat products. Cholesterol indicators are ideal because I do not eat trans fat and do not combine fat with carbohydrates. This is the main secret. And, of course, I take atheroclefit bio courses. All together and helps))

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