DIY crafts for May 9. How to make an eternal fire, tank, cards, a dove, a plane, a star, flowers, cloves to veterans?

DIY crafts for May 9. How to make an eternal fire, tank, cards, a dove, a plane, a star, flowers, cloves to veterans?

Almost all children love to do something with their own hands. It is important to encourage such a desire, because crafts develop imagination, during the creative process, small motor skills are trained, various skills and skills are acquired. The article will talk about crafts from various materials.

Crafts from various materials can do any child. The task of parents is to interest the baby and provide him with everything necessary for creativity.

Crafts on May 9 from paper: tank, plane, cloves, star

By May 9, a tank made of paper is perfect as a gift to grandfather or dad. Despite its fragility, in realism, such a craft is not inferior to other materials.

Moreover, paper requires attention and perseverance, so it is sometimes more difficult to make a model of paper, and not from other materials.

A tank from colored paper will not take you a lot of materials or time. You will need colored paper, ruler, pencil, scissors and PVA glue.

  • Make 2 rings from strips of colored paper (width - 3cm, length - 22cm). These will be the caterpillars of the tank
  • Cut the rectangle 8x14cm. Draw the lines by retreating from both edges of 0.5cm. From these lines, draw 2 more lines, retreating to the center of the rectangle 3cm. Bend the shape along the lines
  • Make a model similar to the previous one. Take a rectangle of 8x10cm and designate the lines, retreating 0.5cm and 2cm, bend
  • Make a triangular barrel
Paper tank
Paper tank

You can build a tank from materials that are in almost every house - from rolls from toilet paper (3 pcs.) Or from a foil tube.

  1. Cut the tube from foil into 3 equal parts or take 3 rolls from toilet paper
  2. Glue them with sides or wrap them with tape
  3. Make a billet for the tower. You can glue the suitable box in size or fold the layout of cardboard
  4. Glue the base and glue the strips of corrugated cardboard on the sides - caterpillars
  5. Combine the tower and base
  6. You can make a barrel from a pipe from juice, folded paper or even from a handle
Tank from rolls
Tank from rolls

Very little time will take a tank from corrugated cardboard. For this you will need: corrugated cardboard of different colors, scissors and glue.

  • Cut the long strips with a 1cm width
  • Twist the dark strips in a circle. Make 4 small wheels (from one strip) and 4 large (glue two strips before wrapping)
  • Glue 4 wheels to a green strip - 2 large and 2 small on the sides
  • Squeeze the strip with glue and wind it on wheels in several layers
  • Make a rectangular platform and glue the caterpillars to it
Craft - tank by May 9
Craft - tank by May 9
  • Stick dark strips with a width of 1.5 cm on the basis
  • Twist the tank of the tank from the 4-5 lanes glued together
  • Finish the details - fuel tanks and barrels
Corrugated cardboard tank
Corrugated cardboard tank

The technique of origami is much more complicated. In order to make such a tank, first understand the scheme yourself, and then explain to the child.

  • Fold the A4 sheet in half and outline the fold lines with all the corners
Paper tank
Paper tank
  • Fold on both sides along the fold lines and defeat

  • Bend from the sides in the middle
  • Next, we divide the sheets bent in the middle and bend to the outside

  • Bend the corners of one of the triangles to the top and turn the workpiece

  • Divide the workpiece into three parts and at these lines first bend the edge with bent ends, on top of the second

  • In an untouched triangle, bend the ends inward

  • Combine the corners, putting the ends into the formed pockets
How to assemble a paper tank?
  • Make the barrel and insert it into the tower
  • You can decorate the resulting tank
Paper tank for May 9
Paper tank for May 9

A plane from paper and a matchbox will be able to make even the smallest designers. In addition, such a craft will take very little time.

  • Cut 2 strips from colored paper or cardboard along the width of the matchbox
  • Cut the long thin strip and bend it in half, glue the edges to the matchbox
  • From two small strips, make the tail. Crowering one strip and insert the part glued to the box into the bend. Stick a second small strip from above, having previously folded it with a triangle
  • Crower the wide stripes and stick the box from above and below
Paper aircraft
Paper aircraft

Of course you remember the planes-planners who flew in the class when you studied at school. I offer you a few simple schemes on how to add up a plane plane.

Paper aircraft
Paper aircraft

Or try the circuit more difficult:

Paper aircraft by May 9
Paper aircraft by May 9

Crafts from dough and plasticine by May 9: tank, plane

Children love to sculpt from plasticine. So why not perpetuate some crafts, replacing plasticine with salty dough. You can decorate such crafts in the finished form or add food dyes to the dough in advance. The recipe is quite simple:

  • Mix flour and small salt in a 2: 1 proportion
  • Dilute with water and knead to the consistency of plasticine
  • You can add a little vegetable oil for plasticity

To connect parts from the dough, use a brush moistened with water.

Important: for a longer life of the product, warm it in the oven at a temperature of up to 100 °. It is important not to bake the work, namely to dry it.

So, the dough or plasticine are ready, but you still need a board (you will sculpt on it) and a knife (when working with the dough).

  • Remove the individual details of the tank: 6 wheels (make a sausage and cut it), body, tower and barrel
  • Connect the details: attach 3 wheels to the body on the sides, on top of the tower, and the barrel to it
  • Roll up a thin long sausage and wrap it around the wheels, forming caterpillars
Plasticine tank
Tank of plasticine or salty dough for babies

You can make a larger tank by preparing the necessary details. You can simplify your task. For example, to make the tower correctly rectangular shape, take a matchbox as a basis, wrapping it with plasticine. And stability to the muzzle will give a tube or rod from the handle in the middle.

Plasticine tank or salty dough

Modeling aircraft no less exciting activity:

  • Remove the details of the case, wings, cabins
  • Connect the details. For realism, you can first mix the parts of the case and wings with a sausage of yellow plasticine - this is how camouflage will turn out
  • Blind propeller and stars
Plasticine plane
Plasticine plane

Another version of the aircraft from the dough (you can use plasticine)

  • Blind the aircraft, at the base, bend the part a little upward
  • Make wheels and wings parts
  • Connect the details
  • When working with the dough, fix the parts additionally using toothpicks
  • Make a few details of the propeller, connect and attach with a toothpick
Salty dough plane
Salty dough plane

Crafts of Eternal Flame by May 9

The easiest and fastest way to make a model of eternal flame:

  • Cut the star from cardboard according to the pattern below (star by May 9)
  • Make a hole in the center
  • From corrugated paper of orange and red colors, cut off pieces of different sizes arbitrarily and collect them in a bundle
  • Pass the paper in the hole in the star so that the base of the beam is from the inside, straighten the paper. If necessary with scissors, sharpen the edges, like the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame
  • Stick the star on the base
The craft is eternal fire
The craft is eternal fire

You can make a composition from a roll from toilet paper.

  • Wrap the cardboard roll with foil
  • Cut the fire and number 9 from red corrugated paper in the size of the roll
  • Insert the fire on top, stick the figure in front
  • You can decorate the paper cut out of paper or a St. George ribbon cut off from the fabric
Craft by May 9
Craft by May 9

Blue Crafts for May 9

It is not so difficult to make the birds of the world, just stell up with patience and the main necessary materials: paper, glue, scissors.

  • In order to make a volumetric dove of paper, cut the workpiece according to the template:
Pigeon template by May 9
Pigeon template by May 9
  • Cut feathers along the lines
  • Make bends on dotted lines
  • Glue the triangle near the tail to the body, planting a bird
  • Glue your head and body
  • Make the feathers bent, carefully spare them with scissors, pulling the paper. Be careful not to break the workpiece
  • Glue the wings to the body
Dove of the world from paper
Dove of the world from paper

A roll from toilet paper can be a great stand for a dove. For this craft, in addition to the roll, you will need feathers, white paper, glue and scissors

  • Wrap the roll with paper, wrap the ends inward and glue
  • Cut the body of a bird out of dense white paper
  • Fold a sheet of paper with an accordion, make an incision in the middle and glue it to the body - tail
  • Glue feathers on the sides
  • Make 2 cuts in the roll opposite each other and insert the body
  • Draw your eyes with a marker

If you wish, you can decorate the craft by gluing the St. George ribbon, and glue the twig to the beak of a dove. Making it is very simple.

Cut a twig and leaves from colored paper. It is better to use corrugated paper, it will be denser and it will be better to keep in shape.

The dove of the world - origami, video

Crafts by May 9 flowers from paper

Making artificial flowers is easier from corrugated paper. It is convenient in work, in addition, some errors or deficiencies inherent in beginners are not so noticeable.

So, you will need: corrugated paper of red and green colors, glue, ruler, scissors, tape and wire for the stem.

  • For one clove, cut a strip of paper 45x8cm
  • Wrap the edge inward by 3 cm, stretch the paper a little - this will give the flower of wavyness
  • Wrap the resulting tape to the edge of the wire, straighten free paper, form a flower
  • Fix in the middle or at the base, bandaging with thin wire or threads
  • Cut the lower edge on both sides obliquely, forming an angle below
  • Wrap the lower edge with green paper greased with glue and continue to wrap down the wire
Carnation of paper
Carnation of paper

The cloves performed in the following way will be very beautifully:

  • Cut 2-3 strips of red paper with a width of 2.5 cm
  • Cut them into flat squares
  • Fold each square and cut the outer edges with a semicircle in a semicircle
  • Make frequent incisions on the outer semicircular side
  • Prepare the middle of the flower. To do this, wrap a little red corrugated paper on the edge of the wire and fix it green, smoothly moving to the stem
  • String the blanks of the flower, slightly squeezing each circle and straightening the edges
  • Wrap the stacel wire with green paper lubricated with glue. You can cut the leaves from it
Paper cloves by May 9
Paper cloves by May 9

I suggest you get acquainted with another way to make a clove:

  • Prepare 6 wide strips from paper and put them together
  • Bend the sheets with an accordion and tie it in the middle with a wire (it is better to take a green green color, then the usual can then be glued with green corrugated paper)
  • Scissors make papers with cloves
  • Fluff the flower, raising the edges of the paper up
Cloves on Victory Day
Cloves on Victory Day

Crafts by May 9 Star

Surprisingly, making a voluminous five -pointed paper made of paper is not so difficult.

Paper Star Template
  • Cut 2 parts according to the template
  • Make bends along the lines marked with a dotted line
  • Bother the gluing wings
  • Lubricate the wings with glue and connect the parts
How to make a paper star
How to make a paper star

What else can you make a craft - a tank, a plane?

The tank can be made from various materials, for example, from paper or plasticine. The craft of a tank from matchboxes perfectly develops figurative thinking and fine motor skills. You will need:

  • A piece of wallpaper (colored cardboard, notebook cover - any dense paper of a suitable color)
  • Matchboxes
  • A leaf from a magazine (you can use the remains of the cover)
  • Colored paper
  • Glue
  • Corrugated cardboard or corrugated paper
  • The lid from the bottle
How to make a tank from matchboxes
How to make a tank from matchboxes

We begin to make a tank with a layout:

  1. Two matchbox puff with wallpaper or green thick paper
  2. Pile one box separately - it will be the tank tower
  3. Glue two blanks together. You should get a tank layout
  4. Stick 2 strips of corrugated cardboard or paper on the sides - these will be caterpillars
  5. Cut circles of the wheel from colored paper and stick
  6. Twist the tube from the coffee sheet (or you can cut the pipe from under the juice) and attach to the tower. It will be better to hold on if you make a hole in the gearbox
  7. Attach the lid from the bottle on top
Matchbox tank
Matchbox tank

In the absence of colored paper, you wash the tank, just gluing the boxes, and then decorate it.

Craft tank
Craft tank
  • Materials for crafts do not even need to be bought. For example, you can make such a nice tank out of the lips
  • To do this, you will need 2 sponges for washing dishes, a juice tube and glue
  • Tear off a hard surface from one sponge. Cut the tank tower from the sponge and the end of the barrel, and use the hard surface for the wheels
Tank from sponges
Tank from sponges

You can please dad or grandfather, congratulating them on the Day of Victory with sweets. And you can lay them in the shape of a tank.

Flood tank
Flood tank

An equally important symbol of Victory Day is the plane, which is easy to do with the child, spending very little time and materials.

For example, for the manufacture of very small models you will need wooden clothespins for linen, ice cream sticks, glue and paint.

Aircraft from a clothespin
Aircraft from a clothespin
  • Very interesting aircraft are made on the basis of shampoo bottles, plastic lids from bottles, islands and cardboard
  • First, wrap the bottle with outlets of different colors, then glue the lids to the bottom of the bottle and cut out the missing parts (wings and tail) from cardboard
  • The details will hold well if you do not glue them, but make suitable slots in the bottle
DIY plane
DIY plane

You can build a plane from a plastic bottle. Option for kindergarten: cut wings, tail and propeller out of cardboard.

If you stick the wings, then make 2 separate details, if you make a slot in a bottle, it will be more convenient to prepare a whole model.

Aircraft by May 9
Aircraft by May 9

Then you can do in different ways. For example, having designated the cabin with electrical tape of different colors, cut a hole and put a pilot there.

Or glue the resulting model in the technique of papier-mash and, after drying out, decorate it.

This option will take more time, but you will also get an airplane, very realistic in appearance.

DIY plane
DIY plane

Video: Craft by May 9

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