Olive facial oil. Masks and scrubs recipes

Olive facial oil. Masks and scrubs recipes

An article about the benefits of olive oil for the skin. A selection of the best recipes for masks for various types of skin and body skin.

For incredible taste properties and widespread use in cooking Homer called olive oil “yellow gold”. Even in antiquity, this product was used to preserve beauty. Today, when completely natural cosmetics acquires a special price, olives extract are part of creams, oil mixtures, scrubs, milk, etc. “Yellow gold” is suitable as a nutritious element for the skin prone to dryness, and as a tonic for oily.

The benefits of olive oil for facial skin

  • Systematic oil care levels the texture of the skin and smooths out its roughness.
  • Fatty acid, creating an invisible film, take care of the face and body, protect against dehydration.
  • Vitamin E, contained in the substance, returns a natural color to the face, raises the skin tone, helps to eliminate shallow and facial wrinkles.

  • Valuable vitamin D.which is so difficult to get with other foods, performs the function of skin cleansing.
  • Vitamin A It nourishes the skin, enhances blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers.
  • Microelements copper, iron, calcium, which is rich in hood from olives, prevent the rapid withering of the skin of the face.
  • Glandso also regulates blood flow in the layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous layers, saturates the cells with oxygen.
  • Invalid substances soothe problem skin.

Important: olive oil pulls the finest film on the upper layer of the epidermis, which becomes protection from exposure to adverse factors - mechanical damage, weather conditions, ultraviolet rays.

Is it possible to use olive facial oil instead of a cream?

Regarding whether it is possible to use olive oil as a means for daily care, experts have no general opinion. Without auxiliary components, oil can be applied to girls up to 30 years old. It can not be used by additional means, because olive oil is self -sufficient: it moisturizes and saturates the skin, creates a protective barrier from adverse factors, prevents wrinkles and treats the first age -related changes. The product has a beneficial effect on the delicate areas around the eyes and, contrary to common opinion, does not weight and does not injure the skin there.

Older ladies use olives extract as a cream. The anti -agent program should include oil only as an additional component in the composition of full -fledged care products - scrubs, milk, tonic fluids, etc.

What will be wiping the face with olive oil?

The hood from olives perfectly cleanses the skin and completely removes makeup. It saturates the cells with oxygen, improves blood circulation in the skin, regulates humidity, levels the texture. Cosmetologists recommend wipe the skin with oil before bedtime or in the morning until makeup is applied.

Before use, heat the product. Dice the cotton swab into the water and squeeze well. Moisten it in a few drops of olive oil and go through your face skin, including the area under the eyes and eyelids. The face is covered with a film of fat, this is normal.

Wait a few minutes and remove the rest with a napkin. Do it carefully without stretching the skin. In the case of a fat type of skin, rinse your face with contrasting water.

Having finished with wiping, feel free to go to bed, although you can always additionally use your usual evening cream.

Recipes for face masks with olive oil for dry and wilting skin

Important: home masks soften overdled skin, prevent peeling, eliminate signs of wilting.

Genuine mask


  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • boiled beans - up to 10 pcs.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Grind the bean grains to the pasty mass, connect them with butter and lemon juice so that a flat mixture comes out. With this mixture, lubricate the clean face, except for the zones around the eyes. After half an hour, remove the composition, washing it off with water heated to comfort.

Dry and wilting skin mask


  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • cottage cheese of high fat content - 1 tbsp.;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

Connect all the components and beat them with a fork or using a blender. Distribute the resulting composition on the face, wait for half an hour and wash yourself with warm water.

Recipes for face masks with olive oil for problem skin and acne treatment

Olive mask for the treatment of acne

Important: cucumber mask is a real treatment of acne. However, it can also be used for toning, moisturizing, nutrition of normal and prone to dry skin.


  • olive oil - 4 tbsp.;
  • cucumber juice - 4 tbsp.;
  • pink water - 2 tbsp.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp.

Prepare a mixture of all components. This is a highly effective composition, so it cannot be withstanded for a long time. Leave the mixture on your face literally for a few minutes, after which wash with warm water.

Orange mask for problem and oily skin


  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • orange juice (or grapes) - 1 tsp;
  • starch - 1 tsp

Combine all the components into an uniform mass, distribute it on the skin. After 20-30 minutes, remove the mask, washing yourself with warm water.

Facial recipes with olive oil for oily skin

Degreasing and aligning mask


  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • starch - 1 tsp;
  • fresh tomato juice - 2 tbsp.

Combine all the components in the slurry, distribute it on the face with a thick layer. Fifteen minutes later, remove the mixture with warm water.

Cabbage mask


  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • crushed cabbage leaves - 3 tbsp.

The leaves should be chopped very finely so that as a result of the compound with oil they form a thick, but uniform mass. Distribute this mixture along the skin of the face with a dense layer. Fifteen minutes later, remove the mask and rinse off the remains with warm water.

Important: for skin prone to oily, inflammation and acne olive hood in its pure form is better not to use. In combination with other products, it dries, levels, cleanses the skin, normalizes the production of skin fat. The tool itself will only contribute to the additional release of fat on the face.

Recipes for face masks with wrinkles olive oil

Mask with lemon


  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • juice of half lemon;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - a few pinch for thickening the mask.

When you mix all the components, you will get a lot of paste. Distribute it evenly over a cleaned face. Hold for 20-30 minutes and rinse.

Facial scrubs recipes with olive oil

Universal scrub for any skin type


  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • wheat bran - 1 tbsp.

Take the cooked mixture on the pads with your finger and rub with massage movements into clean skin for 3-5 minutes. Manipulations should be soft, not injured. It is best to wash off the composition with water with lemon juice.

Sugar-salt scrub for dry and combined skin


  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • small salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar-sand-1 tsp

From all components, prepare a uniform mixture. Plug your fingertips apply the composition to the skin and gently rub, massaging, for 2-3 minutes. After that, wait another 5 minutes, without removing the mass from the face, and finally rinse the scrub with warm water.

Important: when scrubbing, avoid zones under the eyes and a century so as not to injure fragile skin in these places. To moisturize, combat wrinkles, nutrition of this zone, use wiping olive oil without additives.

Olive oil for body

In the care of the skin of the body, use the product not in its pure form, but as part of various cosmetics of home -made. The oil makes the body velvet, the skin is flat, fit, elastic. Oil wraps help in the fight against cellulite tubercles and stretch marks. You can fight with these problems, and simply adding 5-10 drops of the substance to your ordinary or anti-cellulite body cream.

Here are a few effective body recipes with olive oil.

Body Scrub


  • small reed sugar;
  • olives oil;
  • natural ground coffee;
  • 3-5 drops of essential oils.

The number of ingredients depends on the area of \u200b\u200byour body. To begin with, moisten sugar in oil so that it becomes wet. Add coffee, mix well. Lastly, essential oil is introduced into the composition.

It is best to use scrub after bath procedures when the skin is well cleared and the pores are open. Use the product for all parts of the body without exception. With light movements, massage the skin with a scrub for about ten minutes.

Important: removing the scrub with water, you will notice how reluctantly the oil is washed off. If you are the owner of dry or normal skin, leave a little substance on the body. So you will get even more important elements contained in it. Owners of oily skin are recommended to wash off the product completely.

Home body cream


  • olive oil - 5 tbsp.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

Heat the oil, enter the yolk into it. Apply the composition to the skin until it has cooled. Such a tool is especially useful for the delicate zones of the neck and neckline. It prevents the first symptoms of aging, levels the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

Important: use only fresh and natural ingredients. For example, the egg yolk, which has been on the store’s counter, will not be at all as useful for your body as a fresh product of the highest category.

Olive oil: tips and reviews

A cleaned product or product with additives will be useless in face and body care. You need a completely natural and fresh remedy.

There is an opinion that the best olive oil is obtained in the Mediterranean. When choosing it, pay attention to the manufacturer, and also take the product that was poured in the country of production of oil itself.

Choose a product produced recently. Six months later, it will not lose its taste, but will lose the lion's share of elements valuable for the skin. Therefore, the product should be stored no longer than 6 months.

The most natural substance has an Extra Virgin. In the manufacture of such a product, olives are subjected to cold squeezing, which allows you to preserve all their valuable properties in the finished substance.

Olive oil has a green or yellow-green color. In the aroma of natural extract there are light notes of grassy vegetation. You can see for yourself as purchased oil yourself. In the light it is homogeneous and transparent. Place a small container with a product in the freezer. If, when hardening, the liquid is clouded, and when defrosting, I acquired its previous external qualities, then you have good olive oil in your hands.

Important: keep the oil correctly so that it does not lose your properties caring for the skin ahead of time. Keep the bottle in a dry dark place. Close the lid thoroughly so that the oil does not oxidize under the influence of air.

So that the olive elixir does not deteriorate in six months, buy it in small containers.

Video: Olive oil in cosmetology

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the advice! We will try. Although for me, in any case, Omega remains the best. I take the double omega-3 courses from Evalar, it helps the skin to support young and healthy, even small wrinkles are smoothed with it. I always take only her, because the dosage is very good and the daily norm is easily replenished. Internal departure is always more important than the external one)) And the omega is very useful for immunity ... Now, without its strengthening, you yourself understand.

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