Picky beans: recipes for cooking dishes. How to cook deliciously fresh patch beans and frozen with mushrooms, vegetables, egg, garlic, pork, beef, chicken, in batter?

Picky beans: recipes for cooking dishes. How to cook deliciously fresh patch beans and frozen with mushrooms, vegetables, egg, garlic, pork, beef, chicken, in batter?

The first dishes, side dishes and snacks are prepared from Sparium beans. After reading the article, learn a lot of delicious recipes.

It’s tasty just boil the French beans and eat it with sour cream and garlic. But you can experiment using a healthy product for the preparation of the first dishes, side dishes and snacks.

Lobio recipe made of patch beans in Georgian

To prepare this dish, they take:

  • 1 kg of French beans
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 200 g of walnuts
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 3 bulbs
  • 0.5 chili pepper

The first stage in the preparation of a spicy Georgian dish of vegetables will be tomato puree. For it, 6 tomatoes with a small amount of grains inside are poured with boiling water and cleaned of the skin. Cutted with small cubes, they are stew for up to 5 minutes, after using a blender or carcass for mashed potatoes turn into a liquid mass.

Georgian lobio made of asparagus beans.
Georgian lobio made of asparagus beans.
  • 200 g of walnut nuclei, 3-4 cloves of garlic and 0.5 chili peppers are crushed by blender
  • 3 large bulbs chopped in half rings are fried in vegetable oil
  • fresh or frozen French beans (1 kg) are boiled separately for 3 minutes
  • onions, a mass of pepper, nuts and garlic, as well as bean pods are added to the boiling tomato puree
  • stew together for 5-7 minutes
  • greens (cilantro, basil, parsley) are crushed and added to the lobio

VIDEO: Lobio from green patch beans

Podchkaya beans: recipe

The patch beans complement the first dishes on vegetable, meat and fish broth. Often it is boiled in milk, then the soup is very tender and nutritious.

RECIPE: Shrimp soup and French beans


  • 300 g of patch beans
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 4-5 almond nuts
  • coriander
  • 100 g of shrimp
  • 0.5 l of coconut milk
  • lemon
Soup with shrimp and French beans.
Soup with shrimp and French beans.
  1. The pods of French beans are boiled separately. They take 300 g per 1 liter of water.
  2. 100 g of frozen shrimp is also defrosted separately.
  3. 1 onion is cut very finely and fry to olive oil to transparency.
  4. In a mortar, 1 clove of garlic with 4-5 pcs is interpreted. Almond and 1 teaspoon of the coriander. The resulting mass is added to the onion and fry with it literally 1 minute.
  5. They bring to a boil of 0.5 liters of coconut milk, add roasting to it and boil for a quarter of an hour.
  6. The shrimp, prying beans are added to the turned off base for the soup.
  7. Decorate the soup with quarters of lemon rings.

RECIPE: Puree soup with asparagus beans


  • 700 g of French beans
  • 5 potatoes
  • 400 ml of milk
  • 20 g of butter
  • rye bread
Puree soup with asparagus beans.
Puree soup with asparagus beans.
  1. 200 g of patching beans is boiled as expected. They will serve as a decoration of the dish.
  2. 5 medium size potatoes are cleaned, cut into cubes and boiled in 1 liter of water.
  3. 0.5 kg of beans are passed through a meat grinder and added to the potato 3 minutes before it is ready.
  4. Drain the vegetable broth, the vegetables are homogenized with a blender.
  5. Add to a mass of potatoes and French beans 400 ml of hot milk and 20 g of butter, salt the soup-puree to taste.
  6. Serve a dish with the addition of whole beans and rye croutons.

VIDEO: Green patch of beans

Frozen patch beans: lean recipes. Struck beans frozen with egg: recipe. Colored cabbage and patch beans recipes

Pitch beans are an excellent base for the dish. It is considered literally with all the products that can be in the house, for example, with chicken eggs, fresh and frozen vegetables.

RECIPE: French beans with eggs


  • 400 g of French beans
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper
  • 3 eggs
French beans with eggs.
French beans with eggs.
  1. Packaging (400 g) of patch beans from the freezer boil for 3 minutes, let it drain on a colander.
  2. In vegetable oil, half rings of onions are fried (1 onion). If there is, it is also good to add 1 tomato without a skin, cut by slices, and 1 bell pepper chopped by strips.
  3. 3 chicken eggs are stirred, but not beaten. Solder them.
  4. Add pods of beans to the onion (and vegetables) and pour everything egg mass.
  5. They fried until the eggs are ready, stirring periodically. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with cottage cheese or grated cheese.

RECIPE: French beans stewed with cauliflower


  • 1 carrots
  • 400 g of colored cabbage and beans in pods
  • 1 onion
  • bulgarian pepper, greens at will
French beans stewed with cauliflower.
French beans stewed with cauliflower.
  1. For a vegetable side dish, you need to take 400 g of frozen cauliflower and frozen French beans. They are pre -boiled in one or different waters. If in one, first cabbage is lowered into boiling water, and after 3 minutes - bean pods.
  2. Finely chop 1 onion, rub 1 carrot, fry them in vegetable oil in a stewpan.
  3. If there is Bulgarian pepper, it is also passing.
  4. Inflorescences of colored cabbage and bean pods are added to the fried vegetables, all the vegetables are stewed together under the lid for 7 minutes.
  5. At the end, salt, pepper, greens are added to the dish.
  6. For color and taste, you can add tomato paste or puree from tomatoes to stewed vegetables.

Shark beans recipes in a slow cooker. Peckal beans: recipes for making stews with vegetables. Bruck beans with mushrooms, champignons: recipe

In a slow cooker, French beans prepare quickly and almost without the participation of the hostess.

RECIPE: French beans with vegetables and chicken


  • 500 g of chicken fillet
  • 1 onion
  • 300 g of tomatoes
  • 1 carrots
  • 400 g of faggage beans
Star in a multicooker made of French beans with vegetables and chicken.
Star in a multicooker made of French beans with vegetables and chicken.
  1. 0.5 kg of chicken fillets is thoroughly washed, cut into cubes and fry in a cereal greased with oil in a multicooker in the "baking" mode.
  2. One large bulb chopped with half -rings and one large carrot on a coarse grated with half -rings are added to the semi -cooked meat.
  3. After 3 minutes, frozen or fresh pods, salt, pepper and quarter of tomatoes (300 g) are poured into the multicooker bowl (300 g).
  4. Put the device in the "extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes.
  5. You can serve the dish with sour cream.

RECIPE: Champignons and patch beans

Champignons and patch beans in a slow cooker.
Champignons and patch beans in a slow cooker.
  1. In a slow cooker, which retains the beneficial properties of asparagus beans and mushrooms, both products are prepared together in the “Extinguishing” mode. If desired, the onions are pre -frying, but this can not be done.
  2. Prepare a gas station - mix 1 tbsp. spoon of soy sauce with 1 tbsp. spoon of water, 0.5 teaspoon of honey, salt and pepper.
  3. Serve French beans with champignons under refueling and sprinkled 2 tbsp. spoons of sesame seeds.

VIDEO: Recipe for stewed meat with patch beans in a slow cooker

Chicken liver with patching beans: recipes

A side dish and a meat dish or a warm snack are prepared separately from the chicken liver. It is necessary not to fry the liver so that it does not break up into the flakes and does not spoil the presentation of the dish.


  • 1 onion
  • 500 g of cookies chicken
  • 300 g of beans
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream
Chicken liver stewed with asparagus beans.
Chicken liver stewed with asparagus beans.
  1. 1 onion is cut in half rings and browned in sunflower oil.
  2. The carrots chopped to the onion are added to the onion.
  3. 0.5 kg of soaked for half an hour and washed chicken liver is added to vegetables and fried for 7 minutes.
  4. Pre -boiled French beans are sent there. Salt with pepper - to taste.
  5. After 3 minutes, the dish is 3 tbsp. spoon sour cream and served to the table.

Pork with patch beans: recipe

Fatty meat is not the most useful addition to dietary chipping beans. But it is so tasty that sometimes you can pamper yourself!


  • 500 g pork
  • 500 g of French beans
  • 1 onion
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce
French beans with pork.
French beans with pork.
  1. Pork pieces with the least amount of fat (0.5 kg), fry with onion in vegetable oil for about 20 minutes.
  2. Add to meat 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce, salt and pepper, fried for another 20 minutes.
  3. At this time, 0.5 kg of French beans are boiled, add it to meat, stew for 2 minutes, no more.

Beef with patch beans: recipe


  • 400 g of beef
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 400 g of French beans
  • greens
Beef with green pods of beans.
Beef with green pods of beans.
  1. 400 g of beef are cut with cubes, like befstrogans.
  2. Put it in one layer in the pan and fry it until all the liquid is evaporated.
  3. Add to meat 1 onion chopped by half rings, 3 cloves of crushed garlic, salt and pepper, fried all together for 10 minutes.
  4. Add 400 g of welded beans and sliced \u200b\u200bwith rings or half-rings to the dish (2-3 pieces).
  5. When serving, complement the dish with any greens.

Minced meat with patch beans: recipe

A hearty casserole is prepared from meat minced meat and French beans.

We take:

  • 1 onion
  • 1 wet
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 kg of minced meat
  • 400 g of beans in pods
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise and sour cream
  • 300 g of cheese
Casserole of minced meat and green beans.
Casserole of minced meat and green beans.
  1. 1 onion, 1 carrots are cleaned, washed, finely cut and mixed with 0.5 kg of minced meat and 1 beaten chicken egg.
  2. The minced meat is slaughtered and laid out with an even layer on a baking sheet previously greased with vegetable oil.
  3. On top, 400 g of fresh or frozen blanched beans in pods are also laid out from above.
  4. Mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream and mayonnaise, a mixture is smeared with a casserole.
  5. In the oven, at 180 degrees, a dish is baked for about half an hour, then 300 g of grated hard cheese are taken out and sprinkled.
  6. They put the casserole in the oven for another 15 minutes.

VIDEO: Cooking green beans with minced meat

Frozen patch beans: recipes for cooking diet for weight loss, for a diet. Broccoli and patch beans: recipes. Powder beans with breast: recipe

Having losing weight on proper nutrition or diet, combinations of French beans with birds and vegetables are great. There are few calories, a lot of protein and vitamins - this is what you need to lose weight without prejudice to health.

RECIPE: Chicken breast with asparagus beans


  • 1 chicken breast
  • 2 garlic teeth
  • 300 g of French beans
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce and honey for refueling
Chicken breast with asparagus beans.
Chicken breast with asparagus beans.
  1. One chicken breast is cut in half or two file parts are taken. They rub them with spices, salt and garlic. Within 35-40 minutes, bake wrapped in foil in the oven.
  2. Fresh or frozen asparagus beans are boiled, cooled with ice water. Give a drain. After fry in butter.
  3. As a gas station, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of honey or take low -fat sour cream.

RECIPE: French beans with broccoli

On a diet or on a fasting day, you can eat a salad of 100 g of French beans and 100 g of broccoli, steamed or simply boiled. It is slightly sucked, sprayed with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. This dish can also be eaten with low -fat meat or a side dish of cereals or cereals.

Broccoli dietary salad and French beans.
Broccoli dietary salad and French beans.

Fried patching beans: recipe. Pitch beans in batter: Recipe

After the pods of the French beans will be cooked, they can be fryed. Better in butter. Then they will turn out to be crispy and elastic. They are fried for 3-5 minutes. If you add sour cream or cream at the end of the process, a little crushed garlic, the dish will be called "patch beans in French."

Crushing sticks made of patch beans.
Crushing sticks made of patch beans.

As a warm snack for beer or instead of harmful chips, asparagus beans are fried in batter.


  • 150 g of flour and starch
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 400 g of faggage beans
  • 0.5 l of carbonated water
  1. The batter for crispy sticks is made from 2 chicken eggs, 150 g of flour and 150 g of starch and cold water with gas (how much the dough will “take”).
  2. The boiled pods (400 g) are dipped in the batter and lowered to be fried to boiling vegetable oil until they acquire a golden color.
  3. In order for the appetizer to crunch even more, sesame seeds can be added to the batter.

VIDEO: A delicious recipe for asparagus beans in crackers

Pitch beans for a side dish recipes. Picky beans with sour cream: recipes for cooking

RECIPE: Garnish from asparagus beans and sweet corn for fish

We take:

  • 30 g of butter and 1 tbsp of vegetable oil
  • 400 g of beans
  • 200 corn
Garnish from asparagus beans and sweet corn for fish.
Garnish from asparagus beans and sweet corn for fish.
  1. 30 g of butter and 1 tbsp are mixed in a pan. a spoonful of olive oil.
  2. When the oil mixture boils, 400 g of half -ready brewed pits are laid out in a pan, prepared under the lid for 3 minutes.
  3. From a jar of corn, a liquid is drained, 200 g of corn grains are added to the pods and, salt and pitch, prepared together for another 2 minutes.
  4. Turn off the pan. Add to a mixture of vegetables 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and hold under a closed lid for 10 minutes before serving.

RECIPE: French beans with sour cream sauce to chicken cutlets

We take:

  • 400 g of beans
  • 200 g of smatan
  • 50 g butter
  • garlic
French beans with sour cream sauce to chicken cutlets.
French beans with sour cream sauce to chicken cutlets.
  1. 400 g of pods are boiled and fried in butter.
  2. A quick sauce of 200 g of sour cream and 50 g of creamy cheese is prepared: they heat sour cream in a water bath, add a grated cheese to it, bring the sauce to uniformity. If desired, add garlic passed through the press to it.

VIDEO: Powder beans in sour cream and garlic

Stewed patch beans: recipes for cooking. Powder beans with garlic: recipes

The pods are stewed like this: 300 g of boiled pods are laid out in a pan with vegetable oil and covered with a lid. After 3 minutes, 3 finely chopped cloves of garlic are added.

Picky beans with crushed garlic.
Picky beans with crushed garlic.

Picky beans with potatoes: recipe


  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes
  • 300 g of beans of a patch
The potatoes are stewed with a patch beans.
The potatoes are stewed with a patch beans.
  1. 1 onion and 1 carrots are cleaned, crushed and fried in vegetable oil.
  2. In a separate pan, 500 g of cleaned and sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes are cut.
  3. Connect potatoes with vegetables and stew together until cooked.
  4. 300 g of boiled beans, salt, pepper, favorite seasonings are added to the stew 300 g before turning off.

Patch beans: steam recipes. Powder beans with rice: recipes

In a slow cooker or double boiler, you can cook French beans with any vegetables, meat, fish and cereals. The option of diet lunch is green pods with rice.


  • 1 cup of rice
  • 300 g of French beans
Steam rice with sparium beans.
Steam rice with sparium beans.
  1. 1 cup of white long -grain rice is washed, sorted out, but not soaked.
  2. To prepare the dish, you need a baking sheet of steamer without holes. If it is perforated, it is proposed to cover it with foil.
  3. Rice is steamed for 40 minutes.
  4. Add 300 g of green beans, fresh or frozen, as well as salt, pepper, spices to taste to the croup.
  5. Prepare the dish for another 20 minutes.
  6. For beauty and completeness of taste, 1 carrot and 1 onion are passing, added to the finished dish.

Powder beans with pasta: recipes

Macarons with patch beans, chicken, mushrooms or fish are prepared for a hearty lunch. You can take any pasta - horns, shells, spaghetti, so on.


  • 200 g of any pasta
  • 300 g of asparagus beans
  • 200 ml of cream
  • 100 g of cheese
Macarone products with fish and patch beans.
Macarone products with fish and patch beans.
  1. 200 g of pasta is boiled according to the rules.
  2. Separately boiled and 300 g of beans (you can take a vegetable mixture from the store).
  3. In a deep pan, 200 ml of cream is mixed, 100 g of grated hard cheese “Old Dutchman” or “Parmesan”, salt and pepper are added to them.
  4. Ready pasta, pods, pods, separately pieces of chicken, fish or mushrooms are mixed. Water the dish with sauce.

Recipe: Podchkova beans salad


  • 300 g of beef tongue
  • 300 g of French beans
  • 1 onion
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper
  • 50 ml of soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey
Exercise beans with a tongue in a salad.
Exercise beans with a tongue in a salad.
  1. 300 g of beef tongue is cut into beautiful cubes, and marinated in a mixture of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, 50 ml of soy sauce, ground red and black peppers.
  2. After a quarter of an hour, fry the tongue in boiling oil.
  3. When the tongue is almost ready, 1 large bell pepper (strips) is added to the pan with half -rings.
  4. After 5 minutes, boiled beans in pods (300 g) are also placed there. All together is steamed under the lid for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Decorate the salad with chopped herbs.

VIDEO: Egg with patching beans

Armchais mushroom recipe in Armenian

The Armenian Tursha is pickled patch beans. The dish can be very different, because any vegetables that are at home are pickled with pods - carrots, cabbage, pepper, so on.

We take:

  • 500 g of beans in pods
  • 0.5 l of water
  • 30 g of salt
  • spices and garlic
Tursha made of green pits.
Tursha made of green pits.
  1. 500 g of pits are prepared for cooking and boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. For 0.5 liters of water, take 30 g of salt. Boil and cool the brine.
  3. Podley pods, 1 bay leaf, 3 crushed garlic cloves, 3 pepper peas and a crushed bunch of any greens are laid out in a jar or a pan.
  4. Pour all this with a cold brine, cover with gauze and put the load.
  5. Ideally, Tursha is preparing for 3 days, but you can leave it at night.

VIDEO: Armenian sauerly pod

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