What to do if a child has a stomach? Urgent help!

What to do if a child has a stomach? Urgent help!

What are the causes of abdominal pain in a child? How to help the baby with abdominal pain.

What can be the nature of the abdominal pain in a child?

It is impossible to imagine a baby who would have grown without ever complaining that his tummy hurts. Every mother came across such a problem. But before running to the doctor, we need to find out how we can help the baby at home.

To begin with, ask the baby to describe what hurts, where and how. He can stab on his side or cut into a groin. Unpleasant sensations are constant or appear periodically. The nature of the pain can also be different:

  • acute
  • dumb
  • spasms
  • cutting
  • stitching
  • pulsating

The main causes of frequent abdominal pain in children. The child has a stomach hurt after eating, the causes

Abdominal pain can be evidence of a variety of problems. We may not even suspect some. To establish the diagnosis only a doctor. For example, a teenage girl may have a stomach due to the fact that the first menstruation is about to come. And the boy who was overplayed yesterday in the physical education lesson, this may be the result of excessive tension of the muscles of the press.

However, there are several of the most common reasons.

  1. Infection. It can be suspected if there are also sick people among other family members. Or maybe the baby asked him to buy a sausage in the dough in a dubious kiosk yesterday. The infection can be viral. For example, the famous Rotavirus. After it, the gastrointestinal tract will come in order for a long time, as it causes intolerance to dairy products for at least two weeks. There are also bacterial infections, for example, dysentery. With such a diagnosis, you can’t do without antibiotics
  2. Constipation. This is the most common cause of children's stomach complaints. Therefore, every mother should monitor the emptying of the baby's intestines
  3. Food. Problems can cause not only low -quality food. The baby may have, for example, food allergies. And the most common cause of childhood pain in the abdomen is, oddly enough, too frequent meals or too many of it. That is, banal overeating. The stomach cannot cope with such volumes of food and begins to "complain"
  4. Surgical problems. Do not discount suspicion of appendicitis or intestinal obstruction. Of course, an ulcer or hernia occurs in children much less often. But the doctor must take into account these diagnoses
  5. Side effects of drugs. Many antibiotics, even the most common, can cause abdominal pain
  6. Poisons. Rarely abdominal pain is a symptom that intoxication has occurred in the crumbs. For example, this happens after a bite of a karakurt

Why does a child have a stomach hurt at night?

Often, kids wake up at night with crying and complain that the tummy hurts. Oddly enough, we ourselves are the culprits of this pain. The most common reason for this ailment is overeating before bedtime.

Adults rarely eat overnight, knowing that you can get fat from this. But this does not threaten children? Therefore, you can have dinner late and abundantly. It turns out that this is not so. Food, remaining undigested before bedtime, irritates the intestines, causing pain, and makes sleep more alarming.

By the way, parasites may be the cause of night pain. Worms, for example, show maximum activity in the dark. Therefore, if this symptom worries the baby regularly, it is worth passing the analysis of feces on the eggs of worms.

Abdominal pain in a child with constipation, cause

The most common cause of pain in children's tummy is constipation. Most mothers think that constipation is when the baby does not empty the intestines longer than one day. This is not true.

For example, for breastfeeding children, almost any break between acts of defecation is acceptable. Some of the mother’s milk is absorbed almost without a trace. Such children may not go to the pot until seven days. This should not disturb the mother if the baby does not push and cries when the intestines are empty, and if there are no “stones” in the feces.

Other children, on the contrary, can regularly go to the toilet. But if they do not completely emptie the intestines, then the remaining feces will accumulate, put pressure on the intestinal walls and cause pain. It turns out that even those children who go to the pot can suffer every day.

What are the child’s temperature and abdominal pain about?

Sometimes abdominal pain is accompanied by fever. Most often this is a signal that we caught intestinal infection.

But these symptoms may be accompanied by a conventional infection. For example, with a virus such as mononucleosis, lymph nodes increase. This may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen.

What is an acute abdominal pain in the child?

The famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky claims that you can make an accurate diagnosis only in the hospital.

Nevertheless, he gives the report that our system of medicine does not allow parents to use the services of doctors every time there is a need. Therefore, he teaches adults to help the children at home when possible: “There is an important symptom that determines the intensity of the parental fuss. Everyone can remember him.

In the vast majority of cases when the child explains where his stomach hurts, he points to the navel. The farther his hand is from the navel, the faster you need to run to the doctor. Especially if it hurts somewhere in the side, and it is also acute pain. Because this is a non -standard situation. Non -hazardous abdominal pain is distinguished in that they are moderate and do not prevent the child from moving. ”

Here are a few situations in which you cannot treat the stomach yourself, but you need to urgently resort to the help of a doctor.

  • if the pain is not localized in the navel
  • if it lasts longer than a day
  • if the pain is accompanied by pallor of the skin, evaporates
  • if the baby is sluggish, sleepy, does not eat or drink
  • if you find blood in stool
  • if the baby has vomiting, while the vomiting has yellow, green or black; If they contain an admixture of blood
  • if the baby complains of difficult, painful urination
  • if the abdominal pain is accompanied by a rash
  • if the pain in boys is localized in the groin and testicle, or their swelling is detected
  • if these are repeated episodes of pain with diarrhea for more than three days or vomiting longer than a day

Why does the stomach hurt in a baby? How to understand that a child has a stomach hurt?

A separate topic is the pain in the tummy in babies of the first six months of life. Infant colic are the constantly repeating bouts of children's crying that disturb the baby’s sleep, while he squeezes the legs to the tummy and emits gases.

The exact cause of infant colic is unknown. But when the gastrointestinal tract is rebuilt to a new power supply (through the mouth, and not through the umbilical cord), stress is inevitable. To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, first of all, you need to adjust the climate in the children's bedroom. Perhaps he cries because because of the heat and dry air he lost a lot of water, and the feces became too thick.

The reason for overeating is relevant even at such a tender age. If the baby “went through” in weight, if he constantly “hangs” on his mother, and his stomach is never empty, then the esophagus cannot work correctly.

What to do if a child has a stomach? Medicines for severe abdominal pain in children

A serious cure for abdominal pain can be prescribed only by the doctor. We can only try to help with home means.

First of all, you need to install when the baby was last in the toilet. If the reason is constipation, then you can use lactulose syrup or glycerin candles.

Prior to the diagnosis of the baby, you cannot overfeed. Let's go only after his request. At the same time, this should not be pies and rolls with cream, but baked fruits, bananas, bellies, rice. Dairy products are better to exclude. Experiments with new food should also be postponed.

But you can never apply restrictions on drinking. Let the baby drink as much fluid as possible, especially if he intensively loses it with diarrhea or vomiting. Carbonated drinks and sweet juices are best excluded.

Why a child has a stomach: tips and reviews

You need to understand that “stomach” is not a diagnosis, but only a symptom. There can be no universal medicine for this ailment, until we definitely find out the reason. Nevertheless, there are several general recommendations that should be followed by everyone.

1. A common folk remedy is a heating pad on the stomach. But in some cases, it can be very dangerous. For example, if the cause of pain is appendicitis, then overheating can lead to a rupture of the inflamed appendix. Therefore, it is better not to use the heating pad until its doctor prescribes you
2. The most comfortable position in abdominal pain is on the side with clenched legs. If the baby is sick younger than the year, he will be best in his mother's arms
3. Sometimes in order to understand the cause of abdominal pain, it is enough to pass a simple urine analysis. Urinary tract infection can also give such a symptom
4. Previously, with abdominal pain, an enema was made to everyone in a row. A number of states have now been discovered when such a treatment can only be harmful. Therefore, abuse this tool at home without a doctor’s prescription is not worth

So, abdominal pain is an unchanged, vague diagnosis. You can not prescribe the medicine until the doctor determines its cause. Nevertheless, parents have many ways to avoid this pain and help with home remedies, without involving medicine.

Video: The child has a stomach - a school of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. As I understand it, you need to consult a doctor and conduct an examination.

  2. Olga, you understand correctly. My not only had pain, but also nausea after eating appeared from time to time. We turned to the doctor, he recommended the trivial to drink. So I took a child, we had to take it by age. I sold my child a course. So now everything is fine, there is no complaints from the child.

  3. Of course, if we are talking about children, then there can be no question of any self -medication.

  4. Here we also have a trivial for children. The child had a tummy often sick, so it was necessary to treat. They took about a month, the problems left, and the chair was also improved against the background of the reception, otherwise there was a tendency to constipation - now everything is on the schedule)

  5. It is clear that if once the stomach is sick, this is nothing wrong. But if such a problem occurs on a regular basis, then the tummy must be supported. We have given vitamins of bio and fermented products. Not immediately, of course, but gradually everything came in full order. So there is definitely meaning from such measures))

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