What is a hommate for the face? How to use a cosmetic product, advantages of its use, reviews

What is a hommate for the face? How to use a cosmetic product, advantages of its use, reviews

Relatively recently, an innovative facility for the face has appeared on sale. This cream is created for careful skin care. Next, consider what kind of cosmetic product it is, and how to use it.

The name of the cosmetic product comes from Gomme - from French it translates like an eraser. Gommage cream for the face, like an eraser, carefully exfoliates the upper particles of the skin, cleanses the dead cells of the epidermis. Thanks to the process, you will feel an improvement in the condition of the skin, rejuvenation will occur, you will get rid of acne, black dots and other disadvantages on the skin of the face.

What is the difference between hommansed for the face from scrub and peeling?

Peeling - this is the name of the procedure. With the help of peeling, they get rid of keratinized, dead cells of the skin. But scrub, Gommage for the face is products for exfoliation. The scrub contains special particles that pilled faces. And hommate is softer than a scrub.

Cosmetic products
Cosmetic products

His difference and scrub is that:

  • With the help of hommate, a soft peeling procedure is performed. It does not injure even sensitive skin. Thanks to the face of the face, the skin is cleansed without micro -aspirations.
  • Gommage has very much pleasant aroma, scrubs also smell pleasantly.
  • However scrub can cause irritation, inflammation on the epidermis, unlike gammage.
  • Gammage, he, as well as a scrub, can have low cost, if this is a budget version of the product.

Use hommates no more often than 1-2 times a week. Despite the fact that the cream gently affects skin cells, it is still not intended for daily use.

Hommage for the face or scrub - which is better?

If you choose that it is better to use a gammage for a face or scrub, then you need to be guided by individual preferences. Both that and other remedies are used to remove black dots, dead epidermal cells, preparation of the skin for cosmetic procedures.

The scrub has a cream or gel base. Its composition contains different sizes of abrasive substances, it is precisely due to them that the old particles of the epidermis are extended. They are used to such peeling everywhere both in beauty salons and at home. But it does not suit everyone, because sometimes it causes damage to the upper layers of the skin.

IMPORTANT: The cream scrub should be used for oily, normal skin. Do not allow the use of cream in the presence of rashes, inflammatory reactions to the skin of the face. It is undesirable to use scrub women with sensitive or combined skin. After all, after that there is discomfort, there is a risk of irritation.


IMPORTANT: The cleansing of the scrub will be effective if you steam the skin of the face before the procedure. Then the scrub particles have a deeper effect on the skin.

Gommage differs from a scrub in that it acts on the surface of the epidermis delicately. Its composition contains rather soft abrasives that are able to carefully remove dead skin particles. In addition, abrasive substances in Gommage have a soft massaging effect. For example, in rose Sugar Scrub creammelted sugar particles.

In other series of creams of this group the role of peeling is played by acids, soft -acting enzymes. They can be ranked to them fruit acids and salicylic acid. Substances fall into the pores of the skin of the face, where various small pollution dissolve and remove surplus sebum, the remaining cosmetics.

Cleansing the skin with abrasives creams
Cleansing the skin with abrasives creams

Abrasives are of course not the only substances that are part of the hommate. Other elements are included in the cream that rejuvenate the structure of the skinthey provide a calming effect on skin cells, moisturize. After the use of hommate, the state of the epidermis noticeably improves, dryness, tightness disappears.

That is why hommate is of great popularity, and more and more often women choose this cream to eliminate the shortcomings on the skin and its purification. Indeed, with the help of hommate, you can not only clean the skin, but also improve their condition. In fact face is a multifunctional productunlike a scrub.

How to use hommate for the face?

To achieve a good effect, the face of the face should be used correctly. The method of applying the cream is reduced to the following actions:

  1. Squeeze 5-6 grams of gammage from the tube, apply to the face. The process is better make in circular movementsThe massive movements of the fingers when applying the cream will only improve the effect of a cosmetic product on the skin of the face.
  2. Try do not apply a gammae near the eyes. Avoid the area around the eyes. After one or two minutes, the cream will dry, absorbed into the skin.
  3. Gommage removed from the skin of the face with tonic, water in the direction of massage lines. So that the skin does not stretch, it is advisable to hold it with your hand when you remove hommanse.
Effect after using hommate
Effect after using hommate

IMPORTANT: Dams with oily or combined skin of faces are best used no more than three times a week. Women with normal skin are recommended to use the cream twice a week. And representatives with dry sensitive skin are suitable for a one -time use of a cosmetic product per week.

It is not recommended to do peeling with hommans before you visit ultraviolet procedures in a cosmetic salon or before driving on the beach. The harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and wind can adversely affect the condition of the skin after applying the gammage cream.

Organic Shop - soft hommate "Morning coffee"

Organic Shop - Soft gommage for the face "Morning coffee" - Suitable for any type of skin. Those who have already used the product say that the product gently affects the skin. After several times, the result is noticeable - the skin becomes silky, well -groomed, smooth.

AT the composition of the cream contains abrasives in the form of small particles of natural coffee with a pleasant aroma. It is remarkable that the cream does not contain lauryl sulfates, parabens and other chemical elements that have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

Gommage morning coffee
Gommage "Morning Coffee"

AT the composition of the hommate is cocoa, coffee, fruit acids. The abrasives are so small that they look like small particles of powder.

Piling is as follows:

  1. The cream with massaging movements is applied to the face, bypassing the area around the eyes. Three minutes are enough for this.
  2. Due to fruit acid, the cream penetrates into the upper layers of the skin, where contaminants dissolve. Therefore, the cream after application should be slightly held on the face.
  3. Then it is removed with a sponge moistened in a tonic.

The only thing that is not always suitable for oily skin, the process of cleansing for representatives with this type of skin may seem insufficient. Although the hommate cream is suitable for any type of skin.

Cedrovo-berry scrub-gym from the grandmother of Agafia, suitable for the body

Skrub-gomgefrom the grandmother of Agafia-cedar-berry, in its composition has a number of useful natural products. In addition, the gammage cream for the face, body, has a massive bio-effect. After its use, the skin becomes velvety, soft.

  1. Cedar cake The dead cells of the epidermis exfoliate.
  2. Oil from bones of fragrant lingonberryit has a moisturizing effect, gives the epidermis elasticity, elasticity.
  3. Oil, obtained from siberian cedar,provides the cells of the skin with vitamins F, E. This helps to saturate epidermal cells and improve the condition of the skin.
  4. Oil, obtained from raspberry bones, gives the body not only silkiness, but also a unique persistent aroma.
Gommage cedaro-berry
Gommage cedaro-berry

In terms of composition, hommanse resembles a pleasant sliding gel mass. A greater effect from the use of the cream can be obtained by steaming the skin. This product should be applied to the whole body with massaging movements.

Due to the presence of cedar oil, the movement of blood flow in the vessels occurs. The scrubbing effect is carried out by small particles of cedar's cedar. It is not recommended to wash off hommanse immediately, you need to wait ten minutes, then it will also work both as a mask and as an anti -stress.

Cream Skrab-Ghotmage "Komodex"-reviews

Cream scrubgommage "Komodex" It is more suitable for representatives of oily, problem skin. Not only does it have an absorbent effect on the epidermis, it still perfectly cleans the skin. It nourishes skin cells with minerals, improves exchange, regenerates the renewal of the skin.

Skrub-Ghumzh Christina Comodex
Skrub-Ghumzh Christina Comodex

The effectiveness of the Gomazha is also confirmed by user reviews, here are some of them:

Victoria, 29 years old:

I have oily skin, it is undesirable to make scrubs, and therefore I decided to try the komodex gambling faces. To get the best effect, you should first steam the skin, for this I use a warm towel when my face turns red, I apply the cream, massaging the skin. For better exposure, I also add a drop of grape oil to the cream. In addition to the face, I apply hommansed to the neckline and neck. I leave the cream for 7-10 minutes. Then, you can wash off. I do the procedure twice a week. The effect is amazing, after the shower the skin is fresh, smooth, clean, elastic. Thanks to this, visits to the cosmetologist can be canceled, saved on expensive oily skin care procedures.

Alice, 38 years old:

From the scrub there are discomfort on the skin of the face, so I decided to take hommansed, on the advice of a friend. She said that the cleansing is softer, and really hommansed "Comodex Scrub & Gommage" Quickly relieve black dots. The skin after its use becomes matte. I use it daily, despite this, I don’t feel any discomfort. On the contrary, I feel improvement. The price of the cream is not so small, but the effect is worth it. He who has come across problematic oily skin knows that it is difficult to deal with defects on his face. And thanks to this tool, I have reached the uterine of the skin. The only thing I will now use less often, so as not to dry my face. I definitely advise you to try gammage to girls who have oily skin, only control the frequency of using the product.

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Video: Faces Gommage - Reviews

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