Diet for losing weight. Menu for every day, for a week. Diet mode.

Diet for losing weight. Menu for every day, for a week. Diet mode.

Excessive fat deposits not only cause women a lot of negative emotions, but also do not affect the general state of health. To understand how to deal with extra pounds, it is necessary to calculate the reasons for their appearance. Unfortunately, one of the leading reasons is laziness and its derivatives: lack of motivation, poor mood and apathy.

If there is an indomitable desire to enjoy looking at your reflection in the mirror, then it is necessary to proceed to action immediately.

The causes of an increased amount of fat deposits in the abdomen

The female body is arranged so that the stomach is the most valuable part of the body, from the point of view of biology.

Important: after all, it is the stomach that carries the main burden of reproductive functions. Therefore, this is normal if there are more fat deposits on the stomach than in the rest of the areas. But the fashion dictates that the stomach should be flat, and hanging sides should be absent.

Let's see the reasons that provoke the accumulation of excessive fat deposits:

  • Hormones. It is they who dictate to the body where to store fat. Hormonal imbalance can lead to unreasonable weight gain. Then urgently you need to consult a doctor - an endocrinologist. If everything is normal with hormones, you should pay attention to other factors.
  • Binge eating. In a world where such a variety of available food is difficult to refrain from overeating. Any 100 years ago obesity was an extremely rare disease. And people suffered, rather, from malnutrition. Now the food is not only as a source of energy. She also becomes a recipe for boredom, stress and loneliness.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking slow down the metabolism, clog the vessels and tissues of the body.
  • Lack of physical activity. Again, this is the problem of modern society. If earlier campaigns in the gym were a rarity, then modern office workers can not do without them.

Diets for losing weight: menu for every day and for a week

Where overeating, there is an abundance of all kinds of diets.

A diet for weight loss, including for weight loss, is based on a decrease in the daily dose of calories.
Any nutrition that reduces the amount of food and its energy content can be called a diet. But, psychologically, it is easier for a person to adhere to a certain plan.
All diets can be conditionally divided into two types: fast and eternal.
Fast - These are diets designed for 1 - 7 days without consequences for health status. Their mission is to help quickly lose a large weight indicator.
Eternal - This is not even a diet, but the norm of human nutrition. Sometimes it is called PP (proper nutrition). This is a system, we can even say a philosophy that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Subject to any diet, you need to understand that the process of losing weight does not occur locally. First, those areas of the body where fat is less necessary will be lost. The stomach, unfortunately, does not apply to such areas.

Fast diets for weight loss of the abdomen (monodite and diet with a sharp reduction in products)

Monodite Extremely popular in the world losing weight. But, it should be remembered that they have a negative effect on health if they adhere to them for a long time.

Important: monodite will be useful as unloading days (1 - 3 days).

The maximum, this type of diet can last 5 days. Then the body begins to feel an acute lack of useful components.

Important: products for monodieta (only one name is selected, it must be consumed throughout the entire diet):

  1. Buckwheat (without salt)
  2. Low -fat kefir
  3. Apples
  4. Watermelons

The second variety of quick diets is special menus, designed for a sharp reduction in calories.

Special menu, designed for a sharp reduction in calories for weight loss of the abdomen

  1. Diet "Lesser". The diet is designed for 7 days. On each day, only one type of food must be consumed: vegetables, cereals, fruits, low -fat meat, dairy and sour -milk products, low -fat fish.
  2. Diet "Model". Each day food menu:
    Breakfast: egg, cup of coffee without sugar
    Lunch: 250 grams of chicken or vegetable soup
    Dinner: 200 gram cottage cheese
  3. Japanese diet:
    Days 1, 3, 5, 7: there is only boiled rice without salt and vegetable salads
    Days 2, 4, 6: For dinner, instead of rice, there is a piece of boiled fish or chicken fillet.

Important: those who decided to lose weight with the help of a quick diet should remember that this is only a temporary method. Moreover, a sharp restriction in nutrition will create a state of stress for the body. And this will make him further with great zeal to accumulate fat reserves.

Proper nutrition for weight loss of the abdomen

As already noted, proper nutrition is an eternal diet. And a person must have much more significant reasons for this method of nutrition than the discharge of a couple of kilograms. Such incentives can be: good health status, an active lifestyle and pride in oneself.

Basic rules of proper nutrition (PP)

  1. Completely exclude harmful food products: fast food, mayonnaise and ketchup, chips, any carbonated drinks, sausages, semi -finished products (dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, etc.)
  2. There is often and a little bit. There should be at least 4 basic meals of food per day, as well as snacks are needed.
  3. A quarter of the diet should be fruits and vegetables.
  4. Fats that come with food should be unsaturated.
  5. The first half of the day is carbohydrates, the second is protein.
  6. Give preference to boiled, stewed and baked dishes.

Important: observing these simple rules, you can make a diverse and tasty menu for every day. After some time, such a diet will become a useful habit.

Auxiliary products and vitamins when losing weight

Auxiliary means are those that accelerate metabolism. Here are the main products that will cope with this:

  1. Water
  2. Black coffee
  3. Green tea
  4. Ginger
  5. Cinnamon
  6. Hot peppers

Water is the best remedy in the fight against excess weight. It cleanses the body, removes toxins and overcomes a feeling of hunger.

Subject to the PP, all the necessary vitamins and trace elements enter the body, because there are no sharp restrictions.

Important: subject to fast diets, especially if they are respected regularly, drink the complex vitaminsand minerals It’s just necessary.

Exercises that are recommended to combine with a diet for weight loss of the abdomen

Losing weight in the abdomen should be approached comprehensively. The muscles of the press in everyday life are rarely used, therefore, in order to maintain them in good shape, exercises are needed. They can be performed both in the hall and at home.

There are two types of exercises: static and dynamic.
Static Exercises provide for the preservation of a specific posture for a period of time from 30 seconds. up to 2 min. In this case, a certain muscle group is strained. Examples of such abdomen exercises are given in images.

Dynamic Exercises are a repetition of a combination of actions a number of times. Examples of such exercises are given below, in the video selection.

Reviews of those who were able to defeat the problem of excess weight and achieve results in losing weight of the abdomen

Nothing motivates like someone else's success. Here are examples of phrases that women who managed to overcome the problem of excess weight:

  1. "I began to live anew. I now manage to keep up much more than before. Extra pounds seemed to pull me to the bottom. »Anna, 32 years old.
  2. "We divorced my husband because I did not attract him anymore. When we got married, I weighed half as much. Together with a nutritionist and psychologist, I overcame obesity. Now I am again a confident woman and a cheerful person ”Karina, 38 years old.
  3. “I am a young girl, and I always wanted to look no worse than my peers. Therefore, I pulled myself together. With the help of diets and gym, I dropped 10 kg in 7 months. I'm proud of myself! " Vera, 22 years old.

Motivating photos “before” and “after” successful diets for weight loss of the abdomen

Video: Best exercises for losing weight

Exercise complexes have level 3. As soon as the level performed becomes easy, it is necessary to proceed to the next.

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Comments K. article

  1. I sit on a diet, so the problems begin with the stomach.

  2. What diet are you sitting on? I never had stomach problems, but constipation happened. But on a protein diet on which I always sit, this is not uncommon. Therefore, Lavakola’s packaging in the first -aid kit is available, if suddenly with a chair, I immediately accept it and they disappear.

  3. I’ve left so many diets at the very beginning, because The body, the stomach in particular, began to react badly: heartburn, belching, pain. But the last time I was lucky - my friend Antaret advised to buy. The tablet acts comprehensively, i.e. Relieves at the same time from all this. Now I’m sitting just on the next diet-this is definitely a way to the victorious)

  4. Whoever reacts like the stomach reacts, on my diet inside the hurricane begins, bloating. As I have lunch, then the jeans then can not fasten. ORLLICE, friend advised, so I healed with him))) And everything is in order with the stomach and losing weight.

  5. i sat on a diet and took Mildronate. And then, due to a lack of glucose in the body, the performance is reduced. And this is the first diet, which was good for me, I lost weight and at the same time my head thought as it should, and at work differed only in successes)))

  6. I only slowly left for proper nutrition, the weight went away, began to play sports, it moved a little, but again I would not like as quickly as I would like. In short, I learned that vitamin D is involved in the metabolic processes of the body. So I began to make up for the lack of this vitamin using ultra-D tablets and after a while I began to decline faster, which I am very glad.

  7. I have almost 10 extra kilograms, but I don't know how to throw them (((

  8. Regina, what's the matter? Sit on a diet, kilograms will begin to leave. You know, I myself sat on the diet not so long ago, though I combined it with the reception of capsules Milronate. So I can say that this is my first diet in which my performance did not fall due to the abolition of glucose.

  9. The stomach will lose weight with the body. You can just tighten the exercises. To lose weight, you need to reduce high -speed and accelerate metabolism. This is best done by fractional nutrition and sport. And the Legalon also accelerates the metabolism very well. This is a very good hepatoprotector that will clean the liver and will not give products of fat splitting to poison it. I tried personally - it works.

  10. I tried a lot of diets, I concluded that all this is not good for the body! As a result, with my nutritionist, they agreed that she added to the diet Gammigat Malabarsky and from the first week a noticeable result went

  11. I wanted to lose weight for a long time, but my mouth did not close in any way, the main thing is to correctly eat and not overeat, but I could not. Here on the forum she began to communicate in a losing weight topic and the girls wrote reviews about Reduxin Forte, he recently appeared on the market and, as I understood, not only reduces appetite, but also improves metabolism. As a result, there is clearly the result and tolerate the product perfectly.

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