What to cook from mushrooms? Recipes with mushrooms in the oven and pots

What to cook from mushrooms? Recipes with mushrooms in the oven and pots

With mushrooms, you can prepare a variety of, tasty and healthy dishes. Their recipes are in the article.

What to cook from champignons?

I call champignons "Parisian mushrooms." For the first time they began to be grown in France. The very name of the mushrooms seems to be refined. And, despite the fact that today champignons are cheap, you can buy them in any store or in the market, dishes with them are very tasty and not ordinary.


Champignons are universal, they go well with:

  • meat and bird
  • fish
  • vegetables
  • eggs
  • dairy products
  • cereals
  • wine

You can cook very different dishes from these mushrooms:

  • hot and cold soups, including borscht
  • refuelings and sauces for paste, pasta, porridge
  • minced meat and sauces for meat dishes
  • marinades
  • paste
  • salads
  • vegetable side dishes (stew)
  • kebab
  • superior for pies

Important: very tasty stuffed champignons

Preparing "Parisian mushrooms" is very simple - their heat treatment is minimal. Some even driving them raw. It is definitely not necessary to boil champignons. They only need to be thoroughly washed.

Recipe: champignons stuffed with vegetables

Stuffed champignons.
Stuffed champignons.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchampignons - 300 g, Mexican or other vegetable mixture - 200 g, greens, sesame seeds, cheese as desired.

Mushrooms are washed, if necessary, cleaned of the skin, remove the leg from them. The vegetable mixture is washed in warm water, left to drain. The legs of champignons are finely cut, mixed with vegetables. The minced meat is slaughtered and seasoned with taste. The mushrooms are stuffed with vegetable minced meat. Sprinkled with sesame seeds or grated cheese. Sent to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Refueling with oyster mushrooms to paste and pasta

But oyster mushrooms for the first time began to grow Germans. They are low -calorie, only up to 40 kcal per 100 g.

Oyster mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms.

Important: oyster mushrooms contain Perforin, an enzyme inhibiting the growth of cancer cells

Dishes that can be prepared with orals are as diverse as dishes with champignons.

Recipe: refueling with oyster mushrooms to paste and pasta

Refueling with oyster mushrooms to paste and pasta.
Refueling with oyster mushrooms to paste and pasta.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200boyster mushrooms - 300 g, onions - tears - 0.5 stems, fat cream - 200 ml, Brynza cheese - 100 g, Italian or Provencal herbs

Oysteroli and onions - the tears are crushed and fry in a small amount of olive oil. Add cream and grass, evaporate for 10 minutes. Sprinkled with grated brine.
To reduce the calorie content and fat content of the dish, you can prepare a gas station without cream.

Soup with mushrooms and cheese

Honey mushrooms.
Honey mushrooms.

Wedding today is safely grown at home. They are especially tasty in pickled form. But there are a lot of other recipes for making these mushrooms.

Recipe: Soup with cheese and mushrooms

Soup with cheese and mushrooms.
Soup with cheese and mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bfresh or frozen honey mushrooms - 200 g, chicken broth - 1 l, potatoes - 3 pcs., Onions - tears - 0.5 stems, carrots - 1 pcs., Fully cheese - 150 g, greens to taste.

In separate pans, I fry the honey agaric carrots with onions, then mix. Purified potatoes cut into boiled broth are added to cubes, after 5 minutes I add fried mushrooms and vegetables, boil for 10 minutes. The cheese is rubbed, added to the soup gradually so that it does not stray lumps. Serve soup with greens.

What to cook from white mushrooms? Julien with a boat


White mushroom, or booth, is considered the king of mushrooms. It looks beautiful and has a pronounced taste that conveys to all dishes with it. It can be found in the forest in the fall or buy in a store.

Recipe: Julien with Borovik

Julien with a boat
Julien with a boat

Need: white mushroom - 300 g, sour cream - 200 ml, butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, grated cheese - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, greens to taste.

Mushrooms are boiled until half -cooked, cut into strips, fried in butter, supplemented with flour. After pouring source and add salt with spices. They are laid out in forms for boiling, sprinkled with cheese. Bake in the oven until the cheese will turn into a gold crust. Before putting on the table, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Pigoli puffs


A thin pig is eaten for food. It has pronounced antibiotic and antitumor properties. Previously, this mushroom is boiled twice.

Recipe: layers with thin pigs

Puffs with mushrooms of thin pigs.
Puffs with mushrooms of thin pigs.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe finished yeast puff pastry- 250 g, boiled pigs- 200 g, onions- 1 pc., Butter- 1 pc., Cheese- 50 g, egg-1 pc., Sesame.

Grinded mushrooms are fried with onions. Roll out the dough. They form layers, fill them with fried pigs and grated cheese. Close, coated with a beaten egg on top and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Dried mushroom cutlets

Dried mushrooms.
Dried mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms are an important source of protein. In 100 of their grams of this nutrient, three times more than in meat. Dried mushrooms are more often added to soups. You can also cook other dishes with them, for example, cutlets.

Recipe: Dried white mushroom cutlets

Dried white mushroom cutlets.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bdried white mushrooms - 200 g, cream - 200 ml., Onion - 1 pc., Butter or vegetable oil for frying, flour, breadcrumbs, salt and seasonings.

The dried mushrooms are boiled in water with salt, after finely cut. Paning crackers (4 tbsp. Spoons) are poured with cream, previously warmed up. Onions are fried. Mix the slurry of cream and crackers, mushrooms and onions, salt and seasoned. Formed boilers, panic in crackers or flour, fried. Serve with any side dish.

What to cook from frozen mushrooms?

Frozen mushrooms.
Frozen mushrooms.

Frozen mushrooms are stored for a long time and retain their benefits. It is enough to defrost them under a stream of warm water to prepare a variety of goodies.

Recipe: Mushroom storage

Mushroom stew.
Mushroom stew.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bmushrooms frozen mushrooms - 250 g, potatoes - 4 pcs., Carrots - 2 pcs., Onion - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2 pcs., Grass, salt, seasonings, frying oil.

Purified vegetables and thawed mushrooms are crushed. In such a sequence with the frequency of s 3 - 5 minutes, fried until golden in preheated oil:

  • onion
  • carrot
  • potato
  • mushrooms
  • tomatoes

Cover with a lid and languished for 10 minutes. Add herbs, seasonings and salt.

How to cook mushrooms?

Mushrooms are boiled from 5 minutes to 1 hour.
Mushrooms are boiled from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

How to cook mushrooms largely depends on their type and condition:

  1. Dried mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours, then boil in the same water for about 30 minutes
  2. Frozen mushrooms after preliminary defrosting should boil in water over low heat for about 30 minutes
  3. Fresh mushrooms are boiled depending on the species from 5 minutes to 1 hour (champignons - 5 minutes, chanterelles - 20 minutes, white mushroom - 45 minutes, mushrooms - 1 hour)

Important: it is better to cook forest mushrooms in two waters. Foam formed during cooking, be sure to remove

VIDEO: How to cook champignons? How much to cook champignons?

Fried mushrooms

Champignons and oyster mushrooms can be immediately frying, while forest mushrooms are pre -soaked and boiled in 2 waters.

Fry mushrooms can be:

  • in the batter, flour
  • in double bat (flour - egg - panning crackers)
  • without a bat

Important: if you always cook one type of mushrooms, when frying, they can be mixed

Recipe: champignons in batter

Champignons in batter.
Champignons in batter.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchampignons-300 g, eggs-2-3 pcs., Milk-150 ml, flour-0.5 cups, breading crackers-5 tbsp. tablespoons, frying oil - 1 cup.

They prepare three bowls:

  • with whipped eggs
  • with flour
  • with crackers

Champignons are boiled in salt water for 5 minutes. Then they give cool and dipped:

  • in eggs
  • in flour
  • again in the eggs
  • in the breadcrumbing crackers

Then they are fried in boiling oil so that the mushrooms swim in it.

Recipes with mushrooms in the oven

In the oven with mushrooms, you can cook:

  • jews
  • casserole
  • roast
  • pies

Important: many people think that only potatoes and mushrooms can be baked in pots. Not! Incredibly tasty in combination in champignons turns out ... buckwheat

Recipe: casserole with mushrooms

Casserole with mushrooms.
Casserole with mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bPotatoes - 4 pcs., Polish mushrooms - 300 g, carrots - 1 pc., Onion - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2 pcs., Cream or sour cream - 100 ml, oil, seasonings.

Oyster mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes, then finely cut. Potatoes, carrots, onions are cleaned, cut with rings. Onions and carrots pass. In lubricated dishes, lay out in layers: potatoes, a mixture of onions and carrots, mushrooms. Pour sour cream, salt, pitch, add herbs. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pots with mushrooms

Recipe: pots with mushrooms

Pots with mushrooms.
Pots with mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchampignons - 300 g, onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Chicken broth - 0.5 l, buckwheat - 1 cup, seasonings and herbs

Champignons are boiled for 5 minutes, cut into cubes or half rings. Fry them along with carrots and onions. Buckwheat is washed and sorted out. The broth is brought to a boil. Mushrooms with vegetables are laid out in three pots for the oven. Sprinkled with seasonings. Buckwheat is falling asleep so that the pots are filled a little more than half. Pour the broth so that it covers buckwheat by 2 cm. Put in a wardrobe heated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Before serving, mixed and sprinkled with herbs.

Potatoes with mushrooms

Potato with mushrooms is very tasty fried and stewed. A very hearty dish is suitable for every day and for the festive table.

Recipe: fried potatoes with mushrooms and bacon

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and bacon.
Fried potatoes with mushrooms and bacon.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchampignons-300 g, potatoes-5-6 tubers, bacon-100 g, onions-2 pcs., Eggs-2 pcs., Salt, seasonings and greens to taste.

Potatoes are washed, cleaned, cut into circles. Mushrooms are cut into slices, onions - half rings. The bacon should be thin, translucent. The eggs are beaten and seasoned.
Put in a pan with boiling oil:

  • bacon, he is fried until golden crust
  • potato
  • onions (10 minutes after potatoes)
  • mushrooms (5 minutes after the bow)

Together they fried for 10 minutes. After pour the eggs and pour greens. They languish under the lid for 5 minutes.

Zrazy with mushrooms

Recipe: Zrazy with mushrooms

Zrazy with mushrooms.
Zrazy with mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bpotatoes - 1 kg, mushrooms of champignons - 300 g, onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Egg - 1 pc., Flour - 3 tbsp. tablespoons and 2 tbsp. tablespoons for breading, salt, pepper, seasoning to taste.

The potatoes and carrots are cleaned, chopped finely and put to cook. At this time, mushrooms and onions are chopped finely and fried until golden. Ready -made potatoes and carrots are excited in mashed potatoes. A whipped egg and part of the flour are added to it. Make the dough. Form cakes from it. They fill them with mushrooms and form zrazes. Zrazy is panoked with flour and fry. Serve with sour cream.

Mushrooms in sour cream

Any mushrooms are tastier under sour cream or creamy sauce. In this form, they can be used as a gravy to any side dish - potatoes, rice, buckwheat, pasta, so on.

Recipe: mushrooms stewed with sour cream

Mushrooms stewed with sour cream.
Zrazy with mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchampignons - 300 g, onions - 1 pc., Sour cream - 150 ml, seasoning to taste.

Mushrooms are washed and finely cut. The onion is finely cut. Fry onions and mushrooms for 5 minutes. Add sour cream and seasonings. Stew under the lid for another 5 minutes.

Mushroom chicken recipe

Tasty mushrooms with meat are better to eat for lunch, as they are very satisfying.

Recipe: chicken chicken with mushrooms and vegetables

Chicken chicken with mushrooms and vegetables.
Chicken chicken with mushrooms and vegetables.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchicken fillet - 500 g, champignons - 20 0 g, onions - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2 pcs., Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc., Solid or sausage cheese - 100 g, seasonings to taste, eggs - 2 pcs. , breading crackers.

Chicken fillet is washed, thinly cut, covered with cling film and beat off. Rummaged in seasonings. Onions in half rings and mushrooms are fried into slices in a pan. Tomatoes blanch and cut in half rings, pepper cut in half rings. The cheese is rubbing on a fine grater. The chips are panoked in the egg of crackers and fried until cooked. They are laid out on chopping mushrooms and vegetables, sprinkle them with cheese. They cover the pan with a lid and languished for 5 minutes.

Pork with mushrooms

Recipe: pork with mushrooms

Pork with mushrooms.
Pork with mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bpork pulp - 500 g, champignons - 200 g, onions - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2pcs, sour cream - 100 ml, greens, seasonings, salt to taste.
Pork is washed, thinly cut, fried in a pan, stirring, 15 minutes. In a separate pan, finely chopped onions, tomatoes and champignons are fried. Add pork, sour cream and seasonings to them. Stew for 15 minutes. Before serving, sprinkled with herbs.

Mushrooms in a slow cooker

Mushrooms in the slow cooker retain maximum benefits. They are prepared without oil and other fat, so the dishes are useful.

Mushroom dishes in the multivarck are dietary.
Mushroom dishes in the multivarck are dietary.

With this kitchen device with mushrooms, you can:

  • boil the soup
  • make vegetable stew
  • prepare zrazes
  • prepare the casserole
  • make sauces

VIDEO: Champignons in a slow cooker

Mushroom sauce

Mushroom sauce can be supplemented with meat and vegetable dishes, side dishes. Very tasty barbecue with them.

Recipe: Cream sauce with mushrooms

Cream sauce with mushrooms.
Cream sauce with mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchampignons - 100 g, cream - 200 ml, onions - 1 pc., Flour - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, salt, pepper, other seasonings.

The washed champignons are finely cut, onions too. Fry them in butter. Add cream and seasonings, evaporate for 5 minutes, thicken with flour.

Recipe: tomato sauce with mushrooms

Tomato sauce with mushrooms.
Tomato sauce with mushrooms.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchampignons - 200 g, onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Tomato puree or homemade paste - 400 g, garlic - 2 tooth, flour - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, salt, pepper, herbs.

Finely chopped champignons, onions and carrots are fry, add tomato, salt, pepper, squeezed garlic to them. Dhak it for 5 minutes. Thicken with flour, add greens.

VIDEO: Pancakes with mushrooms

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