Vitamins for the health and beauty of women. Instructions for use

Vitamins for the health and beauty of women. Instructions for use

Vitamins are organic compounds that take part in all physiological processes of the human body and extremely necessary for it for the normal operation of all systems.
Having its own characteristics, the female body requires its own set of vitamins and biologically active substances that are different from male. In addition, the need for one or vitamins of the female body at each age is its own, so it is necessary to choose the right vitamin preparations and adjust the diet with an eye to age.

In addition to the health of the internal organs of women, their appearance always excites - the health and youth of the skin, the beauty of hands and nails, the strength of the hair. What elements of the "ABC of Health" need women to shine with beauty and health always and at any age?

Vitamins necessary for women

Of all the vitamins known to science, folic acid is recognized as absolutely “female” - vitamin B9. The need for it increases during the gestation of the child and lactation, but in addition to these serious periods, vitamin B9 seriously affects the female body:

  • regulation of sexual development in adolescence
  • regulation of hormonal background in adulthood
  • minimization of unpleasant symptoms during menopause
  • regulation of the work of the neuropsychic sphere (recommended in the postpartum period for the prevention of postpartum depressive disorders)

Vitamins for women

In addition to this “female” vitamin, the stable work of the female body requires the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A - indispensable for visual health, skin, nails, hair, skeleton,
  • Vitamin E and FROM - strong antioxidants help the body fight negative environmental factors,
  • B vitamin B. - regulate metabolic processes, affect well -being, give energy and health to the skin; vitamin B6 - reduces the manifestations of the premenstrual syndrome,
  • Vitamins PP - protects the body from skin diseases,
  • Vitamin D - It is needed to strengthen bone tissue, healing the skin, reduces pain during menstruation.

Vitamins for women

A full complex of vitamins that are needed for health, a woman should ideally receive with a food diet.

Important: however, the reality is such that even the most rational balanced diet does not allow you to get all the necessary vitamins with food.

Synthetic products, poor ecology and, as a result, a deterioration in the quality of agricultural products are factors that force to supplement their diet with polyvitamin complexes. Choosing different drugs, it will be correct to divide them into categories, respectively, female age.

Vitamins for women

The best vitamins for women after 30

All of the above vitamins are needed by women at any age and plus microelements.

Important: the older the woman, the more vitamins her body needs.

Women who are 30 years old need more assistants to support their natural data and sexual function. At the age of thirty, aging has not yet begun, so

Important: the efforts of women are aimed at preserving their body in a healthy state, in particular at supporting the functional activity of the most important female body - ovaries producing so necessary for female beauty estrogens.

Women who have crossed the 30-year line need vitamin E, AT 6, AT 9, AT 3, AT 12, D. and FROM. Vitamin E regulates sexual functions, synthesizes elastin and collagen necessary for the good condition of the skin, AT 3 and AT 6 Regulates metabolic (metabolic) processes, supports immunity and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. This composition of vitamins is in polyvitamin preparations Duotov, Alphabet cosmetics, Vitrum, Activelife.

Vitamins for women

Vitamins for women after 40 for rejuvenation

In the body of a forty -year -old woman, perestroika processes begin, the menstrual function fades, the aging process is activated. The functions of the ovaries are weakening and already produce less hormones that regulate sexual functions and, accordingly, give youth and beauty.

You cannot turn back the wilting process, so

Important: to save their beauty, forty -year -old women have to use substances that show antioxidant activity. It is they who slow down the aging process

and during this period it is very important to use except those vitamins that 30 year old women drink, vitamins A, E, FROM, F, AT 12. Vitamin preparations for women of mature age - Fito 40, Menopis, Vitrum Beauty Elites, Alphabet.

Vitamins for women

Vitamins for women after 45 for rejuvenation

After 45 years, a woman feels a serious shortage of estrogen, as the ovaries work in a very weakened mode. At this age, female leather loses elasticity, the active formation of deep wrinkles is noted, hair begins to gray gradually and hair falls out, the nail plates become thinner and become fragile.

Problems with the cardiovascular system and bone tissue begin. Calcium is actively washed out of skeletal bones, they become fragile, there is a risk of osteoporosis. Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels begin. Due to a sharp decrease in estrogen levels, women often begin to quickly get full, fatty deposits are mainly in the abdomen.

VAZHEO: Now substances that can support the heart, blood vessels and skeleton acquire a priority

In addition to those vitamins who drink 40-year-olds add vitamins to strengthen health. it Vitamins D, F, To. Still needed antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E). In the complex, these vitamins will provide more or less normal functionality of the body and suspend aging process. The complexes are most suitable for this age: Qi-Clim Alanin, Complete 45 a plus, Centerum, Vitrum Beauty Elit, Vitrum Perfomen, Vitrum Osteomag.

Vitamins for women

Vitamins for women after 50 for rejuvenation

This age is characterized by the onset of menopause and the active wilting of the female body.

Important: overwhelming half a century, women are most necessary for women active antioxidants For the prevention of tumor diseases, to support the normal level of moisturism of the mucous membranes and skin.

During this period, the main task is to maintain the number of wrinkles at a constant level and not allow them to delve into and increase. Substances with antioxidant activity do not allow mucous membranes to dry, which is very important for the prevention of frequent respiratory infections, diseases of the genitourinary sphere and maintaining sexual activity at the proper level. In addition, the heart, vessels and bones need even more protection against the negative impact of external factors.

In addition to those vitamins that are drunk at 45 years old, you need to add Vitamin A, FROM, D., To, F, E. They contribute to the maintenance of the female body in this age period. Vitamin D Supports optimal skin moisture, contributing to the preservation of its elasticity, supports the beauty of nails and hair. In addition, this vitamin plays a leading role in the prevention of osteoporosis, regulating the absorption of calcium by the body and preventing it from leaching from bone tissue.
To strengthen your teeth is needed vitamin K., he also acts as a regulator for normal blood coagulation. Vitamin f It improves blood circulation and normalizes microcirculation in the skin, thereby relieves tissue swelling. The best vitamin preparations for ladies aged 50: Vitrum Centuri, Alphabet 50 plus, Undevit, Perfectil.

Carefully read the composition and method of application.

Vitamins for women

Vitamins for women from hair loss

After 30 years, women often face the problem of enhanced hair loss.
This trouble is due to the negative impact of environmental factors and physiological changes in the female body.

Causes of hair loss:

  • long stress,
  • long -term intake of various medicines,
  • diet for weight loss,
  • menopause,
  • endocrine diseases, especially pathologies of the thyroid gland,
  • period after childbirth,
  • fungal diseases of the skin of the head,
  • alopecia.

Important: most often, the cause of hair loss is several factors at once, it happens that in absolutely healthy women, hair falls out during the off-season, especially in the spring, when the body is weakened due to a lack of necessary substances.

Vitamins for women

Vitamins necessary for the beauty of the hair

  • Vitamin A - He plays a leading role in hair growth and their external attractiveness, makes the hair strong, shiny and thick.
  • BIOTIN (vitamin B7) - stimulates hair growth, prevents its brittleness and strengthens its texture.
  • Vitamin B12 - Helps in the absorption of Fe by the body, fights with pathological hair loss.
  • Vitamin C - The antioxidant, which prevents early graying, moisturizes the hair and enhances its growth.
  • Vitamin E - It prevents dryness, brittle hair, normalizes blood microcirculation in the scalp, a vitamin of hair of hair.

Trichologists (doctors involved in hair treatment) recommend the following treatment and vitamin complexes against hair loss:

Pantovigar - Reception: 1 capsule 3 times a day, the duration of the course - from 3 to 6 months, is contraindicated during pregnancy.
Mertz (complex vitamins BUT, FROM, E, biotin, beta-carotene, b vitamins, L-cystine, yeast extract) is prescribed 1 dragee in the morning and evening.
Revalid -1 capsule 3 times a day before meals for 2-3 months.
Perfectil (b vitamins, FROM, E, minerals, amino acids, plant extracts), take 1 capsule per day after eating, the rate of 1 month.


Vitamins for women instructions for use

Vitamins - substances for women vital and shelves of modern pharmacies are full of all kinds of drugs. What to choose from all the proposed diversity?

Duotov for women
For women under 30 years old. Contains vitamins groups AT, BUT, FROM, Eand a rich set minerals. It is indicated with increased loads on the body, stresses, with hypo- and vitamin deficiency, strict long-term diets, irrational diet. Accept Two dragees in the morning after eating - blue and red, the course of 30 days.
Contraindications: heart, renal failure, thrombophlebitis, stomach ulcers or intestines, vakesis disease.

Vitamins for women

Series alphabet Suitable for different ages. The classic alphabet is a multivitamin and polymineral complex, consists of three colors tablets, which must be taken at different times-in the morning, day and evening, take vitamins for 1 month, then follows a 2-week break and a second course. Alphabet cosmetics - a drug to maintain beauty, has all components for the health of the eyes, skin, nails, hair. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day (each color at one time of the day) 1 month.

Vitamins for women

Vitrum - A multivitamin complex supplemented by minerals (13 vitamins + 17 minerals) of each age category offers its own drug. Vitrum Beauty is suitable for women up to thirty years. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day after eating with a course of 30 days.
Vitrum Beauty Elites for women after 30 years, take 2 tablets per day for 2 months.
Vitrum Centuri for women after 50 years, drink 1 tablet after eating for 3 months.

Vitamins for women

Complivitis (12 vitamins + 8 minerals) Recommended technique for 1 tablet 1 time per day. A special drug complibes the radiance is aimed at maintaining the health and beauty of the fair sex.

Qi-clime -A tool for women over 45 years old is recommended to stop symptoms accompanying menopause. Take 1 tablet per day during eating for at least 2 months.

Revidox - A unique product from Spanish manufacturers, consisting of natural extracts of grapes and granate grape. It contains a powerful dose of antioxidants that slow down aging that improve overall well -being and external indicators. They drink revision of 1 capsule in the morning on an empty stomach for 2-3 months.

Vitamins for women

Vitamins for women: reviews and tips

According to women themselves, the best vitamin preparations are Duotov, Vitrum, Alphabet, Perfectil and Multi-Tabs.

In addition, vitamin preparations are popular for the beauty of hair: vitamin preparations:
Complivitis, Vitrum Beuti, Neuborus, Alphabet cosmetics, Vitasharm, Cycket thelel, Farmamed, Qi-clime, Gerimax.

Alexandra, 37 years old:
After she gave birth to a third child, she almost bald. I drank Perfectil, made kefir masks for the night once a week and everything went.

Maria, 29 years old:
From hair loss I am saved by Vitrum. Although the friend did not help at all. Everything is individual. For me, Vitrum is a panacea. I drank 2 months, rubbed burdock oil, it helped a lot, plus the nails stopped breaking and the skin became cleaner. The tablets are really very large and smell unappetizing, but for the sake of beauty it can be tolerated.

Irina, 36 years old:
Duvit - the best vitamins of all times! I have been drinking the fourth course, I feel great!

And bath: The doctor prescribed me an alphabet. I didn't like it. Firstly, it is inconvenient to take, three times a day, I forgot all the time, and besides, heartburn began. Threw it a week later. The husband finished the package - satisfied, he says, feels better.

Video: Vitamins of youth and beauty for women's health

Video: How to take vitamins correctly?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you.

  2. It will be necessary to try what it is written

  3. Interesting. In principle, my immunologist said about the same thing that the article says that the nutrition is not always enough, it is necessary to drink out special complexes in addition to be in perfect order. By his own advice, Vetoron with Echinacea drank, I can hardly say just excellent. My personal experience: I drank it for 2 years in a row in the beginning of autumn, so in winter no colds and other things. Now: this time I forgot to drink the course - I already feel that I’m starting to get sick ... I have to go to the pharmacy in general.

  4. I have come up the vitamins of Lavit, I take them now on a polar night. And then in the fall, fatigue began to experience and the well -being was not very good. And now everything is fine. I am cheerful and full of strength, even starting to go to fitness) In general, vitamins are very necessary, especially if you live in the north!)

  5. I have come up the vitamins of Lavit, I take them now on a polar night. And then in the fall, fatigue began to experience and the well -being was not very good. And now everything is fine. I am cheerful, full of strength and even began to go to fitness.) In general, vitamins are very necessary, especially if you live in the north.

  6. Girls, I drank Vetoron with Echinacea in the fall, I want to boast. So cheerfully in winter I have not felt myself for a long time) my skin is clean, my hair is not brittle) although it usually happens to me in the winter, the devil knows that) in the spring I will probably repeat the course just in case.

  7. I am 42 years old, and I look very good and feel great. Girls, take care of yourself and your health, this is very important, then at any age everything will be wonderful. Vetoron with Echinacea helps me a lot in this regard. Thanks to him, immunity is normal and rarely sick, respectively, I look good and the skin is good!

  8. Well, I think the first to do it at the beginning to establish your daily diet, and then in the complex completely drink some vitamins.

  9. And I stopped drinking vitamins. I try to simply diversify my diet and receive all the necessary elements from ordinary products. She left only the triple Evalarov omega 3 as a daily supplement, because I don't like fish (

  10. Thank you, useful!

  11. In fact, the very necessary information in this article, especially how to take vitamins, I did not know this. I would also like to supplement the list of vitamins with collagen in capsules and the antioxidant formula of Evalarovskaya, since they showed themselves very well on me.

  12. By the way, on this occasion I can recommend a lady formula to menopause. Good vitamins, with tide helped me cope. But this is the case, of course. It is very important to select everything individually, then the result will be. It’s good that everything is solved without hormones))

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