What will happen if you do not pick up the parcel from the mail? Can another person pick up the parcel?

What will happen if you do not pick up the parcel from the mail? Can another person pick up the parcel?

If you cannot or do not want to pick up the parcel from the mail, then you need to know some nuances. Read more in the article.

Sometimes it happens that a person cannot pick up the parcel by mail for some reason. Of course, any of us in such a situation begins to ask the question of the consequences.

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What will happen if you do not pick up the parcel from the mail? We will analyze this issue in this article. Read further.

Is it possible not to redeem the goods by mail?

Refusal of the parcel by mail
Refusal of the parcel by mail

Very often, when it comes time to pick up the parcel with Russian Post, a person decides to abandon her. There can be many reasons for this. But, is it possible to refuse the goods in the mail and not to buy it? The answer to this question is simple: yes, you can.

  • The fact is that according to paragraph 4 of Art. 26.1 ZOZPP, any buyer has the right to abandon the goods acquired remotely before it was received.
  • At the same time, a person does not require any special actions.
  • It is only necessary not to take the parcel from the mail, and this will become evidence that the consumer refused the goods.

It remains to add that on the side of any buyer there is such a powerful tool as "Law on Consumer Protection". Thanks to this law, each person decides to accept the goods that he is offered or abandoned.

Are there any parcels by mail that cannot be abandoned?

Having dealt with the possibility of refusing the parcel, one cannot bypass another important question: are there any parcels by mail, which cannot be abandoned?

  • Yes, there are such premises. The consumer cannot refuse them.
  • This type of product includes any product made to order, for example: shoes with individual sewing, custom -made furniture, prosthesis with individual parameters.

It is worth clarifying that despite the fact that the consumer does not threaten any responsibility for the refusal of such parcels, in the event of a monetary dispute, the law will take the side of the manufacturer and mail. In addition, individual products are created by prepayment. Therefore, to avoid financial losses in case of refusal, it will still not be possible.

Can another person pick up the parcel?

There are situations when a person does not want to refuse the parcel. But in order to pick it up, he simply does not have time and opportunity. The easiest way to cope with such a problem is to entrust to pick up the goods to another person. Is it possible to do this and what is required for this?

It is really possible to pick up the parcel addressed to another person. However, this will need to have two documents with you:

  • Passport or other identification document.
  • A power of attorney from a person in whose name the package was sent.

It should also be borne in mind that the person who is entrusted with picking up the parcel from the mail needs to provide an identity card. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Notarized. For such a power of attorney, all types of postal services are available.
  2. Through the organization in which the confidant works or is studying. But remember that for such a power of attorney, it is not available to receive parcels having declared value.

Remember: Ask to pick up the parcel from the mail of only very reliable people. Otherwise, the guarantees that the parcel will be delivered to the address will not give.

What will happen if you do not pick up the parcel from the SDEC paid in advance?

Parcels on the sDEK
Parcels on the sDEK

There is another important question that is often interested in people when receiving the parcel: is it possible not to pick up a pre -paid parcel from SDEK - A well -known transport company, and what will happen if you do this?

  • Answering this question, it is worth noting that if the goods were paid in full or partially before sending, it is pointless to refuse it.
  • However, payment of goods does not mean that the recipient cannot refuse it.
  • You can do this within 7 days From the moment the parcel is received. At the same time, the law has not been provided for by any sanctions against the consumer who refused the goods delivered.

As already written above, refusing the paid parcel is illogical. However, situations in life are different and it is impossible to foresee everything. Therefore, only the person himself can decide to take the parcel or not, and someone’s instructions in this matter are inappropriate. If the package is not paid, then you just can not pick up the goods, and it will return back to the seller or manufacturer.

What will happen if they threaten the court?

Refusing to take the parcel from the mail, do not discount the option of the development of events in which the post office or sender will go to court. What can this situation lead to and what should the consumer do if they still sued him, and threaten it? Look for an answer further.

  • In fact, nothing needs to be done in such a situation, since all warnings to the consumer are meaningless.
  • Typically, threats to apply to the court sound from sellers who are not afraid to lose the buyer. They can send SMS and messages in social networks, threatening lawsuits.
  • However, all these are inventions designed to intimidate naive consumers.
  • There is only one thing that the consumer must do, refusing to the parcel - this is the payment of transportation costs.

It is worth adding that not a single person is safe from threats by court claims. Some warnings can have the soil, while others are dummies. Therefore, it is very important for any person to know the laws and, first of all, the law on the protection of consumer rights.

In conclusion, it remains only to add that if you do not pick up the parcel from the post office, then it will remain there and will be stored from fifteen to thirty days. After that, it will still be returned back - the sender. There are no other negative consequences, except for a possible loss of money, for a consumer who refused to pick up the parcel,. A person has the right to act with the purchased goods as he wants. Good luck!

Video: How to refuse a parcel that came by mail?

Video: How to refuse a package with cash on delivery by Russian Post after payment?

Video: How to pick up the parcel from the mail for another person, without notification, without a passport?

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