What is a fistula of the rectum, what does it look like, what is dangerous? The fistula of the rectum in adults and children: symptoms, causes, treatment, removal, surgery

What is a fistula of the rectum, what does it look like, what is dangerous? The fistula of the rectum in adults and children: symptoms, causes, treatment, removal, surgery

The reasons for the formation of the fistulas of the anus and methods of getting rid of the disease.

Why does the intestinal fistula arise? How to alleviate the patient's condition? Is it possible to do without surgery and how to cure a fistula? Features of the manifestation of pathology in children. This article will set out these issues in detail.

What is the return of the rectum?

The fistulas or fistulas of the rectum (Fistulae ani et recti) is a serious pathology associated with the formation of purulent passages through the connecting fiber of the direct intestine. The output of the fistulating tunnels can end in the near -rending tissue. It - incomplete inner fistulas. More often the passages are completely open and open through the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus so -called full external fistulas.

Timely treatment of the fistula will protect the patient from many consequences
Timely treatment of the fistula will protect the patient from many consequences

Direct fistulas usually appear as a result of the pararectal abscess of the rectum, which has a medical name - paraproctitis. Florescent passages can be qualified by location and the degree of prevalence.

Varieties of fistulas
Varieties of fistulas

There are usually full fistulas. They have two holes on both sides: input and exhaust. There are fistulas with several entrances. Understructed fistulas with one input hole often pass into full-fledged due to gradual dominance of microorganisms in them.

Infected tissue cells lose their tone and are gradually destroyed: there is a breakthrough of the fistula outward with the exit to the surface of the skin around the anus. The appearance of fistulous holes in the anus zone may be associated with such diseases:

  • diverticulitis (inflammation of the inner shell of the large intestine)
  • tuberculosis of the rectum
  • syphilis
  • chlamydia
  • crohn's disease
  • AIDS

What is the danger of the return of the rectum, what are the consequences?

Long -existing fistulas can affect the health of all kinds of complications
Long -existing fistulas can affect the health of all kinds of complications

Fistulawho were not treated for a long time and turned into a chronic form fraught with many complications of a general nature: from purulent processes of blood infection to the possibility of developing carcina (cancer tumors) of anal ducts. Unexplored fistulas of the anus can lead to the formation of scars that cause pain during defecation and release of gases.

How to determine the fistula of the rectum: symptoms

With the first symptoms of malaise associated with the rectum, you should consult a proctologist
With the first symptoms of malaise associated with the rectum, you should consult a proctologist

Full external fistulas They appear visually: on the skin around the anus and partially on the buttocks, one or more tissue seals that have an internal clearance are felt.

Through this passage, the release of pus, mucus or infiltrate is observed. In places of release of the fistula, the skin becomes wet, softened, loses the natural turgor due to maceration. When the rectum is felt, a fisting hole is detected in the form of a funnel.

Availability incomplete inner fistulas It causes patients a sense of the presence of a foreign body in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus. With insufficient exit of the infiltrate from the fistula cavity, patients feel:

  • pain and discomfort in the anus zone
  • delay in stool and urination
  • discharge from the rectum (pus, infiltrate, mucus)
  • irritation and redness of the skin around the anus and part of the buttocks
  • increasing temperature, chills

The fistula of the rectum in the child: Causes

Examination of the child
Examination of the child
  • Diseases in the form of rectal fistulas are rarely found in childhood. This pathology is most often manifested at the birth of a childand it is a consequence of the failure of the intrauterine development of the fetus for any reason.
  • The disease may appear at crohn's diseases(genetic disease that affects the entire gastrointestinal tract) or after an acute paraproctitis (purulent inflammation of tissues adjacent to the rectum).
  • Before prescribing treatment, you should know the root cause of the formation of the fistulas. Congenital fistulathey require surgical treatment, as the disease threatens the life of the baby. The operation consists in removing the focus of inflammation and the surrounding epithelium captured by the pathological process.
  • If fistulas are found in the baby in the first months of life, surgical intervention can be postponed for a later date - upon reaching the child 18 months. This is possible only with a stable state of a child without the spread of an infection, accompanied by an increase in temperature and deterioration of the baby's condition.

Paopropathic fistula after paraproctitis: Causes of appearance

At the reception at the proctologist
At the reception at the proctologist

Paraproctitis It is the main reason for the emergence of the return of the rectum. Inflammation of the pararectal tissue of the rectum with the infection through the anal glands and the damaged mucosa.

The inflammatory process is transmitted through neighboring sick organs. Most often, paraproctitis accompanies the following diseases:

  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis
  • crohn's disease
  • inflammation of the prostate gland and urethra
  • inflammation of the female genital area
  • pelvic osteomyelitis

The fistulas of the anus can appear due to:

  • neglected paraproctitis
  • complications during paraoproctitis operations
  • unsuccessful operational opening of paraproctitis
  • spontaneous autopsy of paraproctitis

The return of the rectum - treatment without surgery at home

Important: complaints about pain and discomfort in the rectum area are the reason for contacting a specialist-proctologist.

  • Symptoms of manifestation of the rectum fistula cause great discomfort in the patient's life. It cannot be cured at home, there is no universal means for scarring of fistula tunnels. At home, one can only alleviate the patient's condition with the help of drugs and traditional medicine: ointments, herbal lotions and fees.
  • Folk recipes have been developed for a long time and have passed the test of more than one generation of people. Ointments and poultices relieve pain, cleanse and disinfect the skin, remove inflammation in the foci of the fistula breakthrough.
To facilitate the condition, many use medicines
To facilitate the condition, many use medicines

Acador's fistula - treatment at home

  • The use of medicines at home is not a solution to the problem of fistula of the rectum. An painkillers, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory medicines relieve the symptoms of a fistula of the anus for only some time.
  • Then again the aggravation of the disease begins, requiring an urgent visit to the doctor. After clarifying the diagnosis, an algorithm for treating the patient is built, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • At the first stage, antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the infectious process and drugs that relieve the patient's condition - antispasmodics, painkillers and anti -inflammatory drugs. Subsequently, surgery is required after conducting a series of necessary tests and a complete examination.

For in -depth diagnosis of the disease, methods are used:

  • sphincterometer (assessment of the working condition of the anus sphincter)
  • irrigoscopy (intestinal study with an X -ray)
  • computed tomography (layer -by -layer examination of the intestines by means of x -ray radiation)
  • fistulography (radioscopic examination of fistulous passages using radiopaque substances)

Folk remedies for the treatment of the fistula of the rectum

Folk methods of treatment
Folk methods of treatment

There are folk recipes for alleviating the condition of a patient with an external fistula. We will share some.

Brush with St. John's wort grass

The procedure with a lotion of St. John's wort grass helps to remove purulent contents from the fistula. Regular attachment of herbal compresses to the sore spot is removed by inflammation and irritation, help cleanse the passage, remove itching and pain.

  1. Three tablespoons of finely crushed raw materials - the herbs of the St. John's wort of the perforated steam 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist on a steam bath for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Rassed gruel from the grass is laid out on a piece of linen fabric.
  4. The lotion is applied in a warm state in an inflamed place and covered with a piece of cellophane film.
  5. The procedure is carried out daily until the pus is completely released.

Lot with mummy and aloe juice

  1. A 3% aqueous solution is prepared: in 100 ml of warm purified or boiled water, 3 g of mummy are dissolved.
  2. A tablespoon of juice of the leaves of the 3-year-old aloe is added to the breeding.
  3. A piece of gauze is abundantly wetted with a solution and applied to a purulent hearth.

Mushroom makers with plantain roots

  1. A tablespoon of plantain roots boils in 200 ml of water.
  2. After cooling to the decoction, 200 ml of tea mushroom infusion is added.
  3. The gauze napkin is wetted with the medicine, slightly squeezed and applied in the form of a lotion to the output of the fistula.

Warm sitting baths with infusions from oak bark, chamomile flowers and calendula, sage leaves help relieve inflammation and irritation of the skin around the anus.

Ointment for the treatment of the fistula of the rectum

Home ointment
Home ointment

The ointment cooked on herbs helps to cleanse the inflamed surface of the skin around the fistulous hole, remove swelling, remove redness and irritation. In general, the ointment favorably affects and heals the fistulous tunnel.

  1. Plant components: oak bark, water pepper, flax flowers are used in equal ratio. 2 tablespoons of herbal mixture are finely crushed, for this you can use an electric coffee grinder.
  2. Herbal powder is poured with two tablespoons of melted pork fresh smell.
  3. The ointment is kept in the oven at a minimum temperature of 3 hours.
  4. Marle tampons are impregnated with ointment and applied to the inflammatory hearth for 5 hours, then the swab is changed to a new one.

Operation to remove the fistula of the rectum: reviews

Surgical intervention is the main path of getting rid of straightforward fistulas
Surgical intervention is the main path of getting rid of straightforward fistulas

Right -circuit fistulas cannot independently selfless. Pathology is not amenable to conservative treatment. Drug therapy and procedures in the form of baths, compresses and lotions relieve the patient's suffering for a short time.

This should be taken into account with complicated forms of the disease when fistulait passes through the muscle tissue of the anus sphincter, the so-called transfinter and extraxphincter fistulas.

Important: the fistulas of the rectum are not prone to complete healing without surgical intervention.

The tasks of surgical treatment of the return of the rectum

  1. Removal of the inner fistulous opening.
  2. Opening and removal of the pararectal abscess focus.
  3. Exception of the fistulous passage.
  4. The use of the minimum effect on the external sphincter of the anus to prevent loss of its performance.
  5. Postoperative conservative wounding with minimal scarring.
  • The operation to remove the fistula of the anus is carried out under general anesthesia. The wound after excision of the fistula, as a rule, heals quickly. On 5-7 days, the patient is written out if the healing process goes according to the plan and without complications. In the first hours after the operation, pain in the wound area is possible.
  • After removing the fistula, the patient is prescribed a complex of drugs for internal and local use in the form of suppositories, ointments, wound healing drugs and anti -inflammatory tablets. The patient is under medical control until complete recovery.
  • AT postoperative The period is important to perform hygiene procedures. It is allowed to take a shower and sitting baths with herbal infusions of chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark. Baths are recommended after each defecation act.
  • Reviews of patients who have undergone such operations are mainly positive. As a rule, all patients carry the operation well and completely cured. About 2 weeks after the operation, the patient returns to his daily life, and complete cure occurs somewhere at 6 weeks.
  • In a small percentage of patients, a relapse is observed. Complications after surgery in the form of bleeding, slow wounding and inflammatory processes also occur. Similar situations are quite rare. In such cases, additional treatment is prescribed.

Power after removing the fistula of the rectum

  • It is possible to restore health after surgery in the continuation of 2-3 weeks, if you follow the correct diet and perform the necessary hygiene procedures.
  • After surgery, a liquid diet is prescribed in the form of water, kefir, a small portion of liquid rice welded on the water. Such nutrition is recommended in order to facilitate the operation of the intestinal tract without constipation and unnecessary stresses. In addition, feces can serve as a source of infection and pollute the postoperative wound surface.
  • In the future, the work of the gastrointestinal tract in a gentle mode should be supported without loading it. After surgery on the rectum, food is not recommended, irritating the intestinal tract.

What should not be eaten:

  • frying products
  • smoked meats
  • mushrooms
  • fatty and canned food
  • sharp and salty products
  • black bread
  • whole milk
  • vegetables and fruits that cause putrefactive processes and gas formation: radishes, radish, peas, beans, beans, cabbage, spinach, sorrel grapes, raisins
  • fresh hot pastries
  • subrued sweet drinks

Dishes are recommended:

  • liquid and wiped soups-puree with vegetables and certain meat broths from white meat of poultry
  • meatballs, cutlets, zrazes from vegetables, fish or meat cooked steam
  • all kinds of liquid porridge: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat, corn with a small piece of butter
  • low -fat dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt
  • bread in the form of dried toasts, crackers

What is the fistula of the rectum, methods of deliverance, video:

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Comments K. article

  1. And I was prescribed Alfa Normix for the prevention of inflammation after surgery on the intestine. And the truth is not in vain: she recovered quickly, did not suffer, like a friend who was restored herself without therapy.

  2. The intestines are very important, many other body systems depend on its proper work. Therefore, to take tests in time and eat correctly is the basis of the foundations.

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