Better wallpaper or plaster: is it worth buying a decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper, for painting? Wallpaper or decorative plaster - what to choose: tips and reviews

Better wallpaper or plaster: is it worth buying a decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper, for painting? Wallpaper or decorative plaster - what to choose: tips and reviews

In this article, we will clearly and clearly talk about what is better to choose for decoration of the room - liquid wallpaper or decorative plaster.

"Wallpaper or plaster - what to choose?" - This question torments many people who want to ennoble their home. Ordinary wallpaper has long been losing ground, as they quickly fail. The minds captured liquid options, plaster. What to prefer from this - we will talk about this.

Wallpaper or plaster: What is the difference between liquid plaster from liquid wallpaper, wallpaper for painting?

Trying to figure out what is better - wallpaper or plaster - many from the first minutes begin to get confused. This is not surprising, because such wall decoration options at first glance are similar. Furthermore, liquid wallpaper is a type of decorative plaster. So to speak, a later and advanced version.

INTERESTING: The decorative plaster itself appeared in the XIV-XV centuries in Italy. It was decorated with rich houses, cathedrals.

How else do these coatings differ? Composition:

  • Plaster At the basis of its own acryl, siliconeor silicate. The composition also includes marble baby, powder, various mineral inclusions. As a rule, they are large, so that a unique pattern on the wall is created.
  • Liquid wallpaper may contain fibers of cotton, silk, cellulose. The foundation glue.
  • Wallpaper for painting - This is a completely monophonic coating that the master can paint to his liking. Unlike previous finished mixtures, this option consists only of papers or floseline of the foamy consistency. There are also Fiberglass Wallpaper for painting.
An example of decorative plaster
An example of decorative plaster
An example of liquid wallpaper
An example of liquid wallpaper
Example of wallpaper for painting
Example of wallpaper for painting

Wallpaper or plaster: pluses, practicality, decorative plaster price

Versed in whether the wallpaper or plaster is better, it is worth talking about the pluses of the latter:

  • Decorative plaster is unusual practical. It is considered the most stable coating of all available at the moment. The service life is at least 30 years.

IMPORTANT: If silicone is based on, the life can reach up to 60 years!

  • Practically any damage to the plaster will transferstoically. Scratches, friction, blows? If they are not too strong, the coating will endure them.
  • In delicate rooms that often encounter humidity, plaster also more practical. The kitchen, the bathroom remains beautiful with her. Vapor permeability The plaster is excellent!
  • Clutch with paints is also good. This means that if desired, you can enrich the palette.
  • However, range plaster amazing. You can even give the pomp with a pomp due to the material under marble. And you can choose an imitation of wood, skin, fabric.
    Decorative plaster gives amazing scope for the implementation of design ideas. Combining various tones, you can create unique walls.
Decorative plaster allows you to create interesting patterns on the walls
Decorative plaster allows you to create interesting patterns on the walls

But the cost of such a material is not delighted. She is higher than the price of wallpaper. Even expensive wallpaper. We will have to pay about 600 rubles and higher for processing a square meter.

Especially distinguished in this regard venetian plaster. One square meter will need to be invested at least 1000-1500 rubles.

Wallpaper or plaster: pluses, practicality, price of liquid and non -woven wallpaper for painting

By determining whether the wallpaper or plaster is more suitable for your home, you should get acquainted with the virtues of the wallpaper:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that the wallpaper is more a budget option, rather than plaster. A liquid option can be found even at a price of 60 rubles per square meter. Wallpaper for painting is more expensive, but cheaper than plaster - from about 300 rubles.

IMPORTANT: The cheapest option for wallpaper to buy, maybe not worth it. But even the one that is more expensive will cost more profitable.

  • Apply Similar wallpaper on the wall even a beginner can In repair art. That is, a person will save twice - when buying the wallpaper themselves and during work. It is quite possible to do without the services of specialists.
  • The preparatory stage is also not needed. Before gluing ordinary wallpapers, it is necessary to calculate everything repeatedly, align the surface of the wall, cut off the suitable pieces of wallpaper, and correctly connect them. However, the liquid option eliminates such a headache.
  • Thanks to combinations of various shades You can create your own unique interior. From time to time, it is permissible to even make various edits to the mood.
Having picked up the assorted from liquid wallpaper, you can create masterpieces
Having picked up the assorted from liquid wallpaper, you can create masterpieces
  • If suddenly a piece of liquid wallpaper is damaged by something, restore it in two accounts. To do this, you need to dilute a new composition, cover them with the desired area - and damage as it had not!
  • Liquid wallpaper is unusually practical if you are interested in noise insulation. They are also excellent hold heat in room.
  • The composition of the wallpaper includes fungicides - substances that prevent mold formation.
  • Dust Similar material does not attract.
  • As for the practicality of work, dealing with innovative wallpaper is a complete pleasure! They are do not distinguish an unpleasant odor, do not dust.

IMPORTANT: Modern wallpaper is made from environmentally friendly materials.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the practicality of the wallpaper in rooms with high humidity and a large amount of steam. This refers to bathrooms, kitchens. They are evidenced by numerous reviews, the wallpaper, unfortunately, take root poorly.

Also they do not take root outside. Encouraging the outer wall in this way is not the best idea due to weather influences.

Perfectly liquid wallpaper will fit into sleeping rooms
Perfectly liquid wallpaper will fit into sleeping rooms

Wallpaper or decorative plaster - what to choose: tips

Choosing what is more suitable - wallpaper or plaster - you need to build on personal preferences. The answer depends on the priority of the owner of the room:

  • Budgetism. Often, the financial framework set the tone. In this case, you should choose wallpaper. They look no less impressive, and at the same time will save on repairs.
  • Independence In conducting repair or hiring specialists. If there is a desire to do everything yourself, it is necessary to soberly evaluate your strength and take wallpaper. The plaster should be left to the masters. Or you can use it yourself if the experience of repairing allows you to do this.
  • The presence of small children, animals in the house. It means that almost certainly wallpaper will suffer. In this case, it is worth acquiring what is easy to restore - the liquid wallpaper.

IMPORTANT: And with a margin. Then, in the case of damage, it will be possible to smear the propelly at any moment.

  • Place Repair. Sleeping zones, corridor It is quite possible to glue it wallpaper. But for cladding facades,processing Basils, kitchens Better to purchase plaster. It can be washed in the future. But it is desirable that the plaster in the case of the kitchen is not made on the basis of cellulose. Otherwise, it will absorb all smells.
This is how the house treated outside with decorative plaster looks like
This is how the house treated outside with decorative plaster looks like
  • Durability. If the owner of the room does not differ in love of experiments in the interior and does not plan to move, he will need material with endurance. That is plaster. Wallpaper will last 10 years. But, in principle, liquid can be updated new layers.
  • Naturalness of the material. If a person - a fan of all natural - is better for him to buy wallpaper. They are added to them now silk, flax, algae, quartz etc. There will be nothing harmful to all such a coating!
  • Lightness of care. The plaster is simple enough to process with a cloth with soapy solution. And so the pollution is well removed, there is no need to conduct an update!
  • The significance of visual effects. If you want to not just glue beautiful wallpaper with drawings or sparkles, but make an imitation, it is worth buying a plaster. Marble, wood, skin They will give the room solidity, pomp or comfort - it all depends on the chosen effect.
The famous Venetian decorative plaster with the effect of marble
The famous Venetian decorative plaster with the effect of marble

Wallpaper or decorative plaster - what to choose: reviews

Having examined numerous reviews in construction forums, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  • When deciding, wallpaper or plaster is preferable, you need to consider that liquid wallpapers dry for a long time. Applying and forgetting is not about liquid wallpaper! They will dry for several days.

IMPORTANT: But in the case of plaster, longer preparation is needed. So in any case, the repair will not be fast.

  • Reviews indicate that wallpaper can really be applied to any surface. And right away. It can be concrete, ordinary plaster, brick.
  • Many masters have over time plaster She looked better than those who used the wallpaper. The fact is that the first option Indifferent to the effects of the light of the sun.
  • If you need to process the kitchen, but financially difficult to pull the plaster, you can compromise. Masters recommend in this case to buy wallpaper And complete with them - water -based varnish. Steam will not pass such a coating, but it can be easily washed!
  • If the walls are replete with cracks, failures and other irregularities, the liquid wallpaper Fine of them they will disguise it. And without much effort from the master.
With such wallpaper, any irregularities will sparkle with new colors
With such wallpaper, any irregularities will sparkle with new colors

Going to decorate the walls, everyone wants to get the most good result. That is, so that the coating is convenient to apply, it serves for a long time, it was beautiful and, preferably, not too expensive. We hope that the tips from our article will help readers.

We offer to get acquainted with this video, which will tell you more about liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster and other materials:

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