Sensitivity of the organs of the body of a man: where is the point of marriage? The location of the point g on the body of a man

Sensitivity of the organs of the body of a man: where is the point of marriage? The location of the point g on the body of a man

To give an unforgettable pleasure to a man and make him stay with you forever, you should know about the so -called points of marriage.

Every woman seeks to better understand her man and therefore seeks a special approach to him. The male body is largely different from female and has its own characteristics. If you want to know more useful information about the sensitive places of male physique, then be prepared for interesting discoveries.

Sensitivity of the organs of the body of a man: where is the point of marriage?

Both women and men have erogenous zones. Stimulating certain areas of the body, especially the so -called points of marriage, helps a man get sexual excitement and pleasure. Owning correct knowledge and some skills, with the help of simple manipulations, you can give a man what he needs with sexual contact.

Each person is individual. Therefore, in the process of interacting with a partner, it is necessary to track his reaction. Female tenderness and patience will make you an ideal mistress for your man.

Pleasure for men
Pleasure for men
  • Love games most often begin with kisses. Therefore, such organs such as lips and tongue. In the interaction of the lips of partners, a huge number of nerve endings are involved in the process.
  • Each movement of the language sends excitation impulses throughout the body. Using various kiss techniques, you can bring a partner to the top of pleasure. The interaction of the lips should be accompanied by passion, biting, gliding and sucking.
  • The most important thing is not to go too far. The technique of a kiss that one man likes can not suit another at all. To kisses with suckers, each man has an individual attitude.
  • Next point of marriage on the body of a man can rightfully be considered neck and back. Massage of these sites at the beginning will have a relaxing, and after disarming effect. Covering a partner by the neck, stroking the head, concentrates the attention of a man on your person. He completely goes on to your obedience. Kisses in the neck cause a pleasant trembling throughout the body. The combination of light massage with tenderness and affection is able to start any man.
  • They deserve special attention the ears of the partner. Kisses combined with your breath will allow a man to feel your desire and reciprocate. Cartilage areas are much more sensitive than the earlobes. Therefore, do not concentrate only on the bottom of the ear.
Particular attention to the ears
Particular attention to the ears
  • Men's breasts No less important The point of marriage. A special pleasure in the partner is contacting the female and male breast. It all depends on your imagination. With the nipple area, you need to behave more accurately, since here the reaction can be unpredictable. In one partner, this point causes incredible excitement, in others it causes irritation.
  • On the male back the point of marriage Located in the sacrum area and between the shoulder blades. Massage movements are best performed along the spine from top to bottom. The touch of hands is advisable to alternate with kisses, stroking. A special pleasure in the partner will give a feeling of touching the female breast and hair. Sitting a partner from above, you seem to master his whole body. Lying on his back, the man is unarmed, which further enhances his excitement. Love games on the back can be diversified by a slap in men's buttocks. The moment of unpredictability will add a special peppercorn to male sensations.
On the back
On the back
  • Man's hands Very often remain without attention. If a man has rude and callous hands, then this does not mean at all that he will not be able to feel your tenderness. Massage of the palms can provoke excitement by exposure to some points. The inguinal region of the man receives excitation pulses when pressing the palm between the middle and ring finger.
  • The second point causing special emotions is located between the middle and index finger from the outside of the hand. And of course, not only the brush, but the whole hand, starting from the shoulder joint, deserves special attention.
  • On the male feet A large number of nerve endings are concentrated. Massage of male legs is a special ritual. In some countries, the duties of wives include washing and warm -up to her husband. After a busy working day, such relaxation gives an unforgettable pleasure to a man. On the feet there is also its own point of marriage, which is commonly called the "seething stream." It is located between the pads of the large and the following finger. Before starting this point, it is recommended to relax the partner as much as possible and warm up the feet.
Pay attention to the male body
Pay attention to the male body
  • Abdomen It is worth paying attention to the climax. Before moving on to the most important point of marriage on a man’s body, tease him with preliminary caresses with the help of kisses, tongue and fingertips on the stomach. Use leisurely smooth equipment, and you will notice how a pleasant excitement of your partner is heated.

The location of the point g on the body of a man

The most important point of marriage The man is hidden in a fairly piquant place. If both partners are ready for a bold experiment, then an unforgettable feeling awaits you.

  • Stimulating the prostate gland will easily lead to male orgasm without the participation of the genitals. It has the shape of a walnut and is concentrated under the bladder.
  • The only access to the prostate gland is through the anus. If you advance with your fingers up to 5 cm deep, then you can feel the desired organ. On the stomach you can notice a small bulge in this zone.
  • Before you give pleasure to a man, you need to take the liberty of voice such a proposal. Mixed feelings will take possession of the partner. On the one hand, he certainly wants to enjoy, on the other, he will be afraid of unsuccessful penetration.
  • Prostate massage should always be left for a snack. Only a relaxed and excited man is ready to go to any experiments. The partner must trust you, otherwise he will feel discomfort and pain.
  • Women's hands should be comfortable and moistened with special means. Long nails must be cut. After penetration into the anus, increased hygiene must be observed.
Find G.
Find G.
  • One of the possible positions of a man is lying on his back with half -bent legs spread. The woman turns her back to the man and carefully begins to insert two fingers into the rear hole. As soon as you begin to feel a large education on the front wall, you can unobtrusively start massaging it. It is important to control the male reaction. The partner needs to realize what is happening and relax on the eve of the climax.
  • Men who have already experienced such a gamut of feelings and emotions describe very vivid unique sensations. The result of the prostate massage is much more pleasant and saturated than the usual orgasm.

An alternative can be an indirect prostate massage. The partner must stimulate the area between the testicles and the anus. Here you can apply both fingertips and language. Try using circular and sliding movements. Perhaps such a massage will have a partner for further actions.

You can activate the points of marriage on the body of a man in a variety of ways. Someone is enough ordinary touch. For thrill lovers, use additional funds. The contrast of temperatures, bite instead of stroking, wet means - all this will allow you to conduct new successful experiments.

Video: erogenous zones on the male body

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