Duty-Free: What is it? The history of the appearance of Duty Fri. How are the prices in Duty Fri formed? What is profitable to purchase in Duty Fri, but what-no? What are the restrictions in Duty Fri?

Duty-Free: What is it? The history of the appearance of Duty Fri. How are the prices in Duty Fri formed? What is profitable to purchase in Duty Fri, but what-no? What are the restrictions in Duty Fri?

In this article, we will talk about what Duty Fri is and why it is worth making purchases there.

Many have heard of such a concept as “Duty-Free”. Fans of traveling dreamily make up a list of purchases that I would like to make there when planning a trip. The rest shrugging their shoulders perplexedly, not really imagining what kind of place this is such a mysterious. And is it profitable? Let's try to figure it out.

What is Duty Fri: Definition

"Duty-Free" literally translates as "Duty -free", "not subject to tax from customs." This interpretation fully reflects the essence of such places. The shops that have received this name are located in the zone that is freed from duties.

Important: that is, to look for such chains of stores on the territory of international airports, railway and sea stations.

The fact is that such sales points are already located after the passport control point, but at the same time to the border. A kind of free territory that does not belong to any state.

Duty Fri stores are most often located at airports and at railway stations
Duty Fri stores are most often located at airports and at railway stations

Although it also happens that with duty -free goods travelers are offered to get hold of on board the aircraft or a sea vessel. For example, there they can offer something miniature like a bottle of spirits.

But most often, of course, we are talking about stations. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, the ability to purchase any goods have only those visitors who have already passed the registration procedure.

Important: in such places, most likely, the visitor will be asked to present a passport or a boarding card. That is, a person must prove that he is already leaving the country or only plans to enter it.

Most of the points of duty -free trade are located exclusively in the departure zone. However, sometimes you can find Duty Fri in the territories, previous points of registration. Less often, but this also happens, shops are located at all outside the territories of airports and stations. Such examples can be found, for example, in South Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, Jamaica, Bagams.

Such Duty Fri shops can be found occasionally and outside the airports, stations
Such Duty Fri shops can be found occasionally and outside the airports, stations

The history of the occurrence of Duti-Fri

Under what circumstances and who came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such stores? In order to understand the reason for the appearance of Duty Fri, you should turn to history. It should be noted that herself idea trade without paying duties in the air still approximately century in the XVII.

However, she was embodied after the Second World War. Then people enthusiastically returned to the joys of life, including travel. But planes performing transatlantic flights could not do without additional refueling.

Important: this was used at the Irish airport Shannon, the resourceful entrepreneur Brendan O’Rigan.

He drew attention to the fact that passengers have nothing to do during the aircraft refueling. And nowhere to buy the necessary goods. Then Mr. Brendan decided to make money on this, satisfying the needs of traveling.

It so coincided that irish store was abroad, as a result of which it was not subject to taxation. Therefore, buying goods there was more profitable, which delighted customers.

This idea was spy of Americans Robert Miller and Charles Finn. So they decided to turn it into a whole business. The Americans opened their first dute-free shop in 1960. It happened In Hong Kong.

Now in Duty Fri you can buy, waiting for the flight, everything that the soul wants
Now in Duty Fri you can buy, waiting for the flight, everything that the soul wants

Pricing policy in Duty Fri

At first glance, everything is simple: goods VAT and duties are not taxed, So, they can be bought at more favorable prices. The man actually left one country, but did not get into the second yet. Therefore, some points regarding taxation of taxes become irrelevant. It turns out that none of the parties has a particular interest in paying taxes.

Important: However, not everything is so simple. Prices are far from always more profitable than in duties.

What is the matter? Yes, excise taxes and VAT are almost always taken away from the future price. But you need to recall that the formation of the final value affects and other allowances. For example:

  • The cost of renting a store
  • The amount that is then distributed as salaries to store employees
  • Income tax
  • Currency exchange rate taking into account the local currency
  • Geographical position

In addition to all of the above, it is worth considering that such stores have the opportunity to enjoy their monopoly. If their owners want to take from tourists to the maximum, they will be able to do it.

For the rental of such stores, Duty Fri must also pay
You also need to pay for the rental of such Duty Fri stores

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that form the value of factors. Therefore, it happens that even within one country, the price tags of Duti-Fri may vary. What can we say about different countries!

Important: the most democratic in the cost of goods can be called Duty Fri Budapest, Berlin. But more devastating tourists unanimously call the shops of Dubai, Tel Aviv.

There is such a thing as "Tax-Free", which is a very special category of pricing. Many tourists know that only residents of the country should pay VAT, and foreigners have every right to give for goods from 3% to 33% less. But since arguing with some sellers is more expensive, it is easier to use Tax-Free, that is, To make up for the paid excess percentage of returning home.

However, at the same time it will be necessary to take into account that Not all products falls under this. Need take into account the country In which I had a chance to make purchases. So, Poland will not return the percentage for fuel, Lithuania - for tobacco and alcohol. But the Turks and the Spaniards will readily return the percentage for everything.

DUTI-Fri stores in Dubai are considered one of the most expensive
DUTI-Fri stores in Dubai are considered one of the most expensive

The main nuances of shopping in Duty Fri

Before becoming a customer of the Duti-Fri store, you need to learn a number of nuances:

  • Not allowed purchase more than 10 units of goods of one brand. Moreover, this is not about a specific brand, but about any one you like.

Important: this refers to an attempt to purchase more than 10 products at a time. It is quite possible to break such a shopping into several visits to a store.

  • Recommended open the packaging goods already after landing for transport. Check Also strongly recommended leave with you. It is possible that he will be asked to present.
  • You can pay Any currency. The main thing is that she is solid. Typically, such stores accept And monetary units, and credit maps, and road checks.
  • How to understand which of the goods is more profitable to buy in a certain place? Need study the amount of tax in advance, imposed on an interest in the product in the right country. And the more such a tax, the more profitable the purchase of goods at duti-free points.

Important: most often the most profitable acquisitions are tobacco and alcohol - sometimes it turns out to save up to 50%!

It is usually very profitable to buy alcohol in dute-free, which is what a huge number of tourists use
It is usually very profitable to buy alcohol in dute-free, which is what a huge number of tourists use
  • But, of course, if you want to save to the maximum, you should look at the goods, sold directly in transport. Their cost will definitely not include fees for renting a store, salary to the personnel of the outlet.
  • Online prediction- An extremely convenient service that can be used in the in-free stores of stores in many countries. A person can place an order online through the site, and pick it up later during the trip. It will save from the queues and sometimes even can turn out additional discount!
  • It is worth checking in advance with the staff of the duti-free store, what amount is allowed to spend at a time. The limit exists everywhere, only in every country it is its own. If the total purchase exceeds this limit, the tourist will have to pay some goods taking into account VAT.
  • Need to be studied in advance, what volume Interesting products are allowed to import into their country. Otherwise, if the norm is exceeded, you will need to fill out the customs declaration and make payment.

Important: sometimes customs officers may also require a product for inspection. It is better to consider and not pack it with thoroughness.

It is better to pack purchases from Duty Fri so that with a customs inspection, they can be easy to get
It is better to pack purchases from Duty Fri so that with a customs inspection, they can be easy to get

What should you purchase in Duty Fri, but what-no?

So, what categories of goods should you pay attention to when visiting Duty Fri, and which are better to ignore?

First of all, pay attention to alcohol. As mentioned earlier, this group of goods falls under fairly high taxation. Therefore, the duty -free zone allows Saveon it Two, or even three times. This is especially true for alcohol premium class Like "Black Velvet", "Grand Marnier", etc.

But you need to pay attention to producer country. So, on local drinks, it will be possible to save much more than on imported ones.

Tobacco products -Also, also profitable Duty Fri investment. And not only financially, but also in terms of quality. Both cigarettes and tobacco in such stores have high quality - this attracts many tourists. Cuban cigars, who deserve the delight of a huge number of people of cigarettes from Regal and Montecristo, selected tobacco is just a small list of the assortment of such outlets.

Important: it is also attracted to visitors that in the in-free stores of stores you can sometimes find brands that are difficult to get in your homeland.

Cuban cigars in Duty Fri exceptionally high quality - this can be sure of this
Cuban cigars in Duty Fri exceptionally high quality-this can be sure of this

Perfumes - most the demanded category goods. The volume of its sales, perhaps, brings the greatest income. Spirits from Estee Lauder, Christian Dior, Elizabeth Arden and others elite brands They attract many women. The choice is wide, a the price is delighted. For example, at the Charles de Gaulle airport there is a great opportunity to purchase perfume three times cheaper than in elite stores in Russia!

Cosmetics A little gives up positions in front of perfumes, but is also insanely popular. It can be purchased in Duty Fri almost half cheaper, than in the usual places. And we are talking about enough expensive brands Like “Chanel”, “Clinique”, “Guerlain”, etc. In this case, it is and about decorative cosmetics, and about the care.

Important: in such shops, by the way, there is a fairly wide selection of road sets.

Accessories You can also purchase at more favorable prices. Handbags, watches, glasses Famous brands have long attracted tourists more than the notorious magnets. They are both more practical and durable.

Glasses can also be purchased in Duty Fri, and for a fairly favorable price
Glasses can also be purchased in Duty Fri, and for a fairly favorable price

Clothing - Here you can find a variety of models famous fashion houses. Moreover, both the latest collections and past. Often carried out sales. However, it is worth considering immediately that it is unlikely that it will be possible to get hold of it as a budget clothing.

Jewelry - It is believed that a tourist on them manages to save in dute-free about 15%. Of course, this figure can only be approximate, since many factors affect the cost of jewelry. it design, country And, of course, himself manufacturer. It is recommended to purchase jewelry eastern countries - They are most profitable financially.

It is profitable to buy jewelry in Duty Fri
It is profitable to buy jewelry in Duty Fri

Food - Not the most successful investment. Tourists are very fond of buying sweets and some local delicacies. It is so nice to pamper yourself on the road or present something tasty as a gift! And you can find products here world famous brands.

However, it is better to allocate time to visit the appropriate shops in the city. As numerous observations show, the prices for delicacies there are even lower than in Duty Fri.

IMPORTANT: In DUTI-Fri for delicious purchases you will have to overpay an average of about 5%. Not so much, but turning into duty -free points for this shopping is better in the event of an extreme shortage of time.

Souvenirs - but buy this category the least profitable From the whole list. Duties, which are familiar to many, are also not subject to souvenir gizmos. But at the same time, in Duty Fri, they themselves are extremely expensive-it is cheaper to buy them in the city.

Many tourists unanimously claim that buying souvenirs in such places is the most meaningless investment that can be invented. It can only be justified forgetfulness tourists and the lack of their time For shopping in the city.

Important: buying souvenirs is, however, in a good way to say goodbye to foreign currency, which cannot be exchanged.

Souvenirs in Duty Fri are not the best investment, although you can easily fall in love with some pretty little thing
Souvenirs in Duty Fri are not the best investment, although you can easily fall in love with some pretty little thing

Duty Fri often acts as a synonym for the “horny of abundance”. But, of course, shopping there has its own nuances. We hope that we managed to answer the most common questions and arm with useful knowledge of everyone who wants to make purchases with benefit.

About the rules of purchases in Duty-Fri stores:

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  1. Cool was a store. “Duty-Free (.) Ru is sold. 242 050 rub., Trading is possible "

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