What does it mean to get a seller’s coupon for Aliexpress, what does he give? How to ask for a seller’s coupon for Aliexpress: Instructions

What does it mean to get a seller’s coupon for Aliexpress, what does he give? How to ask for a seller’s coupon for Aliexpress: Instructions

Article about coupons from the seller on Aliexpress And how to get them, what is the benefit of sellers from coupons.

Aliexpress coupon: General information

Coupon from Aliexpress, This is an electronic bonus, a gift,

a certificate that allows you to make purchases with a discount for a certain amount, for a certain time. Every buyer can buy gift coupons. You should know the types of coupons, the benefits of each of them.
In this article, we will briefly consecrate questions on the type of coupons, in detail, pay attention to the option of coupons from the seller, tell you how to purchase coupons from the seller, clarify the validity period, tell you why they are beneficial to the seller.
Types of coupons:

  • bonus from the seller
  • bonus from the seller when ordering for an updated amount
  • coupons from affiliate sites, free activation of them

Bonus from the seller on Aliexpress: varieties

There are two varieties of a bonus:

  • money from the seller. Discounts are held only on goods of one seller
  • money from Aliexpress. Discounts go throughout the store - online
  • combus about discount interest on the user's electronic box.

How to get a discount from the seller for Aliexpress?

  • open the product page on Aliexpress
  • see the name of the store, for example, "Princess Diana"
  • called the popularity (rating) of the seller under the name
  • press the key "Go to the store"
  • open the page of the goods of this seller where you can earn on the coupon

    On the seller’s page you can get a free discount coupon. The “Go to the store” key (purple arrow)

Bonus from the seller on Aliexpress when ordering goods for an updated amount

Choosing a product on AliexpressPay attention to the fact that each seller makes good discounts, offers coupons when ordering goods for the indicated amount.
This means that if you lower it into the basket 3, 4, 5 of goods, the total discount is summarized, the result is issued.
Example, one seller sells sneakers of $ 30, gives a coupon for $ 10, when purchasing two pairs of shoes at once.

Suppose sneakers are presented in different colors, then it makes sense to order two pairs, get a discount coupon. However, it makes no sense to order four pairs or more if you are not a private entrepreneur. You should accurately calculate whether you need several units of similar goods.
There is a service on the site in which sellers immediately give a coupon. This is a gift from the seller, which can be used in the limited period indicated on the coupon. It is in almost all stores. The amount of the discount is usually not large (2-3 dollars).

Gift coupon from the seller (2-3 dollars of discounts). Key "" Get a coupon from the seller«

The validity of coupons

  • disposable coupons. Coupons for a small amount of discounts from the seller (2-3 dollars). Are on the product page, under the key "Buy now". They act up to three days. Offered as a gift in almost all stores Aliexpress.
  • coupons for a large amount of discounts to ordering a large cost. Such coupons change, depending on the desire of the seller. The period of activity is from several hours to several days.
Page indicating the validity periods of coupons

Note: Similar rules apply to coupons from the site Ali. The longest period of activity is valid on partners sites, is up to 30 days.

What is the benefit of coupons for sellers on Aliexpress?

Main factors:

  • marketing: attracting more customers, raising sales, and freeing warehouses. Small discounts, 5, 10, 20 percent give such opportunities.
  • statistics sales records "Transaction"on the site AliexpressAs a result, an increase in the rating of the seller, the popularity of the store. More records on the payments made, the popularity of the store (seller), the greatest sales, further development of the store.
Statistics of the transactions on Aliexpress

The main thing for the buyer is not to get to the "bait" of the fraudster. If you are offered not standard discounts ( 20 %), but up to 80 %, you should be careful!

How to be careful?

  • do not buy products with a sales rating - zero.
  • carefully study the seller’s rating. The information is indicated on the seller’s page, at the top.
Seller page with the rating
  • use official promotions Aliexpress
  • analyze customer reviews for goods, evaluate the number of stars, points.
  • load Application Aliexpress. The application gives detailed information about the reputation of the seller, goods on the corresponding scale.

Good discounts for pleasant purchases!

Video: Seller's coupon for Aliexpress

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