Elina and Evelina is the same name?

Elina and Evelina is the same name?

In this article we will consider the question: Elina and Evelyn - one name or not? If not, then what these names vary. What is the difference between their meanings and human qualities of character among the fair sex.

There are many names that are similar in sound, both female and male. Interestingly, each name has different diminutive and affectionate forms of sound. And they also sound differently. Then we learn, Elina and Evelyn is the same name or not. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Elina and Evelina names etymology

To find out, Elina and Evelina - One name or not, one should compare their etymology of origin, meaning, characterization of these names. The name is female Elina It has roots from Greece. Its meaning - greek. There is a second version of its origin. They say that Elina in Hebrew means - fate granted to the Lord. Also Elina It can take its roots from Sweden, there they often called girls with this name, it sounds beautifully, perfectly combines with various male names.

Elina's name, its meaning
Elina's name, its meaning

In popularity, this name occupies a position in the world list. Of the 1000 newborn girls, Evelina is called every fifth.

There are such synonyms of the name Elina as:

  • Lina, Linuska
  • Elin, Elena
  • Lina, Helen, Helen.

There are several options for the origin of the female name Evelyn. There is no one version of this name. That's why Evelina has several meanings namely:

  1. At first there is an English version, it is in England that the girls were often called this name. According to English traditions, the girls were called affectionately, which meant - beautiful bird. This name was quite popular in the old days, and not only in England, now it has found its popularity.
  2. Evelina also has Jewish roots, its meaning - the power of life. Although this statement is also not proven that it has its roots of Jewish origin.
  3. According to the French version, Eveline came from the name Eve that these names are identical and matter - give life. Moreover, there is also a French version where Evelina means - hazelnut.
Elina and Evelina is the same name?
Elina and Evelina is the same name?

IMPORTANT: As you can see, Elina and Evelyn’s names are completely different in meaning and origin, therefore it can be confidently said that these are different names.

Spr canaling affectionate names and synonyms for Evelina:

  • Evka, Evelina, El
  • Avelina, Evita
  • Led, Evina
  • Eva, Evelyn, Avelin.

Elina and Evelina: The same name?

The fact that Elina and Evelina is one name, there can be no speech. Although they have a slightly similar sound. Girls with such names have somewhat different from each other and character traits.

Elin is characterized by the following qualities:

  1. Elina has a solid character since childhood, loves adventure, new sensations. She is an energy in any company, always achieves her goal.
  2. At the same time, Elina can be sensitive, emotional, vulnerable, secretive.
  3. Girls - the bearers of this name, are very proud, a little selfish. They like to manipulate others, use all methods for this. They can cry with a lot, laugh, rejoice - just to achieve their own.

Elina has good acting talents, thanks to them, the girl is able to achieve a lot, to charm, fall in love and conquer the person who is carried out for manipulations.

There are a number of advantages that are inherent in the name Elina, This is optimism, a great sense of humor that it always uses, even when it is difficult. Elina never holds back emotions, does not like liars, cunning, lines, selfish and proud people. Often, Elina shows good -naturedness and generosity to her beloved people, is ready to support and help a person in a black strip.

The meaning and fate of the name Evelyn
  • Girls named Evelina Affectionate, good -natured, obedient, love their parents. They really like to draw. Eva likes her environment, she understands this already in childhood. That is why the girl is given everything easy in life. And she knows how to use it even without noticing it. Parents of the soul do not bow in their child. And not only - friends also love Evelina, for her sweet communication and for diplomacy.
  • Studying girls is not difficult, and this is not because the girl is peaceful, but because she is very inquisitive. Evelina loves to read books, a rehabid girl, neat and diligent. Science is easy for her, there are no conflicts with teachers. It can keep a lot in itself.
  • This affects the health of Evelyn. Colds often bypass the girl, because girls are rarely at the doctor’s appointment. The only thing that can bother Evelyn is pathology of the nervous system. They can not perceive all the rudeness of the outside world calmly, because of this there is an internal tension, this makes itself felt later. Vegetable disorders may appear. This is also reflected in the digestive tract and skin.

What is the difference between the meaning of the names Elina and Evelyn?

Elina and Evelina are one name or not, we have already found out that no. These are completely different names. They have different origin, different meaning. By origin, Evelyn means giving life, and Elina is a Greek woman. These names have not only different origin, but also characteristic features. Girls with these names have excellent character traits. Judge for yourself:

  1. Astrological features of the names: Elina's zodiac sign - fish and a virgin, and Evelins are Virgin.
  2. The planet-patron of Elina is Jupiter, Evelyn-the moon.
  3. Elina’s stone is an emerald and black opal, and Evelins are jasper.
  4. Elina's favorite color is purple, and Evelins are brown, blue, light green.
  5. Elina’s plant symbols are mimosa, a form of willow, and Evelyns are heather.
  6. Elina totem animal is a vulture, Evelyn is also a vulture.
  7. The most favorable day of Elina's week is Tuesday, Evelyn - Monday.
  8. Elina’s element is a fire, the element of Evelina is water.

IMPORTANT: As you can see, almost the entire astrological component of Elina and Evelyn is different. But there are general characteristics. The number of Elina and Evelyne names is seven. Some character traits of the owners of these names are the same.

The seeds are characterized by the fact that they are original and unusual, differ from other people with their great zeal to freedom, independence. Among the seeds are many innovators, brilliant minds, science fiction writers. They have wisdom for years. They never stop at their achievements, always continue to improve, greedy for everything new. Thanks to magnificent intellectual potential, scientific thinking, insightful mind, they achieve success in religious activity, philosophy. They are a single genius, they are not given to work with someone in pairs. Although they like to contribute their ingenious ideas to realize to other people. The unwillingness to work and communicate with someone makes unrecognized geniuses hermits.

In general, the seven are not simple people, they also often manifest negative emotions, thanks to which they go to all kinds of tricks. They are still attributed to mercantile, vanity, insidiousness, excessive self -criticism and self -digging. Therefore, they should travel more often, relax, communicate with people.

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Video: Value of Evelyn

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