What is the difference in numbers: reduced, subtracted, difference - rule

What is the difference in numbers: reduced, subtracted, difference - rule

The article will introduce the reader to the concepts of “difference in numbers”, “subtracted” and “reduced”.

In arithmetic, there are only four main actions that we call addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. Such actions are the basis of all mathematics - they allow us to carry out all the calculations: both simple and the most complex. The simplest actions are the addition and subtraction, which are opposite to each other. True, we also use the word "addition" in ordinary life.

We can meet the phrase “Fold efforts, for example, when we need to do some work together. But with the term “subtraction”, the situation is a little more complicated, and in the conversation it is less common. We rarely hear expressions such as " minuend», « subtrahend», « difference". But in today's article we will talk in detail about them from the point of view of mathematics.

What does the number reduced, the number is subtracted and the difference in numbers?


What does the number reduced, the number is subtracted and the difference in numbers? As you know, many scientific terms and expressions are taken from other languages, often Greek and Latin. But those words that will be considered below have Russian origin, because it will be easier for us to make them out.

For example, what can be said about the difference in numbers? If we pay attention to the root of the word “difference”, then we will present, for example, his single -rooted word “difference”. And if we are talking about mathematics, then there is nothing to think here-the word “difference” means the difference between some numbers, or rather, two numbers. The difference shows us how much one is more than the other or, conversely, the second is less than the first. Strictly in mathematics, it looks like a subtraction result.

We will immediately give an example. Suppose a buffet carries eight pies on a tray. She distributed five of them to visitors. How many pies will the sideboard remain on the tray? If you subtract 5 out of 8, it will turn out - 3. Now we will write it down mathematically:

  • 8 – 5 = 3

That is, the difference between eight and five is three. Now we understand what the term “difference” is.

Attention: If two numbers are equal to each other, then the difference between them does not exist, it is zero (8 - 8 \u003d 0).


Now we should find out what is subtracted and reduced. Again, imagine the meaning of words in their meaning. What can be a reduced number? Reduced is the number that decreases when subtracting. From this number they take a different number. And what is subtracted? The deductible is precisely the number that we take away from the reduced.

Let's get back, for example, with a sideboard. We remember how five were taken from eight, and we got three. We found out that the three is the difference between these two numbers. Now it is no longer difficult for us to understand that 8 is the number reduced, and 5 is the number subtracted.

How to find a reduced and subtract number?

How in mathematics to find the difference in numbers we have already figured out. It is quite simple. But can we find a reduced and subtracting number if one number is unknown? Of course we can, since we will know the other two numbers. For example, how can we find a reduced number? If we know the value of the difference and subtracted, then the sum of these two numbers is equal to the reduced:

  • Y - 10 \u003d 18, where y is the number of reduced
  • So, y \u003d 18 + 10
  • 18 + 10 = 28
  • Y \u003d 28

The deductible is just as simple. If we know the difference and reduced, then we will receive the subtracted by taking the difference from the reduced number:

  • 28 - b \u003d 10, where b is the number of subtracted
  • So, b \u003d 28 - 10
  • 28 – 10 = 18
  • B \u003d 18

Video: reduced, subtracted, difference

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