How to salute pike caviar: a classic recipe, in a bonfire. Pike caviar: benefits, preparation of calves for salting, salting methods

How to salute pike caviar: a classic recipe, in a bonfire. Pike caviar: benefits, preparation of calves for salting, salting methods

Recipes for salting pike caviar.

School caviar is considered a royal delicacy. Since ancient times, it has not inferior to the caviar red and black. This is due to its high nutritional value. In this article we will tell you how to salute pike caviar.

The benefits of pike caviar

Many consider pike caviar, not the most tasty and healthy. In fact, this is not so. In its nutrition, it is in no way inferior to red and black caviar. It contains a minimum amount of fat, but the maximum amount of protein. Therefore, it will be useful to those who follow their figure. It contains many vitamins A and E, which improve vision, and also contribute to skin elasticity. Those who are on a diet and adhere to proper nutrition, the product must be included in the menu. This is a great source of necessary amino acids and protein.

Useful properties of pike caviar:

  • Helps strengthen immunity, replenishes stocks with biologically active substances
  • It affects the cardiovascular system well, improves blood circulation, increases the level of hemoglobin, removes cholesterol from the body
  • Helps the work of the nervous system, reducing nervousness
  • Improves blood circulation in the brain
  • Nutritionists advise to include a pike caviar in the diet of people who recover after serious illnesses, as well as pregnant women, children and adolescents
  • Improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair due to the content of vitamins A and E
  • Protects the body from premature aging and helps to maintain health and youth
  • Enhances sexual attraction in men and women
Pike caviar
Pike caviar

Preparation of pike caviar for salting

To pick up the pike caviar, first you need to choose the right fish, as well as clean it. If the fishing ended successfully for you, you caught a few pikes, you can pick up the caviar. To do this, clean the films. This can be done in several ways.

Methods of cleaning caviar from the film:

  • A colander or a sieve. Caviar is thrown into a sieve and wiped through it. The film remains from above. Please note that aluminum sieves cannot be used to clean and prepare caviar. The cells are sharp, caviar can just bake. An ideal option would be an enameled colander. Next, it is necessary to remove garbage by washing the caviar.
  • Using a mixer. The most acceptable and simple option that will get rid of the film as quickly as possible. To do this, the mixer corolla is simply immersed in caviar, the device turns on. From rotations and shock against the walls, the bags are torn, and the film is wound on a mixer's blades. Next, it is necessary to dial cold water, wait for the garbage to rise, drain the films that surfaced with the remnants of garbage. Several flushing procedures must be carried out.
  • Fill with boiling water. Also a convenient option. It is necessary to boil water, pour boiling water bags with caviar. Due to the exposure of the temperature, the bag bursts, the film is separated. Now it is necessary to rinse caviar several times with cold water. At the last stage, it is necessary to push the product on gauze and squeeze the pretty so that all the water is glass, and the caviar is ready for salting.

IMPORTANT: You can’t use the caviar of frozen pike for salting. The sailing method is used only if the fish is fresh, only caught. Ideal if it was precisely this fish that came across fishing.

Pike caviar
Pike caviar

How to salute pike caviar: classic recipe

There are several salmon options. This is the preparation of prepared caviar with the addition of salt, as well as a salting in a chin. That is, in a strong salt solution. The salting without making brine is the easiest way. But before taste, you will have to wait a few days. Because caviar is preparing for such a recipe for a long time.


  • 0.5 kg pike caviar
  • 100 g of salt
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil


  • Clean the caviar from the films in any way from the above methods
  • It is necessary to squeeze the product so that it is dry, and pour into an enameled or glass container
  • They pour in the calf and rub thoroughly. This must be done for a long time, until the salt crystals are completely dissolved
  • This will need about 20 minutes. Next, pour half of the vegetable oil into the mass and continue to rub
  • It is necessary to rub on the surface of the product a white film
  • Move the contents of the container into the jar, pour the remaining vegetable oil on top
  • Salt is put in the refrigerator for 5 days, after that you can try the delicacy

How to salivate pike caviar • How to saline pike caviar • How to salt pike caviar at home

How to salute pike caviar at home in a chino?

The recipe is quite simple, because it allows you to eat a product much faster than in the previous version.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 0.5 kg of caviar
  • 100 g of salt


  • Free caviar from bags and films according to the method indicated above. Caviar when cooking should be as dry as possible
  • In a separate container, it is necessary to boil the water pour salt into it, mix until dissolved
  • Cool the salt solution to a temperature of 70 degrees, set aside and wait
  • Now it is necessary to pour the resulting caviar solution and mix thoroughly
  • Leave to stand on the table in this state of the product for 40 minutes
  • Take gauze pour the contents of the coachman on it and squeeze
  • Water with a weak saline solution. Put the prepared product into banks and pour a little vegetable or olive oil
  • Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After this time, the product can be tasted
  • It goes well with black bread and butter, complement any dish
Pike caviar
Pike caviar

The delicacy is prepared simply and quickly, while it will be a great option for breakfast and a snack.

Video: How to salute pike caviar?

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