What is the time of processing an order for Aliexpress: what is important to know? What happens at the end of the order processing period? How to extend the processing time: is it possible to refuse to buy?

What is the time of processing an order for Aliexpress: what is important to know? What happens at the end of the order processing period? How to extend the processing time: is it possible to refuse to buy?

This article will help you find out what the time processing time is for Aliexpress And how to extend it.

Almost every person who acquired things on Aliexpress, I saw on the page of my thing the following inscription: "The order time expires through ...". What does it mean, and what is important to all customers to know AliexpressRead this article.

What is the time of processing an order for Aliexpress: what is important to know?

Time of processing an order for Aliexpress: how to extend?
Time of processing an order for Aliexpress: how to extend?

If you are not registered for Aliexpressbut you want to have an account here, then read article on this link. It will help to quickly deal with the stage of registration and make its first acquisition.

To know about all the nuances that may appear on Aliexpress, it is worth understanding in order:

  • Processing time of the ordered thing - This is the time period that the seller needs Aliexpress for packaging and sending goods.
  • There are several types of order processing: fast-2-3 days (sellers work promptly and therefore their goods are popular with buyers), the average is 5-15 days (it is considered a long time, but such sellers also have their own buyer), long-term-from 15 to 30 days ( Such sellers are usually for a long time on Aliexpress They do not work, since no one wants to wait a month while the seller will send a parcel).
  • After the buyer’s payment, the seller must send the goods. But most sellers on Aliexpress - These are intermediaries, not manufacturers, so they need time, after receiving your order, to go corny and eat the goods from the manufacturer.
Aliexpress: order processing time
Aliexpress: order processing time

There can be many problems during the order. Therefore, it is important for customers to know the following:

  • If the order processing time comes to an end, and the goods have not yet been sent, then the buyer can do nothing. When this time is over, the money will return to the expense from which they were written off as a payment for the order.
  • The buyer decided to refuse to order during processing. It's just to complete in your account. If the seller is s Aliexpress he will not have time to confirm the cancellation, then the goods will be sent. If the Chinese agrees with the cancellation, then the money is credited to the buyer's account automatically.
  • If you need to change the order during its processing, write about this to the seller.
  • The goods disappeared along with the outlet before sending the parliament. Small sellers are trying to deceive buyers and cheat, wanting to get money without sending the goods. But they will not succeed, since the system immediately calculates such scammers and brings them to the ban.

If there are some more problems with the order during its processing, write to the technical support Aliexpress. Administrators respond promptly to all questions and quickly solve all the problems of buyers.

What happens at the end of the order processing period?

At the end of the order processing period, the system begins the process of paying money for the goods to the store. But this does not happen immediately, but within 15 days. Therefore, the buyer Aliexpress There are two weeks to open a dispute, even if the temporary processing period has already ended.

How to extend the time during processing: is it possible to refuse to buy?

There are different reasons when it is necessary to extend the time of the order process on Aliexpress Until the end of its processing time. In this case, you should write to the Chinese and ask about it. But the seller may not read the message or just not see it. The buyer has the right to independently extend the temporary processing period. Here's the instruction:

  • Go to the section in which your orders are displayed.
  • Click to the number of the right order.
  • Below, click for a while with a watch and then "Extend the processing time"As shown in the picture below.
Click "Extend the processing time"

All - the order time is extended and you can calmly expect Aliexpress Then its delivery. You can also refuse to order, but until the time, until the seller has sent the goods. To do this, follow the following:

  • Go to the section "My orders".
  • On the contrary of the right order, click on "Cancel the order".
  • Indicate the reason for the cancellation in the form that appears on the next tab. Describe everything in detail, since the speed of receiving your money back on it depends.
  • Then click "Ready".

Advice: Do not have the reason for Aliexpressthat the seller processes the order for a long time. Better write that you were mistaken with color or model. This will accelerate the process of returning funds.

Now you know what is the time of processing the order for Aliexpress And how it can be extended. Successful shopping!

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