How to send a parcel, a parcel by Russian Post to another city, country: rules, order, conditions. What is needed, what data to send a parcel by mail in Russia? How to send a parcel and package with cash on delivery: step -by -step instructions

How to send a parcel, a parcel by Russian Post to another city, country: rules, order, conditions. What is needed, what data to send a parcel by mail in Russia? How to send a parcel and package with cash on delivery: step -by -step instructions

Instructions for sending parcels by Russian Post.

In the life of every person there are situations when it is simply necessary to send a parcel or a parcel to a neighboring suburb or even to another state. The most popular method is the parcel mandrel at the expense of Russian Post services. But there are some points in them: the conditions and rules of how to properly send the parcel.

How to send a parcel, a parcel by Russian Post to another city: rules, order, conditions

If you decide to take advantage of the services of the Russian Post, first read the rules and conditions of this company:

  • Choose the most convenient representative of mail, since most of them can send parcels, the mass of which is only up to 8 kg.
  • Take the turn to the window in which all the packages are handed over.
  • While you stand in line, pack the parcel or parcel. You can purchase the box at the mail itself. But before the package, the employee of the institution may ask him to show him the contents of your parcel.
  • If you send a fairly large and voluminous parcel, then wrap it in plain paper, on which some inscriptions should not be present. Remember the most important thing, parcels in a multi -colored and painted box may not be accepted in the post office.
  • Gather the box, put in it what you decided to send. Next, wrap your box. To do this, you will be given adhesive tape with the image of the signature “Russian Post”. Do not wrap the package with your adhesive tape, because you still have to remove it and replace it with proprietary.
  • As soon as the package is assembled, fill out a special form carefully, which is needed for the mandrel of the parcel. You can ask him for the postal employee. For one package you will need one form. You need to enter your own personal data into it.
Post office
Post office

Useful recommendations and notes:

  • Try to pack objects that are easily beaten.
  • In order to pay for the parcel, prepare small money in advance, since the box office does not always have the right amount for delivery.
  • If the size of the value that you indicate will exceed 5 thousand rubles, then you will have to issue a special declaration.
  • You can send parcels and parcels by mail also using the imposed payment. In this case, a person to whom you send the parcel itself will pay for the parcel.

What is needed, what data to send a parcel by mail in Russia?

In order to send the parcel through the Russian Post, you need to make the following personal data:

  • Personal data (surname, name, patronymic of the sender).
  • Own address.
  • Passport data of the sender.
  • The data of the person to whom the package is addressed (surname, first name, patronymic of the recipient).
  • The address of the person to whom the package is addressed.
  • The amount you evaluate the parcel.
Data for sending a parcel
Data for sending a parcel

You will also have to perform the following manipulations:

  • During the design of the parcel or parcel, you present your passport. Therefore, prepare it in advance before recovering by mail.
  • As soon as you carry out the design of the parcel, you will pay for its sending at the post office.
  • After payment, you will be awarded a check. Do not throw it away, because it will be printed on the code with which you can track the movement of your own package. You will also have to send this code to the recipient.

How to correctly fill out the form for sending a parcel by Russian Post to another city, another country?

The first step for sending a parcel to another city or country is filling out a special form. You will have to do this before you give the parcel to the postal employee. The instructions for filling out this form is completely simple, but at the same time you need to be extremely careful and carefully enter all the data, not make mistakes. Currently, there are two methods for filling out the mail form.

First method:

You can fill out the form quickly and very easily - to enter your own data over the Internet. To do this, you will have to look at the website of the Russian Post:

  • By going to the site, open a section "Blanks" And choose a category "Package" In the section "Type of departure".
  • Then fill out each interactive line, indicate your information and data of the recipient, enter the sending parameters, you can (if desired) specify the additional SMS notification function. As soon as you enter all the necessary data, print the completed form and take it to the mail employee when you send the parcel.
  • You can immediately attach this form to the package itself. It is not allowed to glue with tape. Use glue for this.
Sending the first method
Sending the first method
Filling out an online document
Filling out an online document

The second method:

Fill the form directly in the post office. During the filling, you are guided by the following rules:

  • Fill the front part of the form: the lines that are highlighted by a bold dash.
  • Do not use green, red and yellow ink to fill. For such a process, only a ballpoint handle of blue or black color is suitable.
  • Fill the form carefully and legibly (use better printed letters). Focusing, correction and reduction are not allowed.
You can fill out forms by mail
You can fill out forms by mail

If you have any questions during filling out, you can ask the postal employee or use special samples. As soon as the form, give it together with your sending to the operator.

What can be sent by mail in Russia: the contents of parcels and parcels

Do you want to set the package to your family, and decided to use the services of the Russian Post? Then you need to know which things can be sent and which is strictly prohibited.

So you can set off almost all objects, for example, clothes, shoes and so on. But there are a lot of prohibitions, and you just need to familiarize yourself with them.

Sending by Russian Post
Sending by Russian Post

It is forbidden to send the following items by Russian Post:

  • Any types of weapons and components to them.
  • Narcotic drugs.
  • Substances that can easily ignite, for example, gasoline, fireworks, lighter, matches and so on.
  • Radioactive drugs, as well as toxins.
  • Blood and its components.
  • Battery, foundry battery.
  • The medicine, which includes psychotropic and narcotic substance.
  • Money with a parcel or a parcel.
  • Plants that are dangerous to the human body, that is, contain poison.
  • A variety of living organisms. There are true exceptions - it is allowed to send silk worms, leeches and bees.
  • Food, which have a short shelf life.
  • Things in obscure packages.
  • Things that can stain other parcels and so on.

You can find a more detailed list in the post office.

What size, dimensions, weight, parcels can be sent by Russian Post?

Now let's look at the permissible premise size, its dimensions and weight.

  • Printing and paper products, the weight of which is less than 3 kilograms, you can send in an envelope, plastic bag or thick paper. Just bandage your things and stuck the wax.
  • To send large and heavy things, use a box or bag.
  • It is not necessary to pack those things that you decide to describe. Just give them to the operator. He will cheer with the list and only after that will allow you to pack the package.
Place of sending The maximum width of the destruction


depth of departure


The length of the departure

Maximum weight
Within the Russian Federation 350 cm 130 cm 190 cm 50 kg

The total amount should be

300 cm

Maximum length 150 cm

30 kg

If your package has a weight of more than 20 kg and a size of more than 300 cm (amount 3-oh measurements), then you need to contact the post office that has special equipment.

How to pack the package correctly: the sizes of mailboxes

The largest size for the package should have such dimensions:

  • Length - 425 mm
  • Width - 265 mm
  • Depth - 380 mm

For premises that go for these indicators, you can purchase a special bag.

Parks at the Russian Post
Parks at the Russian Post

Now consider the rules for packaging the package:

  • If you want to take your packaging, then choose quite strong. At the same time, it should remain on it where the target label is attached.
  • Make sure that traces of adhesive tape are not present on the packaging itself.
  • Things that fit into the box should lie there motionless. During the package, make sure that there is no free space. You can apply polystyrene, sawdust, chips or cotton wool to fill out.
  • For fragile things, use only hard packaging.
  • Seedlings, vegetables with fruits should be packaged in a box that has holes for good ventilation.
  • It is allowed to send those things that have their own packaging from the factory without special mail.

Calculation of the cost of parcels and parcel by Russian Post

Want to know how to calculate the cost of a postalpio? There are some nuances here. If you do not want to lose your free time in the mail and want to quickly send the parcel to the recipient, use a special calculator. But you also need to know that the following financial costs are included in the cost of sending:

  • Collection of mail (this includes a transfer of money).
  • The amount of the amount of your order.
  • The amount of the amount for sending your parcel.
  • The price of the packaging itself.
  • The insurance commission (as a rule, its size is 5% of the amount of departure).
  • The price of the parcel (box plus the size of the design of the parcel plus the amount for shipping).
The cost of parcels and parcels
The cost of parcels and parcels

If you know the exact dimensions of the parcel, you can independently calculate the amount of its shipping before you come to the mail.

Delivery of parcels and parcel by Russian Post

The delivery time of your parcel, of course, will depend on factors such as:

  • The distance between your city and the settlement where the parcel is sent.
  • Weather.
  • Delivery method.
  • Serviceability of the vehicle.
  • Various unforeseen situations.

If you send the parcel within Russia, then the recipient will be able to get it in a maximum of 4 weeks. If you send the parcel abroad, then the recipient will be able to get it in a maximum of a week.

Sending parcels by Russian Post
Sending parcels by Russian Post

You can trace at any time for transporting your own parcel. To do this, use the following instructions:

  • Take the package number. It should consist of 14 digits. For international parcels, numbers and letters are introduced.
  • Enter this number in a special column, which is on the company's website.
  • After that, data that relate to your departure will appear on the screen, that is, where exactly it is.

How to send a parcel and package with cash on delivery: step -by -step instructions

Perhaps you will want to set your parcel with the imposed payment. This is done quite easily. You need to get acquainted with our step -by -step instructions for starters:

  • Select a box of paper or polyethylene. Choose in such a way that the packaging suits the size of the things you sent.
  • On the package, write your own data, that is, the address and initials, and the data of the recipient. Here, write the amount that should eventually return to you after the recipient receives the parcel.
  • As soon as you pack the package, fill out a special form, enter it on the payment of the payment. During the filling out the document, do not make mistakes. You can use the sample for this. Most importantly, indicate the correct information that concerns the recipient, and the amount of the amount.
  • Pay for the service, get the check on which you will find the track-number. You will inform the recipient.
Sending cash on delivery
Sending cash on delivery

Can any post office send the parcel from any post office?

Yes, absolutely from any post office.

  • You bring your departure to the mail
  • Buy a special packaging box (you can take your own, but it must comply with the rules),
  • Write on the packaging your data and recipient data
  • Pay the parcel for sending and give it to the employee of the department
  • After that, you just need to track your administration and wait for the addressee to receive it

How can you send a parcel except mail?

If you do not want to send the parcel by Russian Post, then you can use the services of other vehicles. We list you the most common of them.

  • "Business Line". The company transports goods using road transport, airlines and containers. The main advantages of the company are insurance of each cargo and its tracking through a special service on the Internet. In addition, you can register on the company's website and access your account. This will allow you to communicate with the manager of the company and ask him those questions that interest you.
  • "Ratek." The main feature of the company is that it still cooperates closely with Kazakhstan. You can order the delivery of the parcel directly to the door of your own house. If you register on the company's website, you can independently calculate the price of delivery and departure.
  • "PEK". The company delivers parcels throughout Russia. Plus, the company will reduce cooperation with China and Kazakhstan. The main difference between a transport company is the minimum delivery time.
Russian Post collaborates with other companies
Russian Post collaborates with other companies
  • "Whale". This company cooperates with China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus. It delivers cargo from stores that are in the World Wide Web.
  • "Zheldorexpedicia". The delivery of parcels is carried out using the railway. Thanks to this company, you can send both an international order and intercity. Therefore, you will not have problems if you, for example, want to send your own cargo to Beijing and another country, which is far from Russia.
  • EMS package. Do you want to quickly send the parcel and are not afraid to overpay a little? Then this method will suit you. Its essence is as follows - your package is taken by the courier, which then sends it to the recipient. You are provided with a special number with which you will track your departure.

Video: sending a parcel in Russia and abroad

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  1. The mail is expensive for sending material, I'm talking about bags with boxes. I buy in Pak24, there is 4-5 times cheaper than in the post offices themselves, and not to wait at all for long. The quality is exactly the same, good, they do not differ.

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