What to do if a child has a gastritis? Children's diet for gastritis

What to do if a child has a gastritis? Children's diet for gastritis

Children's gastritis. How to cure the disease? How to build nutrition for children's gastritis? The causes of children's gastritis. Treatment and diet.

Causes and symptoms of gastritis in children

Doctors are disturbed by the situation: problems with the health of the gastrointestinal tract occur in children more and more often. Moreover, even babies of 3 years of age are subjected to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What is the cause of such an early gastritis and how to identify the first signs of the disease?

Gastritis is a disease associated with inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa. The development of the disease disrupts the secretory function of the organ. With gastritis, food is poorly digested and absorbed.

A boy with a hot dog
A boy with a hot dog

What can cause gastritis?

  1. Incorrect nutrition is the main cause of the onset of the disease. Often, kids are transferred to adult foods unreasonably early. Fried, smoked, canned, acute foods and fast food are very harmful to the baby stomach. The child is still imperfect an enzymatic system and regular use of “irregular” food causes severe irritation of the gastric mucosa and duodenum
  2. Violation of the diet leads to irregular meal. Often parents do not have enough time to control the nutrition of their child. This is especially true for school -age children. Large periods of time between meals, food “dry”, the lack of warm diet during the day-all this adversely affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the child
  3. The lack of full home nutrition leads to digestive problems in children. Modern mothers engaged in work do not have time to cook at home. They find a replacement for home food using semi -finished products and “fast food”. Even if mom has prepared soup, the child will choose a sandwich or chips without maternal control
  4. The place of eating affects the proper digestion of the child. Food at the table in a calm atmosphere positively affects the work of the stomach. Often children eat on the go, at a computer or watching television programs. This adversely affects the motility of the gastrointestinal tract
  5. The unbalanced nervous system of the child often leads to the occurrence of gastrointestinal tract diseases. Stressful situations, strong excitement, irritation can cause muscle spasm of the walls of the stomach, impaired blood circulation, deterioration of the secretory function of the mucous membrane. So gastritis occurs
  6. Genetic predisposition to the disease. If the family has relatives suffering from gastritis, that is, the share of the risk of this disease in the child
  7. The cause of gastritis may be the infection of the stomach by a bacterium - Helicobacter Pilori. To detect it, a series of tests and the use of antibiotic therapy is required
The ulceration of the mucous membrane of the wall of the stomach
The ulceration of the mucous membrane of the wall of the stomach

Symptoms of gastritis

  • morning abdominal pain on an empty stomach
  • periodic pains some time after eating
  • lack of appetite
  • heartburn, belching
  • nausea, vomiting
  • loss of strength, decrease in performance, apathy
Diagnosis of gastritis
Diagnosis of gastritis

Diagnosis of gastritis in children

The diagnosis of the disease can make a qualified specialist using a set of differential diagnostic methods:

  • general urine and blood tests
  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract
  • checking gastric juice for acidity
  • chromoscopy (study of the excretory function of the stomach)
  • helicobacter pylori bacteria procedures for identifying bacteria
  • gastroscopy
Laboratory research
Laboratory research

Complete information about the disease from the gastrointestinal tract will give a study using a gastroscope. Gastroscopy reveals the presence of not only inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa, but also diagnoses the appearance of erosions and ulcers at the initial stages of formation.

If the doctor has prescribed a gastroscopy to the child, then the procedure should not be refused. Gastroscopy is the most informative method on the basis of which the doctor will be able to correctly make a diagnosis, prescribe the optimal drug treatment and give the necessary recommendations.


Why should not be abandoned gastroscopy

  • Gastroscopy is a painless procedure, it should not be afraid and scare children
  • Children tolerate gastroscopy much easier than adults
  • In children's practice, a gastroscope is used smaller sizes: with a thin tube with a diameter of 5-9 mm
  • The child's esophagus has no large bends, like an adult and vomiting reflexes are not so pronounced
  • A qualified specialist carries out the procedure within one minute

Infectious gastritis in children, treatment

Helicobacter infectious gastritis is dangerous in that it is easily transmitted by contact from a sick person to a healthy one. So an infected mother can pass the pathogen to the child through a kiss or simply, having drunk from one cup with a child.

Bacterium Helicobacter Pilori
Bacterium Helicobacter Pilori

Helicobacter Pylori (Helicobacter pylori) - insidious microorganism that affects the mucous membrane of the wall of the stomach. Such a strong reagent of gastric juice as hydrochloric acid does not affect this bacterium.

Once in the stomach, Helicobacter Pilori is introduced into its walls and disrupts the normal functioning of the stomach. Over time, the bacterium begins to influence the acidity of the site where it is located, causing the appearance of the ulceration of the gastric wall and even ulcers.

When to contact a gastroenterologist?

  • If the child complains of periodic pains in the epigastric region for 10 days
  • Pain appears after eating (signal about the presence of ulcers and erosion)
  • Lack of interest in food, especially meat dishes
  • Frequent manifestations of heartburn
  • The appearance of severity in the stomach after eating
  • The family has relatives with gastrointestinal diseases
  • Earlier there were appeals to a gastroenterologist for diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, but testing for the presence of bacteria Helicobacter Pilori was not carried out
Medication treatment of infectious gastritis
Medication treatment of infectious gastritis

In the treatment of infectious gastritis, a course of antibiotic therapy and a long diet proposed by the attending physician are prescribed.

A complete recovery occurs when the accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct drug treatment. Compliance with dietary nutrition and rehabilitation after illness is the key to successful treatment of infectious gastritis.

The child is in bed
The child is in bed

Acute gastritis in children, treatment

The nature of the course of gastritis is determined by two definitions: acute and chronic. Acute gastritis can cause different reasons:

  • food allergens
  • chemical intoxication
  • medicines
  • bacteria, fungi
  • binge eating
  • heavy food

Acute gastritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain
  • there is a gray-white plaque in the language
  • low pressure
  • an uneven pulse
  • weakness
  • Bloating
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • elevated temperature
High temperature
High temperature
  • As a rule, acute gastritis is treated in a hospital. If the disease is caused by chemical reagents, then the stomach is immediately washed with clean or slightly alkaline water. Then the Enterosgel or polyphepan sorbents are prescribed
  • Present medicines for relieving pain, spasms and stabilizing the secretion of hydrochloric acid. If necessary, antibiotic drugs are used.
  • Patients must observe bed rest. If the vomiting has stopped, then the child can give sweet tea with crackers, and then liquid porridge cooked on the water
  • In the future, you should adhere to a diet recommended by the doctor. Inflammatory processes are well removed by herbal tea from chamomile and St. John's wort, provided that the child does not have allergic manifestations on these herbs
Puree soup
Puree soup

Superficial gastritis in children, treatment

  • Catarrhal, alimentary, superficial, simple food gastritis - all these names are associated with the initial stage of gastritis. This type of gastritis causes inflammatory processes in the surface layer of the gastric mucosa, mainly due to improper nutrition
  • Excessive consumption of fried, smoked, spicy, refined food, poor -quality food, fast food annually annoys the gastric mucosa. Food "Lugge", food "on the go", violations associated with the diet, overeating - all these factors are faithful allies of superficial gastritis
  • Medicines can also adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract of the child and cause symptoms of the disease. Superficial gastritis can get sick of children who have suffered food poisoning and diseases associated with the digestive system: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, duodenitis
  • Stressful situations and prolonged emotional stress can provoke the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa
Boy who uses
Boy who uses "wrong" food

The disease begins to manifest itself in full force from 3 hours to 2-3 days. The entire mucous surface of the stomach is subjected to disease. If only individual sections of the mucosa are involved, then there is a “focal” gastritis.

Symptoms of superficial gastritis

  • periodic stitching and cutting abdominal pain (Epigastral region)
  • bodding
  • a raid on the tongue
  • heartburn
  • nausea
  • an admixture of bile
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • temperature rise
  • weakness
  • increased sweating
The girl is crying
The girl is crying

Treatment of superficial gastritis is carried out with sorbets: smectte, enterosgel, polysorb, activated coal. In some cases, a cleansing soda enema is indicated (2% sodium solution of bicarbonate).

The key to successful treatment of surface gastritis is prolonged therapeutic nutrition. From food are excluded: fried, smoked, spicy foods, canned food, chocolate, sausage, fresh fiber.

Mucous porridge, wiped soups, boiled vegetables, steam cutlets and meatballs, boiled fish, low -fat dairy products are allowed. When cooking, salt restriction should be introduced.

Yogurt with fruits
Yogurt with fruits

What is the reason for the exacerbation of gastritis in children?

The gastrointestinal tract of the child is in the stage of formation up to 7-8 years. Children are harder to tolerate relapses of exacerbation of gastritis. Aggressive food that adults eat without special consequences can cause inflammatory processes in the delicate mucous membrane of the baby stomach.

As a rule, the peaks of exacerbation of the disease are on the offseason: autumn and spring. At this time of the year, weakening of immunity is observed, spring vitamin deficiency, a way out of a depressive winter state associated with a lack of sunlight.

Exacerbation of gastritis can cause medication, overwork and hypothermia, inferior nutrition. At the first signs of exacerbation of the disease, consult a doctor.

Comprehensive treatment: vitamins and medicines
Comprehensive treatment: vitamins and medicines

Gastritis diet in children

Gastritis cannot be “defeated” with only medications. A complex of measures, including diet, diet, resort and sanatorium recovery after illness, will help restore the child’s health.

Properly built dietary nutrition is the key to the rapid restoration of the gastric mucosa and the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the child.

The child takes food
The child takes food

Principles of proper nutrition of a child with gastritis

  • Do not force a child for force, provided that it has normal weight and it complies with physiological standards of development according to its age
  • The child should regularly receive food several times a day (5-6 times) at the same time, large breaks between food are unacceptable
  • Do not insist on taking large portions of food, the main thing is that the baby does not refuse to eat at all
  • A full breakfast (porridge, omelettes, casseroles) is required in the life of the child, especially if he has problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • Children at school are recommended to eat: fruits, yogurt, sandwiches made of grain bread with green salad and boiled meat
  • Food for children with gastritis should be warm, you can not eat too hot or cold food
  • Do not have dinner before going to bed, the food should not be plentiful and calorie
  • It is recommended to prepare for children for children with gastritis in “gentle” methods: boiling, baking in the oven, steaming
  • You should not give a child hard food, it is recommended to grind dishes in mashed potatoes, gruel
School nutrition - Healthy diet
School nutrition - healthy food

Approximate menu for a child with gastritis

Breakfast No. 1 (houses): All kinds of cereals, omelet, stew from vegetables. Tea, yogurt, milk.

Breakfast No. 2 (at home or snack at school): cottage cheese casserole, apple, pear, banana, sandwich sandwich with vegetables and boiled chicken or veal. Tea, jelly, milk, yogurt.

Dinner: vegetable or fruit salads, vegetable soup, weak chicken or meat broths with croutons, meatballs or steam cutlets, boiled or baked fish, vegetable side dish, dried fruit compote, fruit drinks.

Afternoon snack: fruits, berries, cookies or whole -grain bread, milk, yogurt, rowing.

Dinner: stewed vegetables, cottage cheese dish (casserole, cheesecakes, pancakes with cottage cheese), porridge. Herbal tea, milk, kefir, rosehip decoction.

A decoction of rosehips
A decoction of rosehips

Gastritis prevention in children

It should be recalled: it is easier to warn the disease than to treat it later. Parents need to engage in preventive measures in the prevention of gastritis. This is especially true for children who have already been ill with this disease.

Prevention measures for children's gastritis

  • The correct regime of the day and full nutrition of the child
  • Exclusion from the nutrition of unhealthy products: chips, move-dogs, crackers with various tastes, filled with harmful "eshki", sweet soda water
  • Mandatory prolonged walks in the fresh air
  • Timely preventive medical examinations
Increased secretion of the stomach
Increased secretion of the stomach

Statistics of children's gastritis

Statistics are disappointing: Children's gastritis “Great” and is rapidly gaining momentum. If 15-20 years ago for 10 thousand children there was one case of gastritis, including erosion and ulcers, now this figure has increased 60-70 times.

Signs of the disease can appear in children at the age of 7-9 years. At this time, the child visits the educational institution, its regime and quality of food are changing. The second surge in the disease occurs in adolescence. This is the stage of the splash of hormones, the aggravation of the psycho -emotional perception of the world, the beginning of puberty.

Boar girl
Boar girl

Many adolescents are critical of their appearance at this age. Often girls find flaws in their figure, try to lose weight by any methods: they refuse to eat or feed on a limited set of products. Infutable nutrition at this age leads to severe consequences from the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to treat gastritis to children: tips and reviews

If the doctor diagnosed the child gastritis, then you should not panic. Proper drug treatment in conjunction with dietary nutrition, as a rule, leads to the complete recovery of children.

Girl with Brussels cabbage
Girl with Brussels cabbage

Tips for parents to care for a child, sick gastritis

  1. The debugged diet at the same time, eating 5-6 times a day in small portions will help restore the engine motor skills and establish digestion
  2. Everyday walks in the fresh air will return appetite and accelerate recovery
  3. A full -fledged night sleep is a prerequisite for children's health. It is important to put a child to sleep at the same time, before going to bed, do not let the children watch TV and sit near the computer
  4. Parents should support the psycho -emotional state of the child in balance. An unstable mood, nervous breakdowns, tantrums negatively affect diseases. It is necessary to spend more time with children, talk to them. In uncontrolled situations, you should seek help from a child psychologist
A child near a computer
A child near a computer

Exercise stress

Children with a diagnosis - gastritis should be protected from heavy physical exertion. As a rule, he is exempted from physical education at school and from visiting sports sections.

The child cannot be lifted up heavy things, it is not recommended to run quickly, jump. Children with chronic gastritis are allowed to engage in calm sports activities: swimming, skiing and skating, tourism, sports with moderate physical activity.

A boy with a ball
A boy with a ball

Video: causes of children's gastritis

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Comments K. article

  1. In general, it is very important, of course, to prevent such phenomena. We now give bio -bio vitamins on a regular basis, we follow the nutrition, limit the nasty things and harmfulness. With the intestines and stomach no problems, pah pah. So this is not so difficult. It is easier to prevent than to treat.

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