What can and can not be taken with you to manually and luggage on the plane, with a child, pregnant? How many kg of baggage and hand luggage can I take on the plane? Can I take food, water, alcohol, medicine, stroller with you on the plane? What you need to take with you to the plane: a list, rules of transportation

What can and can not be taken with you to manually and luggage on the plane, with a child, pregnant? How many kg of baggage and hand luggage can I take on the plane? Can I take food, water, alcohol, medicine, stroller with you on the plane? What you need to take with you to the plane: a list, rules of transportation

A list of permitted and prohibited items that can be taken on a plane.

There are a large number of baggage transportation rules. All rules are slightly different depending on the ticket class and airline. But in general, the requirements for the transportation of bags that are handed over to baggage are the same.

Rules for the transport of baggage on an airplane

As mentioned above, the norms are slightly different for classes. If you collect things and fly to another country, then adhere to such norms and rules:

  • The total size of the suitcase, which can be transported for free is 158 cm, weighing 20 kg. This needs to summarize the height, width and length. If the size is exceeded, then you will have to pay extra.
  • Before handing over luggage, it is worth attaching a tag with its data to it. Such tags can be taken at the place of luggage registration.
  • You can not take reagents and radiation substances in transportation. You can take alcohol in luggage, but not more than 5 liters. You will also have to pass fluids and medicines in the bottle if their volume exceeds 100 ml.
Rules for the transport of baggage on an airplane
Rules for the transport of baggage on an airplane

How many kg of baggage and hand luggage can I take on the plane?

The maximum weight of hand luggage is up to 10 kg. The dimensions of the bag should not exceed 110 cm. If the dimensions of the bag are larger, you will have to divide the treasury into parts and give it to the luggage.

What bag for hand luggage and baggage suitcase can be taken with you on a plane: dimensions, dimensions

For hand luggage, it is allowed to take a bag of 20 by 40 and 55 cm. At the same time, you should have only one bag. That is, a barrier or ladies' handbag will have to put a large bag for hand luggage inside.

Although in many European countries it is allowed to carry several bags and bags on the plane. But you should not risk and neglect the rules.

Note! The bag that you will take on the plane should be made of soft fabric, without hard frame walls.

What bag for hand luggage and baggage suitcase can be taken with you on a plane: dimensions, dimensions
What bag for hand luggage and baggage suitcase can be taken with you on a plane: dimensions, dimensions

What can not be transported in a hand luggage on an airplane, what is included in manual luggage?

If you need to take a certain list of items with you on the plane, make sure that there is no: there is no:

  • Razor
  • Knives
  • Scissors
  • Magnetized objects
  • Signaling funds
  • Hair varnish
  • Weapons
  • Acids, alkalis
  • Lighters
  • Alcohol and corkscrew
What can not be transported in a hand luggage on an airplane, what is included in manual luggage?
What can not be transported in a hand luggage on an airplane, what is included in manual luggage?

What you need to take with you on a plane with a small child: a list of necessary things

It is worth noting that traveling with the baby is completely difficult. There are many subtleties of flight. Some airlines offer their car seats, cradles for transporting babies. Ask about it in advance. You can bring your car seat. Most companies allow you to take a small carbon stroller on board. If this is a transformer, then it will have to be put in luggage.

List of necessary products for children under 2 years old:

  • Children food
  • Water
  • Medicines
  • Care products
  • Diapers
  • Disposable diapers

It is worth noting that the maximum fluid volume that can be taken with you to the cabin is 1000 ml. Therefore, in total, the volume of mashed potatoes, milk and water should be no more than 1 liter. It is worth turning on here, cream, lotion and other children's skin care products.

If your child is more than 2 years old, then on board it is forbidden to take yogurts, kefir, and so on. It is worth giving preference to dry snacks. These are sandwiches, crackers, dried apricots and nuts.

What you need to take with you on a plane with a small child: a list of necessary things
What you need to take with you on a plane with a small child: a list of necessary things

What needs to be taken with you on a pregnant plane?

Pregnant girls are significantly gaining weight, so it is recommended to take interchangeable shoes on the plane, which does not squeeze the legs. In addition, during the flight, try to walk, not sit. Are you suffering from varicose veins? Take elastic bandages and compression linen. To support the abdomen, you will need a bondage.

List of objects:

  • Bags in case you tear
  • Candles with papaverine or other anti -inflammatory drugs
  • Music and tablet to get distracted during the trip
  • Ledes, they prevent the occurrence of nausea
  • Antipyretic drugs and drugs for allergies
  • The neck pillow
What needs to be taken with you on a pregnant plane?
What needs to be taken with you on a pregnant plane?

What stroller can you take with you on a plane?

Different airlines have their own opinion on this. If you have a baby, then almost everyone allows to take a stroller with you as an addition to a hand luggage. You can bring the baby to the ramp, and then give it to the stewardess. Immediately after arriving, your stroller will be given.

There are some subtleties. If you carry a stroller without a child, you will have to pay extra for such baggage. But if with the baby, then the cost of transportation is not charged. We recommend that you ask the cradle when booking tickets in advance when booking tickets. The chairs of many airlines suggest fastening of car seats and cradles. Check, if there are no such seats, whether it is possible to take yours.

It is worth noting that when the stroller is handed over to baggage, it should be packaged, since during the flight it can get dirty.

What stroller can you take with you on a plane?
What stroller can you take with you on a plane?

What toys, games for a child can be taken, in the salon of the plane?

Regarding toys, it is worth carefully studying the airline. You can’t take with you:

  • Toy weapons
  • Plastic knives
  • Toys on batteries with light and sound

That is why it is better to take a tablet and pre -download a cartoon or interesting videos. You can also take pencils, an album and captivate the baby with drawing. Some European companies give children coloring and pencils.

What toys, games for a child can be taken, in the salon of the plane?
What toys, games for a child can be taken, in the salon of the plane?

What can you take from food, food, for a snack, how much you can take water, liquids, alcohol on a plane for a long flight?

Regarding food, then everything is quite complicated. Not everyone is happy with the menu provided by the airline. Therefore, you will have to take your products. You do not allow you to take smoked meats, meat and eggs with you. Most often, these products are thrown out during inspection. This is due to the fact that you can transport some kind of virus or pathogens of dangerous diseases to another country.

You can take:

  • Crackers
  • Sauce
  • Dried fruits
  • Nuts
  • Cookie
  • Musli bars

You do not allow you to take with you when flying to another country sour -milk and other perishable products.

The total volume of the fluid should not exceed 1 liter. In this case, all the fluid should be packaged in a small bottle of 100 ml. Of course, this amount of water may not be enough, so take with you a small empty bottle. On many flights, flight attendants meet passengers and pour water at the request.

What can you take from food, food, for a snack, how much you can take water, liquids, alcohol on a plane for a long flight?
What can you take from food, food, for a snack, how much you can take water, liquids, alcohol on a plane for a long flight?

Is it possible to take a car seat, scooter, beach umbrella, alcohol, gyro scooter on board the aircraft?

You can take alcohol, but not in manually, but in luggage. Up to 5 liters of alcohol are allowed.

You can take a scooter for a child. It is also better to give it to your luggage. To do this, it is not necessary to packet in a separate bag, take better covers or bags. In some cases, such devices are allowed to be taken in manually. Just remove the frame, and put on the wheels. Compactly put everything in a bag or bag. It is better to give a beach umbrella in luggage.

Regarding gyro scooters, it is not a clear position. In Israel, it is forbidden to transport them at the legislative level. Some Russian airlines transport similar devices. But you should call and check in advance. You will also have to take a technical passport with you to the device. Of course, take the device with you and the technical passport. If you are not allowed to take it, leave it in the warehouse of the airline and take it after arrival home.

Is it possible to take a car seat, scooter, beach umbrella, alcohol, gyro scooter on board the aircraft?
Is it possible to take a car seat, scooter, beach umbrella, alcohol, gyro scooter on board the aircraft?

Is it possible to take cosmetics, perfumes, sandwiches, hairdryer, laptop into the aircraft salon?

The hairdryer in hand luggage is most likely allowing you to take, but it is unlikely that this device is so necessary. It should be handed over in advance.

Sandwiches can be taken with you. Just try to be eaten before arriving in another country. Any canal, cheese, too, is hard, and hard. If you do not plan to eat everything, do not take it with you. When customs arrived at arrival in another country, all sandwiches can be removed and thrown away.

Dry cosmetics (shadows, powder, blush, etc.) has no restrictions in transportation, except for their weight. The restrictions relate only to liquids. As in the case of food, the volume of liquid cosmetics in hand luggage should not be more than 100 ml. That is, if a jar with a cream has a volume of 250 ml, and the cream itself in it is only 70 ml, it will have to be sent to baggage. In total, no more than 10 bottles can be taken to the salon, the total volume of which should not exceed 1000 ml.

Is it possible to take cosmetics, perfumes, sandwiches, hairdryer, laptop into the aircraft salon?
Is it possible to take cosmetics, perfumes, sandwiches, hairdryer, laptop into the aircraft salon?

Currently, many creams, shampoos, balms are produced in special packaging of the “road” volume, not more than 50-70 ml. Also on the road you can stock up on probes, which, provided that their volume does not exceed 0.5-10 ml, are not even taken into account as liquids. And such a small amount may be enough for 2-3 weeks of travel.

The cargo department is allowed to transport perfumery in large quantities (up to 2 liters), but it should be reliably packaged. Some companies do not allow the transportation of aerosol products, such as deodorants. Therefore, check with the company in telephone.

It is not worth taking a laptop in baggage. In hand luggage, it is not taken into account and belongs to the category of personal belongings. It is not worth it on the luggage shelf, due to the shaking it can be damaged. Put the device under the seat. It cannot be turned on during take-off and landing due to possible interference.

Is it possible to take cosmetics, perfumes, sandwiches, hairdryer, laptop into the aircraft salon?
Is it possible to take cosmetics, perfumes, sandwiches, hairdryer, laptop into the aircraft salon?

What medicines can you take on the plane, can I take phenazepam?

If you are being treated and you need to take medicine continuously, and they are prohibited, take care of the documents. You need a medicine recipe, a copy of the medical card and a certificate certified by the seal. Insulin and inhalers for asthmatics do not surrender to baggage, this is manual luggage.

It is forbidden to import psychotropic drugs to which phenazepam. It is not worth taking it with you. Read more about medicines in the airline. It is also advisable to learn about drugs that can be imported into a specific country. You may be skipped at our customs and not release in another state due to different lists of permitted drugs.

What medicines can you take on the plane, can I take phenazepam?
What medicines can you take on the plane, can I take phenazepam?

As you can see, it is worth organizing a trip in advance. This will help save your time and nerves.

Video: Rules of transportation

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Comments K. article

  1. I took medicine in manually with my child. Antipyretic, soothing, from motion sickness, vasoconstrictor into the nose. Water and juices. Be sure to take with me an antiseptic disinfector with chlorhexidine 911. He holds protection for a long time. They can also be disinfected by objects and even abrasions. Also with you, a favorite toy, a pillow and a blanket is thin.

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