DIY, Turkish putty and gypsum decor, Turkish putty and gypsum: loft in the interior, landscape design

DIY, Turkish putty and gypsum decor, Turkish putty and gypsum: loft in the interior, landscape design

In this article you will find several ideas for creating an original concrete decor for the interior, landscape, summer cottage.

Are you tired of the interior in the house? Update it and make a supermined design in the Scandinavian style. Ordinary concrete will help. All you need is a cement mixture and a little imagination. Using such a concrete decor, you can decorate a summer cottage and territory near a private house. Read further.

DIY concrete decor: materials, shapes, how to prepare a mixture?

Most importantly, you should remember is that you need to work quickly. The solution freezes for several minutes. If you made a mixture of Turkish putty, then it can harden for several seconds, that is, instantly. Therefore, prepare all the necessary forms and materials in advance, and only then start work. Making a mixture for concrete decor with your own hands is simple:

  • Dilute the dry matter with water to make a “gruel”, or to a state of thick sour cream. All is ready.

It remains to pour in the shape and wait until it dries well. So, we are starting.

DIY Garden Decor: Instructions, photo

DIY concrete decor
DIY concrete decor

Here is such a pretty one pumpkin - Garden decor made of concrete, you can make it yourself from a concrete mixture and an old stocking. The materials you need:

  • Concrete mixture
  • Old stocking
  • Plastic plate
  • Gum to give shape

We get to work - instructions with a photo:

  • Cut the top of the old stocking and fill it with solution.
Cut the stocking
Cut the stocking
  • Tie a stocking on the knot so that the solution does not spill.
Tie a knot
Tie a knot
  • Fasten the elastic bands so that it looks like a pumpkin, as shown in the photo below.
Attach elastic bands
Attach elastic bands
  • Give the "pumpkin" to dry. Then cut the elastic bands with scissors.
Cut the elastic bands
Cut the elastic bands
  • Concrete pumpkin turned out like a real one. This is a great decor for landscape design, as well as for the interior of a country house.
Concrete decor is ready
Concrete decor is ready

Beautiful concrete products - decor for the kitchen: a hot stand, photo

Beautiful concrete products
Beautiful concrete products

You will need a shape for a confectioner, a cocktail tube, which must be cut into parts of the length of the cell and the mixture. You will get a beautiful product made of concrete, albeit very simple. This is an original decor for the kitchen - a hot stand. Here is the instruction with the photo:

  • Cut the cocktail tube and insert the resulting parts into the molds.
Cut the cocktail tube and insert into the shape
Cut the cocktail tube and insert into the shape
  • It will turn out as shown in the photo below.
It will turn out like this
It will turn out like this
  • Now pour a concrete mixture into the form.
Pour the mixture into the form
Pour the mixture into the form
  • When the solution dries, take out products from the mold.
  • Insert the laces into the holes on both sides.
Insert the laces into the holes
Insert the laces into the holes
  • Pull the laces so that the products are close to each other.
Pull the laces
Pull the laces
  • It turned out such a stylish stand for hot.
Stylish stand for hot
Stylish stand for hot

Concrete decor in the interior in the loft style: Cashpo for candles

Concrete decor in an interior in the style of loft
Concrete decor in an interior in the style of loft

Surely you have an old napkin associated with crochet at home. Does she lie somewhere in the closet and are you going to throw it out? Take your time - make a cashpo for candles. Such a concrete in the loft -style concrete will be interesting to complement any interior. Only a solution and a napkin will need. Also prepare a bowl on which the future Kashpo will dry. We proceed:

  • Wet the napkin in the solution.
Wet the napkin
Wet the napkin
  • Lay it out on an inverted bowl and leave it like that for drying.
Lay out on an inverted bowl
Lay out on an inverted bowl
  • After a couple of days, you can remove the bowl - the pot is ready.
  • Create a composition and light candles.
  • Look how beautiful it is.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor

Loft -style interior decor made of concrete: fasteners in the form of bulbs instead of hooks

Loft style interior decor made of concrete
Loft style interior decor made of concrete

Such fasteners in the form of light bulbs look stylish. If you have a loft style in the interior, then they will fit perfectly into it, complementing their originality. Such a decor, made of concrete in the form of bulbs, delights everyone who sees it. Surprise your friends and relatives - make these hooks. You will need:

  • Concrete mixture
  • Old light bulb
  • Long screw
  • Hammer to break the glass

We start work:

  • Free the usual light bulb from the internal elements.
Free the usual light bulb from internal elements
Free the usual light bulb from internal elements
  • Prepare the concrete mixture and pour into the light bulb from above.
  • Insert the screw.
Pour concrete into the light bulb
Pour concrete into the light bulb
  • Let the solution dry.
  • Then break the glass with a hammer and remove all the fragments from the “light bulb”.
Break the glass with a hammer
Break the glass with a hammer
  • Screw the hook to the surface. Ready, you can use.
Concrete decor is ready
Concrete decor is ready

DIY gypsum decor for the site: cute gnomes for decorating the landscape

BEOTON DIY decor, gypsum with your own hands for the site
BEOTON DIY decor, gypsum with your own hands for the site

To perform such a decor made of concrete or gypsum with your own hands, for the site you will need old stockings, elastic bands and colored acrylic or oil paints. Prepare another plastic plate. You can use a solution from Turkish putty, especially if you do not want to paint the "gnomes".

These cute figures will perfectly decorate the landscape in the country or near a private house. For their manufacture, follow the following instructions:

  • Pour the mixture into the old stocking. Substitute the plate so as not to pour concrete to the surface of the furniture.
Pour the mixture into the stocking
Pour the mixture into the stocking
  • Form with your hands and fix it with an elastic band.
  • From the top of the stocking, make a peak of the hat.
Form a nose with your hands
Form a nose with your hands
  • Leave to dry.
  • Then remove the stocking. You can paint the muzzles of the gnomes, or you can leave it as it is.
  • In another stocking, pour the mixture in parallel and hang it to make a cap, as in the photo below.
  • Then remove the stocking and paint the cap in red.
  • Put it over white dwarves. The original landscape decor is ready.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor

DIY concrete decor in the interior: Candle stands

DIY concrete decor in the interior
DIY concrete decor in the interior

Such stands for candles can decorate the interior for the New Year or another holiday. This decor in the interior of concrete with your own hands will perfectly complement the atmosphere for a romantic dinner - beautiful and interesting. Materials that will be needed for work:

  • Box from under the chips
  • A mixture of Turkish putty or concrete
  • Glass or plastic disposable glass

We start work:

  • Cut the top from the boxes from under the chips 5-6 cm.
Cut the top from the boxes from under the chips
Cut the top from the boxes from under the chips
  • Pour the prepared mixture almost to the top.
Pour the prepared mixture
Pour the prepared mixture
  • Insert a glass on top and press a little so that the recess for the candle is obtained.
Insert a glass on top
Insert a glass on top
  • When the mixture dries, remove the glass and box.
Remove the glass and box
Remove the glass and box
  • You can color the candlestick, but you can not do this. Concrete itself looks very interesting.
  • Insert the candle into the candlestick and light it. Ready.
Concrete decor is ready
Concrete decor is ready

Decorative concrete in the interior: original decor stand for a floor floor lamp

Decorative concrete in the interior
Decorative concrete in the interior

If you make such an original stand for a floor lamp, you can definitely surprise everyone who comes to visit you. It looks very stylish and original. For the manufacture of such decorative concrete for the interior, only a mixture and old books will be needed. Here's the instruction:

  • Prepare a mixture of ordinary or decorative concrete.
  • Soak the old unnecessary books in this concrete mixture. Get out.
Soak the old books in a concrete mixture
Soak the old books in a concrete mixture
  • Let it dry. Fold them on each other in a chaotic order. Ready.
Let it dry
Let it dry

You can make a whole stand, folding wet books, or you can let them dry and then collect a decorative element.

Holder for photos with fastening: Material - Concrete

Holder for photos with fastening: Material - Concrete
Holder for photos with fastening: Material - Concrete

The holder for a photo with the mount is very simple. Thanks to such stands, you can perfectly decorate the interior, complementing it with such unusual gizmos. Of the materials, only concrete mixture and multi -colored paper clips will be needed, which can be bought in any stationery store. Also prepare the usual ice form and a confectionery bag. We start work:

  • If there is no confectionery bag, you can use a regular plastic bag.
  • Make a concrete mixture in it.
Make a concrete mixture in the package
Make a concrete mixture in the package
  • In the bag with the mixture, cut the corner and pour the mixture into ice molds.
Lay the mixture in ice molds
Lay the mixture in ice molds
  • Insert a clip into each cell. Let it dry.
Insert each cell with a clip into each cell
Insert each cell with a clip into each cell
  • Now you can get ready -made holders and use them by installing a photo.
Get ready -made holders
Get ready -made holders
  • It turned out very beautifully. You can use such holders not only for photos, but also for different notes and so on.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor

DIY, gypsum or Turkish putty decor: photo

See how many more interesting “chips” can be done in this way. Here are a photo of concrete, gypsum or Turkish putty with your own hands:

  • Lamps.
  • First, make square forms of concrete, and then insert into the garland in empty bulbs and install them in concrete boxes.
Gypsum decor
Gypsum decor
  • Stylish stand for various objects.
  • You can make plastic glasses, shapes for baking cakes and a mixture of gypsum.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
  • Cones for storing jewelry.
  • Concrete is poured into a waffle horn for ice cream.
  • Wait until it dries, free from Waffles - a stand for jewelry is ready.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
  • Steak for dishes.
  • The "leg" from the old Fierra and the form for baking cakes for the cake.
  • Pour the mixture, insert the leg, wait until it dries is ready.
Turkish putty decor
Turkish putty decor
  • Picture in the bathroom.
  • Pour a mixture of Turkish putty into the box.
  • Lay out on top until it froze, multi -colored glass stones.
  • Wipe the picture with a damp cloth.
Turkish putty decor
Turkish putty decor
  • Decorative mini -amin.
  • First make a concrete bowl.
  • Then, when it is ready, put dry fuel on the bottom.
  • Put a metal mesh on top and put stones from refractory glass for beauty.
  • Light the torch and enjoy the energy of fire.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
  • Landscape design in the form of boots.
  • Pour the mixture into old rubber boots, insert a glass on top.
  • When it dries, free from shoes.
  • Pour the earth and plant flowers.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
  • Kashpo for indoor flowers.
  • Put in the old bowl first a fluffy film, pour concrete on top.
  • When it dries, free from the film - the pot is ready.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
  • "Golden" roses from socks.
  • Dip the old socks in the concrete mixture and turn the “roll” - you will get a rose. Let it dry.
  • At the same time, make a flower pot, completely filling the old container.
  • Then lay the “roses” on top and paint the entire still life of a golden spray can.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor

“Yak Garno ros mines -to -concrete Pournice for the landscape decor”: Ideas

"Yak garnish ros mines to concrete for a landscape decor?" - Such a request can be found on the Internet today. It is written in Ukrainian. Residents of Ukraine are increasingly decorating their personal plots of concrete figures. If in Russia it is a loft style, then in Ukraine it is a simple village style that is popular. The figurines and images of birds on the facades of houses or in gardens are purely Ukrainian folklore. Here are a few ideas of such a decor:

  • The photo below shows how to just make a swan made of concrete.
  • From above it is painted with ordinary lime or white paint, and a flower is planted inside.
  • The beak, eyes - everything is like a real bird.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
  • But on a flowerbed with flowers, a sparrow figurine, painted white, was located.
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor
Concrete decor

Did these ideas inspire you to create something interesting and original? Do not be afraid to fantasize, create and create a beautiful decor with your own hands. You will find even more ideas in the video below. Good luck!

Video: What else can be done with cement? 28 beautiful self -collaborations from cement

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