Human respiratory system - organs, structure and functions: scheme with a description

Human respiratory system - organs, structure and functions: scheme with a description

This article describes the structure of the human respiratory system.

The respiratory system is one of the most important in the human body. This article describes the functions of gas exchange, as well as the features of the respiratory system and its organs. Read further.

The structure of the respiratory tract is light, trachea: a scheme with a description briefly, table: consists of which organs, how is breathing?

Respiratory system structure
Respiratory system structure

The structure of the human respiratory system consists of such organs:

  • Nasal cavity
  • Nasopharynx
  • Larynx
  • Trachea
  • Bronchi
  • Lungs

How is breathing? Here's the answer:

  • Air enters the nasal cavitywhere it warms up with the help of blood vessels, is moistened with a tear, cleaned of dust particles and disinfect.
  • Going through the Hoans, the air is in the nasopharynx that performs air.
  • The next organ is the larynx. It forms a voice, and regarding breathing, it provides protection for this system from the ingress of liquid and food from the mouth.
  • The continuation of the larynx is the tubeFormed by the cartilaginous half -rings, which is called the trachea. In it, air continues to moisturize and purification. Also, mucus is released in this organ, in an inflammatory process, its amount increases, and the respiratory tract is cleansed by cough.
  • Further, the trachea is branched into 2 main bronchi. In the lungs, the bronchi form a network, the thinnest branches of which are called bronchioles.
  • Bronchioles end in alveolar bagsin which gas exchange occurs.
  • The completion of the respiratory system will be easy. They exchange gas between pulmonary bubbles and blood.

The whole process can be briefly described as follows: carbon dioxide gets into pulmonary bubbles and is then excreted from them, and oxygen from pulmonary bubbles enters the bloodstream.

The structure of the respiratory tract system is very complicated. Light and trachea play an important role in the breathing process, they help to carry out gas exchange and deliver oxygen molecules to the cells of the body. Here is the structure of the structure of some respiratory organs with the description briefly:

Respiratory system structure
Respiratory system structure

Here are the tables in which the structure and functions of the main respiratory organs are described:

Respiratory system structure
Respiratory system structure
Respiratory system structure
Respiratory system structure

As you can see, each organ has its own structural features and functions, thanks to which it works harmoniously and is unique in the breathing system. Lights are the center of the respiratory system. This is a pair of spongy education, abundantly permeated with blood vessels. It is in the lungs that gas exchange occurs, which is so vital for the body.

Development of the human respiratory system: Stages

The respiratory system
The respiratory system

The development of the human respiratory system is a unique process with its special stages:

  • First, at the stage of embryogenesis, a trachea and lungs are laid. At this moment, a gill apparatus is formed, which will then become the organs of the face and neck.
  • The development of the nose outside and inside depends on the development of the bones of the skull, oral cavity and smell. At the fifth month of the development of the embryo, paranasal sinuses appear. At the same time, the bone of the growing mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is replaced.
  • Newborn children have a small maxillary sinus in the form of a small deepening. It will be completely developed by the age of 10.
  • The frontal sinus and a cellular lattice bone develops in the first year of life and will be fully developed by the age of 17-20.
  • The wedge -shaped sinus is formed in the third year of life and by the age of 12 will be fully developed.
  • At the embryo one month, a larynx-tracheal outgrowth is formed. It connects with a future sip.
  • Then appears a ring -shaped and thyroid cartilage. After the formation of cartilage, the muscles of the larynx appear.
  • At two months of age, the embryo forms cartilage and muscles of the bronchi and trachea.

The lung develops in three stages:

  • Glandular
  • Canalicular
  • Alveolar

At first, lungs are bubbles with thin walls. After that, the following happens:

  • At the glandular stage, glands and secondary bubbles with segmental bronchi develop.
  • The canalicular stage of the development of the lung continues from 2 to 6th month intrauterine life of a child. At this time, the "branches" of the bronchi and terminal bronchioles are formed.
  • At the 6-9th month Intrauterine development is laying alveolar passages and bags. This alveolar stage of lung development will continue until the baby is born. The formation of alveoli and pulmonary moves will end By the age of 15 the life of the child.

The pleura of the lung appears from the flattened. The pleural bags develop in parallel to the development of the lung, heart muscle and pericardium.

Respiratory system diseases

Respiratory system diseases
Respiratory system diseases

Diseases of the respiratory system are divided into diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Most often, the cause of malaise is viruses or microbes.

Upper respiratory tract diseases:

  • Sinusitis - the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the subordinate sinus of the nose. It is often a complication of SARS.
  • Adenoiditis - The inflammatory process develops in adenoids.
  • Pharyngitis - The inflammatory process develops in the throat.
  • Tonsillitis - The inflammatory process develops in the tonsils.
  • Laryngitis - The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Lower respiratory tract diseases:

  • Bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi. The basis for the occurrence of the disease is a virus or microbe, as well as various allergens.
  • Pneumonia - inflammation of the lung tissue.
  • Bronchial asthma - Chronic inflammatory process of non -infectious nature.
  • Tuberculosis - A disease of an infectious nature that destroys pulmonary tissue.

Important: At the first appearance of malaise or poor well -being, see a doctor urgently. Do not self -medicate!

In conclusion, we can conclude that there are many diseases of the respiratory system. All of them are dangerous to one degree or another. Therefore, it is better to prevent their appearance than to cure them.

What is the connection of the respiratory, nervous, bloody, cardiovascular and digestive system?

The connection of the respiratory and circulatory system
The connection of the respiratory and circulatory system

The connection of the respiratory and nervous system is manifested both in non -arbitrary and arbitrary regulation of the respiratory process using certain nerve centers.

  • Involuntary regulation of respiration functions It occurs using a respiratory center, which is located in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe brain. When the effect on the structure of this particular section of the brain is performed, the respiratory system is adaptable to changing environmental conditions.
  • Respiratory, blood and cardiovascular system They are interconnected, since they saturate every cell of the human body with oxygen, which is necessary for life.
  • Respiratory and digestive system - Their relationship lies in the fact that with the help of the digestive system, organic substances are absorbed. With the help of the respiratory system, oxygen is absorbed, which then enters the cell.

The respiratory and digestive system are inextricably linked, because with their help there is an oxidation of the organic matter that enters the human body. The connection between the digestive and circulatory system consists in the transport of toxins and nutrient in the body.

Breathing system 2/4 for weight loss: proper breathing with Marina Corpan

Proper breathing with Marina Corpan
Proper breathing with Marina Corpan

You can get rid of fat on the stomach not only with a diet. Marina Corpan, who recently was a fat woman, offers to lose weight everyone who wants it with the help of proper breathing. You will see the first results after 7 days. There are two types of breathing technique for weight loss:

Bodyflex: - This is a great way to lose weight quickly and simply.

  • At the same time, you do not need to waste time going to the gym and suffer in the gym with heavy rods and dumbbells.
  • You just breathe, breathing in the air, and exhales with the help of the abdominal muscles.
  • Read article on our website About how to lose weight with this technique even after 50 years.

Oxisase - An effective respiratory technique that helped many people to lose weight.

  • You perform exercises, and oxygen molecules will at this time affect metabolic processes in the body.
  • Watch a video in which only 15 minutes of proper breathing per day and after 2 weeks you will become slimmer, the body will catch up, and the stomach will begin to disappear, turning into a beautiful press.
  • Read article on our websiteHow to perform exercises correctly. Do this with the trainers on the videos.

Watch the video in which Marina Corpan tells how Bodyflex, Oxisase and 2/4 respiratory system are different for weight loss. She will tell you what it is better to choose in each case and how the exercises should be performed.

Video: What is the difference between Oxisase, bodyflex and 2/4 system. How to lose weight quickly? Breath with Marina Corpan

What is the effect of nicotine, smoking, physical exercises on the respiratory system?

The effect of nicotine, smoking on the respiratory system
The effect of nicotine, smoking on the respiratory system

The respiratory apparatus organs are subjected to serious negative consequences from the penetration of nicotine and tobacco smoke into the lungs. What is the effect of nicotine and smoking?

  • There is no doubt in the dangers of smoking, since the result of this process is manifested in the deterioration of people's life.
  • The main reason for the development of most diseases associated with respiratory organs is caused by cigarettes.
  • The effect of smoking on the human body can be considered as a poison that affects the bronchi, lungs, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and larynx.
  • During inhalation of tobacco smoke, about 3,500 different compounds enter the body.
  • The most dangerous of them are carbon monoxide, nicotine, synical acid and many others.
  • Nicotine contained in cigarettes is considered a narcotic substance that causes powerful addiction.

In addition, such carcinogen as cigarette smoke destroys the cells of the brain and spinal cord, lowers male strength and increases the risk of cancer.

It is worth knowing: Unreasonable smokers, as a rule, acquire chronic bronchitis, “attachment” of appearance and loss of physical activity.

Exercise and sport have an activating effect on breathing:

  • Increasing the quality of this physiological process and improving pulmonary ventilation maintain the performance of the respiratory system as a whole.
  • Regular physical activity strengthens the pulmonary muscles, increases the pulmonary capacity and gas exchange.

Special general toning exercises perform the therapeutic effect on a comprehensive person of human breathing. Even the usual 10-minute daily charging helps to saturate the body with oxygen and cleanse the lungs of carbon dioxide.

Respiratory gymnastics: What is the advantage of such exercises?

Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics helps to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen. Thanks to this, the organs work better, undergo chronic diseases and a surge of strength appears. The most popular breathing gymnastics is performed according to the Strelnikova method. You can find out more about her on this link on our website. This article has videos in which Strelnikova's student shows how to perform exercises correctly.

What is the advantage of such exercises? Here's the answer:

  • During the exercises, the body uses a forced breath and is involved in the breathing of the diaphragm.
  • The cerebral cortex is saturated with oxygen, the work of all systems improves and metabolic processes are self -regulating.
  • It helps to treat inflammation of the respiratory system - bronchitis, asthma, and so on.
  • Free breathing with a nose helps to cope with pathologies of the nasal sinuses.
  • The vital forces of the body are restored.

Such breathing gymnastics has no contraindications and is suitable for both adults and children. Therefore, it is very popular and helped many people to cope with different pathologies of the respiratory system.

Video: Respiratory system - structure, gas exchange, air - how does everything work? It is vital to know everyone! Healthy lifestyle

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