Dadline - what it is: in simple words. How not to miss the deadline in time management?

Dadline - what it is: in simple words. How not to miss the deadline in time management?

From this article you will learn what is a deadline in time management and how not to miss it.

Each person sooner or later had to hear such a word as “deadline”. Usually it is used by managers in work, especially in offices. The authorities gives the task to their subordinates and stipulates the exact term when the results of the activity should be presented.

Deadline - what is it: simple words

What is deadline?
What is deadline?

The word "deadline" came to us from the English language and translates as "deadline." That is, this is the time to which the work should be completed, or maybe a project or something else. By the way, deadline is two types - real and complete.

Real deadline is the deadline for providing the project, and it cannot be transferred. For example, dates established by law. If you do not meet these terms, the company will suffer a loss, receive a fine and incur tax audit. It is easy to imagine what will be the employee himself for the breakdown of the deadlines. This is at least deprivation of a bonus.

The conditional period is set to familiarize yourself with the results of the work. Perhaps they will be sent for review. For example, to record a studio song, 10 hours are given. After that, the singer frees the room. But often the singers do not fit at this time and the lease term has to extend.

Often the method of deadline is used in time management. In this case, its meaning changes somewhat and sounds as "efficiently used working time." The advantages are obvious - a person always performs the tasks on time, so as not to transfer them for tomorrow and himself builds his schedule. Perfectionism is distinguished from the disadvantages. There are a lot of it. In particular, a person will try to do all the tasks on time and so he can drive himself and burn out. So in this regard it is important to find a middle ground.

What will be for the breakdown of the deadline?

Disruption of the deadlines
Disruption of the deadlines

The word deadline, as we have already said, means compliance with the timing of the work. But what will happen if these same deadlines are blown up?

There are several possible consequences of the deadline breakdown:

  • A person is disappointed in his own abilities, experiences stress. He could not complete the task, and this makes him get upset
  • Will have to survive an unpleasant conversation with the manager or customer
  • Lost time. If the deadline of the deadline was strictly set and the task is not done, then the need may disappear in it
  • Loss of money. This is another consequence of Dedlin. In this case, not only the Contractor, but also the Customer will lose in money
  • A person loses reputation, they can refuse to work further and even dismiss

In order to prevent the deadlines of the deadline, it is important to use time management correctly and learn how to plan tasks.

How not to miss the deadline in time management?

Time management, with its competent use, helps not to forget what the word is deadline and never violate it.

How to plan deadlines?
How to plan deadlines?

To never break the deadlines, use several tips:

  • Change the attitude. If it is difficult for you to get together and force yourself to do everything on time, then think about your client. He may refuse to work with you, which will damage your reputation. Place the deadlines in the first place when planning time.
  • Set the exact deadlines. Do not agree to work if you have no exact deadlines. Even if they say that they are not strict, it is better to determine them. You must understand how to organize your time. If the client still does not set the deadline, then determine it yourself, and for more motivation, promise the client to cope for a specific time.
  • Record the deadlines. If you have several customers, then be sure to follow each project. Of course, you can find information at any time, but you will have to waste time on it, and therefore it is better to have everything at hand.
  • Consider the difference in time. Often this moment is not taken into account, but in vain. It is better to immediately clarify what time of the client has, so that later it does not turn out that the deadlines are missed.
  • Make time for answers to questions. No matter what your project is large or small. Sometimes a customer feedback is required. And if he does not answer, then you have overlays with terms. Before starting work, make sure that everything is clear to you.
Time management
Time management
  • Agree on the time for adjustment. It is very unpleasant when you send the work on time, but the client looks through it only after a few days and it turns out that there is a lot of things there. It turns out that you will have to postpone all things and spend time again on alterations.
  • Leave more time than required. It is better to set the deadlines for passing the project early, so that later you can have time to adjust it if necessary. Consider the volume of work when determining the time.
  • Divide deadlines for large projects into several parts. When you take a long project, it seems that you will rest for a couple of days and do everything in a day. But in fact, this is the wrong approach, because a large project is immediately difficult to calculate. So it is better to divide the work into minor tasks and set their own term for each.
  • Focus on minor tasks. It is much easier to pay attention to small tasks. So focus on them. And the final goal will already be achieved by small. Be sure to make a checklist for yourself-what is done and what is still.
  • Follow the time. Not everyone understands how fast time is, so always remember the deadlines and do not delay things.
  • Choose time. The freelancers themselves build their schedule, and therefore it is important to find convenient for themselves. Find your best work hours and use them.
  • Don't promise too much. No matter what project you are offered. You should not grab too much and ultimately spoil the reputation. If you think that you will have problems with other projects, then it is better to take anything else to work.

All these tips will help you in terms of deadlines, but you should always remember that the most important enemy of freelancers is procrastination. Simply speaking, this is an important deposit for later. It is always important to find a source of motivation.

Despite the fact that time management is a complex skill and it cannot be mastered in a couple of days, it should be learned. It will help to cope effectively with any business, even everyday.

Video: What is a deadline?

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