What to do if you feel ugly?

What to do if you feel ugly?

How to stop feeling ugly?

The concept of beauty is very subjective and does not always correspond to reality. Adolescents are most susceptible to criticism of appearance and compliments. In this article we will tell you what to do if you feel ugly. 

Why do you feel ugly?

Many girls are equal to models of magazines, catwalks and beauties from Instagram. However, they are chosen not according to the criteria of beauty, but by parameters. This is necessary in order to easier to choose clothes and spend a minimum of material on its sewing. The main task of models is to advertise the clothes, in every possible way emphasizing its beauty, without distracting attention to the features of the figure.

Why do you feel ugly:

  • Many girls who differ significantly from model parameters are strongly complex. This is primarily due to self -doubt and complexes. Usually they are formed in childhood or adolescence.
  • Teenagers are susceptible to comments regarding appearance due to the surge of hormones that arose troubles with a figure or skin. Due to the surge of hormones, changes in their balance, the quality of the skin, its fat content and structure are changing.
  • It is during this period that rashes, acne, comedones often appear. This inspires self -doubt among adolescents. During puberty, weight jumps can be observed. It can drop sharply and increase. Girls are very reverent about changes in their figure due to a sharp increase in volume in the hips and buttocks. Due to the surge of hormones, the pelvis expands, so the volume of hips and buttocks increases significantly. This can inspire additional complexes and self -doubt. 

She began to feel ugly: reasons, what to do?

Often, parents, due to the inconsistency of the child’s appearance to their dreams, reproach him, call him unpleasant words, instilling complexes. In addition, workload, low self -esteem, forces adults to recoup on children, which provokes low self -esteem.

Began to feel ugly what to do:

  • To solve the situation, it is necessary to decide on what signs the girl considers herself ugly. They can be objective and subjective. It is necessary to initially figure out whether there is actually some kind of flaw that significantly spoils the appearance. If he is, it is necessary to deal with him, trying to eliminate. If there are no flaws, but the girl does not like the fact that she does not correspond to the invented ideals, in which case the main task is to love herself. 
  • Naturally, not everyone can correspond to the appearance of Angelina Jolie, with chubby lips and thin nose. For Slavic appearance, a rather large nose and thin lips are characteristic. This does not at all mean that the girl is unattractive, on the contrary, the fair sex of the Slavic type differs in pretty pretty, children's face, and swelling in the cheek zone. This gives charm and is considered beautiful. 
  • To love yourself, you will need a long work with a psychologist aimed at eliminating children's injuries, and forgiveness of parents. After all, most often the problem lies in the fact that they settled uncertainty in the head of the child. 

Why do I feel ugly before menstruation?

The appearance, the feeling of the beauty of the girl depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. 5-14 days before menstruation, the girl can significantly deteriorate her mood, her health changes, the body accumulates fat and water. Therefore, about a week or a half before the onset of menstruation, swelling in the lower body may be observed. Swelling may also be observed on the face. That is why some girls feel ugly in the period before menstruation. This is due to the imbalance of hormones. Therefore, if there are objective causes of poor health, you need to contact a doctor.

Why do I feel ugly before menstruation:

  • The problem is solved by the prescription of plant drugs called phytohormones. The doctor may prescribe synthetic hormones. It all depends on the severity of concomitant diseases. Gynecological ailments can contribute to the deterioration of appearance before menstruation, including endometriosis, fibroids and pelvic inflammation. A week before menstruation, the stomach may pout, the intestinal work worsens, feces stagnate. As a result of this, the waist becomes not so thin, it can bulge the lower abdomen. 
  • Acne may appear before menstruation. This is provoked by a change in the concentration of hormones. If after ovulation of pregnancy does not occur, the amount of estrogen and progesterone falls, but the concentration of androgens, that is, male sex hormones, increases. This helps to increase the amount of subcutaneous fat, which provokes the occurrence of inflammation on the face and acne. Usually rashes pass after menstruation, when there is a surge in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone. 
  • The phases of the cycle affect the perception of their beauty and mood. When monthly approaches, the body switches to another mode of operation. The concentration of progesterone and estrogen falls, as a result of which the problem with sleep is observed. The girl does not fall asleep well, does not get enough sleep, which cannot but affect her appearance. The mood falls, all problems are perceived acutely. Due to constant fatigue, the appearance is less attractive than after menstruation. 

Why do beautiful people consider themselves ugly?

Throughout life, the girl’s attitude towards herself may change. It depends on the age, concentration of hormones, stress and incidents. In psychology, there is a concept called dysmorphophobia. This is an invented state in which a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, constantly invents non -existent shortcomings. Such people often see an unattractive girl in the reflection of the mirror.

Why do beautiful people consider themselves ugly:

  • Psychologists associate dysmorphophobia with other disorders, for example, obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety and psychopathies. Despite the missing shortcomings, the girl will come up with them on her own. Dissatisfaction is caused by body proportions and excess weight. People with such a mental disorder find a lot of ugly disorders, which in fact do not exist, inflating them to unthinkable sizes.
  • Dismorphophobia with self -criticism has nothing to do. It is useful to criticize yourself, which helps to improve the quality of life, correct errors. Dismorphophobia worsens life. A person is led by a fictional defect. He constantly invents how to hide the lack of others. Often, thin girls put on hoodies to hide imaginary fullness.
  • Small moles can be covered with hats, scarves or plasters. Such a person looks very much in the mirror, or vice versa, refuses to use it. Such persons do not like to be photographed. Girls with dysmorphophobia can be found in clinics of plastic surgeons. They want to change their appearance. Often they can be found in groups of adjustment of excess weight, which is not. Such people can fanatically get involved in sports, afraid to get better by 1 kg. Very often, such people stop leaving the house or appear in uninhabited places late in the evening. 

All these signs are symptoms of a mental disorder that requires consultation with a psychiatrist, prescribing certain drugs. Consultation with a psychiatrist and psychologist is shown to normalize the condition, remove anxiety. 


How to stop considering yourself ugly?

Acceptance of oneself is the main task of girls who do not like their appearance. Many go along the opposite path, using a variety of transformations, plastic surgery, torment themselves with diets to get closer to the ideal. However, the problem remains inside. Such girls can bend with plastic surgery, ultimately more disfiguring their face and body. Therefore, the main task is to work with a psychologist. 

How to stop considering yourself ugly, tips of psychologists:

  • It is necessary to understand that absolutely everyone is impossible to like. The tastes of people are different, they can like completely different facial features, figure. 
  • It is necessary to find what you like in yourself. Find what you are proud of. Try to emphasize a big bust, beautiful buttocks or bright eyes. 
  • There are no ideal people, because absolutely everything is unique. Therefore, a unique person will find a unique soul mate, which will also not differ in ideal forms, but will become the best. 
  • Do not be too strict to yourself. Perfectionism in relation to your own figure is not the best solution. You need to look natural. 
  • Sometimes men are scared by too neat and perfect women. 
  • If something does not like something in your physique or figure, you must try to hide this flaw with clothes. If there are a large number of extra pounds, you need to try to lose weight. However, this does not mean that you should exhaust yourself with strict diets, hate your reflection in the mirror.
  • To like people, you need to work on yourself. First of all, it is worthwhile to change your attitude to yourself, to love even with flaws. 

Why does the girl consider herself ugly?

Often low self -esteem is associated with the environment. This is especially true for teenagers.

Why the girl considers herself ugly:

  • Often, bullying flourishes among adolescents, for minor shortcomings of appearance. Very often they are far -fetched, are not true. The fact is that adolescents are woven from complexes. This is due to the surge of hormones, which significantly affects appearance.
  • Many girls at this age have breasts, buttocks increase. Many girls cannot come to terms with their new appearance, do not have time for physiological changes. Therefore, they are often complex about this.
  • Oils are added to the fire of peers, who in the same way feel not the most beautiful, with a large number of complexes. The main task is to assert himself by humiliation of their friends, classmates. Therefore, most often humiliations and bullying are engaged in lonely people, with low self -esteem and uncertain. 
  • This does not mean at all that the information that sounds from their lips is true. In most cases, exactly the opposite. Therefore, you should not take a word close to the heart that acquaintances and classmates say. If there are problems with appearance, in particular with acne, it is best to contact a dermatologist, to solve the problem with the doctor. 

What to do if you feel ugly?

Often the path to improvement is a way of self -destruction. And many girls acquire serious problems in adolescence, trying to lose weight, doing it absolutely wrong.

What to do if you feel ugly:

  • If there are problems with excess weight, first of all, consultation of a nutritionist is required, normalization of the diet, as well as removing harmful foods with a high content of fats and carbohydrates from the diet.
  • Fasting is one of the most unsuccessful ways to reduce your own weight. Strict diets and the desire to throw hated kilograms as quickly as possible lead to breakdowns. Therefore, the best option is proper nutrition, correction of the number of products used.
  • Despite the fact that the weight with proper nutrition decreases much slower, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to resort to strict diets and starvation. It is worth connecting physical activity. If the weight is too large, you should not run, classes that have serious physical exertion on the knees. 

The main causes of self -doubt

Reasons for self -doubt:

  • Anxiety. In most cases, this happens in an unfamiliar environment. Most often, people who are rarely performing in public face this, but sometimes forced to do it. It is quite normal that there is excitement, embarrassment and fear.
  • Negative experience. Very often the cause of self -doubt is various life situations that make up life experience. Most likely, such people were underestimated in work, the young man offended.
  • Perfectionism. These are people who want to be the best in everything. Most often these are persons with an excellent student syndrome. These are people who were brought up by demanding parents, constantly raising the bar. Children were praised only after receiving good assessments, so they are forced to try to be the best in life. Despite the apparent confidence, very weak inside.
How to love yourself
How to love yourself

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