What can be done with the engagement ring: advice to newlyweds, married couples, divorced, parents

What can be done with the engagement ring: advice to newlyweds, married couples, divorced, parents

In this article you will find a lot of tips, will also accept superstitions associated with the engagement ring.


Superstitions are transmitted from generation to generation, and how to not believe in them when so many stories confirm them. Many signs are associated with the conduct and planning of the wedding celebration, but no less prejudices envelop the subsequent use of the attributes of marriage. Initially, the custom of exchanging gold rings originated from the belief that gold is a noble metal, whose magic forces are able to benefitly affect family life and protect spouses from difficulties.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How do the rings on the fingers affect fate?". You will learn everything about symbolism, and how to determine the character of a person depending on the location of the rings on your fingers.

The shape of the ring itself matters. The circle personifies the isolation of the family and the boundaries through which no misfortune can pass. Also, people believed that you can return the narrowed into the family with the next ritual: take the wedding ring in the hand and look through it at the spouse. Of course, the decision on how to dispose of engagement rings entirely and completely depends on the opinion of the spouses. But even the most convinced pragmatists prefer to keep abreast of the life experience of their ancestors, and it was on it that all signs were built. From this article you will learn what different superstitions associated with the symbol of those who are scolding mean. Read further.

Can I walk without a wedding ring?

Wedding rings
Wedding rings

Previously, people rely so much on signs that by the solemn day two pairs of rings were usually bought at once. If something went wrong during pre-wedding chores, then a spare couple was used. The box that remains after the exchange of rings should be given to friends who have not yet gained the happiness of family life. This symbol of the newlyweds is so important. Therefore, the first and most important superstition is connected with such a statement that it is forbidden to walk without a wedding ring.

  • The most famous superstition says that at the time of removing the wedding ring, the connection between the spouses is interrupted.
  • This can lead to large quarrels, a misunderstanding of each other and unwillingness to understand the reasons for the discord.
  • The ring, as it were, seals the oaths brought, making the union indestructible and strong. However, at the time of removal of the ring, this connection is torn and the brown vows lose their strength.
  • Some people believe that such a gesture indicates a person’s readiness to start an intrigue.
  • Having got rid of the symbol of fidelity, he shows the world that he is free for new romantic hobbies. Or tries to get rid of remorse during cheating.

Also, the removed ring becomes vulnerable to many events, on whose expense superstition imposes a ban: it can fall, get lost, a stranger can get access to it. In any case, the main thing is that both partners understand the reason for the decision to remove the ring. If you discuss this issue openly, then you can avoid problems and no comfort will suffer.

Is it possible to twist the engagement ring on the finger?

The engagement ring is a special decoration, the purpose of which is not only to be an accessory, but also a symbol of the Holy Union. Therefore, a negligent handling of such value is considered unacceptable: to twist on your finger, throw it, leave it unattended, even to remove the symbol is extremely not recommended.

It is also believed that the engagement ring is charged with the energy of marriage. Emotional throwing of the ring during a quarrel will worsen the situation and can lead to a divorce. Even if the reason for this is not in mystical forces, then the spouse, having seen such a picture, can simply be disappointed in his wife. A frequent touch to the ring looks like a nervous gesture, and such things irritate others. It is better to get rid of the habit of twisting the ring, because you definitely can’t call it pleasant.

Is it possible to change with engagement rings, is it possible to remove the rings after the wedding, at night?

The more often the ring is removed from the finger, the more chances to lose it. In this case, signs with a negative interpretation, and a sudden loss of an expensive thing, are also a unpleasant event in itself. So, is it possible to change with wedding rings, is it possible to remove the rings after the wedding at night?

  • According to existing superstitions, engagement rings cannot be removed, replaced, re -melted, and other people are given to the hands of or forever.
  • The exception is representatives of different generations.
  • So, older relatives, whose union can be considered exemplary, can transfer their rings to their children or grandchildren, wishing that strong marriage and long years of marriage.

The exchange of rings between spouses is allowed, if this is really what you need. However, it is better to try to avoid such situations.

Is it possible to wear the engagement ring of a stranger, donated by her parents, grandmother, mother: is it possible to give engagement rings to the newlyweds at all?

Wedding rings
Wedding rings

If part of the wedding costs fell on the shoulders of the parents, and they decided to buy the engagement rings themselves, and they decided to give their own, then it is worth considering first, before taking a gift. Is it possible to wear the engagement ring of a stranger, donated by her parents, grandmother, mother, mother? Is it possible to give wedding rings to the newlyweds at all?

  • First you should analyze the marriage of parents, grandparents from the side.
  • If their life together is not called happy, then you should not accept a gift.
  • It is also better to refuse such a gift from such a gift. The intentions of people are not always the same as they seem, and a friend can easily be an envious, and the ring will become the culprit of negative events.

People who believe in the mystical side of life believe that any thing absorbs the energy of its owner. Therefore, the ring transferred from older relatives may turn out to be both a talisman and an assistant in the transfer of joyless life experience. However, the energy of the ring can be cleaned, for example, to be consecrated in the church.

Is it possible to wear someone else's engagement ring?

According to some beliefs, if you put someone else's engagement ring on the table first, then it will lose its charge and its fitting will not be dangerous, and then it can be worn and tried on. But if you neglect this ritual, then all the difficulties of family life and difficulties transferred can go from the owner of the ring to the person who tries to him.

Departing from mystical reasons, it is worth noting that wearing other people's jewelry is extremely non -hygienic. And this also applies to rings. Not all diseases have a visual manifestation, so one cannot be sure that other people's bacteria will not cause health problems. If you really want to wear someone else's engagement ring, then you need to do this at your own peril and risk.

Is it possible to melt the engagement rings of parents to new ones?

The wedding rings made on their own sketch have several advantages: they will accurately arrange the newlyweds in their appearance, you will not have to spend time searching for ready -made products suitable for all parameters, and the money saved can be invested in the celebration. But is it possible to melt the wedding rings of parents to new ones?

  • It is believed that the rings, melted from the wedding rings of parents, bring happiness and become a talisman for new owners. Especially if the people who bore them were happy in marriage.
  • Not all jewelry salons are ready to engage in remelting.
  • Some of them accept old products as payment, and use their materials to create new ones, so you need to approach this issue extremely seriously.

Unscrupulous jewelers can even deceive the customer by promising to use the provided products, but in fact, choose a cheaper model from their assortment as a source.

Is it possible to make a proposal to the engagement ring, is it possible to wear, give an engagement ring for the engagement instead of engagement?

Engagement ring
Engagement ring

You need to make a marriage proposal either with a engagement ring, or choose a completely different gift in honor of this event. But the engagement ring does not fit this role.
Wedding rings are bought in pairs at the same time and worn only at the wedding ceremony. Even if all the rings were purchased as part of a wedding set, then it is better for them to stay in the box until the appointed date.
The symbolism of the rings also varies: the engagement speaks of the seriousness of intentions and sincere love, the engagement - about the fidelity and strength of the union. However, not everyone recognizes this separation.

Can I have two wedding rings?

As a rule, if a person wears two rings on his finger at once, then only one of them is engagement, and the second carries a different meaning. It is worth knowing. Can I have two wedding rings? This is what is usually worn as a second ring:

  • Engagement ring. Many girls prefer to wear it even after the wedding, and not put it in the box for long storage.
  • If the wedding ring has become great, and the situation can be temporary and a change in size is not yet considered, an additional ring helps to keep the product on the finger.
  • The ring of the deceased spouse. Thus, the widow/widow expresses her grief and honors the memory of a person, the connection with which was inextricably.
  • Wedding ring. Couples who decided to register their marriage not only before the state, but also before the church, can use individual rings for the wedding.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Is it possible to redo the engagement rings after the wedding, increase, reduce?

Situations when the engagement ring requires replacement is not uncommon. This happens due to age-related changes (the joints and the ring are thickened to fit in size), loss or damage to the product, as well as in cases where the scolders were constrained in the means and could not buy a really like a set of products. Is it possible to redo the engagement rings after the wedding, increase, reduce?

  • If we talk about the engagement rings, the exchange of which occurred at the registry office, then there is no good reason to endure the inconvenience and wear a ring that is inappropriate in size.
  • It is better to take him to the jeweler until it is accidentally lost.

In the case of wedding rings, the situation is a little more complicated. They are not recommended to be changed even for good reasons.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring in the army, is it possible to wear a wedding ring for military personnel?

Wearing a wedding ring in the army is allowed only in personal times. The ban appeared for the following reasons: any jewelry can be dangerous during hostilities. Although it does not have an official nature, almost everyone has to observe it.

The senior military personnel understand this themselves, so they comply with this requirement without an official order. Moreover, they know sad stories when the engagement ring caused serious injuries even during school hours. The decoration can catch on something and prevent a person from moving, or it can simply distract attention at the right time. Both options are unacceptable in the performance of official risk duties.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring of mother -in -law?

Wedding ring
Wedding ring

Should you take a gift in the form of a wedding ring from mother -in -law? This question is considered one of the most controversial. On the one hand, such a product is already considered a family relic. Over the years of use, he was probably charged with family energy. On the other hand, one cannot be sure what kind of energy accompanied the life and marriage of this person.

The refusal of the gift can be unpleasant to the spouse, because the wife and parents are equally important for him, and such a gesture looks like a reluctance to adopt the traditions of the family. Do not force her husband to choose between her beloved girl and the woman who gave him life. It will be better if the daughter -in -law gratitude takes the jewelry with gratitude, but it will be stored in the box, not wear it. To put on the wedding ring of mother -in -law is a bad sign.

Is it possible to buy engagement rings separately, is it possible to buy a wedding ring yourself?

Future newlyweds may not coincide in tastes, because there are so many jewelry with different design to choose from a choice. Is it possible to buy engagement rings separately, is it possible to buy a wedding ring yourself?

  • Someone loves jewelry with stones, someone can wear only a certain type of metal.
  • As a rule, wedding rings purchased in the kit are two copies, but made in different sizes.
  • Lovers can trust their feeling of beauty and purchase rings separately, each for himself.
  • It is desirable that the style of the rings is the same, and then the difference in design will not be so striking

The main thing is not to provoke a quarrel, trying to prove to his companion that his choice is inappropriate or wrong.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring with diamonds, buy with stones?

There is an opinion that the rings with which the newlyweds exchange as a sign of fidelity should be smooth and not contain any decor elements. Then life in marriage will be easily leaked, and peace and tranquility will settle in the family. Is it possible to wear a wedding ring with diamonds, buy with stones?

  • So that in the future you do not have to replace the ring with a new one, it is better to immediately decide on a preferred design and adhere to it without looking at superstition.
  • The original version of the product in any case will give more positive emotions than more beautiful, but not donated on the wedding day.

Also, a wedding ring with precious stones can become a family relic, which will carry the memory of this marriage through centuries.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring on a little finger?

Wedding ring
Wedding ring

Traditionally, the place for the engagement ring is the ring finger, but the right or left hand depends on the country of residence and the religion of the spouses. Is it possible to wear a wedding ring on a little finger?

  • The choice of a finger for wearing a symbol of those who march can tell about the character of a person.
  • For women choosing a little finger to accommodate decoration, there is a light character, a creative vein, as well as windiness.
  • Very often, in this way, people show that their relationship is free, even if they are formally formalized.
  • If the ring becomes few, then it can be started on a little finger. There is nothing wrong with this, because the choice of a finger is determined by the usual way, but does not affect the quality of marriage.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to wear a wedding ring on a little finger. And the point here is not that it stopped climbing the ring finger, but in a conscious decision. Psychologists believe that in this way a person unconsciously shows that his feelings are insincere, and love is aimed primarily at himself.

Is it possible to bury with a wedding ring?

If someone's beloved spouse left the world of the living, then he should not be buried with the hoop, as this is a bad sign. Is it possible to bury with a wedding ring?

  • Esotericists believe that the connection concluded in the engagement rings is so strong that the widow or widower will go after the narrowed earlier.
  • The clergy also note that putting any worldly values \u200b\u200bin a coffin is a reckless solution. In their opinion, a person should go on the last journey with the same set of things with which his life began. And this means that any jewelry will be inappropriate.
  • At the same time, you can bury the widowed person during the life of a person with a wedding ring, because even if superstitions do not lie, then there is no longer any possible harm.

It is better to leave the ring as a memory of an expensive man. The widow can put on him and store the love that she had to share with anyone before. In any case, then when it is necessary, the ring can be given to the pawnshop or for melting.

Is it possible to wear a wedding ring on a chain with a cross?

Sometimes a chain with a cross is the only option for wearing a wedding. For example, due to temporary swelling, which is often encountered during pregnancy. Women preparing for childbirth are recommended to remove jewelry from the fingers in advance, because then this process can cause inconvenience. It is worth noting that if the cross is baptismal and consecrated in the church, and the ring is wedding, then perhaps they can be worn on one chain. If another option is impossible for the ring, then the priest can allow this. But you need to consult with the priest in the parish. An ordinary ring (not wedding), most likely, is undesirable to wear with a cross.

Also, such a method of wearing can choose people in whose work any jewelry on their fingers can interfere. In some professions, this may be completely prohibited. Another person who has lost his lover before, can wear one or two engagement rings on a chain with a cross at once. So he feels the presence of the deceased and shows sincere love, which is not able to prevent even death.

Also, a ring that is not a wedding is a waristic one for a person who wears it. It can be a family relic that once belonged to a family member. If the cross is not baptismal (and not consecrated in the church), but simply a jewelry, then you can wear it with an ordinary engagement ring on a chain.

Can I buy a wedding ring at a pawnshop?

Engagement rings in a pawnshop
Engagement rings in a pawnshop

There are different opinions on such an expense, and no one can give an unambiguous answer. So, is it possible to buy a wedding ring at a pawnshop?

  • If you believe that objects are carriers of people's energy, then this venture should be abandoned.
  • Folk beliefs warn that the wedding wolf can bring only sorrows.
  • People who are inclined to believe in the mystical side of life also do not advise buying rings who were owned by strangers. It is believed that the product, which had to be sold due to lack of money, will retain the sadness and feelings of regret the past of the owner, and also convey them to the new.
  • If you decide to look for the engagement at a pawnshop, then you should not make this decision without the approval of the future spouse.
  • Not all people feel comfortable using a thing of incomprehensible origin. Moreover, even if you do not believe in esotericism, then your husband can on the contrary be a supporter of such beliefs.

The refusal to purchase jewelry in pawnshops by some people is due to fears to purchase a stolen or poor -quality goods.

Is it possible to return the engagement rings to the store, hand over to the pawnshop?

In many retail outlets, you can see a sign that states that a jewelry is not subject to exchange and return. Such a given applies only to those goods to the quality of which the buyer has no complaints. Is it possible to return the engagement rings to the store, hand over to the pawnshop? If the product turned out to be of poor quality, with a marriage that arose not through your fault, then it can be returned back.

In this case, there is also a belief regarding the delivery of jewelry to the pawnshop, but explain it in several ways. One version indicates that the sale of a hoop is regarded by fate as a rejection of family happiness in favor of money. The other believes that a person who has abandoned the symbol of marriage does not appreciate his loved one, which means he will not be happy either in such a union or in future possible.

Is it possible to sanctify engagement rings without a wedding: how to do this correctly?

There is no ban on this, the jewelry can be consecrated in the same way as any other little thing. Is it possible to consecrate engagement rings without a wedding? How to do it right?

First way:

  • To do this, you should turn to the clergyman, having a wedding, preferably with a partner, even if it is done only from the desire of one person.
  • If he agrees, he will explain how this process goes and what actions the husband and wife should perform.
  • Some clergymen refuse to illuminate the rings if the wedding ceremony is not held, but many make concessions if they consider the spouses worthy people.

The second method It is as follows:

  • You need to attend church service in any day or Sunday liturgy, taking the product with you, and at the end ask the priest to consecrate the decoration.
  • Do not be mistaken that the rings will be more important than a sanctified chain or bracelet.

Advice: Do not use the method if relatives insisted on this or a desire appeared suddenly. The ritual will be useful only for truly believers.

Can I buy engagement rings in advance?

Wedding rings
Wedding rings

Of course, engines are always bought in advance, but before the wedding ceremony they should remain in the box. It is worth knowing:

  • It is necessary to choose such a special type of jewelry after an official offer, it is better - after registering the application and approval of the date of the celebration at the Palace of Marriage.
  • Decide on the basis of your personal beliefs. If the wedding day has already been scheduled, and preparation for the solemn part has already begun, then the time to take care of the acquisition of a symbol of a strong and long marriage has already come.
  • It is believed that this duty should fall on the shoulders of a man.
  • But after all, the time of choice of such jewelry comes only once in a life (before the wedding, no one thinks that this marriage may not be the last), so you must definitely choose the size and find models that both future spouses like.

Fans of old traditions believe that such a symbolism of love and fidelity should be bought by the groom, and both rings should be acquired at the same time.

Is it possible to just wear a wedding ring unmarried girl before the wedding?

If you believe in beliefs and make decisions in accordance with them, then the engagement is not recommended to put on an unmarried girl before the wedding just like that. It’s like if the groom sees the bride’s dress before the wedding, which is considered a bad sign.

Advice: An unmarried lady can boast of a engagement ring or choose a product that is not planned for use as a symbol of future marriage.

Following popular signs, young lovers should not even measure engagement rings until the wedding day. Violation of traditions can lead to unpleasant moments in preparation for a solemn day, up to the abolition of the wedding ceremony. The newlyweds should first put them on at the wedding ceremony, taking an oath of fidelity and undertaking never to remove them.

Is it possible to store, wear a wedding ring after a divorce?

Many women do not want to part with their favorite jewelry, even if the marriage, whose fortress they associated, has already ended. The product causes them good memories: joyful moments from life, the birth of long -awaited children, a wonderful wedding moment. A key role or a unique design can also play a key role. Is it possible to store, wear a wedding ring after a divorce?

  • If she or he decides not to remove the wedding ring away from the eyes, then you can wear it on the left hand, on the ring finger.
  • In the case when the purchase of products was paid by the groom, some girls prefer to return the symbol that has lost their meaning back. Thus, they want to put the final point in unprecedented relationships.
  • If the relationship ended with a swearing and the ex -husband and wife remained in bad relationships, then the engagement can cause both unpleasant emotions and transmit poor energy.

But to lie such a wedding ring according to folk beliefs should be away from other products.

Is it possible to store the wedding ring of the deceased husband?

A person who has encountered such a question is doubly seriously. In addition to worries about the burial of the spouse, decisions about the things that remained after him have to. Unfortunately, at such moments there are many “well -wishers” with uninvited advice. Is it possible to store the wedding ring of the deceased husband?

  • First of all, it is worth recalling that the decision should be made exclusively by the widow and only she should think about what to do in such a situation. Only her inwardly flair and condition will tell the right decision.
  • Esotericists agree that the ring of a deceased husband can only be worn if during the life of an individual radiated light and cheerfulness. If the life of the family was filled with harmony and mutual understanding. In this situation, the ring will preserve positive energy and will become a powerful talisman.

Otherwise, the jewelry, which remained after the husband, will not bring something good, since it will accumulate a negative energy field. Then it will be better to get rid of the container of sad memories.

Can a widow wear a wedding ring?

Wedding ring
Wedding ring

The wedding ring can be continued, but you should carefully monitor your sensations. A lot depends on the nature of the widow, her reaction to the death of her lover, as well as on the sincerity of her feelings for the deceased. So, can the widow wear a wedding ring?

  • If a person really believes in support of the spouse even from another light, then the ring will become a reliable amulet.
  • The oaths given during the marriage lose strength and communication with the spouse is interrupted. Therefore, a woman who buried his own person can make any decision that she considers correct.

A believing widow can give the ring as an offering of the church, turning to the clergyman with a request to pray for the repose of the spouse who left her. The widows, who do not remove the hoop, thus show their sincere feelings and devotion to a departed person. For them, a jewelry becomes a memory and an expensive product for the heart. By this they show that they are not ready to enter into any relationship again.

Is it possible to wear something else instead of a wedding ring?

Of course, instead of a wedding, you can wear another ring. The sock of the engagement ring is not regulated by secular norms of behavior. Any product on a finger can become engagement if a person puts just such a meaning into it.

  • If a person understands that all his life he will be able to live and admire only the product whose design is difficult to take for the design of the engagement ring, then it is better to stop your choice on it.
  • You can also use the rings purchased earlier, but they are unlikely to have the same symbolism as the ring, first put on a finger after reading the oaths.
  • Some people completely choose non -standard solutions and instead of real rings make paired tattoos in the place where there should be a ring. This way to show your feelings is really original, and is also more durable.

Of course, the exchange of such a symbol of love and fidelity cannot be performed by the altar, but it indicates confidence in his choice.

Is it possible to engage in engraving on engagement rings?

If the main thing for you is belief that have survived to this day, then any pattern or inscription on the product can adversely affect the quality and duration of marriage. Is it possible to engage in engraving on engagement rings?

  • The design of engagement rings should be as simple and easy as the newlyweds want to live as a happy and long -term family life.
  • One of the acceptance says that, falling into the hands of an outsider, the ring can be subjected to an unkind evil eye, even if the master does not want this.
  • It is worth noting that the engraving of rings has long been known and has been actively used hundreds of years.

If one of the newlyweds has talent and is able to do engraving without resorting to outside help, then this variation can be used. In this case, the rings will not fall into the wrong hands and there will not be any threat.

Is it possible to sell a wedding ring in marriage, after a divorce?

Wedding rings
Wedding rings

The wish to sell the engagement ring may appear both due to divorce and for other reasons. Can this be done in marriage, after a divorce?

  • The decision should take place taking into account all opinions and should never be spontaneous. After all, parting with such a memorable thing is not easy.
  • The impulsive act will lead to regrets in the future. If a married couple has financial difficulties, then the sale of engagements, albeit an extreme, but possible chance to save the situation.

Some people are of the opinion that getting rid of the engagement ring promises troubles on the love front. They prefer to pull the load of failed relations, pressing and taking away the chances of meeting their true love.

Is it possible to show engagement rings before the wedding, to give to strangers to strangers?

If you believe that each thing has its own charge of energy, then it is better not to give people a reason and the opportunity to spoil the energy of engagement rings. Before the wedding celebration, it should remain positive so that the oaths brought only intensify it. Is it possible to show engagement rings before the wedding, to give to strangers to strangers?

  • It is believed that showing the rings of the public ahead of schedule can lead to trouble.
  • If the products see ill -wishers and envious people, they can convey to the rings of bad energy.
  • You can not let anyone try on the engagement ring, even if these people are your close friends or family members. It does not even matter the wedding or not. The decoration should know only 1 owner.

The folk sign explains such a ban simply: if you allow the fitting to another person, then he will return the ring, and he will pick up family happiness with him.

Can the newlyweds buy different engagement rings?

Folk signs that have survived to this day have been checked by different generations for centuries. Can the newlyweds buy different engagement rings?

  • The best solution will be to buy the same wedding rings.
  • If the spouses do not have specific preferences, but rely in choosing fashion trends.
  • Fashion is quick, and a strong marriage can last decades. In addition, if the future family can find a compromise, given the views of both partners, then further life will most likely pass in harmony.

For the first time, having appeared together in an unfamiliar company, rings with an identical design will definitely show others that you are a husband and wife, and not just a couple of familiar persons, both of whom are married. Having accepted symbols, and interpreting it in a modern way, it means that the family was able to find something in common. Your joint decision, your general design of rings, your common future.

Can I buy silver engagement rings?

Silver engagement rings
Silver engagement rings

From time immemorial, it has been done that engagements are made of gold. Can I buy silver engagement rings?

  • To date, most people recognize only this type of metal as noble and do not even consider the possibility of buying wedding rings made of silver, choosing platinum as an alternative.
  • And in vain, because silver jewelry can be an original solution that will noticeably highlight a married couple among the rest. In addition, there is a belief that the blackened metal will warn the owner about the approaching problems of health.
  • It is believed that silver is able to bring calmness and a sense of security to those who carry products from it on their body. Its miraculous properties are known no less than the properties of gold, but many forget or do not take into account.

The wedding traditions of some countries include the exchange of rings made of unusual materials, so the choice of silver engagement rings is not such a curiosity. For example, in Greece, spouses traditionally exchange rings from different metals: women wear exclusively silver products, and men - gold.

Is it possible to wear the wedding ring of her husband?

Sometimes there are stories when the wife decides to try on her husband’s ring. If it fits her size, then she no longer wants to remove the ring. Some women thus feel the proximity and kinship of a loved one more, especially if he cannot physically be near at a certain point in time. So the point here is not in the decoration itself, but in longing for a loved one. How can such an innocent trifle be prohibited when the motive is so sincere? Is it possible to wear the wedding ring of her husband?

  • Wearing a husband’s engagement is allowed if the spouse has no doubt about his feelings. However, the best option would be to change the size of the personal ring of the jeweler.
  • People who are fond of mysticism are sure that you can’t wear a husband’s engagement ring, like any things of strangers.
  • The reason for this opinion is that the energy of someone else's ring almost always has a negative impact on the energy of another person.
  • It is impossible to know in advance whether an attempt will affect her husband’s ring on his wife.

Everyone decides how to handle a hoop.

Is it possible to change the engagement rings after the wedding for new ones?

It is important that the spouses understand and accept each other's actions, and signs can be left in the last century. But if one of the scolders takes into account traditions, and the second ridicules - here and without superstitions there is a danger of destroyed marriage. Is it possible to change the engagement rings after the wedding for new ones?

  • If the spouse does not want to do this, then you should not do this. Your whim should take into the background, because you are now in marriage, and you need to consult and take into account the opinion of your chosen one or chosen one.
  • Change the engagement rings to new ones, if such a necessity arises. No one forbids them to update them after some time. But do not fall into another extreme, and change such a symbol every month.
  • After the wedding, the ring cannot be replaced simply from the whim, but only by severe necessity: if it is lost, it has deteriorated, an allergy to metal was found.

Try not to allow third parties to influence the decisions made, and, especially, change your view of marriage. Remember that the family is jointly accepted conclusions and suggestions, even if it seems that they concern only one person. The opinion of the wife has the same weight as her husband's opinion. And you need to reckon with this. Good luck!

Video: That's what you can’t do with the wedding ring if you want a beautiful and happy marriage

Video: Never do this with a wedding ring. What does the loss of the wedding ring mean?

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