The motor development of a healthy child. How to detect children's motor deviations in time?

The motor development of a healthy child. How to detect children's motor deviations in time?

The article will tell you about the main stages in the development of motor activity of the child.

Movement is an integral part of a full -fledged human life. Motor activity develops in the baby from his birth. Its main components: large and fine motor skills. A healthy child is inquisitive and active to the extent of his age, movements do not cause him discomfort and irritation.

If, for some reason, motor activity slows down, in the power of parents to develop it properly. Sometimes, slow motor development indicates serious diseases. Therefore, if there are deviations, you must consult a children's doctor.

The value of the motor development of the child

Motor activity is the basis of the full development of the baby. It is impossible to harmonious emotional and mental development, without active cognition of the world. The growing organism needs movement and for the proper development of all organs and systems of the body. As a rule, if the child has no deviations, its motor activity is fully correlated with the regime of the day.

Parents are recommended only to encourage activity, and at an older age to allow the child to play outdoor games more often. Such a part of motor activity as fine motor skills begins to develop at preschool age.

His successful schooling at school depends on how the child will own it. Therefore, parents should more often play with children in games that develop fine motor skills.

The means of developing motor activity of children

The means of development of motor activity depend, first of all, on the age of the child. The range of classes will differ in infants, preschoolers and schoolchildren.

For infants, there are such means of development of motor activity:

  • no need to swaddle a child often. This negatively affects not only its motor activity, but also on the blood circulation of the body as a whole.
  • the main means of developing activity in infants is the baby's own (congenital reflexes)

Means of motor activity for preschoolers:

  • hardening (stay in the fresh air, sunbathing and contrasting dousing with water)
  • gymnastics (morning, after lunch sleep)
  • outdoor games
  • active rest (participation in circles, in sporting events and relay races)
  • walks, hikes
  • games developing fine motor skills of hands (designers, puzzles)

Funds for the development of motor activity for schoolchildren:

  • continuing the use of preschool agents (hardening, gymnastics and outdoor games)
  • dancing
  • walking to the sports section

Diagnosis of motor development of children

It is no secret that the child’s activity depends not only on genes, but also on the regime of the day. In order to independently conduct diagnostics of motor activity, you need to compare the average indicators of the normal motor activity of this age with the activity of your baby.

Diagnosis is recommended to be carried out in a calm time for the baby when he is fed and does not want to sleep. No need to panic if the child does not perform any actions. laid down in it.

The pace of development is different for everyone, and the indicators are averaged. However, if the delay is significant, then this is an occasion to undergo diagnostics from a specialist.

Motor development indicators of the child

There are standard indicators that demonstrate the motor activity of the child.

  • The first month of the baby’s life is accompanied by his minimum movement. Activity is manifested during physiological needs. By the end of the first month, relaxation of the baby’s muscles is planned, the pose characteristic of the fetus disappears
  • In the second month, the baby begins to turn his head, randomly wave his feet and hands
  • By the end of the third month of life, movements cease to be chaotic. The child can already lie on the stomach and raise the body. At this time, the organs of vision are developing and the child with enthusiasm observes the outside world
  • At 4 - 5 months, the child’s muscles are already quite developed in the child, he bends the body, waves his hands with a toy in his hands. It can already go on its side, independently turn over from the back to the stomach. At 5 months, the child can squeeze the object with the whole palm
  • By 9 months, the baby learns to sit. At first, clutching the stick or fingers of an adult. Then, independently. Children begin to crawl on their stomach on their own. Some children can already stand at the support with an adult. Motoric of the hands develops. The child can independently take objects, transfer them from one hand to another
  • The next step is the child learns to stand and walk

After that, a new stage begins in the motor development of the baby.

Motor development of the child up to a year

The motor development of the child up to a year is the most important stage on the way to a healthy life. At this time, the baby develops muscles, bones and internal organs. It was at this time that the correct posture is laid. Parents can help the proper physical development of the baby. There are several generally accepted ways for this:

  • Massage. There are many massage techniques that allow the child to develop correctly and harmoniously. Each age has its own methodology, which is characterized by a set of movements and the degree of pressure
  • Gymnastics. There are also several types of gymnastics for infants. It must be carried out with caution
  • Games with the baby also develop activity and stimulate physical health

Development of the motor activity of a child of early and preschool age

If at infants, motor development occurs evenly in all children, then in preschool age in various children it may differ significantly. There are three types of motor activity of a preschool child:

  • High level of activity. Children with this type of activity are considered hyperactive. Mostly, they spend their time actively moving. It is difficult for them to focus and calm down
  • Average level. Such children are happy to move and play active games. However, they can be calm for some time
  • Low level. Children with a low level of activity with unwillingness play outdoor games, quickly get tired. They are characterized by passivity and shyness

Motor development of children with cerebral palsy

Children with cerebral palsy have their own specifics in the development of motor activity:

  • The rate of development of motor functions in children with cerebral palsy is impaired. In the first months of life, this is manifested in reflex actions. With age, reflexes such as grabbing and pushing should disappear. Instead, grabbing and pushing should develop as response to stimuli. In children with cerebral palsy, reflexes are delayed for a long time, which does not allow to form arbitrary response
  • Children with cerebral palsy are much later managed to hold their heads. The development period of this ability can drag out up to 5 months
  • A child with cerebral palsy is only 2-3 years old
  • Erection and walking develops only at preschool age

Features of the motor development of children with visual impairment

For children with visual impairment, some difficulties in the development of motor activity are characteristic. First of all, this is due to the inability of the child will focus on some details.

A certain delay in the ability to speak may occur. But, by 3-4 years, it is usually activated. During the conversation, the baby cannot concentrately describe one item, sharply changes the theme. Poor vision, also badly affects outdoor games with peers.

In preschool age, it is parents who should maximize the motor activity of the baby with impaired vision. Stimulate it on active leisure and outdoor games.

Causes of delay and violations of the motor development of the child

  • Muscle tone pathologies
  • Paralysis in the result of infectious diseases and heredity
  • Hereditary neuromuscular diseases
  • Miastenia (muscle weakness)
  • Cerebral palsy

The most important element in the development of the child is the participation in his life of loving parents.

Video: motor activity of children






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