Drotaverine hydrochloride - instructions for use. What does drotaverin help?

Drotaverine hydrochloride - instructions for use. What does drotaverin help?

The proposed article will become a source of information about the rules for the use of the drug "Drotaverin" and in which cases it is most effective. We also compare the action of the analogue of the drug with the drug "No-shpa".

The medication refers to group antispasmodic funds. His acting substance provides relaxing action on the smooth muscles organism.

Apply given means at need stopping attacks spasm at disease Gastrointestinal tract, at narrowing biliary ways, inflammation straight guts, inflammation urinary bubbles, a so the same at tone uterus in period bearing pregnancy.

The medication applied by the way reception inside or injections.

« Drotaverin» instructions on application

  • « Drotaverin» refers to group medications, having myotropic spasmolytic action. Papaverine is close analogue, similar with drotaverine on his own properties and action. Should mark, what reception this funds reduces transport calcium in cells smooth muscles, those most reducing processes, bringing to her reduction and spasm
  • Thanks to his own properties a drug removes spasm with smooth muscle organs Gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels, removing those most painful feel and reducing blood pressure
  • This a drug fully has sucks in blood channel from Gastrointestinal tract at reception medication orally. Half doses funds acts in blood after already 12 minutes after reception funds. Displayed substance at help urine systems

« Drotaverin» from what helps?

"Drotaverin" from what does it help?

How we found out previously, the main ones indications to use drug « Drotaverin» are pathology, related cO spastic condition smooth muscles organism.

  • Thatthere is the a drug maybe apply at raising arterial pressure, so how removing spasm with blood vessels, a drug unload active load on the heart, a consequently will reduce minute volume circulating blood (article about disease Hypertension you so the same you can read on the ours site)
  • At raising tone uterus in period bearing pregnancy « Drotaverin» so the same will provide desirable effect, having improved blood supply fetus. So how at this remove spasm with vessels placenta.
  • So how biliary ducts have in your own structure smooth muscle component, then at discinesias (narrowing) lumen duct « Drotaverin» facilitates passage bile
    AT compliance to your own the main one action drug found wide spectrum application in medicine and often applied in composition complex therapy most diverse diseases

Compound « Drotaverine»

The main substance medication is drotaverine hydrochloride, which the in composition tablet forms contained in quantity 0.04 g. all rest components medication are auxiliary.

Indications to application

Indications for use
Indications for use

« Drotaverin» assign in the following cases:

At spastic states smooth muscles organs Gastrointestinal tract
Discinesias biliary ways
At presence kolikov liver and intestines
At disease cholecystitis, holangite
A drug recommended apply at spastic constipation and colitis
At spastic condition urine systems
At ulcerative diseases stomach « Drotaverin» applied in composition complex treatment
At spasm coronary and cerebral vessels
At spasm zeva uterus in period generic activities
At threat interruptions pregnancy in result increased tone uterus

« Drotaverin» the form release and application: tablets, injections (solution)

Medication available in 2 basic formsthis is tablets for oral reception and solution for execution injections.
The main one action drug it begins in average on expiration 30 minutes after reception. Displayed means from organism in complete volume in flow day.

Accepted means in tablet form wrinking big quantity water and not mourning, at this dose funds selected strictly individually for everyone patient, with taking into account pathology and degree severity spastic attack.

Adults « Drotaverin» assigned in most cases in dose from 40 before 70 mg on the 1 reception several once in day. At this daily dose drug not must exceed 270 mg.

« Drotoverin» children, children before of the year, pregnant

"Drotoverin" to children, children up to a year, pregnant women

Reception drotaverine assigned children only under observation medical employee.

  • Children in age from 3x before 6 years one -time dose reception drug not must exceed 20 mg, at this daily dosage not exceeds 120 mg.
    At age child from 6 before 12 years one -time dose reception it is not more 40 mg, a daily respectively not more 200 mg
  • Application drug u children in age before of the year maybe only under observation treating doctor. More often this is injection the form drug, which introduced from calculation 0.1 ml funds on the 1 full year life baby
  • Application drug at pregnancy appropriate at availability increased tone uterus and spastic attacks for prevention beginning premature generic activities. If a u women in anamnesis there is chronic non -infinition pregnancy in result insolvency muscles shakes uterus, then application any antispasmodic drugs categorically contraindicated

« Drotaverin» at menstruation

Frequent reason painful menses serves exactly spasm in time rejection endometry. Exactly on this reason application drotoverin in moment painful menstruation quite it is advisable.

Taking a drug you remove spasm with smooth muscles uterus, those most painkille and facilitating own condition.

« Drotaverin» and « Butshp» in how difference

"Drotaverin" and "No-shpa" is what is the difference

By principle your own actions data funds not differ, but much vary in plan price politicians.

« Drotaverin» harrowal cheaper your own commercial analogue drug « Butshp» and more affordable for acquisitions.

Application « Analgina» and « Drotaverin»

Given combination drugs wide applied in quality emergency help for reduction hyperthermia (increase temperatures bodies).

Before in this compound entered more and a drug « Dimedrol», but on the today day more it is advisable usage « Suprastin», especially this is concerns children's age.
Mix these funds in equal proportions and introduced intramuscularly, at condition absence effect from others antipyretic funds.

Application « Paracetamol» with « Drotaverine»

The use of
The use of "paracetamol" with "Drotaverine"

Given combination drugs includes in myself so the same « Codeine». it combination it has properties analgesics, antispasmodics and antipyretic funds.

Based on from their own properties combination these drugs applied at pain syndrome, at high meanings temperatures and inflammation.

« Drotaverin» overdose

Excess recommended for reception dose funds maybe bring to strengthening manifestations side effects from reception drug, development AVblockade (conductivity hearts) and even to stop heart activities. So the same abuse drug maybe provoke development paralysis breathing center.

For relief symptoms overdose recommended reception atropine for prevention development blockade and recovery normal rhythm heartbeat. FROM that the same the goal applied adrenalin intravenously.

Side actions « Drotaverin»

To side manifestations given drug related:
Head pain and dizziness
Decrease arterial pressure
Violation sleep
Sensation heat
Increased sweating
Manifestations allergic reactions

Contraindications « Drotaverin»

Contraindications "Drotaverin"

Contraindications for reception drug serving the following states:

Heavy pathology work kidneys and liver
Availability in anamnesis heart insufficiency and blockade conductivity hearts
Decrease arterial pressure
Increased sensitivity to drug

« Drotaverin» analogs

"Drotaverin" Analogs


« Drotaverin» reviews

Having studied reviews about medication on the different sites can do conclusion, what given means enough vast used and it has high efficiency. So the same in plan price politicians it more how democratic and not inferior his own analogues in quality.

Video: Drotaverin | Instructions for use

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