Long runny nose in children and adults: causes, treatment, reviews

Long runny nose in children and adults: causes, treatment, reviews

The reasons for the appearance and methods of treating prolonged runny nose in children and adults.

A runny nose in children is a common pathology that accompanies almost any viral disease. In this article we will talk about the causes and methods of treating a long runway. 

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child? 

A large amount of nasal mucus is released in children. This is due to weak immunity, because it is proved that immunity in children is formed up to 6-8 years. There is nothing surprising if the child in kindergarten is sick every month or even two weeks. To cure a runny nose, it is necessary to analyze its duration and nature of mucus. If the runny nose does not pass within 10 days, it is considered to be protracted or prolonged. In this case, you must contact the doctor for help. 

How to treat a long runny nose in a child: 

  • Usually, with any viral diseases, vasoconstrictors are prescribed that relieve edema and help remove mucus from the sinuses. Usually for these purposes they useRinazolinElcazolineNazivinor naphthyzin. If the drops do not help, or the runny nose does not pass within 10 days, it is necessary to cancel the medicine. 
  • They are addictive, they can harm. It is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the child. If the baby is weak, sluggish, instead of ordinary mucus from the nasal sinuses, a large amount of green, brown pus is released, the snot has an unpleasant odor, the child has a headache, a doctor’s consultation is needed.
  • Often prolonged runny nose is observed due to sinusitis. This is inflammation and accumulation of mucus in the maxillary sinuses. Often leads to a headache, pain in the ears, and unpleasant sensations in the cheeks. Treated with antibiotics, for example, Amoxiles, Sumamed. 
  • Winsing is prescribed, as improperlyproofing can provoke the congestion of the ears.

The reasons for a long runway

Mucous discharge from the nose usually pass after 7-10 days. If the runny nose lasts longer, you must carefully look at your health. 

The reasons for a long runway: 

  • Dry air in the room or indoor 
  • Allergic reaction 
  • Viral infection provoked the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora 
  • Failure in the hormonal, cardiovascular system 
  • Crowning partition due to injury 
  • Inflamed adenoids 

Children often face the disease. Adenoids are a tissue that contains lymphoid particles that allow you to fight viruses, reacting to their presence in the body. Due to frequent diseases, children have a reverse reaction, and adenoids cause frequent inflammation, nasal congestion and constant runny nose. Over time, they grow to huge sizes, they can completely block the entrance from the nose to the throat. The child can breathe exclusively with his mouth. 

Runny nose
Runny nose

How to treat a long runny nose?

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the reasons that provoked the underlying disease. It is necessary to adjust the humidity in the room. For these purposes, a humidifier is usually acquired. Nasal congestion can be observed in winter when heating radiators work. They greatly overdry the air in the room, reducing humidity. As a result, the mucous membrane dry out, so the body is forced to compensate for the lack of moisture, wetting the moves with secretions similar to a runny nose. 

Than to treat a long runny nose:

  • Several types of drugs must be used. If in the process of the virus you used vasoconstrictor drops, stop taking after 5 days. With a protracted runny nose, it is undesirable to use such drugs. They do not give results, but only relieve symptoms by narrowing of the vessels that are in the nose. Such drops cannot in any way influence bacterial pathogens. 
  • Antibacterial drugs. Their use is advisable only if a protracted runny nose is triggered by the development of conditionally pathogenic microflora, which occurred due to the weakening of the body after viral ailments. Among them it is worth highlighting Ceftriaxone, clarithromycin, erythromycin, They are taken inside. Without a doctor’s prescription, you cannot take them. Perhaps the cause of a protracted runny nose is not bacteria, but allergies.
  • However, antibiotics are the best medicine for the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis. Remember that such drugs can cause a decrease in the amount of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, and provoke the occurrence of diarrhea, constipation, discomfort and gas formation in the intestine. Lactobacteria are prescribed along with them, for example, Linex, lactovite. 
  • For the treatment of dryness, as a result of violation of the mucous membrane, drugs that improve its condition are prescribed. Among them it is worth highlighting  Pinosol, Fluimucil. It is advisable to use salt drops: Nosol, Aquamaris. 

Long -term nasal congestion without a runny nose: Causes

It is much more difficult to establish a diagnosis if the nasal congestion is not accompanied by discharge, there is no cold, but the same symptoms are observed as with the disease - this is Dry nose, unpleasant sensation in the nose, sneezing, headaches, unpleasant sensations in woven faces. 

Long -term nasal congestion without a cold, reasons:

  • The curvature of the partition 
  • Polyps in the area of \u200b\u200bnasal passages and sinuses 
  • Violation of the endocrine system and vasomotor rhinitis 

Often, nasal congestion without a runny nose occurs as a result of taking certain drugs. Some of them are distinguished by side effects, among them a large number of antibiotics, and hormonal drugs. Therefore, if at the moment it is treated with antibacterial drugs, do not rush to self -medicate, and use drops. The nasal congestion without discharge can occur as a result of an allergic reaction. 


Why does a long runny nose occur in an adult without temperature?

Seasonal allergies are caused by pollen, or flowering of some plants disappears after time. Constant allergies occur to home or book dust, synthetics from which bedding is made, and other textiles used at home. If immediately after moving there is a nasal congestion without discharge, it is necessary to pay attention to the walls in the bathroom and ceilings. Allergy is possible due to the propagation of mold mushrooms, which can be under the floor, on the walls, ceiling. Similar symptoms occur when inhaling cigarette smoke. 

Why is there a long runny nose in an adult without temperature:

  • Syndromepostnzal leakage. Pronounced symptoms can be found early in the morning, after sleep. A person does not have discharge from the nose, but when being in a horizontal position, during sleep, the mucus that forms in the Eustachian tube, or in the nose, flows into the throat. Therefore, a dry cough occurs early in the morning. The secret becomes thick enough, it is problematic to clench, a person can take a large number of antitussive drugs that do not give results. It occurs due to inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. Most often, such a pathology is found in children. There is no mucus in the nasal passages, a person does not even know that he has some discharge. Pathology appears during otitis media, mucus flows from the Eustachian tube into the throat. Headaches, fever or general weakness can also be observed.Due to the release of a large amount of mucus, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may be observed. Indeed, this mucus contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms that can affect the health of the respiratory system, internal organs. 
  • Long runny nose is usually observed after transferring acute viral disease, Among which SARS or influenza. As a result of heavy discharge from the nose, people often use vasoconstrictor drugs. However, they are allowed to use no more than 7-10 days. If a person uses funds much longer, the functioning of blood vessels is impaired. May arise allergic reaction to drugs. Often this happens after the treatment of the main ailment. 
  • It can be observed allergy to pollen, or homemade allergens. The discharge can bother for more than 2 months. 

Why, after a long runny nose, the sense of smell disappeared?

Rhinitis can be catarrhal, vasomotor, hypertrophic or atrophic. The catarrhal appears against the background of respiratory ailments. At the initial stage, when the virus penetrates the body, abundant discharge from the nose is observed. If the disease passes in a mild form, the snot disappears quickly enough. However, if the runny nose does not disappear in 1-2 weeks, this indicates a chronic pathology. It is necessary to deal with the cause, and visit the doctor. He will prescribe a number of studies, laboratory tests that will help determine the presence of pathogenic microflora in the nasal passages, which provokes a long runny nose. Sometimes a runny nose occurs as a result of improper treatment of acute respiratory ailments.

Why, after a long runny nose, the sense of smell disappeared:

  • Vasomotor rhinitis It lasts more than a month and causes loss of smell. It is unknown to the end that it becomes the cause of the occurrence, but scientists believe that the disease develops with insufficient blood flow into the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. The vessels expand, swelling occurs, snot flowing constantly. Discharges may not pass for several months. You can determine the ailment by the color of the snot. The discharge is transparent, liquid, without smell. Patients use vasoconstrictor drugs for treatment, which should not be done. Often the use of such means leads to complications, the appearance of viruses, fungi, and the scent disappears. 
  • Hypertrophic rhinitis It is observed as a result of a compaction of the mucous membrane. Normal mucous membrane, as a result of pathological processes, is replaced by dense, fibrous tissue, squeezing blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation. The reason for this runny nose is the regular use of chemicals. Pathology, common among workers who are involved in chemical production.
  • Violation is detected due to curvature of the nasal septumwhich is eliminated after surgery. 
  • Atrophic runny nose It occurs as a result of a thickening of the mucous membrane. In this case, there is constant pain, burning and itching in the nose area. Blood impurities can be observed in secretions, sometimes bleeding is possible. First of all, to determine the cause, it is necessary to contact the laboratory. Not only a general blood test, but also a detailed formula is needed. If the number of leukocytes is increased, this indicates chronic inflammation, treatment with antibacterial agents is necessary. Quite often take a smear from the area of \u200b\u200bnasal passages and nasopharynx. 
Runny nose
Runny nose

What can cause a long runny nose in children?

Typically, in children a long runny nose is provoked by two factors.

What can cause prolonged runny nose in children:

  • Allergic reaction. To detect an allergen, it is necessary to take a blood test, as well as observe the reaction of the child to various stimuli. Try to give an allergic product every three days, and then replace it with others. Thus, you can determine the presence of food allergies.   
  • Bacterial complications in The result of viral ailments. To detect a bacterial infection, it is necessary to evaluate the density, the color of the discharge from the nose. If the snot is yellowish-green or brown, with a high viscosity, this refers to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. It is bacteria that cause the secret of this color and consistency.
  • If the child has transparent snot, or there are practically no them, but the congestion does not disappear for a long time, you can suspect adenoiditis. If the child, after the next SARS, is not cured from snot for a very long time, it is necessary to hand over bucks On the flora, to detect conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, it is advisable to pass the smear with sensitivity to the antibiotic. The doctor will be able to choose the most effective medicine. It is enough to ask the child to open his mouth and look into the upper part of the larynx. With adenoids, find red or pink tonsils on both sides. Their large size speaks of adenoida, that is, tissue inflammation.  
  • In newborns, within 3 months after birth, transparent, mucous discharge may be observed. This is considered a variant of the norm, since this liquid is the protective reaction of the body For dry air. It is recommended that moisturizers install in rooms in infants.  
Runny nose
Runny nose

Long runny nose in adults: treatment with drops

In chronic rhinitis, at the initial stage, vasoconstrictor drugs are usually used. With a long course, and a runny nose for more than 3 weeks, other drugs are prescribed.

Long runny nose in an adult, treatment with drops:

  • The use of vasoconstrictors for two to three weeks leads to pathologies of the mucous membrane and a runny nose can become chronic against the background of the use of these products. Initially, the nature of the discharge is evaluated, and prescribed drugs that treat the pathology. 
  • In most cases, the cause of a chronic runny nose is an allergic reaction. For treatment, drugs with antihistamine effect are prescribed. Among them it is worth highlighting  VibrocylSanorinAnalergin andRinofluimucilThe drugs contain antihistamines, help relieve swelling of the mucosa.
  • Use drugs with antibiotics that help remove congestion, fight pathogenic microflora. Most often these are mixed drops that contain dioxidine, Decassan, and other antiseptics.
  • In the presence of bacterial flora, prescribed Bioparox, orIsofra. If chronic runny nose is triggered by allergies, prescribed drugs containingglucocorticosteroids. For example,  NazonexBaconaseHoos. 

Complex drops with prolonged runny nose: recipes

For the treatment of SARS, complex drops are not used, it is appropriate to use only in cases when there is a long runny nose for more than 10 days. Drops are prescribed otolaryngologists, as it is possible to create a drug that will satisfy several requirements at once. Very often the virus leads to a bacterial defeat, which is accompanied by severe edema and redness.

In this case, drops containing only one component will be ineffective. Sometimes you have to administer several drugs in turn. It is in this case that mixed complex drops are prescribed. By mixing several substances, it is possible to create a unique medicine that will help to cope with several problems at once. Hormones are administered to relieve heavy edema, redness, and reduce inflammation.

Antibiotics are introduced into complex drops when it is necessary to prevent the development of bacterial flora. What is important during sinusitis, when mucus from the nose is characterized by green and unpleasant odor. Antiseptics are administered to rehabilitate the cavity of nasal passages. The composition may include antihistamines that impede the development of allergies. 


FROMfalse drops with prolonged runny nose, recipes:

  1. To prepare complex drops for the treatment of prolonged runny nose, they usually use Rinazolin, dioxidine and hydrocortisone. These funds are mixed in a large 20-cow syringe C. To do this, it is necessary to select 10 ml pinazolin, 10 ml Dioxidine and 2 ml of hydrocortisone. Thus, you get a mixed agent containing an antibiotic, hormone, and a vasoconstrictor drug. Thanks to this composition, there is a comprehensive effect that will help to kill bacteria, remove swelling. There are a lot of recipes for mixed drops, but without the appointment of the doctor they should not be used, since the composition includes antibiotics and hormonal drugs, which can be harmful.
  2. Mix 10 mlSulfacila10 ml of dioxidine and 2 ml of hydrocortisone. To prepare such tools, it is necessary to purchase a large syringe in order to accurately dose each component. Hydrocortisone is a hormone that relieves edema, so it is impossible to increase its amount in the mixture. 
  3. Connect 10 mlMiramistina10 mlRinazolin and 1 ml dexamethasone. There are no antibiotic in such mixed drops, unlike the previous recipe.Miramistin - An antiseptic that sanitizes the nasal cavity. However, such a tool does not have a pronounced action against staphylococci and streptococci. It is much more effective in bacterial lesions to include antibiotics in mixed drops. 
  4. Complex drops often include antibiotics that are sold in powder. Previously, they are mixed with water for injection or saline. It is necessary to introduce 10 ml of saline in a bottle with cephasoline and stir thoroughly. It is necessary that the powder is completely dissolved. The liquid in the end can be slightly muddy. If the powder is poorly dissolved, place the bottle in a container with warm water. Heating will accelerate dissolution. After that, enter into the resulting solution 2 ml of dexamethasone and 5 ml of naphthysin. If there is a heavy edema, enter another 1 ml of dimedrola.

Treatment of prolonged runny nose: reviews

A long runny nose can lead to disturbances in the digestive system, and the occurrence of chronic ailments of the respiratory tract. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat acute respiratory diseases at once, and prevent aggravation of problems. Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of patients who are faced with a long runny nose. 

Treatment of long -term runny nose, reviews:

Alevtina. And my child is 8 years old, he goes to school for 2 years. He did not go to the garden, so the period of adaptation took place at school. I walked the first year very badly, often hurt. Adenoids became inflamed, so the only right way was their removal. The tonsils were constantly increasing, provoking the discharge and congestion of the nose. Unfortunately, even the most expensive drops did not help. After removing adenoids, the situation improved, the child began to talk normally, and breathe his nose. 

Svetlana. I was sick after the flu for another two months. Snot did not pass for a long time, it constantly flowed from the nose. I immediately used vasoconstrictor drugs, then nevertheless I decided to sign up for a consultation with a doctor. After the X -ray, it turned out that I had a sinusitis in an advanced form, as well as a cyst in a sinus sinus. The doctor prescribed complex drops that consisted of antibiotic, hormone, and vasoconstrictor drugs. AcceptedFlemoclaveSerrat, andLoratadin. The effect of drugs was aimed at reducing edema, and excretion of mucus. The runny nose passed, but the cyst did not resolve. In the near future I plan to remove through endoscopy. 

Oleg. I ran into a runny nose in the summer, 4 months ago. I was not sick before that. He turned to the doctor, sent to an allergist. It turned out that this is an allergy to the flowering of ambrosia. To get rid of a runny nose that tormented me for two months, I had to take antihistamines, and use cans with hormones. The most effective drug for me was Baconase, which is produced in the form of an inhaler. The product is expensive, but most effective. 


A lot of interesting things can be found in articles:

Complex drops cannot be prepared in reserve due to a short shelf life. This is relevant when using drugs in powder. With prolonged storage, they may precipitate, changing the structure and without having the proper effect during treatment. 

Video: How to treat a long runny nose?

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Comments K. article

  1. I help me quickly get rid of a runny nose. Puffed with medical mustard mustard always, this procedure improves blood microcirculation and helps to recover faster

  2. I was always afraid and afraid of prolonged diseases. Especially a runny nose and cough. We have a boy in the class, constantly snot, horror. It is necessary to cure such things to the end, and then strengthen the body so that the child does not get sick again. I give my children immunity vitamins plus, the natural composition, for example, vitamin E is an antioxidant, which paired with vitamin C, increases the work of immunity and allows the child to recover faster.

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