Children's crafts for May 9 in kindergarten. How to make crafts made of pasta, paper, cardboard, plasticine, dough, tapes, beads?

Children's crafts for May 9 in kindergarten. How to make crafts made of pasta, paper, cardboard, plasticine, dough, tapes, beads?

The article will talk about working with different materials, you will see what can be done from improvised materials - paper, ribbons and even pasta.

In addition to a pleasant pastime with a child, you will contribute to the development of his creative skills, encourage the flight of fantasies. In addition, thematic skill is an excellent occasion to tell your child about a great holiday - Victory Day.

Crafts by May 9 from napkins

Flowers from napkins

Cloves from napkins - option 1

For the manufacture of one clove, prepare 5-7 napkins, a stick from a balloon, green corrugated paper and thin wire.

In the absence of a wand, you can prepare a thick wire glued with corrugated paper, and thin wire can be replaced with threads.

  • Put the napkins in a detailed form on each other and bend in half
  • Cut the edges of the pile so that the cloves are obtained
Details of a flower of napkins
Details of a flower of napkins
  • Bend the pile with an accordion and bandage in the middle with wire. You should get a bow
  • Cut the circle of green corrugated paper, make cloves at the edges. The end of the wire from the bow drive to the center of this circle

  • Attach the flower to the stick with wire
  • Straighten the napkins one layer
Carnation by May 9 from napkins
Carnation by May 9 from napkins

You can make a craft from such a flower. Pass the end of the wire from the bow to the prepared St. George tape. You can use such a craft as part of a voluminous application or as a brooch.

Craft from napkins by May 9
Craft from napkins by May 9

Cloves of napkins - option 2

You will need 6-7 napkins, marker or paint, stapler, scissors.

  • Fold the napkins in a stack
  • Cut the circle from the stack
  • Paint the edges with paint (in this case, you will need to wait until the paint dries) or marker
  • Stick the center with a stapler
  • Make cuts about 1 cm wide around the edges
  • Straighten the flower at one layer
Flowers from napkins
Flowers from napkins


Suitable for any crafts, starting from postcards and ending with all kinds of collages.

  • Cut the napkins into small squares
  • Roll out of squares lumps
  • Glue lumps to the surface along the prepared contour
Napatnes applique by May 9
Napatnes applique by May 9
Dove of the world from napkins
Dove of the world from napkins

Dove of the world from napkins

You will need: a cardboard, a trunk template, napkins, glue, scissors.

  • Cut the cabin from cardboard a dove

  • Fold together 3 napkins and make wavy edges with scissors - this is a tailgate
  • Glue the folded tail to the body
  • Draw eyes and beaks with a felt -tip pen

Such a dove can be placed by making a base, or hanging, attaching a thread to the body.

Dove of the world from napkins
Dove of the world from napkins

Crafts for May 9 from beads

A great gift for May 9 will be a craft of beads. Beads can be used in weaving or in the design of a picture or collage.

St. George Ribbon

You will need black and orange beads, a thin wire for beadwork.

  • Bend the wire in half and string 5 beads, alternating orange and black
  • String the same row to one end of the wire and strike through it the second end of the wire, tighten
  • Level 2 are glad for them to adjust to each other
Craft from beads by May 9
Craft from beads by May 9
  • Continue weaving according to the same scheme
  • When finish weaving, pass the ends of the wire through the previous rows to fix
Georgievskaya tape from beads
Georgievskaya tape from beads

Biser rocket

For crafts, prepare blue, red and yellow beads, thin wire for weaving.

  • Bend the wire in half and string one yellow bead
  • For one end of the wire, type 2 blue beads and pass through them the second end of the wire
  • Tighten the row and trim it
  • Continue weaving according to the scheme

  • Perform the ends of the rocket at one end of the wire, then pass it through the previous row, returning to the fire of the rocket and get the product with two ends
Craft from beads
Craft from beads

You can make a wire ring. In this case, the rocket will turn into an excellent keychain.

Bead picture

Prepare the image - the basis or make a sketch by hand. You will need beads of drawing colors, a glass (long thin beads), sequins and glue.

  • Start work from the center of the drawing
  • Apply glue to small areas and lay out the beads along the contour
  • Let the work dry
Biser application by May 9
Biser application by May 9

Crafts for May 9 from dough

When working with the test, the same rules apply as when modeling plasticine. You will need dough, paints. The easiest way to make the dough is to mix flour and salt in a ratio of 2: 1 (2 cups of flour per glass of salt) and add warm water. Knead until the dough becomes soft and plastic.

Large iodized salt is better not to use, grains will interfere when working. For greater plasticity, when preparing the dough, it is recommended to add a little vegetable oil.

  • Hands during modeling should be clean and dry
  • Place the product of salt dough with paints after drying or add paint or food dye when kneading. When mixing pieces of different colors, you can get new colors
Color palette when mixing
Color palette when mixing
  • Lubricate the joints of the parts with a brush dipped in warm water
  • In order to dry the product at room temperature, it will take several days. You can speed up the process by driving a craft in the oven at low temperatures
  • If you paint the craft after the end of work, add a little PVA glue to the paint. In this case, the product will not get your hands dirty

The choice of crafts from salt dough is quite extensive. It is suitable for creating panels, postcards, figurines, compositions by May 9.

Panel from the test by 9 May
Panel from the test by 9 May
Crafts from the dough
Crafts from the dough

Crafts for May 9 from plasticine

Plasticine is a universal material for creating crafts. You can make a tank or plane from it (read more details here), applications or whole compositions.

Eternal flame

To create eternal fire, prepare dense cardboard and plasticine of red, orange and yellow.

  • Cut the obelisk billet out of cardboard
  • Skat plasticine in small balls
  • Take the ball, press to the cardboard and spread your finger up on the cardboard. Make the first row in this way
  • On top of the first row, begin to apply the second in the same way
  • Cover the cardboard with red plasticine to the widest part of the fire, then orange, leaving the flames of flame untouched. Finish the craft with yellow plasticine
Eternal fire from plasticine

Postcard by 9 May

Prepare a printed image glued to cardboard or on color cardboard draw a card. Roll the plasticine with small balls and attach the circuit contours.

Plasticine postcard by May 9
Plasticine postcard by May 9


To create a complex composition, you will need 2 disks, plasticine, knife or stacks for modeling, toothpicks.

  • Prepare the lower stand. Cover one of the disks with brown plasticine
  • The second disc will serve as a background. Apply blue plasticine on it.
  • Roll out several thin sausages from orange and black plasticine and pave them to the St. George tape
  • Make a cloud from white plasticine, rolling it with small balls
  • Blind the parts for the soldier, combine small parts, large string to a toothpick to give stability
A soldier from plasticine
A soldier from plasticine
  • Install a soldier on a stand
Plasticine composition by May 9
Plasticine composition by May 9

Paper craft templates

I suggest you make a craft in the form of a soldier. Fold the circle in half and cover with corrugated paper or paint. Make the soldier’s details in 2 copies: one of the colored paper, the second of the cardboard.

Paper crafts
Paper crafts

If you glue the soldier’s silhouette only to the waist, and instead of cardboard, take a plastic plate as a base, then the figure can stand if you slightly spread the base below.

Soldier from paper
Soldier from paper

You can find templates of a volumetric star and a dove of the world from paper in my article.

In order for the inscription on a congratulatory postcard or application to be even, use the templates:

Postcards template
Postcards template
Postcards Template 9 May
The pattern of the pigeon of the world
The pattern of the pigeon of the world
Paper Template for May 9
Paper Template for May 9

Crafts by May 9 from pasta

Print or draw an image. Cover with glue and lay out pasta of different shapes. So you will get an original postcard or application. You can decorate pasta in different colors in advance, decorate the already finished craft or use multi -colored pasta.

Postcard by May 9 from pasta
Postcard by May 9 from pasta

Interesting crafts are obtained when gluing pasta of different shapes among themselves.

The sun is from pasta
The sun is from pasta
Star by May 9 from pasta
Star by May 9 from pasta

You can use pasta as part of crafts from other materials.

Crafts from pasta
Crafts from pasta

Crafts from ribbons to May 9

Kansashi brooch

Books from the St. George tape using the Kansashi technique look very beautiful. Kansashi is jewelry of satin ribbons or silk, in our case we will make flowers and twigs.

You will need: satin ribbons of orange and black colors, St. George ribbon, scissors, glue (it is better to take hot, but ordinary super glue is also suitable), beads, rhinestones or sequins for forming the middle, a candle.

The technique is complex for young children, so make the petals yourself or let the child help you, for example, cut or measure the ribbons, and then together you combine the details in a single picture.

Kanzashi with round petals

  • Cut the orange tape into squares
  • Bend the square diagonally and bend the ends of the triangle to the top
  • Fix the result with glue or seal over the candle
  • Fold the corners back and cut them
Craft from ribbons to May 9
Craft from ribbons to May 9
  • Do the same with the rest of the squares. For one flower you will need 7 petals
  • Fix the petals with hot glue, you can sew them together or use a glue gun. Attach the jewelry to the center
  • Glue the flower to the St. George ribbon
Brooch by May 9
Brooch by May 9

If you use ribbons of 2 colors at the same time, then you will get a flower with double petals:

Kanzashi from tapes on Victory Day
Kanzashi from tapes on Victory Day

Kanzashi twig

  • Cut the tape into squares
  • Fold the square diagonal 2 times
  • Combine the corners and cut the angle in the back
  • Fix with glue or seal over the fire
Craft from tapes on Victory Day
Craft from tapes on Victory Day
  • Make the required number of petals
  • Fold them with spikelet and fix them
  • Glue the twig to the St. George tape
  • If you use tapes of different colors at the same time, you can get a lot of interesting options
Sprig in the technique of kanzashi from tapes
Sprig in the technique of kanzashi from tapes

With ribbons you can embroider a drawing by making holes in cardboard or taking a dense fabric for the base. To embroider the image, you will need tapestry needles. If you embroider on cardboard, you can seize a piece of tape and stretch it into pre -made holes.

Craft from ribbons to May 9
Craft from ribbons to May 9

Kansashi brooch by May 9, video

Cardboard crafts by May 9

It is best to make military equipment (tank, plane) from cardboard or use it as a basis for crafts and compositions. How to make crafts for Victory Day Read here.

Crafts Cards by May 9

Postcards by May 9
Postcards by May 9

The key symbol in the craft of May 9 is the St. George ribbon. You can take a white strip of paper and decorate in the corresponding colors. However, a tape made of colored paper looks much more natural. For crafts, cut a wide strip from black paper and stick thin orange strips on it.

Any materials are suitable for creating postcards. Everything is limited only by your imagination. You can use cereals, paper, threads, plasticine, buttons and even feathers. Read more about what you can make postcards and how to get them you can read in article.

Color paper postcard
Color paper postcard

Postcard by May 9, video

Children's crafts for May 9 in kindergarten with your own hands

From different elements (cloves, dove, tank, etc.), you can create a unique composition with your child. A great option for the exhibition is a collage - a picture of different materials.

Collage by May 9
Collage by May 9
Children's composition by May 9
Children's composition by May 9

Video: Crafts in kindergarten - tank for panels from matches

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