What to write to the girl so that she is behind and not offended: options. What should not be written in case of refusal?

What to write to the girl so that she is behind and not offended: options. What should not be written in case of refusal?

Do not know what to write to the girl to lag behind? Read the article, it has many useful tips and options.

It often happens that a person is recognized in feelings, but there is no desire to separate them. In fact, a direct answer is always better than hypocrisy or in vain attempts to force yourself to force anyone. But refusal should be politely and tactful. Many guys do not know how to do this - after all, according to statistics, more often women “sew” obsessive men than the opposite.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to write, tell a girl, a woman to fall in love?". You will find phrases, list of words, questions.

However, there are reverse situations - when a girl shows sympathy for a young man, but he is not interested in her. What to do in this case? What to write to the girl so that she is behind and not offended? Read more in this article below.

What to do, how to explain to the girl so that she is behind and not offended: advice

Explains to the girl that she is behind and not offended
Explains to the girl that she is behind and not offended

It is important not only to write or say something when there is no desire to communicate, but also to act correctly, to behave in a similar situation. What to do, how to explain to the girl so that she is behind and not offended? Here are the tips:

  • Without rudeness and pretense, say that you value the girl's attention.
  • Praise her for the courage. After all, she found the strength to admit feelings - most likely, it was very difficult for her.
  • An important point: convince a fan that the problem is not in her - Often, hearing the refusal from the man, the girls begin to think that they are not beautiful enough and seductive enough. This should not be allowed. It is necessary that the representative of the fair sex understands whether there is nothing bad or unworthy in it. It’s just that a man does not have feelings for her (perhaps they are to another, or he does not seek a companion of life at this stage at this stage).
  • Do not speak out in a negative way About the appearance of the girl and other facts.
  • Explain the situation. The answer to the question why you do not want to meet with her: “Sorry, you are very good, but at the moment I am not looking for a relationship”, “I am very pleased that you liked me and I really appreciate your sympathy for me, but I love another” etc.
  • You should not be afraid to be too straightforward. Sincerity is always better than blurry phrases like “I don't know, I'll think about it,” “You can like you too, but I'm not sure” etc. In other words, it is better to tell the truth than to drive a person by the nose and give him in vain hope.
  • If the girl still has a chance, you can answer this way: “Thank you, this is very nice of you. Until I can accept your proposal, but it is quite possible that in the future we may get something. ”
  • Do not make excuses and apologize for refusing. In fact, the guy does not owe anything to the girl sympathetic to him. Refusing, he expresses his point of view, to which he has the right. The fact that he loves another or simply does not want to start a relationship with this young lady is not his fault. As you know, you cannot order the heart.
  • No need to look for an alternative - phrase "Let's stay friends" Very insidious. Its other meaning "We can never be together, and I only regard you as a friend". This is a kind of “sentence”. If necessary and desire, you can be friends with a sympathetic girl. But do not “chop the ends” and tell her that from now on she is only a friend, and nothing more.
  • Offer her another guy. But remember, this does not always work. However, history knows many situations when happy couples consisted of random acquaintance. Accordingly, if there is a good acquaintance (classmate, colleague) in mind, who really wants a relationship, then you can offer the girl this option. This will somehow smooth out the refusal. And perhaps a new friend later she will like even more.
  • Say that you already have a lover - If the obsessive fan is categorically not included in the plans, no one bothers to lie. At least this is the Iron Alibi. Decent guys do not meet two girls in parallel. The girl will understand that she is “late” and will not ruin the existing pair. She will be unpleasant, but she will not be offended.
  • Ignore - This option is suitable for those guys who are so shy that they cannot refuse the girl “in person”. Of course, there is logic in this. Over time, even strong feelings are dull. It is better not to appear in those places where you could meet. Perhaps during this time the girl will find a new sympathy for someone else.
  • Show the lack of interest - As a rule, if a girl sees that she is not regarded as a woman, her ardor cools.
  • Turn on the fool - If she invites you to visit, tell me that you need to go home and help mom make out the closet. If he calls for a walk, then explain that you like to walk only with friends and have not seen them with them for a long time. A couple of such “excuses” to her invitations, she will get tired and she will be behind.
  • False in salvation. Come up with something that scares her away. For example, that you have a mortgage for 30 years or pay child support for three children.
  • Intimate talk. We can tell the truth that you do not want to meet with her, well, I didn’t like it. Of course, she will cry, but will calm down quickly. The girls even say: “Do not torment us. Refuse directly. "
  • Near illusions. Do not flirt with her. Leave all your touches and affectionate words for your beloved. With a girl who does not like to talk coldly and indifferently.
  • I am problematic. Tell her: “Why do you need me? I am a bastard, cattle, a terrible person. " Give a couple of some examples, for example, attitude to other ladies, etc.
  • Through the bed. No man will refuse sex. But in this case it is necessary. Do not encourage her, because she has it all for a reason. Even if she says that for health, she will configure plans for 10 years in advance.
  • Do not understand hints. It's simple - ask for a hundred times, pretend to be a fool.
  • Press the pity. Say that you dream of a quiet harbor in the relationship that she can give you. But in fact, you need life to throw you from side to side. You can even let a mean male tear.
  • Say and not to do it. Turn on the "sclerosis". She invited on a date, but you do not go and say that you forgot. Come up with something else. After a couple of such situations, she will lose interest in you.
  • Find an argument against. Tell me that you do not want to meet with her, since you need to change their place of residence or your parents are sick and you need to take care, respectively, now it’s not at all up to the relationship.

One way or another, you should not be cynical, rude, unceremonious. You are not obliged to share her feelings. Just respect them.

How politely refuse the girl what to write so that she is behind and not offended: options

The girl was politely refused and she was not offended
The girl was politely refused and she was not offended

So, you decided to refuse the girl in correspondence in social networks. It is simple and much easier than to speak firsthand. How to politely refuse the girl what to write so that she is behind and not offended? Here are the options:

  • Thank you, I really appreciate your sympathy. But I cannot share it. The fact is that I love another/I can’t recover after an unsuccessful relationship/I do not want a relationship at the moment (you can choose any option).
  • Sorry, but I cannot share your feelings. Do not worry, the problem is not in you. I just already love another person. You are very good and cute. And, perhaps, we could have succeeded. I do not deny such an opportunity. But not right now. I really hope that you will meet your happiness. I would really like that.
  • Thank you for finding the courage to admit your sympathy. I really appreciate this. I know that you are expecting an answer from me. I would not want to upset you - but at the same time, I do not want to give you in vain hopes. I like you too, but so far I am not ready for a new serious relationship. I think we should wait with this.
  • I would be glad to tell you “yes”, but I already have a girlfriend. Your sympathy is very pleasant to me - but, alas, I cannot reciprocate it.

You can come up with many of your answer options for refusal. The main thing is to speak calmly and do not insult her feelings.

What should not be done in case of refusal?

You need to be able to refuse
You need to be able to refuse

It is not easy to refuse, it must be able to do it. If you cross the line, then this can end poorly for her and for you - hysteria, nerves, etc.  What should not be done in case of refusal? Here are some tips:

  • Be straight and do not "spread in oil on the tree"(Someday, maybe)-exceptions are cases when the girl also likes it. It's just that you are not ready to meet with her yet (you don’t know well enough, etc.).
  • Do not use gross meanings and formulations — “I would meet you, but you are too ugly for me”, “You would have to lose weight, and then I may agree” - This is strictly prohibited.
  • Do not give vain hope — “You know, in general I have a girlfriend. But now we are not so good. In general, if we suddenly part in a couple of days, I will call " - It sounds optimistic. But often such words remain only with words and unfulfilled promises.
  • Hold on with dignity and do not make fun of the girl for her feelings - An adult will simply never occur to an adult.
  • No need to praise yourself in parallel — “It is not surprising that you liked me. I'm so cool! All the girls are crazy about me ".
  • Do not humiliate the girl with wording — “Who to meet with? With you, or what? Yes, you look at yourself, etc. - This is strictly forbidden to say!

One way or another, the bitter truth is always better than a sweet lie. Speaking and writing in response to a manifestation of sympathy should be seriously and tactfully, without pretense and mockery. Any refusal is unpleasant - but at the same time, the girl will appreciate your sincerity and honesty. Good luck!

Video: How to refuse beautifully so as not to offend? Say no good relationship

Video: How to refuse a woman so as not to offend her. 3 Recommendations

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  1. By the way, how can you offend a girl?

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