What does the status of “transportation is canceled” on Aliexpress, what to do if such a status has appeared?

What does the status of “transportation is canceled” on Aliexpress, what to do if such a status has appeared?

If you do not know what the status of the parcel “transportation is canceled” means, read the article.

Status on Aliexpress "Transportation canceled" Talks about the cancellation of the process of sending a parcel to the recipient. An unpleasant situation has arisen at the stage of ordering, and the recipient’s intervention is required. Read more below.

What does the status of "transportation is canceled" on Aliexpress mean?

The goods are not transported
The goods are not transported

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Usually status "Transportation canceled" Appears after "The transfer is expected to the carrier". This entry can be seen in information about the tracking of the parcel on any of the sites providing such services, or in a special section on Aliexpress. So what does this status mean? Here's an explanation:

  • Any parcel from Aliexpress should have an individual number. A representative of the Chinese store appeals to the carriers, an application is created in electronic form, a shipment is paid and a parcel is assigned an individual number.
  • The seller must provide information about the track number to the customer with Aliexpress and confirm the sending of goods at the most trading platform. In this case, the parcel will be displayed on the order page with the status of "Expected transfer to the carrier."
  • But, if the seller does not transmit the parcel to the carrierThen the electronic application deleted and the status "Transportation is canceled" appears.
  • This can happen if the seller is loaded and does not have time to send an order in a timely manner. This can happen during grandiose sales for Aliexpress.
  • Not all carriers have access to the reservation service of the track number. If the seller uses the budget method of delivery, then small packages are folded into one bag and all of them are assigned one track number that can be traced in China, and in Russia there will be no tracking.

Interesting: The seller can simply lose sight of one of the parcel. If so, then he will have to return the money, but the goods can still be delivered. This is how often happens: the buyer opens the dispute, since there is no information about the parcel, wins it, and then receives the parcel.

“Transportation is canceled” to Aliexpress: What does this status do not mean?

The goods are not transported - what does this do not mean?
The goods are not transported - what does this do not mean?

Once in a similar position, buyers begin to panic and make wrong assumptions. Buyers mistakenly believe that the reasons for the appearance of this status can be as follows:

  • Problems with the customs service. Recipients think that the parcel has not passed customs control and open a dispute indicating such a reason. But status " Transportation canceled"It does not appear as a result of unresolved issues with the customs service. Do not rush and dispute with the seller, as the admins Aliexpress They can check everything and close it not in your favor.
  • Transport problems. This is another erroneous opinion. In any case, you need to wait, not panic and open a dispute.
  • Cancellations. If the buyer thinks that the order is canceled, then in his opinion the guilt is either the administration Aliexpressor the seller himself. But this is not so you should not expect an automatic return of funds, as usual this happens. It is mistaken to assume that the money will be returned without the intervention of the recipient.

There are still many different erroneous assumptions. But it is better to know the true reason, and be aware of the elimination of a particular problem than panic and be guessed.

What to do if the status of "transportation is canceled" on Aliexpress?

Having understood the true reasons for the appearance of such a status on the order page, the correct actions should be performed:

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  • Write a personal message to the seller for Aliexpress. This can be done on the order page, in the tab " Read more»Near his room. Write a letter in English, you can make a translation in any translator. The answer should wait from 7 to 10 days. But, if the buyer’s term is already expires, then it is worth opening a dispute, not wait. However, at first it is better to solve the problem through personal communication, and only then think about a dispute.
  • If the seller did not answer the message and the question is not resolved, then it is worth opening a dispute. In the reason, indicate: " Delivery problem and no information about tracking».
  • If the buyer protection period for Aliexpress I came to an end, but another 15 days have not passed (This period when the buyer still has the right to return the funds in case of a problem), open the dispute. The reason should be indicated as follows: " The problem with delivery, protection expires, and the goods are still on the way».
  • During the opening of the dispute, apply screenshots of conversation with the representative of the Chinese store, indicating that he does not answer or refuses to solve the problem. You can also take a picture of the screen from the bandel tracking page.
  • The dispute must confirm the seller. If he evades and does not, then do not close the dispute in any case, especially if he will ask you about it. Wait for the dispute to worsen and the administration begins to participate in the proceedings Aliexpress.

Most importantly, do not panic if you see the status of the package " Transportation canceled". Write a message from the administration, attach evidence that the seller ignores your requests.

Advice: Do not exaggerate the problem and the current situation, indicating invalid reasons in the dispute. Also, do not threaten the seller, since all this can lead to a lock of your account on the trading platform Aliexpress.

Act deliberately and then you will succeed. Good luck!

Video: What to do if the track number is not tracking, how much to wait?

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