What is a fistula on the gum, what does it look like, what is dangerous? Fot on the gum in adults and children: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

What is a fistula on the gum, what does it look like, what is dangerous? Fot on the gum in adults and children: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Methods of treating a fistula on the gum with folk methods and antibiotics.

A fistula on the gum is an ailment that occurs quite often. This usually happens above the teeth that are affected by caries. Most often, the cause of the appearance of fistulas is untimely treatment of pulpitis and caries.

What is a fistula on the gum, what does it look like?

The ailment looks like a red inflamed point above or under the gum, in the beginning of the root. The fistula does not form where healthy teeth. Usually an abscess occurs where there is caries or under a seal, a crown. In the absence of treatment of caries, it develops into pulpitis, and then into periodite. Inflammation spreads from pulp to channels in the root of the tooth. Infiltrate goes through this fistula.

You can independently find a fistula. Before its appearance, the gum is fluffing, the place of accumulation of pus is formed. Further, the pain subsides, since the pus finds the exit through the gum. A red point is formed, from which pus can ooze.

Fot on the gum
fot on the gum

Purulent fistula on the gums: symptoms and causes

A purulent fistula is a swelling on the gum in the tooth root area, which breaks through, forming the output of pus. It was at this time that the fistula is the most painful. During this period, the gum has not yet broken through, which causes pain and pulsation in the field of inflammation. After the gums break through, the pain will decrease.

Reasons for the fistula:

  • Poor -quality treatment of caries and pulpitis
  • Damage to the tooth root during treatment
  • Inflammation of the cyst
  • Lack of treatment of caries
Purulent fistula on the gums
Purulent fistula on the gums

What is the danger of a fistula on the gum, what are the consequences?

It doesn't just look ugly and hurts a lot of pain. In the absence of treatment, you can lose your tooth, but this is not the worst. There are very deplorable consequences, in the absence of treatment for a fistula.

The consequences of the fistula:

  • Damage to healthy teeth
  • Destruction of bone tissue
  • Damage to nerves and auditory moves
  • The need to remove tooth

If the gum has a pin, then most likely during treatment it must be removed. Often, the channels are brilized. If this is not done, the infection will spread not only to soft tissues, but also affect the bone. In this case, you will have to be treated for a long time at the surgeon.

The consequences of the fistula on the gums
The consequences of the fistula on the gums

Fot on the gum treatment with antibiotics, what?

For the treatment of a fistula, antibiotics choose a wide spectrum of action. In this case, the patient’s health is necessarily taken into account. It is worth noting that if you notice inflammation over the root of the tooth and decided to take antibiotics, then after a while the problem will return. It is necessary to remove the source of inflammation and propagation of microorganisms. That is, it is worth curing the tooth by cleaning the channels of pus and sealing them.

List of antibiotics:

  • Doxycycline
  • Ceftriaxone
  • Penicilin
  • Gentamycin
Fot on the gum treatment with antibiotics
Fot on the gum treatment with antibiotics

Fot on the Desna: Treatment at home

It is not recommended to treat a fistula at home. Only a doctor will be able to determine the severity of the disease. The fact is that pathogenic microorganisms can affect bone tissue, the doctor prescribes an X -ray with a poet. This is to determine the degree of infection.

Home treatment:

  • Rinse Happy ENT. The drug contains an antibiotic that kills bacteria
  • Let's take antibiotics inside. These are a wide spectrum preparations
  • Warming up for the rapid discharge of pus
Fot on the Desna: Treatment at home
Fot on the Desna: Treatment at home

Fot on the Desna: Folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are many means that will help get rid of a fistula.

Folk recipes:

  • Mummy. Dissolve the plate of the product in boiled water. You should get dark water. Swell it with cotton wool and put it on a sore spot for 20 minutes.
  • Eucalyptus. Grind the leaves for the preparation of the medicine and pour in vegetable oil. Strain and impregnate with fragrant fluid cotton wool. Put on the affected area for 30 minutes.
  • Aloe. Peel a few leaves of aloe and chop. It is necessary to make porridge. Apply a little means to cotton wool and place in the suppuration area. The exposure time is a third of the hour.
Aloe for the treatment of a fistula
Aloe for the treatment of a fistula

How to cure a fistula on the gum than to rinse?

For the treatment of a fistula, decoctions of herbs are used, which differ in healing and antibacterial properties.

Rinse for the treatment of a fistula:

  • Chamomile. Pour a spoonful of flowers 220 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid let stand for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and cool to room temperature. Apply for rinsing three times a day.
  • Soda and iodine. This solution is used to treat many dental ailments. It is necessary to dissolve 10 g of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water. Add a few drops of iodine. Half the resulting solution of the mouth.
  • St. John's wort. Pour the spoonful of dry grass into the pan and pour 230 ml of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes. Strain and cool to room temperature. Use rinses.
Rinse for the treatment of a fistula
Rinse for the treatment of a fistula

The child’s fistula on the gum of a milk tooth in a child: what to do?

Children often have a fistula, and it is not always associated with the destruction of the tooth and the appearance of inflammation in the root. The kids often become inflamed due to the fact that they pull dirty fingers and toys in their mouths. Typically, rinsing is used to treat children.

Rinse for the treatment of a fistula in children:

  • Miramistin
  • Chlorhexidine
  • Betadin

You can use antiseptic ointments: Solcoseryl, asept, metrogil dent.

Fistula treatment in children
Fistula treatment in children

Fot on the gum during pregnancy, how to treat?

During pregnancy with a visit to the doctor, you cannot postpone. This is fraught with consequences, because inflammation can spread. Part of the bacteria can enter the stomach and blood from the mouth. This can cause a child’s illness.

The fistula during pregnancy is treated with opening the channels with their cleaning. Then the doctor puts a temporary or constant seal. Local funds in the form of ointments or rinses can be assigned.

Fistula on the gum during pregnancy
Fistula on the gum during pregnancy

After a tooth removed fistula

This occurs when the dentist is used by non -sterile tools. First, in the place of a torn tooth, inflammation and swelling of the gums occurs. Next, an abscess appears. After a while, pus will begin to ooze. If the gum continues to hurt, you must contact the surgeon. He will cut the abscess and set the drainage. In this case, antibiotics and rinses are prescribed.

After a tooth removed fistula
After a tooth removed fistula

Can a fistula on the gum pass yourself?

No, inflammation can subside, and pus ceases to ooze, but any fistula is a way out for pathogenic microorganisms that multiply in the tooth channels. Over time, the pain disappears, but caries grows, the disease exacerbates. Only after cleaning the channels and their filling can we talk about the treatment of a fistula.

Fot on the gum
Fot on the gum

Removing the fistula on the gums

The fistula will pass after cleaning the channels and installing the seal. You may need an intervention of a surgeon for cleaning soft tissues with drainage installation. Along with this, antibiotics and rinses are prescribed.

Removing the fistula on the gums
Removing the fistula on the gums

A fistula on the gum is a serious ailment that can lead to tooth loss and even arthritis of the jaws. Sometimes this disease causes inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

Video: Fot on the Desna

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