Oxisase: What is it? Respiratory gymnastics Oxisize for beginners, for losing weight, arms, abdomen, waist: effective exercises, contraindications, results - before and after, reviews. How many calories are burned when Oxisase?

Oxisase: What is it? Respiratory gymnastics Oxisize for beginners, for losing weight, arms, abdomen, waist: effective exercises, contraindications, results - before and after, reviews. How many calories are burned when Oxisase?

If you want to lose weight using the Oxisase technique, read the article. It describes the exercises and the correct breathing of this training complex.

Not all people know that in order to lose weight it is not always enough to adhere to proper nutrition and make physical activity on their muscles. It is also important to perform breathing exercises correctly. Indeed, the process of fat burning of our body also depends on the process of oxygen of the cells of our body. What is Oxisase? Are there any contraindications and how to perform such exercises correctly? Read about this in our article.

What is Oxisase in fitness?

What is Oxisase in fitness?
What is Oxisase in fitness?

If a woman wants to lose weight, then she is looking for different ways to achieve a result. It is important to eat properly, perform physical exercises under the supervision of a coach, as well as do breathing gymnastics. It is proper breathing that often brings the best results in comparison with other methods of weight loss. What is Oxisase in fitness?

  • Oxisase is breathing gymnastics. With the help of its exercises, oxygen molecules on the metabolic systems of the body are exposed.
  • Fat burning in this case is associated with the magical effect of oxygen on each cell in our bodyplaying a huge role in metabolism.
  • Training technique Oxisase - This is a great solution for those people who want to get rid of completeness, but at the same time do not want to work in gyms for a long time.

The result of the use of this technique is immediate - a beautiful and slender body in 15 minutes a day without training and hungry diets. You can observe the first result already 2 weeks after the start of the use of breathing training positions.

Bodyflex Oxisase: What is the difference, which is better, which is more effective?

Bodyflex - These are breathing training exercises, like Oxisase. Both of these techniques are built on the diaphragm breathing of the abdomenBut in the bodyflex, you need to exhale sharply and powerfully with your mouth, and in Oxisase an exhale is performed with force and lingering with your mouth, but your breath is not performed.

Bodyflex Oxisase: What is the difference, which is better, which is more effective?
Bodyflex Oxisase: What is the difference, which is better, which is more effective?

Body breathing on the training system consists of 5 stages:

  1. See you in a hurry with your mouth.
  2. Then you abruptly inhale your nose - noisy so that the lungs are filled with oxygen completely.
  3. Then you exhale with your mouth and say the "groin" at the same time.
  4. After exhalation, squeeze your lips and hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  5. Inhale through your nose.

Important: Such training basic breathing is strictly on an empty stomach - in the morning. After exercises, you can’t eat another half hour.

Bodyflex Oxisase: What is the difference, what is more effective?
Bodyflex Oxisase: What is the difference, what is more effective?

Oxisase technique is performed in 4 stages:

  1. Make a deep and noisy breath with your nose, inflate your stomach.
  2. Turn through your nose three times, tighten your stomach.
  3. Now exhale through your mouth with an effort, stretch your lips, your stomach as much as you can, draw into yourself.
  4. Make 3 do -it -off, stomach in the previous pressed state.

You perform these stages one after another 4 times - this will be one circle or cycle of respiratory positions according to the Oxisase system. If you want to lose weight, then every day you should do at least 30 of these breathing cycles. In Oxisase, it is recommended to first learn how to breathe correctly, and then move on to gymnastic positions.

Important: The body will be shocked from the intake of a large amount of oxygen. Therefore, it is important to bring breathing exercises to automatism, and then only proceed to physical exertion.

The difference between bodyflex and oxisase The fact that bodyflex is performed only in the morning and on an empty stomach. Oxisase can be performed at any time of the day, but after the last meal should pass 30 minutes. After gymnastics, you can also not eat half an hour.

The difference between these two breathing techniques in exercises:

  • The number of gymnastic positions. In the bodyflex - 12, Oxisase - 30. But the time to perform the full complex needs the same amount - up to 15 minutes. But this is provided that in Oxisize you have learned to breathe correctly and do each position already automatically.
  • The number of repetitions during the performance of gymnastic positions. In the bodyflex - 3, in Oxisase - 1 cycle of breathing per position.
  • Type of exercise. The bodyflex uses isometric, isotonic positions of exercises, as well as stretching. In Oxisase, active physical activity is absent, and only static positions are used. Stretching also needs to be done, but she is not given as much time as in the bodyflex.

See what is the difference between these two techniques in the video below.

Video: Bodyflex with GRIR CHELDERS for beginners

Video: Oxisase breathing technique, basic exercises

The differences are more convenient to look in the form of a table. It describes the main points of these two techniques that you should know before you make a choice.

Bodyflex Oxisase: What is the difference?
Bodyflex Oxisase: What is the difference?

Which is better, which is more effective from these two techniques? It can be said unequivocally that these both complexes are the same in effectiveness. But each person independently decides for himself which technique he likes to engage in more. One is suitable for Bodyflex technique, while others use Oxisase.

Oxisase: How many times a week to study

Oxisase: How many times a week to study
Oxisase: How many times a week to study

If you decide to lose weight with the Oxisase technique, it is important to do it systematically.

  • It is the system that is important to achieve any results - this has long been known.
  • For example, if you have been prescribed to take any medicine, then it is important to drink a specific amount of times a day for some period of time. If this is not done, then there will be no proper therapeutic effect.
  • Also with training systems, if you do not do exercises systematically, then it will be difficult to achieve the result.
  • Oxisase technique exercises can be performed every day, but it is enough to do 5-6 times a week.

You can practice, for example, from Monday to Friday, and rest on Saturday and Sunday. The body will get used to such a graphics and will already “demand” classes when necessary.

Oxisase: Contraindications

Oxisase: Contraindications
Oxisase: Contraindications

Oxisase, like any other physical activity or respiratory gymnastics, has contraindications. These include such states:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Postoperative period (up to 6 months)
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Bearing of the esophageal department
  • Some renal diseases (nephroptosis, glomerulonephritis)
  • Eye diseases

Important: Even if you do not have the above diseases or conditions, before starting classes, you still need to consult a doctor. This will help protect yourself from undesirable consequences.

Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, arms, abdomen, waist

Before moving on to Oxisase exercises, you need to master the breathing technique, as described above. When you learn to breathe correctly, it will be easy for you to perform exercises. So, Oxisase exercises for weight loss for beginners:

Foot gymnastics

Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, arms, abdomen, waist
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, arms, abdomen, waist
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, arms, abdomen
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, arms, abdomen
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, hands
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips, hands
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs, hips
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for legs

Hips and back exercises

Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for back
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for back
Oxisase for weight loss: for back
Oxisase for weight loss: for back
Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for the back
Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for the back
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for hips and backs
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for hips and backs
Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for hips and backs
Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for hips and backs

Hand exercises

Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for hands
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for hands


So you need to do 5 times in 3 respiratory cycles.

Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for hands
Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for hands

Exercises for the abdomen so that there is a thin waist

Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for waist
Oxisase for weight loss exercises for beginners: for waist
Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for the waist
Oxisase for weight loss for beginners: for the waist

Oxisase: How many times to repeat the exercises?

Oxisase: How many times to repeat the exercises?
Oxisase: How many times to repeat the exercises?

Not all exercises will be easy for you, especially at first.

Important: Pay attention to the reaction of your body. If it is difficult to make any position-do not make much effort.

  • For a week, work out without large loads, and then add the respiratory cycles and the number of repetitions.
  • How many times to repeat the exercises in the technique of Oxisase depends only on your physical preparation and on the capabilities of your body. It is optimal to do 3-5 repetitions of 3-4 respiratory cycles. You can do more or less.
  • If you have a lot of excess weight, then the first 2 weeks it will be difficult for you to do even the simplest exercises.

Important: The body will be unusual to receive a large amount of oxygen. This shock condition is considered normal for oxisase - in no case do not stop respiratory gymnastics.

Oxisase: results - before and after

When one of the acquaintances begins to lose weight, this delights. The results before and after serve as excellent motivation for actions. Look at the women who have lost weight according to the Oxisase method:

Oxisize: results - before and after
Oxisase: results - before and after
Oxisase: before and after
Oxisase: before and after
Oxisize: results - photo before and after
Oxisize: results - photo before and after

Oxisize: Is it suitable for pregnant women?

Pregnancy is a great time for every woman. It is important not to harm yourself and the child during this period, so that there are no undesirable consequences. Is Oxisase suitable for pregnant women?

  • In such an interesting situation, you need to consult your doctor, who is pregnant. After all, only he can know about the state of health.
  • It is worth noting that in the Oxisase method there are special exercises for pregnant women. But it is better to perform them under the supervision of a coach.
  • Therefore, if you have no contraindications, but you are familiar with a professional fitness trainer, then you can engage in breathing gymnastics Oxisase for pregnant women by observation.

Important: If during classes you felt discomfort or pain, then you need to immediately stop training and consult a doctor.

Is it possible to deal with Oxisase after cesarean section?

After any surgical intervention, and even more so after a cesarean section, it is not recommended for any physical activity for six months. The Oxisase training complex is also contraindicated after Cesarean section. After 6 months, you need to consult a doctor and if there are no contraindications, you can start classes.

Oxisize non-stop with Marina Corpan-a set of exercises for weight loss: description, video

Oxisize non -stop with Marina Corpan - a set of exercises for weight loss: description, video
Oxisize non-stop with Marina Corpan-a set of exercises for weight loss: description, video

Marina Corpan is a well-known Russian fitness trainer. She helped to lose weight thousands of people who have already lost all hope. As a child, Marina was a well -fed child, and in adolescence he added many kilograms. She decided to devote life to sports and got rid of extra pounds. Now the girl helps women and men to come into normal physical shape.

Oxisase non-stop with Marina Corpan - This is a set of exercises for weight loss. You will find it in the video below. The fitness trainer describes in detail how to perform each exercise and how to breathe. You can find basic breathing exercises in the video above in the text. Video description:

  • The coach clearly demonstrates the starting provisions.
  • When performing each position, possible errors will be indicated.
  • The video presents the main exercises from the Oxisase complex.

If you systematically perform a set of exercises with Marina Corpan, then you will not need additional strength training, endurance or stretching exercises.

Video: Oxisase non stop

What exercises for the face and neck are in Oxisase?

All exercises in Oxisase help not only lose weight, but also tighten the skin. It works for the muscles of the face, neck, abdomen, legs, arms and buttocks. Therefore, do the training complex, perform basic breathing exercises, and after a couple of weeks you will notice that the muscles in problem areas have pulled up, and the oval of the face has changed.

Oxisase: How much calories are burned

Oxisase burns calories in a record short time, when compared with traditional weight loss programs. For example, when the training complex is engaged in Oxisase, 140% more calories are burned than on an exercise bike. In this case, the calculation time is taken the same.

Oxisize: reviews

Oxisize: reviews
Oxisize: reviews

If you just think which methodology of losing weight to choose, then read the reviews about the Oxisase system. With the help of this technique, many women have lost weight: someone after childbirth, other girls in adolescence, and others fought with age fullness. Here are reviews:

Lyudmila, 32 years old

I scored 20 kilograms after the second birth. She began to engage in Oxisase technique after 4 months after the birth of the baby. A month later I threw off 10 kg, now for the third month and approaching the mark, which was before childbirth. I am very pleased with my result!

Irina, 22 years old

I was always full. When I turned 16, I scored 10 kilograms. Doctors said it was on a hormonal background. Now I'm tired of walking overweight, and for 2 weeks I have been studying with the coach according to the Oxisase method. Threw off 3 kg. Tuning to a good result.

Alina Ivanovna, 55 years old

I heard about the age fullness earlier, but I did not think that it would touch me. For five years I struggled with extra pounds, but everything is to no avail. Hope appeared when I began to engage in at home in Oxisase technique. First, she mastered her breath, and then began exercises. I already threw off 5 kg, but I'm not going to stop, since the vigor of the spirit appeared and the mood is always good!

Video: Oxisase with Jill Johnson

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Comments K. article

  1. I am familiar with the bodyflex, but I didn’t even know about Oxisize. Need to try)

  2. I love Oxisase, I do regularly, the weight leaves well, and quite quickly, and so that the skin did not sag and did not become flabby, the coach advised to take dietary supplements in the form of chewing lozenges of the skin lifting (diet), during active weight loss it is especially relevant!

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