What does the contact person mean and why is it indicated? How to write a contact person on Aliexpress, in what language?

From this article you will learn what contact person is on Aliexpress And where it is indicated.

Aliexpressit is an international site that works with different countries. Here you can purchase any goods at very favorable prices. To do this, you need to register and specify your contact details. It is necessary to do this otherwise how sellers will find out where to send orders, and indeed with whom they work. So, often questions arise about such a requisite as a contact person. Who is that? Why is it necessary and is it necessary to indicate it somewhere? Let's figure out these matters.

If a Aliexpress you have not yet managed to study and have not even passed registration at all, then for you we have additional instructions for beginners. She will help to understand many questions and learn to buy on Aliexpress.

What does the contact person mean on Aliexpress and why indicate it?

First you should figure out what for such a contact person in general is required to indicate Aliexpress. Well, speaking in a simple way, then this is you. Sellers, administration, delivery services, and so on communicate with you. That is, you yourself are a representative of your account, that is, a contact person.

In addition, you should know that this information is indicated during registration and when filling out the delivery address. In the first case, it is not particularly important whether you will write your name or some kind of pseudonym, but for the address it should be present. Be sure to keep in mind this moment so that you do not have problems in the future.

How and in what language is the contact person on Aliexpress indicate?

Because Aliexpress it works at the international level, but at the same time it is Chinese, it is more logical to use any one language to communicate and write information. Therefore, when specifying information about yourself, it is used exclusively English, since it is also international and is used in different countries for communication.

Therefore, all basic information here is required to indicate English, including writing messages to sellers. With sellers, all communication is built in English, that is, all words are translated. But for the data, English letters are simply used, but the words themselves remain unchanged. It is called translite.

If you can make a translation yourself, then this is very good, and if you have difficulties with this, then a very simple service will suit you Translit.net.

In translite
In translite

Just follow the link and enter all the necessary data into the large window. To translate them, click the button "In translite" And you will immediately display the finished result.

Where and how is the contact person to Aliexpress indicate?

In fact, indicate the contact person at Aliexpress you can not in such a large number of places. The first is during registration and the second is in the delivery address.

So, if you are just registering on Aliexpress, then for starters on the main page in the upper right corner, click on the button "Registration".

A special form for filling will be loaded right there. At the very beginning, we write our email, and in the second line we just indicate the contact person. Please note that you can write your pseudonym, it is not at all necessary to write real data, but at the same time when you communicate with the seller or the support service will contact you just like that. After the email. By mail, activate the link, the system will ask you to fill out the password and, after confirming it, fill out the profile.

Registration information see this link from the official website of Aliexpress.


Indicate the remaining data a little below and click on the button "Create your profile".

Congratulations! Now you have become a full -fledged buyer for Aliexpress and this was the first place where you could write a contact person.

Immediately after registration, it is usually recommended to specify the delivery address. This will be the second place where we write the contact face.

To do this, we go to "My Aliexpress" And then open "Delivery addresses".

Add the address
Add the address

You will not see any special data on the new page, since we have a new account. Here you can only add the address, which we do by clicking on the corresponding button.

In a new form, immediately, in the first line, indicate the name of the contact person, that is, your own. In this case, they should be real, since you will have to receive parcels on them, and they, as you know, are given according to the passport.

Form with the address
Form with the address

We did not consider the process of registering and filling out the address, but if you are interested, then study the article from the official website Aliexpress at the linkhere.

Is it possible to change the contact face to Aliexpress and how to do it?

In some cases, contact details on Aliexpress we have to change. This is especially true for girls who get married and take the name of her husband. So, in this case, the question arises of changing their contact details, and in particular, a contact person. Oh sure, Aliexpress it does not prohibit this and you can always change your data without problems. Let's find out how to do it.


So, to change information in the delivery address, you need:

  • Go to your personal account and from there go to "Delivery addresses"
  • A window will open, which will indicate all your saved addresses for receiving parcels. Here, under the desired address, click "Edit"
Edit the address
Edit the address
  • A form with a filled address will open, where you can specify a new contact person and save the result

As for the contact person indicated during registration, it is not necessary to change it, especially since you wrote a pseudonym at all and you like it. If you decide to do this, then:

  • First open through your personal account "Profile settings" and then go into the subsection "Change the settings"
  • Here on the page all the available settings of your personal information will be shown. Our task is to choose "Change profile"

Change profile

Change profile

  • Here all your data that you wrote during registration will be displayed to change them, select "Edit"
Edit data
Edit data
  • Make the necessary amendments and save the result

Video: How to fill out the delivery address on AliExpress?

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